I'm good at basketball too

Chapter 249 Unexpected Injury

Chapter 249 Unexpected Injury

The next day saw the other two games in the conference semifinals.

Nuggets vs. Spurs, Eagles vs. Bulls.

First up is the Nuggets vs. Spurs game.

It's a duel between the sharpest spear and the strongest shield in the league.

The final result surprised people a bit.

The 34-year-old Duncan's strength seems to have regressed for eight years, and the once frightening Wake Forest flying devil once again appeared on the court.

In the Pepsi Center, at the home court of the Nuggets, Duncan became the wall of sighs that stood in front of many super attackers of the Nuggets.

At the end of the game, Anthony just looked helplessly at Duncan, who was walking off the court with his teammates with no expression on his face.

On the scoreboard above his head, on the side belonging to the Spurs, Duncan's data is clearly written.

Played 42 minutes, 19 of 11 shots, 25 points, 17 rebounds, 2 assists, 7 blocks, 3 steals.

He single-handedly made the Spurs' basket a no-fly zone.

The two teams played to the last moment, and the Nuggets still led by two points.

But Duncan blocked Rudy Gay's layup first, then came to the frontcourt and scored two points over O'Neal's head.

Anthony missed the key ball at the last moment, and the Nuggets had to resort to foul tactics.

Then Duncan made four free throws from the free throw line, completely ruining the Nuggets' hope of a comeback.

The stone Buddha in the holy city once again protected his team.

Li Ran was heartbroken. Although he could play better than Duncan in terms of statistics, he couldn't stand inside all the time, and the deterrent effect he played was not as good as Duncan's.

What followed was Rose vs. the Eagles Five.

This is also a down-to-up game.

The Bulls overturned the Eagles at home.

Rose continued his good form since entering the playoffs, and even Li Ran thought he had seen the Rose of the Windy City in the MVP season of later generations.

32 points, 5 rebounds and 7 assists.

Mike Woodson's team completely lost their sights in this game. The Hawks' highest score was actually Josh Smith's 14 points, and then the slag Pachulia who came off the bench scored 12 points.

The Eagles didn't seem to know how to play. They only hit a poor 81 goals in 28 shots, with a shooting percentage of 34.6%. They even made 13 of 2 three-pointers, with a shooting percentage of only 15.4.

The Bulls, based on defense, are now playing very much like the digital players who fought against the Lakers OK combination back then.

The offense relies on Rose and Luol Deng, while the others defend desperately.

Luol Deng also didn't feel good in this game. After all, in such a high-intensity defensive battle, it is difficult for players to play good statistics. He scored 18 points, 6 rebounds and 3 steals.

Although Spark has been fishing on an unknown island.

But Joakim Noah played like a bleached him with 16 points, 15 rebounds, 2 steals and 5 blocks.

Li Ran was happy for his brother from the bottom of his heart. In this life, he might be able to see Rose enter the peak earlier.

After watching the game, Li Ran went to sleep.

After all, the next day is the second game of the series.

But before going to sleep, Li Ran always felt weird, as if he forgot something.

The next night, Game [-] between the Grizzlies and the Lakers took the lead.

Neither team made any starting lineup changes. After all, the Grizzlies were the winners in the last game, and the Lakers have no cards to play.

Originally, Li Ran thought that as long as he played like the last game, the Grizzlies still had a great chance of winning.

But just 3 minutes into the game, Xiaojia fell to the ground in pain in the confrontation with his brother.

Dajia was terrified, he immediately squatted down, asked a little, and signaled the Grizzlies team doctor to come on the field.

No one would think that this ball was a malicious foul by Dajia. What kind of joke are you playing against your own brother?

Li Ran just felt a little unlucky.

Sure enough, the playback on the big screen showed that it was Xiaojia who twisted his foot while doing the movements.

Calipari looked at Xiaojia who was being carried out on a stretcher, with a serious expression on his face.

Xiaojia is an indispensable part of the Grizzlies' inside defense. The Spanish Great Pyrenees takes on the role of wiping Randolph's butt in the team. Although he doesn't score many points, he must protect the frame.

After all, you can't let Li Ran or Kirilenko stay in the paint all the time.

But no one should be blamed for this, after all, it was not other people who confronted Xiaojia just now, but his own brother Dajia.

In desperation, Calipari could only replace Kwame Brown, who hadn't played much this season, and didn't want him to make any contribution on the offensive end, as long as he could do a good job against Yao Ming.

Both Alian and Millsap are orthodox power forwards. It is okay to let them go to the fifth position occasionally to be a surprise player, but let them play at the beginning of the game. The Grizzlies will definitely be beaten by the Lakers Twin Towers into a sieve.

Calipari also considered letting Li Ran go to the fifth position, but after thinking about it, it is better not to be too superstitious about Li Ran's defensive ability.

After all, Li Ran and Yao Ming were nearly [-] centimeters tall, and there was a large gap in strength between the two. It would be useless for Li Ran to defend Yao Ming, it was just a waste of energy.

But Kwame Brown proved with his actual actions that he couldn't guard Yao Ming at all.

Yao Ming just used the simplest steps to shake the parallel champion and couldn't find the north. He took off rashly again and again, and the end result was that Yao Ming scored easily again and again.

Li Ran sighed.

In this game, it is impossible to suppress the Lakers like the first game. Xiaojia's injury caused a huge loophole in the Grizzlies' perfect defensive system.

In desperation, Li Ran and Kirilenko could only frequently enter the inside line to defend.

But in this way, the Lakers' outside line is completely opened.

The defensive pressure on Bryant dropped sharply, and the black mamba began to show his fangs.

The Grizzlies' defense line, just because of the lack of Xiao Jia, began to become stretched.

As one of the four super teams this season, the Lakers are certainly not to be trifled with. The Grizzlies just showed such a small flaw, and they were attacked and bitten violently, and the Grizzlies were beaten into a mess.

As a last resort, Li Ran had no choice but to start exerting all his strength on both offensive and defensive ends regardless of his physical strength. The offensive end made sudden shots, and the defensive end defended from position one to position five. to his figure.

Li Ran panted and ran from the backcourt to the frontcourt. It is now the third quarter of the game. Under the leadership of Li Ran, who broke out with all his might, the Grizzlies are clinging to the score. Now it is 65-60, and the Grizzlies are 5 points behind. .


But at what cost?
The price is that Li Ran has not rested for a minute and has been fighting on the field.

Although the Grizzlies can still maintain a balance with the Lakers in terms of score, anyone with a discerning eye knows that once the tight string of the Grizzlies breaks, what greets them is an instant collapse.

(End of this chapter)

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