Chapter 61 Witchcraft

Now there are only two regional directors, two deputy directors and some people who can represent them.

Bi Youlong didn't like this guy in the first place, so of course he couldn't raise his hand to agree.

Under pressure, Huang Boren could only raise his hand, showing a helpless expression.

Whoever is Zhao Dong has already agreed. Originally, the voting decision is the so-called majority. Of course, it is impossible for other district leaders to offend Zhao Dong.

Although Bi Youlong is also capable, Mr. Zhao still has a relatively heavy say in the company. Now that Mr. Zhao has agreed, they naturally dare not disobey the order, let alone if they can really cure the Gu Body Saint Tong's words are also of great help to them.

The Gu body saint child was cured successfully, and the Gu technique she mastered was absolutely beneficial to them.

Zhao Fangxu's calm look made everyone look at each other. Obviously, the majesty of the Li family in Taoyuan is still there, otherwise it is absolutely impossible to hand over the Gu body saint child to a child with Zhao Dong's temper.

Bi Youlong crossed his arms and gritted his teeth angrily, but there was nothing he could do.

Zhao Fangxu said: "With the consent of all the members of the board of directors, the Gu body saint boy will be handed over to Li Xiao for treatment, but the premise is that the future Chen Duo will become a temporary worker in South China and be used by us."

This is Zhao Fangxu's last forbearance. The body of the gu body saint child is highly poisonous, and the company needs to spend a lot of manpower and financial resources to make a dress for her to prevent the leakage of the gu poison.

This kind of protective clothing is extremely valuable, and it is not easy to make. It takes a lot of money to make each piece. If the Gu Body Saint Child cannot become a temporary worker in South China, then the board of directors will definitely not allow her to stay in this world.

Seeing that the goal has been achieved, Li Xiao doesn't need anything more.

Whether Chen Duo can become a temporary worker of the company in the future depends on her own decision.

I don't make things difficult for others, and I also hope that Chen Duo can live a good life like a normal person.

Gao Lian sighed, and thought to himself: "Xiao'er, although I don't understand why you do this, but your business is my business, and Uncle Gao will support you unconditionally."

"It's just... ordinary him..."

Thinking of this, Gao Lian frowned subconsciously, and turned his head to look at the photo with Li Pingfan on the wall, with mixed feelings in his heart.

End the communication.

Li Xiao was brought to Chen Duo's isolation room.

At this time, Chen Duo was still the same, with no expression on his whole body, like a child who didn't know anything.

Liao Zhong bared his big gold teeth and said, "Li Xiao, I have arranged for a helicopter, and I will follow you to personally take the Gu body holy boy to the northeast, but are you sure she won't leak the Gu poison?"

Li Xiao said: "Don't worry, Uncle Liao, I know it well."

Just yesterday, the traveling kitty brought him a book of exercises called "Witchcraft".

It is a skill that can cultivate Gu. In the hands of people with bad intentions, it is a sorcery, and the things used in different people's hands are completely different.

The art of witchcraft has existed since the Qin and Han Dynasties, and the laws of the Han Dynasty and the Tang Dynasty both explicitly prohibited the art of witchcraft.

For example, the law of the Han Dynasty stipulated that if a Gu worm raised in a person's home had formed and caused death, that person would be sentenced to death and his family would be exiled for three thousand miles.The Tang Dynasty also made similar regulations, those who were not formed by raising Gu were exiled, and those who were formed were beheaded.

The main reason why Li Xiao studied this "Witchcraft" was Chen Duo, and it was the safest way to suppress the poison with the poison.

As the saying goes, fighting poison with poison can dissolve toxins in the body, and Li Xiao also wants to try whether Gu poison can also suppress Gu poison.

There are eleven types of Gu: Snake Gu, Golden Silkworm Gu, Snake Gu, Stone Gu, Loach Gu, Harmful God, Malnutrition Gu, Swelling Gu, Insanity Gu, Yin Snake Gu, Raw Snake Gu.

Especially the Golden Silkworm Gu.

This Gu has a very domineering ability, no matter how broken one's internal organs are, as long as there is one breath, the Golden Silkworm King can repair these internal organs one by one.

This can also repair Chen Duo's damaged internal organs.

The method is to gather a hundred kinds of insects on May [-]th, the big ones are snakes, and the small ones are lice, and put them together in a container, so that they can eat each other and keep the remaining ones. The snakes are called snakes, and the lice are called lice , to kill.

Because it enters the human belly and eats its five internal organs, after death, its products will be transferred to the Gu owner's house. If you don't kill others for three years, the animal owner will love its disadvantages, and it will be passed on from generation to generation.

Definitely a great tool.

As the helicopter slowly lifted into the sky, everyone expressed reluctance and waved their arms to see them off.

On the plane, Chen Duo was expressionless. In order not to frighten her, she specially blocked her five senses, so that Chen Duo didn't know where she was.

Liao Zhongdao: "Oh, the board of directors has made up their minds this time, otherwise they wouldn't be able to agree to this matter."

"What are you going to do next?"

"Just do what she has to do. If she wants to be an ordinary person, then I will support her."

Hearing this, Liao Zhong's eyes widened, and he pressed on Li Xiao's shoulder, "I'm rubbing it, you stinky bastard, what the hell are you playing with me, you agreed to prepare a temporary worker for me, why did you suddenly change your mind?" ah."

"Hey, I didn't mean to play tricks on you. I'll let Chen Duo decide for herself. If she disagrees, there's nothing I can do, and you will support me, right?"

The corner of Liao Zhong's mouth twitched, and he yelled, "I support your grandma's fourth uncle!"

"Stinky boy, if you can't handle it, I, Liao Zhong, will go to you even if I move."

Li Xiao smiled, Liao Zhong is really interesting, forget it, don't say anything more to him, I am also for him.

Just don't know what will happen if you change the future timeline.

In short, take one step at a time.

After all, Li Xiao didn't care about Liao Zhong's nagging, and just closed his eyes and went to sleep. Liao Zhong was so angry that he almost jumped off the plane.

Isn't this obviously bullying honest people!


After half a day of driving, I finally came to Xinghua Village in Jiangcheng.

Because of this incident, Li Xiao didn't arrange Chen Duo at the company's location, and this was also to allow Chen Duo to receive treatment better.

Liao Zhong lit a cigarette, and said, "This is your house, it's quite grand."

It was also the first time for him to come to Li's house in Taoyuan. Looking at the door god posted on the gate, he couldn't help but feel emotional. He thought that when the ordinary brother evolved into a door god, he had suffered a lot.

The old people in the village were sitting under the big tree and discussing about the boy from the Li family. They hadn't seen this guy's prosperity for several years.

Chen Duo looked around, strange environment, strange people.

"Xiao Lizi, where has your grandfather been recently? Why haven't I seen you for a long time?"

Grandpa Niu came over from next door, leading an eight or nine-year-old child with a big head, like a big-headed son.

(End of this chapter)

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