The Monster Gourmet of Ultra World

Chapter 218 Zhen Mu Was Arrested Again

Chapter 218 Zhen Mu Was Arrested Again

"That's why I said, I was not kidnapped by that person! It was Zhen Mu who rescued me from the Ampera Empire!"

L85 star, in the interrogation room of the third jurisdiction, Xiaoxiang didn't know how to explain.

No matter how you explain it, the furry cosmic man on the opposite side doesn't believe what she said.

If it weren't for the lack of talent in that area, Xiaoxiang would really be like practicing hypnotism on the spot to let this guy experience her feelings.

"I understand your thoughts, but, in this era, poachers' methods are very varied!"

The team member explained earnestly.

Obviously, they have regarded Zhen Mu as a spy from the Ampera Empire.

"I've said it all, there is no such thing! That guy is absolutely impossible to be a poacher!"

Xiao Xiang was in a hurry, and slammed her hands on the table heavily, making a loud noise.

Even the desk lamp on the table was shaken and fell to the ground, and the furry star jumped.

Why do these guys just not believe it.

How can a guy who treats a robot as a partner and does his best to meddle in other people's business be a poacher?

"Calm down, the guy's spaceship found the bronze statue of Impreza..."

"Then what's the matter? What does this mean?" Xiaoxiang asked back:

"If you were a spy, would you put the bronze statue of Impreza in the spaceship openly? Such a stupid spy, if I were the leader, I would be the first to kill you!"

"You..." The furry star man opposite was obviously a newcomer, so he was speechless when Xiaoxiang said it.

"You have been brainwashed too badly, let's talk about it after a period of rest."

At this moment, the door opened, and Morse, who was the captain and the supreme commander here, came in.

"Captain! You are finally here!" The team members rushed forward as if they had grasped at straws.

"I can't help it. This person has to believe that poacher no matter what. I can't help it..." The team member sighed.

Morse didn't say anything, just patted the team member on the shoulder and sat opposite Xiaoxiang.

For this furry star who arrested Zhen Mu and confiscated their spaceship, Xiao Xiang didn't like it at all.

No, it should be said that she doesn't have the slightest affection for this race.

I really don't know why Zhen Mu thinks this kind of race is very safe.

If it wasn't for this period of time, I was traveling with Zhen Mu and promised him not to use superpowers casually.

Since the purple-haired dog didn't get in just now, she has summoned Angrose to demolish this place.

"It can be seen that you trust that guy very much." Morse said.

"At least he's much better than you sanctimonious guys." Xiaoxiang snorted coldly and folded her hands.

"Hey! How can you say that, the captain is thinking about your safety!" The team members on one side explained.

"I don't want to talk to an idiot!" Xiaoxiang didn't want to talk to this person, and turned her head to the side.

The team members immediately felt a burst of deep frustration, and lowered their heads in frustration.

"Little girl, let me make a long story short. You also know that there are many people in the universe who offer high prices to buy you."

When Morse opened his mouth, it was the cruel reality, and there was a trace of emotion on Xiaoxiang's face.

"You Sakkino people have just become an endangered species during this period of time, and many people are staring at you, and you know that too."

"Indeed, your race has a very strong telekinetic force, and it can also create such a powerful monster as Angrose."

"But now, devices targeting your abilities have appeared in the universe."

"Don't you think you should take good care of yourself?"

Under Morse's series of inquiries, Xiao Xiang remained silent, as if she was thinking about something.

After a while, Xiaoxiang raised her head and looked directly into Morse's eyes.

"So, in your eyes, I am also an animal that needs protection. Is it a commodity that you snatched back from criminals?"

Facing Xiaoxiang's questioning, Morse was at a loss for words.

He opened his mouth, wanting to explain something, but when the words came to his lips, he couldn't come out.

"You guys who are full of justice are much worse than that guy. At least... that guy, even with a robot, he sincerely regards him as a partner..."

Hearing this, Morse stopped talking and sighed thoughtfully.

Maybe, he really misunderstood something...

However, he will not regret it, even if he wronged that person, he will definitely do so.

No matter what, he wanted to keep the little girl safe.

For this, he has no regrets.

However, seeing the disappointed expression on Xiaoxiang's face, Morse still spoke.

"This period is also the season for Balu's migration. I hope you can understand. After this period of time is over, we will hand you over to the Kingdom of Light."

After speaking, with apologies to Xiaoxiang, Morse got up and left here, and the team members saluted and sent the captain away.

"Hey, what do you mean! I am not your item, let alone an animal in the zoo!"

Xiaoxiang was angry, she clenched her fists and wanted to use telekinetic power.

However, as soon as she used the ability, she discovered that the place was full of strange repulsive forces.

Just like when she faced the Godra star before, her telekinetic power was all invalid.


"It's useless, we have also purchased defensive facilities that can shield thoughts." The team members sat calmly opposite Xiaoxiang and sighed.

"Actually, the captain really didn't mean anything malicious, and he wasn't targeting you or that person." The team member began to say.

Maybe Xiaoxiang is too cute, maybe the team members are too boring.

In short, the team members wanted to explain to their captain in front of Xiaoxiang.

"In the past, the captain had a daughter who was the same age as you, and she also worked in our administration."

"The relationship between the captain and his daughter is very good, and everyone even thinks that his daughter is going to become the heir of the captain."

"But at this time, it's the migration season for Balu, and a poacher is eyeing the nearby Balu."

"The captain was distracted by the poacher and went to hunt him down. Because the action was too dangerous, he didn't let his daughter go."

"However, that poacher brought a monster. The captain's daughter sensed something was wrong and went to stop it immediately. When the captain came back, it was too late."

Speaking of this story, the team members sighed for a while.

For many years, in this bureau, no one talked about the matter of the captain's daughter.

Everyone remembers the contribution made by the captain's daughter.

But no one dared to mention the dead daughter in front of the captain.

Therefore, it also created the captain's vigorous and decisive character.

This time, the reason why the captain was so excited was not only because Xiaoxiang was from the Sakkino star.

At the same time, it was because Xiaoxiang reminded the captain of the daughter who died at the hands of poachers.

"That's it." Xiaoxiang folded her hands, still looking unhappy, but didn't say anything mocking.

"Don't worry, if you and your friend are innocent, we will let you go soon after this incident is over."

"Why?" Xiaoxiang frowned.

"The captain also said just now, during this period of time, when Balu is migrating on a large scale, that guy will definitely come!"

Speaking of that person, the team members' eyes became serious.

"that person?"

The team members looked around and carefully approached to explain to Xiaoxiang.

"The poacher who killed the captain's daughter back then came here every year, but we couldn't catch him. Now, the captain is about to retire."

"This is the last Balu migration during the captain's tenure, so he wants to catch that person."


(End of this chapter)

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