Panlong, I am detached with the earth system

Chapter 96 The Sorrows of the Little People

Chapter 96 The Sorrows of the Little People
The specific number of material planes, even if it is as strong as the main god, it is impossible to count its number.

The soldiers in the Lord God Legion have all been thrown into the material plane.

The status of the sanctuary in the god plane and the highest plane has also been slightly improved.

As long as you can practice magic, you can join the main god legion of the corresponding department, enter the material plane to establish a magic academy, and spread the belief of the main god.

In the end, not only the strong who entered the material plane from the god plane to the high plane, even the strong who grew up on the material plane itself joined this war.

Because it is widely rumored that Roy of Dzogchen has obtained the godhead of the Great Landlord and has become the new main god, and can no longer enter the material plane. Therefore, seven out of ten of the seven god planes and the four highest planes are strong. Badu participated in this battle of faith.

No one can refuse the temptation of the Lord Godhead.

Today's lucky person is Nathaniel, who can say that the next lucky person is not himself?

You know, there are still nearly thirty vacancies for the main god.


Roy didn't pay much attention to the battle on the material plane.

The current Roy is cultivating in the Tianji Mountain Range.

The power of his soul has already reached more than 9000 times. If he cultivates secretly for a maximum of [-] million years, he can reach [-] times and form a soul golden pill.

It just so happens that with a master godhead in hand, it can also conceal its own specialness.

When he showed the strength of the main god, no one would doubt that he was not the authentic main god.

In Roy's palace in the Tianji Mountain Range, in addition to Shelley's fire deity, there are two more people.

On the Muba plane, Atli was the first to declare his allegiance to Roy, and Nathaniel, who offered Roy the godhood of a landowner.

Between the two, Atley was stronger than Nathaniel, but in terms of status, it was Nathaniel who overwhelmed Atley.

Of course, whether it was Atley or Nathaniel, both of them had winks and were obedient to Shelley.

Currently, the two are assisting Shelley in managing the information of the Four Divine Beasts family, and are regulating the personnel of the entire family based on the information provided by the clansmen.

As more and more main gods end, the family of the four gods and beasts has changed from one to four to one to seven.

In addition to the main gods of the law, all the four gods and beasts under the command of the main gods of the law will try their best to destroy them in the material plane.

Although there are many material planes, the Four Gods and Beasts family is deployed hundreds of millions of years in advance of other main gods. On the material plane with the Four Gods and Beasts Magic Academy, in the hearts of the indigenous people, the Four Gods and Beasts Magic Academy is orthodox.

If the magicians of the Four Gods and Beasts Academy of Magic are not wiped out, they will not be bought by the natives when they promote the main god who creates magic.

This makes the battle of faith even more cruel!
Time passed in the fighting of all the people.

This is the most peaceful and peaceful era in the God Plane, and it is indeed the cruelest, most terrifying and worst era in the endless material plane...


"The Roar of the Wind!"

"Sudden spear formation!"

"Flame Slash!"

"Tyrannosaurus roll!"

"Dance of Fire Snakes!"

In the material plane of Uldu, people from two different camps are fighting fiercely.

On one side, there are hundreds of thousands of soldiers, plus hundreds of seven-line magicians of different levels.

On the other side, there are indeed magicians of the four elements of earth, feng, shui and fire.

At this moment, these magicians of the four departments were drummers in the city, while dealing with the attacks of the opposing magicians, they also wanted to prevent these soldiers from climbing the city wall.

Powerful spells were sent out from behind the two camps. When each spell came, if one's camp didn't have any magicians to help defend, it would instantly cause the death of a large number of soldiers.


"Boom boom boom!"

The violent explosion took the lives of hundreds of ordinary soldiers.


Seeing this scene, Donald, the general of the Hesione Empire, clenched his fists and cursed secretly.

These soldiers are all citizens of the empire!

How dare they?

These magicians in the Imperial God Academy of Magic don't treat the soldiers as human beings at all, but treat the soldiers as consumables that consume the magic power of the magicians of the Four Gods and Beasts Magic Academy.

Although he was resentful, Donald did not dare to take the lead in rebelling.

The current Hesione Empire is no longer the Hesione Empire of thousands of years ago.

It has been controlled by the magicians of the Lord God Academy of Magic and has become a tool in the hands of those magicians.


1000 years ago, a peerless powerful Hesione emerged from the Odu plane. He defeated the other two kingdoms with absolute force, and finally unified the Odu continent and established the Hesione Empire.

More than 700 years ago, a group of people entered the continent of Odu from other planes and established the first magic academy in Hesione - the Four Gods and Beasts Magic Academy.

That was also the first time that the people of the Hesione Empire knew that there was such a method of cultivation.

Although the cultivation requirements are much higher than those of warriors, the destructive power caused by magicians is much stronger than that of warriors.

For a time, the magician became the most popular and powerful profession in the Hesione Empire.

Hundreds of years later, four magicians successfully advanced to the sanctuary and became the new principals of the Four Beast Academy, and the principal who established the Four Beast Academy left the position of Audou after resigning from the position of dean On the face of it, this made the upper echelons of the Hesione Empire feel relieved.

No wonder they are like this, it is really the strength of those four deans, it is too scary.

Hesione, the emperor of the Hesione Empire, is also the strongest god-level powerhouse in the Audu plane, but in front of the four deans, there is no resistance at all.

After the four powerful deans left, they left words that made the entire Hesione Empire puzzled——

"Peace is only temporary, and war will come at any time."

"If one day, you are attacked by other believers of the main god, you can send a person above the sanctuary into hell and ask the four gods and beasts for help."

Is the family of the Four Beasts the family that established the Academy of Magic of the Four Beasts?
What kind of family is that?

According to them, this plane is just a random choice among the hundreds of millions of planes in their family.

In other planes, do you have the Four Divine Beast Magic Academy?

With such doubts, the new deans of the Four Gods and Beasts Magic Academy conveyed this sentence to the mouth of the emperor, and then ignored it.

More than 300 years ago, another group of new characters came to the continent of Odu. After learning that the first deans of the Four Gods and Beasts Magic Academy had left, they found the emperor of the Hesione Empire and expressed their willingness to build a new magic Academy, to prevent the dominance of the Four Divine Beast Academy of Magic.

Every emperor does not want to have forces under his command that are not under his control.

Coincidentally, the Four Divine Beast Academy of Magic is one.

The magicians who graduated there valued the glory of the magicians more than their allegiance to the empire.

The newly established Magic Academy is directly called the Lord God Magic Academy. It is an academy formed by one person from each of the seven main gods. It teaches Fengshui, Fire, Light, Dark Thunder, and the seven magics. There are three more departments than the Four Gods and Beasts Magic Academy. Time, the limelight is the same.

Unlike the Four Gods and Beasts Academy of Magic, the magicians who graduated from the Lord God Academy of Magic will all join the Hesione Empire and become court magicians of the empire.

As the people of the Lord God Magic Academy occupied most of the important positions in the Hesione Empire, they began to declare the magicians of the Four God Beast Magic Academy as "heretics" and launched an attack on the Four God Beast Magic Academy. Kill all the magicians of the Magic Academy,
This time, the empire was stunned.

I asked you to establish the Academy of Magic because I wanted to use you to contain the Academy of Magic of the Four Divine Beasts, not for you to kidnap me to destroy the Academy of Magic of the Four Divine Beasts.

It is a pity that at this time, many important positions in the Hesione Empire are occupied by magicians from the Lord God Magic Academy. The emperor of Hesione can't change anything at all.

Because, the former emperor of the Hesione Empire left the Audu plane through the plane teleportation array shortly after the deans of the Four Gods and Beasts Magic Academy left the Audu plane.

The current emperor is just an eighth-level fighter, and he has no resistance at all against the Lord God Academy of Magic, which has strong people in the sanctuary.

In this way, the Hesione Empire started a ten-year war because of the main god magic academy and the four god beast magic academy.

Because they control the high-level of the empire, although the establishment time is 600 years later than the Four Gods and Beasts Academy of Magic, they control the attacks of ordinary soldiers and consume the magic power of the magicians of the Four Gods and Beasts Magic Academy. This time, they had the upper hand in the attacks against the Four Divine Beasts Academy of Magic.

In ten years, the students of the Four Gods and Beasts Academy of Magic suffered a lot,

At present, they have been forced to the point where only the Academy of Magic remains.

Once the Four Divine Beasts Academy of Magic is breached, the Four Divine Beasts Academy of Magic will cease to exist.


"According to today's situation, if we don't make a move, the Four Divine Beast Magic Academy won't last long."

In the dean's office of the Four Divine Beast Academy of Magic, the four deans had a meeting here.

"Those people in the main seminary are really insane."

The dean of the Qinglong branch is a middle-aged man wearing a blue magic robe: "They don't treat ordinary soldiers as human beings at all!"

"Hehe, did you know that?"

The dean of the Xuanwu branch is a charming woman in her 30s, and she snorted coldly: "The Lord Theological Academy has already said that we are heretics since the beginning of the war against us, the Four Gods and Beasts Academy of Magic. What did I say?"

"The principals of the Lord God Academy of Magic are different from the principals of our Four Divine Beast Academy of Magic."

"The Lord God School of Magic has been in contact with the emperor of Hesione from the very beginning, and the magicians it has cultivated have taken charge of various important positions in the empire. Ten years ago, it directly declared that our Four Gods Beast School of Magic is a heresy..."

(End of this chapter)

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