Chapter 19 The most advanced task
At dawn the next day, the golden rooster announced the dawn.

Li Xiao woke up from his sleep, opened the heavy windows after a simple wash, and a gust of cold ice swept in, messing up his long hair.

Just after dawn, all kinds of snacks are already lined up on both sides of the street. Some people who get up early and go to work usually eat some food here.

The poetic Li Xiao cleared his throat.

"Chicken, chicken, chicken, their sharp beaks crow to the sky, the third watch calls for the bright moon, and the five drums call for the dawn."

A simple sentence expresses the beginning of a new day with the sunrise in the east. Li Xiao put on his work clothes and came to the warehouse on the first floor.

At this time, the employees had already started distributing mail. After seeing Li Xiao, Li Kui, who had been skinny before, strode over, snuffed out the cigarette in his hand, and asked, "Brother Li Xiao, how did you feel yesterday?"

Li Xiao replied: "It's okay."

The work is not very tiring, and it is quite fulfilling. At his speed, it can be delivered in about three hours, and the remaining free time is enough for him to practice.

"That's good." Li Kui nodded, and immediately said: "I heard that you are from the Li family in Xinghua Village. Do you know the opera that your Li family is good at?"

"There will be some."

Naturally, Li Xiao didn't dare to exaggerate, so he responded modestly.

As the saying goes, a humble man will never have bad luck, and in times of crisis, the proud and indulgent are often the first to die.

Li Kui lit another cigarette, and wanted to pass it to Li Xiao, but he refused, "I'm sorry Brother Li Kui, I don't know how to smoke."

Hearing this, Li Kui laughed, "How can a big man not smoke, it's really boring."

"I'm talking about Li Kui. He's still young, and he comes from an opera family. Smoking is bad for your throat."

Wang Hao couldn't help but complain.

Li Kui waved his hand and said calmly, "I know, I know, I'm just joking with brother Li Xiao, don't take it seriously, I'm going to work first, and I have a task tonight, you all need to be prepared."

Wang Hao frowned unconsciously when he heard that he had a mission, and said with a sad expression, "Brother Li Xiao is a newcomer, do you still need to go with us to perform the mission?"

Li Kui stopped in his tracks, turned his head and glanced at Li Xiao, took a sharp puff of his cigarette and said, "This is arranged by the boss, I'm only responsible for informing, if you don't agree, you can ask the boss for clarification."

When Li Kui left, Li Xiao turned to look at Wang Hao whose face was wrinkled together, and couldn't help asking: "Brother Wang, what is the mission?"

Wang Hao was indecisive, he could only mobilize all the company's people, only when dealing with strangers, Li Xiao was only this year, if something happened to him, how would he face Li Pingfan in the future?

But under Li Xiao's questioning, he could only tell the reason. Their temporary workers will be assigned by special personnel to perform tasks, and usually no more than two or three people will do it together.

All the people came out, but there was only one. A large number of aliens started to riot, and even endangered the property safety of the people. The company only arranged for all temporary workers to dispatch after careful consideration.

In this case, there is a narrow chance of death, or even annihilation of the entire army.

Wang Hao didn't want Li Xiao, who had just entered the industry, to perform a task, so he hurried to Gao Lian's office, but Gao Lian only had one sentence when he saw him.

"Go to work!"

Naturally, Wang Hao was suffering in his heart and couldn't express it. He didn't dare to disobey Gao Lian's order, and he only hoped that Li Xiao could survive the battle.

After delivering the express mail, Li Xiao wanted to go back to practice, but was called to the office by Gao Lian.

Gao Lian poured him a cup of hot tea and made a gesture of invitation.

Li Xiao asked, "Uncle Gao, what do you want me to do?"

"I want to hear your thoughts." Gao Lian nodded and lowered his eyebrows, "How do you feel about today's mission?"

However, Li Xiao not only did not show a scared expression, but smiled brightly, "As the saying goes, soldiers come to cover up water and earth. My grandfather said before I came that in this world, either the wolf dies or the sheep dies." , since we have touched the edge of the Inhuman World, we must prepare for battle every day, and this junior will naturally go all out."

"Then do you will die?" Gao Lian stood up with his hands on the table, his voice was a bit bright.

"Look at what you said, isn't the world of aliens a life-and-death situation? The boy knows it very well, so don't worry too much, Uncle Gao." Li Xiao expressed her understanding in her heart.

Different people are killing each other, just like wolves want to eat sheep, but sheep don't want to be eaten, so they can only fight to the death. It is a truth to kill wolves if they want to survive, and even slaughter others because of some kind of skill Full door, this point has been shown to the fullest.

As Li Xiao was reborn in a world under one person, the sinister and vicious events in it were vividly remembered, how could he give up his life just because of the word "fear"?

Although he didn't know why the old man let him come into contact with the world of strangers, there must be his reasons.

"Don't worry, Uncle Gao, I, Li Xiaofu, am destined to die." Li Xiao joked, "If I die, you can tell my father and let him give birth to another child while he is young."

"Don't underestimate yourself." Gao Lian took a sip of his cigarette, and took out a flip-up touch-screen mobile phone from the cabinet.

"Here, this is for you, maybe you can still use it in battle."

Li Xiao took the mobile phone handed over, looked it up and down, "Yes, Uncle Gao, it's a new model, it's quite expensive."

"It's not expensive, only a few thousand dollars."

"Oh, what a waste, thank you..."

Gao Lian babbled, stubbed out the cigarette butt, before Li Xiao could finish his thanks, "It will be deducted from your next month's salary."

This sentence exploded in Li Xiao's mind like a bolt from the blue. In the final analysis, it was bought by myself with an advance salary...

Black, black, black!
What kind of mobile phone costs thousands of dollars, made of gold, it doesn’t cost money, it’s terrible!
Li Xiao angrily turned around and left, looking for a chance to sell it, it was too expensive, a few thousand yuan was enough for their family's expenses for a month, if Li Pingfan knew about it, he would definitely come to Jiangcheng to beat him up on his family's donkey I won't live by myself.



A trailer loaded with all the employees left from the courier company, and dozens of employees of the company were all dispatched for this operation.

Standing in the office on the third floor, Gao Lian put down the teacup in his hand, his expression changed obviously, and he murmured: "Come back alive."

inside the carriage.

Everyone was talking and laughing, but they didn't know what kind of smiles they would be greeted with.

Li Xiaosheng lay on Wang Hao's lap without love. His personality was similar to that of Li Pingfan.

One month's salary... unscrupulous merchants!
"Hi, how are you."

Suddenly a message came from the phone.

Li Xiao frowned and said, "I'm sorry, did you come to scam text messages so soon?"

(End of this chapter)

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