I'm good at basketball too

Chapter 217 Even if you die, you must die on the way of attack

Chapter 217 Even if you die, you must die on the way of attack

The Nuggets' lineup is still daunting.

Moreover, after playing more than 20 games, George Karl officially mentioned Mike Conley to the main position and sent Billups to the sixth man position.

The styles of the two are similar, but the younger Conley obviously has the advantage.

Facing the Grizzlies with Li Ran, George Karl gave him the greatest respect.

He sent his strongest lineup.

Conley, OJ-Mayo, Rudy Gay, Anthony, Nene.

O'Neal, who is one year older, also sat off the court like Billups, preparing to come on the bench to exert strength.

Calipari also sent the Grizzlies the strongest lineup in theory.

Curry, Jamal Crawford, Li Ran, Randolph, Xiao Jia.

"Li, you and Zac should switch positions in this game. Their inside line is our opportunity."

When the team was preparing for the game, Calipari called the players together and said to Li Ran.

Li Ran nodded. Without O'Neal on the court, Anthony was placed in the fourth position. The Nuggets' inside line was their only weakness.

Even if Anthony and Nene tie together, Li Ran's rebounding ability can't match.

"We slowed down the tempo in this game, Stephen, you have to pay attention to controlling the tempo, and you must not follow the Nuggets to speed up the tempo."

Curry nodded.

Countless teams have proved one thing to the entire league, that is, fighting against the current Nuggets is a dead end.

It can even be said that the harder you fight, the worse you lose.

So far, no one has been able to find out where the real limit of the Nuggets is on the offensive end.

But Li Ran can roughly use the data he knew in his previous life to make a rough estimate.

OJ Mayo averaged 18.5 points per game in his peak season, and he was suspended after only a few seasons. If he keeps playing, it should be no problem to hand over a 20+.

Conley averaged 21 points per game in his peak season.

Rudy Gay averaged 21 points per game in his peak season.

Anthony averaged 31 points per game in his peak season.

Nene scored 14 points.

O'Neal's peak has passed, but historically he averaged 12 points per game in the Cavaliers this season.

Billups averaged 19.5 points per game this season.

Of course, the real situation can't be calculated like this, because there are playing time and shooting rights here.

But the upper limit of the scoring ability of several people lies here.

That's why Calipari asked the team not to play fast with the Nuggets.

After playing, the Grizzlies did play like this.

They patiently look for opportunities and cherish every offensive round.

However, Calipari still underestimated the horror of the Nuggets. It took only one quarter before he had to say that his pre-match strategy had failed.

It was the bloody score on the sidelines that told him.

33-22, the visiting team is ahead.

In the case of deliberately suppressing the offensive rhythm, the Nuggets scored 33 points in a single quarter.

During the intermission, looking at Calipari who was frowning, and then at the dull and depressing team, Li Ran suddenly spoke.

"Coach, let's fight against them. Even if we lose, we don't have any regrets. There is an old saying in China, barefoot is not afraid of wearing shoes."

Calipari hesitated.

"We used the tactics we used before we played the Lakers. I was in charge of defense and you were in charge of offense."

Li Ran glanced at his teammates and said loudly.

In the past few games, although the Grizzlies have won and lost, Li Ran's statistics are gorgeous and dazzling.

Averaged 35 points and 15 rebounds per game.

Under such circumstances, Li Ran actually took the initiative to give up his unlimited fire rights, and return to being the original super blue-collar worker who did dirty work together.

"For victory."

Li Ran said with a smile.

In the confrontation with Kobe, although he won the statistics, he lost the game. This also made Li Ran understand a truth.

Indeed, on the court, only winning is the most important thing.

Calipari glanced at Li Ran and finally nodded.

"Just do it!"

Li Ran didn't do it on a whim. He had a feeling that if there was really a team in this league that could compete with the Nuggets in offense, then it must be the Grizzlies.

It can only be a grizzly.

Only Li Ran knows how terrifying the Grizzlies lineup is. In terms of potential and immediate combat power, it is not inferior to the Nuggets at all.

In the second quarter, the original Grizzlies team played, and the Nuggets replaced Billups and O'Neal, and replaced Conley and Nene.

This lineup is the strongest lineup in theory for the Nuggets.

As soon as Curry changed his cautiousness in the first quarter, he shot an unreasonable ultra-long three-pointer from beyond the three-point line in the first offensive round.

That is, after Curry entered the team, with the strong support of Li Ran, Calipari realized that this ultra-long three-pointer with at least one step outside the three-point line can also become a regular scoring method for the team.

Li Ran, who scored the most points for the Grizzlies in the first quarter, silently concealed his edge and became active on the defensive end.

On the top, Li Ran's score gap became gram 6.

Facing OJ Mayo, Crawford played easily and calmly. OJ Mayo is also a typical player with strong offense and weak defense.

After Curry made this ultra-long three-pointer, Li Ran unceremoniously gave OJ Mayo a big hat on the defensive end.

The fans on the sidelines suddenly boiled up.

It had been several games since they had seen Li Ran who was fully fired on the defensive end.

Looking back, poor OJ Mayo became the target again.

Ke 6's smart and elegant autumn wind played OJ Mayo without temper. While he scored inside and scored, he also caused O'Neal's foul.

George Karl frowned.

In just three rounds, the Grizzlies narrowed the point difference to six points.

What made him even more alert was that in these three rounds, the Grizzlies showed something different from the first quarter.

Anthony, as the pinnacle of the Nuggets, has already won the FMVP, and now he is playing more calmly. A high jumper scored the team's first point in the second quarter.

However, on the defensive end, Anthony is not so easy.

He's facing up to Zach Randolph, the black fat guy.

Randolph pouted his ass all the way to the top of Anthony's free throw line, rolled over and shot back.

Anthony defended hard and Randolph missed the shot.

Li Ran, who came from the sky, came out of nowhere, took the offensive rebound over O'Neal's head, and gave it to Curry who was open outside. Curry hit a three-pointer from the bottom corner.

With only five points left, George Karl frowned more and more.

At the beginning of the second quarter, the Nuggets were suppressed on the scene?
Is this the case when Li Ran didn't take over the team's offense?
However, what George Karl didn't know was how much Li Ran trusted his teammates' offensive ability.

Especially Curry, who turned into a cold-faced baby-faced killer in the second quarter.

This is the only unanimous MVP winner in NBA history, a super shooter who single-handedly brought the NBA into the small ball era.

(End of this chapter)

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