Tokyo: The simulation begins with the big sister next door

Chapter 162 160: Maple sauce, are you serious?

Chapter 162 160: Maple sauce, are you serious?

In the kitchen, the sound of kitchen knives chopping bones could be heard from time to time, but soon, all the meat was processed, and the terrifying sound of chopping meat disappeared.

Now that the vegetables and meat were all fried, Hoshiko Hayano started cooking too.

As for rice, Japanese rice cookers generally have a quick rice function, which can be steamed in about 10 minutes, which is about the same time as cooking and cooking.

Within ten minutes, Hayano Xingzi came out of the kitchen with the dishes.

"It's time to eat!"

After calling out, Hoshiko Hayano put a plate of dishes on the table, and Xinggong Rin followed behind with a calm face, holding a rice cooker in his hand - there are a lot of people eating today, and the rice cooker is placed in the kitchen to serve the rice It was very troublesome, so I simply brought it out like last night and put it on the dining table.

"Sister Qianhe, these dishes are my specialty, try them to see if they suit your taste!" Hoshiko Hayano stared at Yukimura Chizuru with sparkling eyes, her face full of anticipation.

"Well... it smells good, I'll try it!"

Xuecun Qianhe sniffed the aroma of the food on the tip of her nose, picked up the chopsticks, took a mouthful of stir-fried vegetables, put them in her mouth and chewed.

"The meat is very soft and full of flavor, not bad."

"Of course!" Hoshiko Hayano straightened her back after receiving the compliment, and said proudly.

"I'm a teacher after all. Usually, I not only need to take care of myself, but also take care of my students. Cooking is such a small thing as sprinkling water. When I have time later, I will cook some special and exquisite palace dishes for Sister Qianhe to try." .”

"Okay, then I'll look forward to the next vacation."

"No problem!" Hearing Yukimura Chizuru's words, Hayano Hoshiko waved her hand easily, as if court dishes were no problem at all.

But as soon as he sat down, Hoshiko Hayano quietly took out the phone, and began tapping on the keyboard with her fingertips.

An Zeliang glanced, "Court cuisine, from entry to mastery", a few large characters jumped into his eyes, and he couldn't help shaking his head and smiling.

"Sister Qianhe, try the marinated meat that my sister-in-law and I made. This is fresh wagyu beef. Eat it as soon as it comes out of the pan, and the taste will be even better." Nakano Aoi smiled softly.

"It turned out to be wagyu beef. No wonder the texture of the snowflakes is so beautiful. I might try a few more pieces." Feeling the enthusiasm of everyone for her, Yukimura Chizuru smiled, and ate a piece of fried wagyu beef.

After chewing for a while, she swallowed the meat in her mouth and praised.

"Delicious! The taste of fat is very rich."

"Sister Qianzuru likes it, as long as she likes it, I can send some over tomorrow." Nakano Aoi said softly, with curved eyebrows.


At this time, Xinggong Rin, who was sitting on the side, suddenly stretched out his small hand, and put a salad in front of Chizuru Yukimura, and a calm voice sounded.

"Sister Qianhe, if you eat too much meat, you will get tired. Try this dish. I made it specially for you."

"That's right, it's healthier to eat more vegetables, and I just remembered... I'm still on a diet recently, so I need to eat more vegetables." Chizuru Yukimura turned her chopsticks and ate the salad.

Dong Yuefeng put down his phone, looked up at this scene, and couldn't help smiling.

This is to grab Chizuru's stomach first, and then grab Chizuru's heart, leaving a good impression.

Qianhe sauce is really cooperative.

Dong Yuefeng stroked the hair on his forehead, picked up the chopsticks to pick up the vegetables, and put them in An Zeliang's bowl.

"Brother Xiaoliang, eat more. You are still growing and need to supplement your nutrition. If you don't have enough food, tell your sister and I will fill it up for you."

"Thank you, Sister Dongyue." An Zeliang smiled and buried himself in cooking.

"... "

For a while, the voice of persuading Xuecun Qianhe to eat gradually weakened a lot inexplicably.

Everyone at the dining table chatted casually while eating, and the dinner was soon over.

I stayed at home playing all day today, and now it's evening, and the weather outside is much cooler.

"Let's go out for a walk to digest food, shall we?" Yukimura Chizuru suggested.

This reasonable proposal received unanimous praise from everyone. Hoshiko Hayano originally wanted to continue playing games, but seeing that everyone was happy to go out, she also nodded.

There is a small park near An Zeliang's house. Because it is not close or far away, and it is not on the way to school, the location is very awkward, so An Zeliang has never been there.

Now walking casually on the side of the road, everyone walked and chatted, and they came to the small park before they knew it.

An Zeliang glanced at it. The small park in Japan is similar to the park in Longguo. There are some recreational facilities inside, such as a seesaw, a rotating turntable, and a classic small sandpit...

However, there is no space walker that is very common in the Dragon Kingdom.

In the evening, there were quite a few elementary school students playing in the small park, running rampant from time to time, looking very dangerous, so An Zeliang and the others did not go in, but stood outside and watched.

At this time, there were not many people on the street, but occasionally those who passed by would stand silently at the door for a while just like An Zeliang and the others.

However, what they looked at was not the park, but the beautiful figures.

"What a beautiful girl, I feel like I can go out and be a model if I pick any one..."

"How beautiful is that boy's parents, who gave birth to so many types of beauties."

"Well... how can you be sure that they are all brothers and sisters, can't they all be their girlfriends?"

"Uh, so many good-looking girls, it's not enough... I suspect that you are dreaming for him, but I have no proof."

"... "

With so many beautiful girls standing together, the guesses of passers-by have gradually become a little outrageous.

However, they just passed by to enjoy it, and after leaving, they started to discuss in a low voice, and occasionally looked back, so they didn't disturb An Zeliang and others.

Occasionally someone wanted to go up and ask for contact information, but they were all rejected mercilessly.

"I miss it so much. I used to play in this kind of place when I was a child." Hoshiko Hayano looked at the elementary school students playing, the expression in her eyes flickered slightly.

"Me too... I especially like playing with sand. I remember that my uncle and aunt specially pulled a few carts of sand for us to play with." Yukimura Chizuru also showed a look of nostalgia.

"At that time, Xiaoliang was only seven or eight years old, and he built castles in the sandpit every day to play."

When An Zeliang heard the words, a vague memory flashed in his mind, and a smile suddenly appeared on his lips.

"Miss Qianhe... How do I remember that you were the one who liked to build castles when I was young?"

"Yes, is that so? Xiaoliang, you have a pretty good memory." Yukimura Chizuru felt a little guilty for some reason.

But An Zeliang's vague memory gradually became clear, and he said solemnly.

"Sister Qianhe, have you forgotten that when we were young, there were many wild cats and dogs near our house, so when you played in the sandpit several times, you dug them out...and you also lied to me that it was a good thing, and you put those dirty things Give it to me, say that this is a souvenir after our marriage..."

"Cough, cough, cough! Xiaoliang, look at the moon tonight is very round and bright!" Xuecun Qianhe interrupted An Zeliang, pointing to the evening sun that still showed half of his face in the sky.

"It's very round and bright, but, Miss Qianhe, you said when you were a child that you wanted to marry me, and you also..."

"Oh! Xiaoliang, look at the beautiful police sister next to the park!"

Police sister?

An Zeliang smiled slightly, looked over and couldn't help but pause.

There really is a police sister.

Beside the park, I saw a beautiful figure wearing a police uniform, leaning on a patrol motorcycle and looking at the small park.

"Miss Songgong? Are you off work yet?"

"Hey, brother Anze!"

Matsumiya Tomomi looked at him in surprise, and walked over quickly.

"I got off work very early today. On the way back, I saw many elementary school students playing in the park, but there were no adults around me, so I stayed here for a while."

Afterwards, Matsumiya Tomomi also saw many beautiful girls around An Zeliang, and couldn't help asking.

"Brother Anze, these are..."

"Xiao Liang, which sister is this of yours?
At the same time Matsumiya Tomomi spoke, Yukimura Chizuru also happened to speak, the two paused, and couldn't help but smile at each other.

"Sister Qianhe, this is Police Officer Songgong..." An Zeliang told the story of their acquaintance, and then introduced himself.

"Oh, so that's the case, Officer Matsunomiya, thank you for taking care of my brother." Yukimura Chizuru smiled and held out her hand.

"Where is there, brother Anze is very good and cute, I want to thank Miss Yukimura for teaching such an excellent brother." Matsunomiya Tomomi shook Yukimura Chizuru's hand, and a trace of doubt flashed in her heart.

Yukimura Chizuru doesn't look strong, why is it so strong when shaking hands, it feels a little painful...

Without thinking too much, Matsumiya Tomomi looked at Yasawa surrounded by beautiful girls, frowned slightly, and thought of something.

"Brother Anze... I heard the news at the police station yesterday that another scumbag was killed nearby, and the police are still investigating the murderer."

"Recently... you must be more careful, and call my sister if you have anything to do."

"...Okay, thank you, Ms. Songgong."

An Zeliang paused slightly, his eyes glanced at Xinggong Lin and others beside him.

Looking at it like this, Rena-chan is doing it again.

However, the other party will only attack scumbags, not girls, so An Zeliang is only vigilant, but not afraid. After all, with his current strength, it is no problem to confront Linnai head-on.

After chatting with Matsumiya Tomomi for a few more words, the other party rode the police motorcycle and went home.

An Zeliang and the others walked outside for a while, seeing that it was getting dark, they also turned and went home.

Because Dongyuefeng and Xuecun Qianhe were going to stay overnight today, Xing Gonglin and the others didn't say they would continue to stay. After all, there were only two guest bedrooms, and there were too many people to sleep in.

Nakano Aoi's house is next door, so after saying hello, Nakano Aoi entered the small building on the way home and said goodbye to everyone.

Hoshimiya Rin and Hayano Hoshiko went back to the apartment to pack their clothes and things, and then said goodbye and went home.

"Brother Xiaoliang, Qianhe and I are going to take a shower first." Dong Yuefeng looked at the phone, then got up and said.

Take a shower too?
Also, it is more convenient to rub each other's backs, and it also saves water.

"Do you want to wash with your sisters?" At this moment, Dong Yuefeng suddenly smiled, blinking his eyes, as if trying to seduce him.

Once out of the sight of outsiders, Dong Yuefeng's reserved points seemed to be washed away in an instant, and all points were re-pointed on the charm skills.

"I don't want to. When Miss Qianhe rubbed my back, it hurts to death. I'd better wash it alone." An Zeliang resolutely refused. He can think about it only if Dongyuefeng is alone. The key is that Miss Qianhe is also beside her... ...It feels a bit too weird to take a bath with someone like my own sister!

"My back rubbing technique is very good now, Xiaoliang, you will know when you try it later!" Yukimura Chizuru pursed her mouth, showing dissatisfaction.

"Well, let's talk about it later." An Zeliang waved his hand, unmoved.

"... "

Xuecun Qianhe argued a few more words, and then was dragged into the bathroom by Dongyuefeng, and the sound of splashing water soon resounded.

On the other side, An Zeliang tidied up the slightly messy living room, then went back to the room to start the computer, and clicked on his YouTube homepage.

The response to the animation of the previous episode was very good, and the data immediately exploded. Various comments and large rewards flew all over the sky, and he was dazzled watching it.

"Why Xiao Ke died, I accept incompetence!"

"Why... the author is too stressed and doesn't want to do it, the story just ended like this, I, I can't accept it!"

"The main character is dead, I can't see how it will progress next..."

"Could it be that so many previous episodes are just prologues, and the real homepage is actually the poet Leonard?"

"... "

Similar messages flooded the comment area, and there were even more big rewards. 100 yen was flying all over the sky, but they were still at the bottom, and the top ones were rich men and women who tipped tens of millions. them.

Among them, Liujiao Snowflake's name was impressively included in the top [-] tipping lists.

An Zeliang glanced at it. Most of the other rich men and rich women said they were too cruel and cried, or wanted to send him blades. Only Liujiao Xuehua sent a long comment after tipping.

Hexagonal Snowflake: "Klein's death has had a great impact on me. I can't complete the analysis of this episode for the time being. I'm looking forward to it now, but I'm also a little scared. The author will let the follow-up develop and feel the warmth of the team's daily life." , seems to be completely a thing of the past..."

After a long period of emotion and speculation, Liujiao Snowflake finally said.

"Looking forward to the author's next update, these few days...I'll log off and calm down first."

An Zeliang thought for a while, and made a comment below.

"Update tonight, you can come back."

This time, Liujiao Xuehua didn't reply immediately, it seemed that she was still calm.

An Zeliang was about to sit down and start making the next episode of animation, but the knock on the door came again.

Who is it this time?
He went to open the door, and this time, there was an ordinary courier boy outside the door.

"Is Miss Dongyue here, please sign for the delivery."

"She's still taking a bath, let me come." An Zeliang took out the seal, and after finishing everything, he put the courier on the table in the living room.

During the process, he inevitably saw the contents of the items written on the express delivery.

Computer Accessories…

Ok? ? ?
An Zeliang's expression suddenly changed slightly.

Was it the computer accessory he was thinking of?
Sister Dongyue, you are playing too big!
And at this moment, Dong Yuefeng also came out of the bathroom, wrapped in a bath towel.

"Xiaoliang, has my courier arrived?"

"Well, I just put it on the table. Sister Dongyue, why did you suddenly buy computer accessories?" An Zeliang retracted his gaze and smelled it pretending not to understand.

"This... I want to be more comfortable when playing games, so I just bought some computer accessories, you can give them to me, and I will disassemble them when I go back to the room." Dong Yuefeng smiled, walked quickly to the table to take After leaving the courier, he dragged Yukimura Chizuru into the guest bedroom.

"Huh... Fortunately, I was smart and asked the store to change the name to computer accessories, otherwise Xiao Liang would definitely see something wrong." Dong Yuefeng's tone was a little rejoicing.

She opened the courier, except for a few bags of powder, which said strong aphrodisiac... and a long string of square sheets with plastic casings.

"You have bought all the condoms, and the preparations are complete..." Yukimura Chizuru looked through them, but there was not much excitement on her expression.

"Of course, we're not members of society yet, so it won't be good if we get pregnant."

Dong Yuefeng smiled and took off the bath towel and changed into pajamas.

"Qianhe, when do you think it's better for me to make a move?"

Hearing this, a trace of hesitation suddenly flashed in Xuecun Qianhe's eyes, and she stopped Dongyuefeng.

"Maple sauce... are you serious?"

(End of this chapter)

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