The Monster Gourmet of Ultra World

Chapter 250 Refund!Get your money back!

Chapter 250 Refund!Get your money back!
The match is about to start, and Zhen Mu and others are driving the Meteor, all the way towards the venue of this Galactic Fighting Tournament.

Under Shikali's guidance, Zhen Mu has been able to pilot the Meteor proficiently.

In order to avoid suspicion, Hikari put on the armor of the brave and left the spaceship halfway.

After all, his current identity is Hunter Knight Sword, not Ultraman Hikari.

Before leaving, Hikari also told Zhen Mu his signature frequency.

When necessary, the two can use Otto's signature to communicate.

As for Impreza and Taiga who were unable to participate in the competition, they were naturally left in the spaceship by Zhen Mu.

Soon, Zhen Mu and his party came to this meeting.

A gigantic fortress planet, Star of India.

This is this time, the venue planet specially created by Geromon for the Galactic Fighting Conference.

When they arrived at the airport, Red King in uniform stepped forward.

"Hello! Welcome to Yinzhixing. How many contestants are there?"

Looking at the kindly smiling King Red, Zhen Mu and the others couldn't associate him with the irritable corn on the cob.

Zhen Mu took out his own invitation letter.

After receiving the invitation letter, King Red put on his glasses, first licked the invitation letter to taste, and confirmed that it was genuine.

Afterwards, he began to scan on the tablet in his hand, and soon got Zhen Mu's competition information.

"Contestant Zhen Mu, welcome! As for the accompanying personnel, please move to the left, that is the residence we arranged for the accompanying personnel."

The word "professional" was written all over Red King's gestures.

"Inpreza, Taiga will be handed over to you." Before entering the venue, Zhen Mu also specially handed Taiga over to Inpreza.

"Don't worry." Impreza nodded.

"Absolutely win! Uncle!" Tai Jia covered his whole body under the black robe, cheering Zhen Mu up.

Zhen Mu nodded, and then entered the venue under the guidance of King Red.

Spaceships landed one after another, and each airport on the planet received a large number of participants.

There are also some punks trying to fish in troubled waters.

However, in front of the unique identification method of the resurrected monster, those people naturally couldn't get in at all.

In such a huge venue, the Galactic Fighting Conference has not yet started, and the scene is already undercurrent.

Zhen Mu entered the hall, and among the surging crowd, he saw Hikari wearing the Armor of the Brave.

As for the nearby auditorium, except for the audience who paid to buy tickets to watch the game, they were all the entourage of the contestants.

After Taiga and Impreza parked the spaceship, they were also extradited here.

But in this case, Taiga naturally couldn't reveal his identity as Ultraman.

The small eyes are full of great curiosity.

Curious eyes searched for Zhen Mu on the field.

Soon, Geromon, who was the host and also the organizer this time, appeared on the big screen.

"Ahem, everyone! Welcome to this year's Galactic Fighting Tournament! I am the organizer, Geromon!"

Geromon cleared his throat, adjusted Pican's eyes, and said a lot of nonsense related to the opening sentence.

Zhen Mu was naturally not interested in this, and looked around boredly.

The situation at the scene is not as simple as it appears on the surface.

The beam missile king dressed as a staff member fixed his eyes on Zhen Mu.

Since it was a robot, Zhen Mu's appetite radar did not judge it as food.

Therefore, the existence of the beam missile king was not found.

Judging from the situation of the appetite radar, Zhen Mu can judge that there are many masters gathered here.

There is also a lot of powerful energy.

One of them is Hikari disguised as Hunter Knight Sword.

Then there is the sharpness that belongs to Zamshana hidden in the scabbard.

The remaining few are basically the eyeliners arranged by the Ampera Legion inside.

It is estimated that they are also worried about what unexpected situation will happen, or they are arranged to come in because they have other plans.

Anyway, this time, things are not as simple as imagined.

Zhen Mu turned his head and subconsciously looked at the staff outside the arena.

Sensing Zhen Mu's gaze, the Beam Missile King lowered his head and lowered his hat.

Fortunately, when he was manufactured before, he was installed with an excellent camouflage system.

Otherwise, wouldn't those shining muzzles on his body clearly tell others that he is a killer.

I don't know how much time has passed, and when Taiga in the auditorium was about to fall asleep, Geromon finally finished talking nonsense.

"Next, let me explain, our rules this time!"

"About the one-on-one challenge, this time, this conference intends to break the tradition, so! There will no longer be a one-on-one arena."

As soon as this remark came out, the audience was in an uproar.

They came here because they could watch the battle of the strong in the universe live.

Now, the biggest joy is gone, how to satisfy them.

"Zineva, refund your money!"

"Boring, we want to see blood flow into rivers!"

"Are you kidding, refund the money!"

Not surprisingly, there was an uproar on the field.

But the contestants who have heard about it for a long time are holding hands, calm and calm.

As a contestant, if you don't even have this little information, you won't be able to come here to participate in this competition.

"But!" Geromon changed his style.

"The arena this time is in the entire universe, those peopled, unmanned, and secret realms full of life!"

"Everyone, this time, it is to defeat your opponents and meet the clearance conditions in these venues."

"According to the number of people, we will divide into groups, and everyone can get clues to the level. This is our Galactic Fighting Tournament this time!"

As soon as these words came out, Zhen Mu and Hikali frowned.

In other words, this time the Galactic Fighting Conference is not about fighting in the arena, but about going to fight on planets where life exists.

That is to say, to involve innocent planets in this battle and become victims.

Is this the contest held by the Ampera Empire?

As soon as these words came out, the previous voices of opposition instantly turned into support for Geromon.

This exciting thing has not happened in many years.

This kind of dramatic development makes people's blood boil.

"We will broadcast the upcoming battle in real time on the big screen at the venue. By the way, the number of planets and secret realms involved this time is..."

Here, Geromon played off the professionalism of the host and made a fool of himself.

The audience held their breaths, all looking forward to the blockbuster that Geromon would throw next.

"One thousand!!!"

Following Geromon's announcement, the whole process was boiling, and everyone was cheering for this exciting number.

"I knew we wouldn't be disappointed!"

"Yes, this is what we want to see!"

"Kill! Kill! Kill!"

The audience on the field erupted, and Taija opened his eyes wide in shock.

It was also at this time that he had a little understanding of the cruelty of the Ampera Empire.

"Impera, the Ampera Empire, has it always been like this..." Taiga grabbed Impreza's hand trembling slightly.

Impreza nodded heavily.

Judging from the time he spent in the Ampera Empire, it is true.

The Ampera Empire is a group of such people.

If there is no Kingdom of Light, what would this universe be like?

"Is this the Ampera Empire?" Hearing this number, Zhen Mu realized that he still underestimated the Ampera Empire.

Casually involving a thousand planets in a boring fight.

This tone is like treating bugs.

Should it be said that it is the Ampera Empire that the whole universe fears?

"Next, start distributing level clues!"


(End of this chapter)

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