Chapter 201 The Tang Sect
Li Xiao also agreed with Zhuge Qing's proposal, there is still some time before the two fight, enough for them to recruit troops.

Zhuge Qing also contacted Wang Ye, and Daoist Wang Ye would naturally not refuse, and would come to Zhuge's family someday.

After more than half a year passed quickly, and after contacting several people, a large part of the strangers chose to avoid seeing them

They didn't want to offend the biheshan ninjas. Most importantly, offending a killer organization was not a clear move.

However, the Tang Sect gave a response, hoping that Li Xiao could go to the New Tang Sect to discuss.

Naturally, Li Xiao didn't refuse. It was the ninjas of Bihe Mountain that the Tang Sect had dealt with at the beginning, and now that he brought up this matter, he naturally didn't want to miss such a good opportunity.

Although the Tang Sect had feuds with the Li family, they chose the former in the face of national hatred and family hatred.

But he needs to settle the matter in front of him before going to the New Tang Sect.


Daoist Wang Ye was still the same as before, and when he saw Li Xiao, he greeted Li Xiao with a smile.

"Since the end of Biyou Village, we haven't seen each other for a year, Lao Li, miss us?"

"I miss you so much." Li Xiao made a gesture of invitation, and immediately poured a cup of hot tea for them, "I told you what happened before I came, are you sure you want to go with me?"

"Brother is in trouble, so naturally we can't just ignore it, and I really want to see what's unusual about the bihe mountain ninja."

Wang also shrugged his shoulders and said, "But I'm curious, why you have been being targeted by people from all major forces, and what is on your body?"

"The Tongtian Talisman should not make the Bihe Mountain ninjas afraid."

Li Xiaodao: "It's a long story. This is what the seniors of my Li family did. Back then, more than half of the biheshan ninjas were killed, so this time they are not only for occupying the land, the most important thing is to take down my Head on the item."

Wang also laughed, "Hehe, so that's the case, these guys still have such thoughts, but Lao Li, there are not many people gathered together this time."

"Tell me, who is there?" Li Xiao asked.

"Let me speak first."

Zhuge Qing put the sunglasses in his bag, and immediately said: "The people I called this time are Xixi, a man from Shandong, Jia Zhengliang, a boy from the Jia family, Feng Xingtong, the son of the president of Tianxiahui, and his sister, Fengshayan, Hidden Dragon, Bai Shixue, Grandfather Lu Jin's granddaughter, Lu Linglong, Zhijinhua, an arithmetic genius."

Wang also followed closely, "Jin Meng, Shan Shitong, Wang Ergou, Xiao Xiao, Ling, and Yun from Liaodong."

Li Xiao nodded when he heard the task list from the two people. Those who agreed were considered to be well-known strong men, but this incident is extremely important, and if they are not careful, they will die.

"I've already told them about this." Zhuge Qing straightened his clothes and said, "They said that anyone who offends China will have to pay a heavy price."

"Okay then, but I still have to remind them that if they are afraid, they can choose to leave. I don't force it, but if everyone agrees, I will give each of them a high-grade magic weapon."

Hearing the word magic weapon, Wang also directly widened his eyes, "Sun thief, you are very good at playing, I spent so much money in your hands back then, and I bought low-level magic weapons, but You are so generous now, you pay me back!"

Li Xiao silently turned his face away and whistled.

Pretend nothing happened.

Wang Ye was so angry that his back molars were almost crushed, "No, you have to give me two!"

"It's not impossible, but you also know that magical artifacts are hard to come by, so the two of you should also act as the main force."

The two looked at each other, acting as the main force... is to let them join this ten-on-ten fight.

"Okay, okay, if I die, you can take care of my father and die."

Wang also waved his hands indifferently, as if he didn't care about this matter at all. As the saying goes, if a brother is in trouble, it must be both sides. Now that the matter has already been said, how can they sit still? reason?
After the three of them finished their meal, they decided to take a good rest for the day, and headed to Chongqing Xintangmen early tomorrow morning.

Although Li Xiao didn't want to go, he had promised them not long ago, if he didn't go, wouldn't it be a disservice to him.


Tang Sect is a mysterious traditional oil sect. They may not even know when the sect was founded. They don't ask the founder of Zushi Group because of your heart.

The original members of the Tang Sect were all surnamed Tang. About 400 years ago, the Tang Sect broke the rule of only accepting the Tang surname. Since then, the Tang Sect has truly become a big force that no one in the circle can ignore.

The Tang Sect is divided into inner and outer sects, the inner sect is composed of Tang surnames, and the outer sect is composed of people with foreign surnames. In the early days, the distinction between the inner and outer sects of the Tang Sect was extremely strict. Qualification training.

Later, the Tang Sect had a head with a different surname, such as Yang Lie, the former head who mastered the single style.The difference between the inner and outer doors is basically useless.

Tangmen, in the dense forest.

A few old men in plain clothes looked at each other.

Tang Miaoxing, the current head of the Tang Sect, said calmly, "I just got the news that Li Xiao is already on his way."

"Hmph, back then, head Tang Bingwen relied on the strong Tangmen to repel the bihe mountain ninjas, but now these beasts dare to come to Huaxia regardless of the agreement. Li Xiao is also killing harm for the people!"

Zhang Wang snorted coldly, if there were no bihe mountain ninjas, I am afraid they would not be so lonely in Tangmen. Now that Biheshan ninjas dare to appear in Tangmen's field of vision, then all of them will be killed !
Tang Miaoxing narrowed his eyes, "But we also need to take this opportunity to test Li Xiao's strength, otherwise, we will lose not only our face, but also the face of other people in China, our ancestors!"

"It makes sense." Zhang Wang nodded. Li Xiao was facing the bihe mountain ninjas. If he failed, the consequences would be serious.

"Since we are the ones who asked him to come, we naturally have to meet him, but as long as he can come to us, we will meet."

Tang Qiushan stroked his slender beard and said with a smile, "Tang Ming, you must "don't" tell the children that Li Xiao is coming."

The expression of the man standing beside him changed, and he could already hear the meaning of Tang Qiushan's words, he understood it, and said with a smile on his face, "Understood."

Tang Miaoxing said: "The ninjas of Bihe Mountain fought us very fiercely back then, but now they are targeting Li Xiao from the Li family in Taoyuan. Hehe, the fun has begun."

"However, if you want our Tang Sect to help, you must have some strength, otherwise, I will be sorry for the entrustment of my predecessors, and even more sorry for the painstaking efforts of the head of the sect!"

(End of this chapter)

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