Teyvat's Otherworldly Adventurer

Chapter 15 Because of Love

Chapter 15 Because of Love
Conversation with Mrs. Gilaman was easier.

This wise lady was not as surprised as her daughter, for example, when she heard that Hexi had the idea of ​​cooperating with Mel, she shouted betrayal and took the case.Instead, he listened to Haixi's entire explanation completely, even with a smile on his face.

Then, she took a sip of black tea and said slowly, "So, the biggest reason you want to make this deal is that you think Noxus will come to snatch it, but Piltover won't be able to defend it?"

"Madam is wise."

Haixi flattered her a little, "Ma'am is a member of parliament, she must be more aware of the gap between Piltover and Noxus than I am, and she must also be aware of Noxus' behavior style. They Few people can refuse something they like. And most importantly, I don’t think Piltover needs to take such a big risk.”

"...What you said seems to make sense,"

Mrs. Gilaman thought thoughtfully, "However, Noxus is already fighting with powers such as Shurima, Ionia, Freljord and Demacia at the same time, and they really have more power to spare." Are you going to deal with us? You know, there are countless cargo ships bound for Noxus every day in the port of Piltover, and if we fall out with us, it will not be without loss for Noxus."

"They don't need to fall out with the whole of Piltover, madam."

Haixi stared at the emerald-like eyes of the noble lady opposite, "Although [Haishi brand] food is sold well in the city, it is a business that only belongs to the Gilaman family. , and even if they only need to make a gesture that they may attack the city at any time, it is enough to scare off other members of parliament. At the time of presentation, maybe someone will propose to hand over the Gilaman family to calm Noxus. anger."

As if stimulated by his words, Mrs. Gilaman held the teacup in front of her face, covered her expression, and said after a pause: "I didn't realize that apart from your research ability, you are also so familiar with politicians." mind."

"Compared to you, it's not worth mentioning."

Haixi smiled modestly, "It's just that you are a fan of the authorities."

"Then why are you able to stand on the sidelines soberly?"

Mrs. Gilaman's eyes suddenly sharpened. Although she herself did not have any force, the aura cultivated in a high position for a long time exploded in an instant and pressed towards Haixi.

But, the so-called aura of a high-ranking person mainly depends on two aspects.

One is whether the pressurer is confident enough.For example, in the eyes of the numerous mathematicians in Piltover, Senator Mel Midarda is very powerful, and any look or movement can make them tremble.But you let her try to talk to people like Swain and Darius?See if she still has the momentum to speak of?

The second is more important, that is to see whether the oppressed are confident enough.To give a very simple example, before and after resignation, has the authority of your boss changed in your eyes?The conclusion is obvious, right?why?Obviously the boss is still the same boss, his tone, demeanor, and status have not changed, but the oppressive feeling he gives you is very different, why?Because you are not afraid anymore.Because you know, he can't deal with you anymore!This is confidence.

"Today's conversation, I felt very awkward from the very beginning. I didn't understand the reason before, but now I finally found out,"

Mrs. Gilaman pressed her step by step, "Our positions are reversed. As a researcher, you are the one who should be most concerned about the product itself, and the most stubborn person. Usually, I am the one who is likely to produce something. Because of all kinds of interest considerations, people who first give up persistence and then come to persuade you. But today, everything is reversed."

Her eyes were deep, and her upper body leaned forward: "Can you tell me why?"

Hearing what she said, Haixi was startled and slightly annoyed.

Perhaps because he cared too much about the research of Hex Technology, he acted a little anxious.

Indeed, as Mrs. Gilamann said, these interests, the international situation, and high-level struggles should all be considered by her.As a scientific researcher, it is really inappropriate to come here to teach a politician what to do out of political considerations.

After all, if you are not in your position, you will not seek your own government. How much money do you get from the Gilaman family in a month?
'Is caring about chaos? '

Haixi began to reflect, "Is it because the promotion process of [Haixi Brand] food is too smooth, which makes me a little bit drifting?"Or is it because of the influence of the anime "Battle of Two Cities" that I subconsciously underestimate these Piltover councilors? '

Maybe both!

Because I care about the research and development of Hex Technology, I don't want any miscellaneous things to interfere with it, even if it is only a possible interference.

And because of the inherent impression of the incompetence of Piltover councilors, I subconsciously believed that they would definitely make wrong choices.

In the end, it was because everything had been going too smoothly recently, and the imminent realization of the minimum return condition made the sense of crisis in my heart drop sharply.

The combination of all of these led to the very unwise choice I made today.

However, it is not too late to remedy the situation.

Because of the popularity of "Haixi brand" food, it is now the honeymoon period between me and the Gilaman family. Although it is not good to make such a mistake, it is not irreparable.

Hai Xi pondered for a moment, and his face showed three points of embarrassment, three points of embarrassment, three points of shyness and one point of relief.

"Sorry ma'am, I..."

He fidgeted and explained, "I've just been trying to think from your point of view recently."


Mrs. Gilaman was taken aback, "Think from my point of view, why?"

"Because, because..."

Haixi murmured for a moment, as if mustering up her courage, and said loudly, "Because I know Caitlin doesn't like to participate in these affairs, so, so, I think I should help her share more. In this way, she will You can have more time to do what you like, and live a happier life!"


This answer completely exceeded Mrs. Gilaman's expectations. She opened her lips slightly, and looked at the slightly embarrassed, flushed, but sincere boy opposite with some shock.His eyes were in a trance, and he unconsciously thought of himself back then.

Twenty years ago, I was almost the same age as Caitlin is now. As the only daughter of the family, am I really born to like politics and business?

Mrs. Gilaman asked herself, too much time had passed, and she couldn't remember clearly.

But the only thing she can be sure of is that over the years, she has always hoped that someone around her can help and help in this regard, because she is really tired.

Unfortunately, Kaitlyn's father didn't do that well.

There is no doubt about the love between their husband and wife, but compared with Haixi who chose to take the initiative to get in touch with dirty politics today, Kaitlyn's father's aloofness that he has always admired... seems vulnerable.

People are afraid of comparison.

What could be more moving than a promising scientist voluntarily plunged into the muddy political whirlpool because of love?
Mrs. Gilaman picked up the teacup again, passed her fingers inadvertently from the corner of her eyes, and whispered:
"If you think so, I'm a little envious of Caitlin..."

(End of this chapter)

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