The Monster Gourmet of Ultra World

Chapter 80 Hypageton could not be born

Chapter 80 Hypageton could not be born
"No, what a joke, I just have gourmet cells, I don't have a gourmet devil." Soon, Zhen Mu denied the devil's statement.

Before, in the gourmet world, Zhen Mu already knew that the gourmet cells in his body were not very strong.

There is not even a gourmet demon, so it is bad, and I haven't practiced well.

Even if he ate some delicious food with Alu, the strengthening of the food cells is limited.

Even the relationship with the ancestor of a certain alien beast is because that guy fused with the gourmet cell.

Wait, the fusion of alien beast cells and gourmet cells...

Thinking of this, Zhen Mu suddenly realized something.

"Have you finally realized it? That's right. Thanks to that guy, I have also evolved. Although I am also surprised, it feels really good to be able to think."

Alien beast cells are things that fuse with all objects to mutate them into alien beasts.

Those things are not life, they can only be regarded as mutations, and these mutations have changed Zhen Mu's gourmet cells.

When floating in the space-time tunnel, the alien beast cells were swallowed up by gourmet cells to some extent.

Protecting the host Zhen Mu, he mutated himself.

Mistakes and collisions, on the contrary, led to the birth of Zhen Mu's own gourmet demon.

It's just that it's not known whether this demon can have its own abilities like the demons of the Food King and the others.

The one before was the devil on the side of the alien beast cell, but now this guy is the devil on the side of the gourmet cell.

Thinking of this, Zhen Mu, you feel dizzy.

It was not easy to get rid of that time bomb, and now another one came.

"Why did I have to encounter such a thing..." Zhen Mu squatted on the ground and sighed helplessly.

"Don't act like you're loveless, I'm you, I'll ask for more advice from now on, partner." The devil said with a sinister smile.

This kind of configuration that seems to be completely villain appears on Zhen Mu, so it is impossible to be calm.

The former ancestor of the so-called alien beasts babbled all day long, except for eating and making noise.

With a weight of 12 tons, there is at least 11 tons of anti-bone, thinking about anti-killing all day long.

That's right, after all, that guy is a strange beast, who wants to pollute all existence.

How could he be willing to live in a corpse that has no future and may not even be resurrected.

That guy, but the guy who prompted the birth of the dark god of destruction Zaki, destroyed the existence of countless planets.

Now, another unknown gourmet devil appeared.

If he was still in the gourmet world, Zhen Mu would definitely accept it.

But now, Zhen Mu has experienced the betrayal of a certain alien beast ancestor, for the demon in his body or something.

"Hey, let me tell you, what the hell is going on in this world? Everything tastes so bad." The devil's voice appeared again.

"This world is different from the gourmet world. There are no gourmet cells here, and naturally there are no ingredients that have reached their peak."

Zhen Musheng sighed helplessly.

This is also the reason why his gourmet cells have been progressing slowly in this world.

The gourmet cell evolves through gourmet food, and it is to eat delicious things.

It’s not just about eating a lot.

And in this world, those monsters are either biological weapons or the products of various biological transformations.

Maybe the Zanika in Zhen Mu's hand is the most delicious in the whole universe.

"What." The demon curled his lips in disappointment,

"My name is Light Demon, and I'm different from that foreign guy before. From now on, I will lend you my power, but it's right that both of us have about the same power."

"Power..." Zhen Mu froze for a moment when he heard this, and then he reacted abruptly.

That's right, this guy is a gourmet devil born from a gourmet cell.

Maybe, with this guy, the power of gourmet cells can be better controlled.

Those things that cannot be reproduced in the food world and this world may be reproduced.

"Hey, what is your ability?" Zhen Mu asked impatiently.

"I can eat." I don't know if it was an illusion, but when Guangmo said this, his tone was extremely proud.


"and then?"

"What else do you want?" Guangmo said confidently.

"Can't your hair kill?"

"Why does hair have to be able to kill people!"

"Can't you use sound waves as a weapon too?"

"How can a sound wave be a weapon!"

"That punch must be able to accumulate the strength of several punches together!"

"How can such a thing be possible!"

Why is this demon so useless...

Hearing the guy's confident tone, Zhen Mu was in despair.

Sure enough, this newly awakened demon could not be compared with gourmet demons like the red ghost.

"Ah, the ability to store these in your body seems to be very good, I will study and study..."

Afterwards, the light demon stopped talking.

The special abilities he mentioned were probably the abilities of the monsters that Zhen Mu had absorbed.

Ever since I cultivated the power of knives and forks, these abilities are already useless.

Even though many abilities were obviously very good, Zhen Mu didn't use them anymore.

For example, stealth and operating tsunami tornado or something.

Unknowingly, it seems that even the cultivation of Otto's mind power has become quite lazy.

Those cosmic beings have mastered a device that can weaken Ultra's mind, which makes Zhen Mu have to find a way in other ways.

"Damn it, those guys, where did they get their confidence..." Zhen Mu curled his lips.

As far as he knows, if the leader of the Cosmic Conference is the Baxter Star.

Then there is no doubt that the ace monster is Jayden, who once defeated Ultraman.

Now that history has changed, maybe that guy will directly cultivate Jayton into Haipa Jayton.

Now Zhen Mu, if he encounters an enemy of Hypageton's level, he will undoubtedly die.

"But...if you eat that guy..." Thinking of this, Zhen Mu suddenly had a bold idea.

Before that, it is necessary to confirm whether the Baxter Stars have Hypageton or not.

That guy is a creature that cannot grow without devouring almost all the monsters in the universe.

If the Baxter Stars want to train that guy successfully, they must need a lot of food.

That is to say...

"Could it be that the purpose of that guy to form the Cosmic People Conference is!?"


"Damn it, damn it!"

In the spaceship, the Baite star who was alone was furious and resentful.

Looking at the losses of the major cosmic beings calculated by the data, the Baxter Stars were even more angry.

Of course, he wasn't worried about his so-called companions or anything.

In his eyes, these people were never companions.

Originally, he was about to convince these guys to attack the earth with their entire army.

At that time, these guys and their monsters can all become the nourishment of Hypagedon.

As a result, the damned earthlings took the unnecessary action and wiped out all the properties of these cosmonauts.

The loss of these bastards' family fortunes can only be regarded as a trivial matter, and Hypageton's malnutrition cannot be born, that is a major matter.

"You must be very hungry." Baxter stared at Hypageton in the petri dish and made up his mind.

Can't wait any longer.

Human beings are so cruel, and they will definitely kill all the cosmic people in the future.

That being the case, it's better to attack those guys earlier and let them become the nourishment of Hai Pajedon.

"Does this make you confused?" The golden portal opened, and the figure of Tartarus appeared.

"It's you again." Baxter cast a casual glance, "Unfortunately, I'm in a bad mood right now."

"If you need a monster, I have a piece of information for you."


(End of this chapter)

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