Teyvat's Otherworldly Adventurer

Chapter 166 Hey, Just Playing

Chapter 166 Hey, just play~

Seeing Hai Xi who suddenly appeared, Amber couldn't help blinking, "Why are you here?"

In her impression, Hai Xi is Yula's younger brother, a younger brother who is good-looking, speaks well, and cooks delicious food.His personality concept is similar to Urador, but completely different from the general Lawrence...but that's all.

Today's black fire case involves the diplomatic relations between the two countries of Mond Zhidong, and is personally supervised by Qin, the deputy head of the West Wind Knights, and led by the cavalry captain and general affairs officer Kaiya!
Even Umber, who is a scouting knight, can only be regarded as a small shrimp in the whole thing, and Yula, a guerrilla knight, is not even qualified to participate.At this moment, when she saw Haixi, she always felt a little out of harmony.This little guy couldn't have come here sleepwalking at night, could he?
Amber was still confused, but Ke Lai, who was hugged by her, was already pale with fright.

What Hexi praised Amber before, Amber himself, and Qin and Lisa who were facing each other didn't quite understand it, but how could Ke Lai, as the person involved, not understand what he meant?
'This guy knows that I was the one who set fire to the city gate that day! '

Ke Lai trembled all over, and the fear of facing an abyss spread like a tide again, almost submerging her entirely.Even Amber's arm, which originally felt warm, now has a feeling of imprisoning him and preventing him from escaping.

She is very familiar with this feeling. When she was handed over by her parents to the member named missionary who is actually a member of the fool, it was like this. The light and warmth were getting away from her little by little, irreversible and unstoppable.

'Sure enough, people like me never have any good luck...'

She gritted her teeth tightly, wanting to break free from Amber's arms and escape, but she didn't want to hurt Amber, so she didn't dare to activate the forbidden power in her body.While tugging and twisting, Amber thought she was afraid of strangers, and lowered her head to Ke Lai's ear and whispered comfortingly: "Don't be afraid, I'm here."

At this time, Jean and Lisa also turned their attention to Hai Xi.Compared with Amber, who doesn't know anything, Captain Qin still has a little understanding of Hai Xi's situation, knowing that he is the disciple of the chief alchemist Abedo.

But this identity alone is not enough for Haixi to participate in such a major event as the Black Fire case, and it would be more or less the same for Abedo himself.

Fortunately, Qin is a leader who is gentle enough and close to the people. She didn't care about Haixi's identity, but paid more attention to what he said just now: "You said that Amber brought back the key clue of this case, is that the child?"

She looked curiously at Ke Lai, who hid most of his body behind Amber, shivering: "Don't be afraid, kid, I am Qin, the deputy head of the West Wind Knights, and no one here will hurt you. "

"Sister Lisa is an expert in magic. You may wish to compare some of the materials left over from the black fire case with the strange aura on her body. Maybe you will find something."

Since Hai Xi chose to stand up at this time, it was to quickly promote the process and hammer the fools to death with conclusive evidence.

"If there are still records or materials left over from the previous dragon disaster, we can make a comparison, and maybe there will be surprises."

"You mean, there's a connection between them?"

Captain Qin frowned slightly. The Usa the Demon Dragon incident was regarded as an unwritten taboo within the Knights.Because it involves the resignation of the geniuses of the Knights due to unfair anger and some high-level scandals, everyone usually avoids talking about it tacitly.

But now it seems that they didn't dig deep enough?There are other secrets in it?
"Of course, otherwise it couldn't be 'Lawrence did it' again?"

Haixi shrugged, said the famous "Mond joke" to ease the atmosphere, and then said to Ke Lai who was trembling like a quail, "Don't worry, Captain Qin is a good person, you can tell what you know about the fools." Tell her everything. If you really want to ask for help, there is no one in Mond better than her. Of course, you may not believe me, but you can ask Amber."

So Amber put his arms around Ke Lai to comfort her, while Captain Qin and Lisa once again focused their attention on Haixi.

Lisa's emerald green eyes sparkled with curiosity: "The little guy has a sweet mouth, but how do you know these things?"

Compared with Captain Qin, who fully trusts his people, Lisa, a witch, looks at problems more skeptically.It has to be said that their partner combination is quite complementary.


Haixi was not surprised to be questioned. He explained generously, "First of all, I am an alchemist, so it is normal to be sensitive to these alien energies, right? Secondly, I have seen some similar but Different energies of breath, are you interested in knowing what it is? Don’t be too surprised to hear it~”

"Ha ha,"

Lisa covered her lips and smiled slightly, her emerald green eyes narrowed slightly, "Sisters have seen much more than you imagined, so you won't be too surprised anyway."

"is it?"

The corner of Haixi's mouth curled up, "What if I say, it's the breath of [Devil God's Residue]?"


Facts have proved that no matter how elegant and well-informed a big sister is, it is impossible to manage her expressions well forever.

Lisa, who had agreed that she would not be surprised, had her pupils shaken, while Captain Qin, who was more concerned about Mond, walked over and grabbed Hexi's shoulders. Her swaying pale golden hair revealed her haste, which was rare to see. Her serious expression expressed her nervousness and anxiety.

"Are you serious?"

Because of his height, Hai Xi, who was held down by his shoulders, could even clearly see the slight shaking of the soul of the Knights. He raised his head slightly, and met those lake-blue pupils.

"Although it is true, the situation is not as bad as you think."

He waved his hand, "Anyway, with Lord Fengshen here, we don't really have to worry about the demon god level, do we?"

Legend has it that the first three executive officers of the Fools all have the strength of a demon god, and the strength of the doctor in the second seat should not be underestimated.But Mond is not Sumeru. As the second oldest demon god in existence, Barbatos has long since given up ruling Mond, but all Mond people are his followers.In terms of strength, it is far from comparable to the little grass god who is just five hundred years old and whose followers can count them with one hand.

The Doctor can bully the Little Grass God, but it is absolutely impossible for him to ask for trouble and run to Mond to confront Barbatos. He can only use tricks at the mortal level.

"So, now, why don't we go to the library to check the information together, so that you can really believe what I said, so that we can take the next step, how about?"

"Okay." Captain Qin and Lisa exchanged glances and nodded heavily.



"About the Black Flame Snake that appeared at the scene... Judging from the descriptions of nearby residents, ordinary people can also see its formation and shape, and even a description of its smell, but it definitely does not belong to any existing element force……"

Qin took out the investigation file at that time.

"Water and fire have no mercy, but black fire is even worse. It is like a greedy dead thirsting for life. Once the rescue soldiers touch the black fire, they will be entangled like pythons and cannot break free."

Lisa added on the side, "The Black Flame is more obsessed with living things. The two solstice emissaries who were killed were devoured in less than a minute, but the carriage and documents burned for a long time—fools carry documents are preserved.”

"That's just right to take a look before they come to ask for it. Maybe there are some clues."

Haixi suggested, "Also, since there are so many items that have been burned by the black fire here, shouldn't they just be used to compare with the evidence left at the scene of the previous attack by the magic dragon Usa?"

"Those things have been sealed for a long time,"

Lisa chuckled and complained, "It's very troublesome to take it out..."

"Let me help you find it together." Captain Qin volunteered.

With the efforts of the two, some of the required materials were quickly taken out.


Lisa compared the two objects in front of her eyes for a long time, and said with emotion, "These two traces really have many similarities. It seems that we need to seek help from another person."

"Amber, I have a task for you..."



Di Luke soon came to the library.

The head of Qin came forward to explain the current progress to him.

"So, you suspect that this black fire case is related to the attack of the magic dragon Usa?" His expression was gloomy.

"It's not suspicion, but evidence has been found."

Lisa showed him a comparison of the burnt marks of materials remaining at the two sites, "But with this alone, we can't do anything to the fools. So I hope you can help recall more meaningful details."

"The details..."

Diluc was lost in thought.

That day was his coming-of-age ceremony.

Together with his father, he escorted a batch of goods from Chenxi Winery on the road.

On the way, they encountered a sudden attack by the magic dragon Usa. Everyone was not the enemy of the magic dragon until his father made a move.The father who claimed to be unable to join the Knights due to lack of qualifications showed a strength that surprised Diluque, a new star of the Knights, and he actually repelled the dragon head-on.Unfortunately……

"Senior Di Luke's father won, right? Could it be that the rescue team was late because of his injuries..." Amber wondered.

At this time, Ke Lai took the initiative to speak when no one expected it: "It's backlash."

Just three words, instantly attracted the attention of everyone present.

Faced with so many pairs of eyes staring at him, Ke Lai waved his hands in a panic: "I, I'm just making a random guess, you don't have to pay too much attention..."

"Hmph, this is nothing new, didn't you all know about it at the time?" Di Luke said coldly.

"If you want to have power that doesn't belong to you, you must pay a price..." Lisa nodded, agreeing with Di Luke's statement.

"But the problem is, with the strength of the magic dragon Usa, no matter how explosive an ordinary person is, it is impossible for an ordinary person to have the strength to repel it. There is still a key factor missing."

Haixi interjected and raised a new question, "At the price of his life, what exactly did he activate to gain the power to repel the dragon? Di Luke, you have seen it with your own eyes. Do you think... "

He walked up to Collet without anyone noticing.Compared with the eyes of gods, the breath of his demon god's family members stimulated the demon god's residue in Collet's body more. When he didn't take the initiative to cover it up, Collet's body immediately had a stress response.

Wisps of purple-black breath floated out of her body.

"Is your father's aura at that time similar to that of this little girl?"


Di Luke's eyes widened suddenly, and he rushed in front of Ke Lai with a stride, "What are you doing..."

"Hey, don't scare the kids~"

Hai Xi stretched out his hand to block him, and by the way comforted Ke Lai who was already stunned, "Don't be afraid, although you have done wrong things in the past, as long as you are willing to cooperate with our investigation, those are small problems. Even The Zephyr Knights can also help you find a way out of your predicament."

"Really, really?"

Ke Lai was a little uneasy, shrinking his body, until he saw Amber's comforting smile, he said intermittently, "I, I was once..."

She briefly described what happened to her, which immediately aroused the unanimous indignation of everyone present.

"It turned out to be so!"

"Inject that medicine into the body..."

"Wait, so to speak, the group of Mond residents who were taken away by the doctor in the name of conscription a year ago?!"

Captain Qin was startled, and an astonishing evil spirit appeared on his body which was extremely rare.

"They... in the best case, they are probably about the same as Collet."

Hai Xi sighed, "If I didn't survive the transformation of the potion, I'm afraid..."

"Damn..." Captain Qin trembled with anger.

"Qin, it's not your fault," Lisa comforted, "I agreed to allow the doctor to recruit soldiers in Mond. Firstly, the fool's strategy worked, and secondly, Ilok broke the rules of the Knights. You At that time, if you were not the deputy head, what could you do?"

Qin took a deep breath and looked sharply: "The past mistakes are irreversible, but now, I will never allow this to happen again! Those Mond residents who were taken away by them must also find a way to save them. .”

At this time, Di Luke also remembered that when he attacked the envoy of the Winter Kingdom Klober, he had attracted the doctor's silence. At that time, the other party looked at him quite strangely.Now that I think about it... that was not looking at me, but looking at the father's relic on my wrist!
"I remember,"

After carefully recalling that painful memory again, Di Luke came up with a new idea, "Before the dragon Usa attacked, I saw a strange mechanism bird parked on the side wall of the carriage..."

He gave a general description of the appearance of the organ bird, but unexpectedly, Amber immediately echoed him.

"This kind of machine bird, I also found some during my recent reconnaissance, both inside and outside the city!"

This sentence immediately made everyone frown: "Do they still want to repeat the old trick?"

"Three days later, the new envoy from the Winter Kingdom will arrive in Mond and discuss with us the issue of the murder of the previous envoy." Captain Qin provided an information.

"Could it be that they want to launch it at that time? Then this new envoy of the Winter Kingdom will 'help' Mond to quell the disaster like the doctor did back then, and then follow the trend..."

Haixi's guess made everyone's faces show a gloomy murderous look.

One time is not enough, they are planning to do the same thing again for the second time!Fools, this is clearly playing with Mond like a fool!

(End of this chapter)

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