Teyvat's Otherworldly Adventurer

Chapter 179 Fire has Yin and Yang

Chapter 179 Fire has Yin and Yang
There are thousands of qi needles, like rain like a curtain.

The flashing needle tip is not a dead object, but is constantly fine-tuned following Ruan Feng's every move, and each needle's landing point is precisely pointed to an acupuncture point around him.

Ruan Feng felt very uncomfortable.

For the first time, he felt that the magic weapon Hai Xi gave was not without side effects.

It was like a person with a keen sense of smell broke into a very smelly room, at this moment Ruan Feng felt as if ants were crawling all over his body.This is of course not true, but a malicious reminder given to him by the magic weapon.In other words, Lu Ci's target covered most of his body.

'In this case, it would be better not to be reminded! '

Ruan Feng complained in his heart, but the head-to-head attack just now gave him great confidence. Although he was nervous at the moment, he was not flustered.

His feet turned into phantoms, three on the left and three on the right. Although there was a distance of several feet from Lu Ci, they were instantly crossed as if they were shrinking.

Ruan Feng has no means of long-range attack, so he must close the distance.

Although Lu Ci wasn't angry that he was no better than an unknown person, but he was just crazy, not stupid.Ruyijin was originally the best at mid-range combat, so he knew how to make use of his strengths and avoid his weaknesses.


With a wave of his hand, Ruan Feng was tied into a hedgehog on the spot, even if he tried his best to burst out of the body to try to stop it, it was useless.It's still the same reason: without exquisite moves, energy cannot form a sufficiently stable and delicate structure, and brute force alone can only get twice the result with half the effort.

Otherwise, why are the rootless gods and spirits so powerful?
It is because in front of him, all the moves and techniques are useless, only to compete with the original energy and life cultivation.

Lu Ci finally won, although it was a bit difficult.Although Ruan Feng was defeated, he felt a little regretful.After all, he defeated Lu Ci head-to-head before with half a move, and the loss this time was more due to the inheritance of moves.

If Ruan Feng knows the Golden Light Curse of Longhushan, no, even if it is Tangmen's body protection poisonous miasma, he and Lu Ci can beat it.Unfortunately, as a wild alien, he lags behind too much in this respect.

"Boss, I'm sorry..."

Walking to Hai Xi's side, Ruan Feng whispered.

"Haha, it's okay, it's okay, what you've done is good enough!"

Hai Xi was very happy, not only because of Ruan Feng's fighting performance, but also because of that "boss".

It seems that after experiencing the importance of magic weapons in actual combat, Ruan Feng finally made up his mind to follow him.

This is a good start.

"...As for the reason why you lost to Lu Ci, you know it well, and so do I. Believe me, it's not difficult to solve."

Haixi's voice was very calm, as if she was talking about what to have for breakfast.

Originally, what Ruan Feng lacked was the inheritance, and what Haixi had the most were various inheritances.From the Eight Miraculous Skills, down to those upper-root tools that were copied when he assisted Ma Xianhong in designing the self-cultivation furnace, there are even wonderful methods from other worlds that you can try.

Only Ruan Feng couldn't think of it, and there was nothing Hai Xi couldn't come up with.

"I believe."

Ruan Feng was very happy, and the little haze of failure was instantly dispelled.In fact, for him, losing to the second young master of the Lu family is really not a major setback, let alone knowing where to make up for his shortcomings.

"Next time, I will definitely find my way back!"

"What I want is this confidence!" Haixi patted him on the shoulder, very pleased.

In this dark and sinking era, the entire country and nation are filled with confusion and despair, and almost everyone is stunned by foreign strong ships and guns.We woke up from the dream of being a big country, only to find that the gap between the two sides is so shocking, where is the problem?

do not know.

If you don't know, you can only use the method of exclusion.

Is it because Chinese is not as good as English, Japanese, and French?
Or is the system inferior to Western countries?

The natural gap between blood races?


Reflections like this cover a wide range of areas, almost sweeping away traditional cultural customs, and there are not a few people who propose total Westernization.

Of course, this time is different from seven or eighty years later.Those who are now proposing total westernization may not have any bad intentions, they are just confused and don't know how to catch up with the huge gap that day.

As we all know, if you want to practice a good handwriting, you have to copy the calligraphy of famous masters.

If you want to do a good job in the country, isn't the easiest way to copy those developed countries?

This way of thinking cannot be said to be problematic.

But as the saying goes, those who learn from me live, those who resemble me die.No matter how good the copy is, it is impossible to surpass the original, and it is impossible to equalize it.

The pattern of these people is still slightly lower.

And those who still advocate this after 80 or [-] years are stupid and corrupt duality, and they belong to the management category of espionage law.

Having said that, this trend of worshiping foreigners is not so obvious in the alien circle.

Because everyone has personally experienced the power of traditional culture, we did not fall behind in the war in the Inhuman World.

But Inhumans have their own troubles.

The emergence of guns has had some impact on the inheritance of different arts.There is no way, this thing is too fast to train, powerful and powerful, comparable to a magic weapon, and it can also be mass-produced.

An ordinary person, after at most a week of training, can pose a fatal threat to an alien who has practiced for ten years.

This is horrible!

According to Liao Tianlin, Jiyun Society has obtained a lot of guns, and has begun to study new tricks, how to make the bullets bend.

For Jiyun Club itself, this is not a problem, but it seems that they are keeping pace with the times, which is a good thing.But once this head is started, how many people are willing to practice painstakingly in the face of the temptation of guns that may not be comparable to magic weapons?
After all, even if you practice hard for five or ten years, you may not be able to block someone's bullet head-on.

Once this impetuous trend of thought is formed, it will be nothing less than a subversion for the alien world.

In such a big environment, self-confidence from the heart is especially rare.

Especially for practitioners, if you don't believe in yourself, and your mind is hesitant, how can you calm down and circulate around the sky?
Ruan Feng did a great job at this point!
Haixi wanted to build an organization whose primary goal was revenge, but he didn't want the atmosphere in the organization to be too bitter, bitter, and desperate.

He will give hope of revenge, and hope that the members will always stride forward towards hope.

"Our organization is called Xinjie."

He said to Ruan Feng, "In this dark age, intercept a glimmer of hope."

"Intercept... hope, it's a good name!" Ruan Feng nodded heavily.



After Ruan Feng conceded defeat, Lu Ci naturally wouldn't stay for long.

And after the battle between the two just now, many young people who originally intended to show off were a little bit unable to move their legs.

It's hard to throw away bricks and tiles if the pearls and jades are in front!
So, after a short period of silence, Lu Jin, who was the host, stood up.

"Then let Jin'er show her ugliness first."

He first said to his father, and then clasped his fists around, "Which brother would like to teach you?"

Lu Jin's face still needs to be given, and his reputation is also very good in the circle.As the saying goes, everyone carried the sedan chair, and soon, Huo Dezong Fengping jumped out.

This guy Hai Xi also has an impression.

Among the 36 people in Jiashen, except for the eight people who finally comprehended the strange skill, not many people have memories.For example, Liao Tianlin from Jiyun Society, Haixi only knew one name.

Fengping can be remembered mainly because he has a very powerful fire escape technique.

It's not the way of ninjas. In fact, Dongpu ninjas don't have the inheritance of five elements at all.Fengping's fire escape is literally meaning, using fire to escape.Belonging to the core secret method of Huodezong, shuttling between two specially made fire seeds, a step a thousand miles away is nothing.

This is obviously not pure speed, but a phase shift with the help of another piece of mysterious space.

Hai Xi didn't have any idea about this at first, but after he got to know the Da Luo Cave View and the particularity of the interior space, he also had some new guesses about this fire escape technique:
During the fire escape, did Fengping also enter the interior space, relying on the particularity that there is no concept of time and space, to achieve a thousand miles in an instant?
If so, did he enter physically, or does he need to restructure his body every time he enters and exits?
No matter which method is used, the special kindling should have played an important role in it, and it's not just responsible for positioning, right?

According to the information Hai Xi has learned so far, only pure spiritual energy can enter the interior scene.Gao Erzhuang used the Daluo Cave View to spiritualize her body, causing her to lose the support to walk in the real world.

Even Gu Shiting himself wears someone else's body every time he appears on the stage. Although it can be explained as hiding his identity, there are many ways to hide his identity. If he can reorganize his body anytime and anywhere, why use a backdoor?

But Fengping is obviously different. He can go from the Qinling Mountains to Shaoxing to buy wine in a short period of time, and then return, and the back and forth are all entities.

how did you do that?
Is the Fire Escape technique more powerful than Da Luo Dongguan, one of the Eight Miraculous Skills?
This possibility is actually not very big, there must be restrictions on entering the interior space by relying on the technique of fire escape.

For example, you can't stay for too long, you can only enter and exit from the set coordinate points, etc.

Both of these points should be related to the special kindling.

Haixi wanted to know more about it.

Because the ability to travel freely through the interior world is so attractive, who doesn't want to be free from constraints and swim freely?
But the amazing skill of Daluo Cave Viewing is too dangerous, not to mention that there is a mysterious and unpredictable Guji Pavilion behind it, which is most likely to be the enemy.

In contrast, Huodezong's fire escape technique is very friendly.Even if there are some restrictions, as long as the impact is not large, he is willing to accept.

It seems a bit shameless to say this, Huo Dun is the skill of the Huo Dezong's suppressing school, why do you still feel reluctant?

You should be thankful if you can get it!
Patting her face lightly, Hai Xi returned to reality from her beautiful imagination, and found that Feng Ping and Lu Jin had already fought together.

But the problem is...

Haixi frowned slightly: "Is this playing house?"

Feng Ping, who was born in the Fire Dezong, didn't play with fire, and Lu Jin didn't open the third level of reverse life. Is this also called learning?Even if it's an exhibition match, it's too careless, right?

Fortunately, Feng Ping is still a bit pursuing. After you came and I exchanged a few tricks, he took a big step back, put away his laughter, and said seriously: "Mr. Lu, I really want to ask you for advice. Yes, I won’t be polite next time, and you shouldn’t be polite to me either!”

Naturally, Lu Jin has nothing to hesitate, and now he is confident: "Okay! I just like cheerful people like Brother Feng!"

"Blast step!"

Fengping took a step forward, and a small crater exploded in the ground under his feet instantly, and the strong explosive force pushed him forward rapidly.

Although his feet were fast, his body posture was very stable, and he did not deform due to the speed. Every step he took left a small pothole on the ground, and his speed became faster and faster.

While approaching three feet in front of Lu Jin, he raised his left arm, and as his muscles agitated, energy quietly condensed on the face of his fist, and he swung it out heavily.

[Implosion Punch]!
Lu Jin raised his hand to block, and his angle was very precise, but as soon as the two sides met, his expression changed suddenly.

Because there is a qi energy sneaking inward along the palm of the hand.

Huo Dezong took the name of fire, and was deeply immersed in the path of fire.They not only have the open fire from the outside, but also the dark fire of internal cultivation, or inner fire and yin fire.

Explosive steps and imploding fists are the moves of the dark fire flow, pursuing a more refined control over the fire energy.

In fact, martial arts all over the world lead to the same goal by different routes, and they will eventually lead to the unity of Hunyuan and the harmony of yin and yang.

Ruyijin, which is based on the pursuit of dexterity and change, will be dismissed as not powerful enough, and Huodezong, whose signature is violence and turbulence, has also embarked on the road of strengthening control.

Everyone wants to be perfect.

According to the principle of the Implosion Fist, after Feng Ping's Qi energy sneaks into Lu Jin's body, it will detonate at key parts, or not immediately. If the opponent does not find out, then use a few more punches to accumulate more Qi energy to detonate together .

Even if it is a foreigner, the defense of the body surface may be trained to be very strong, but the inside of the body, the meridians, viscera, etc. are still fragile.

The key to implosion boxing is to send a force inside, so that the enemy cannot defend and can only be eaten raw.Even if the absolute power is slightly smaller than Yanghuo, the damage caused may be more serious.

Fengping also thought so.

But Lu Jin is not an ordinary person. This does not refer to his background or talent, but the skills he has learned.

The Lu family does not have a so-called family tradition. Their core children have always joined other sects. Lu Jin's luck is not very good. His master is the head of the Sanyi sect, known as the Zuo of the Great Ying Immortal. Ruotong is as famous as the Celestial Master of Longhu Mountain.

And the exercises he learned are naturally top-notch, the method of the Trinity Sect's subjugation school - the triple of reverse life.

I won’t introduce many of them here, but the core concept of the Three Levels of Reversed Life is to allow practitioners to return to the original state and return to the state of innate Qi.Practicing to a high level can transform the whole body into qi, which is invisible and formless.

Therefore, Lu Jin is extremely sensitive to Qi breath, and he discovered the clues as soon as the alien Qi energy invaded.If you discover it, you will discover it. At worst, Fengping will detonate it immediately, but Lu Jin happens to have a solution.

With a movement of his mind, some of the meridians instantly turned into Qi, directly wrapping up the alien Qi that had invaded his body, then turned into the skin, and threw it out directly.

During this process, Fengping always wanted to detonate it in advance, but Lu Jin never gave him a chance from the beginning to the end, until the fire energy was eliminated from the body, and the blockade on it was relaxed.

Fengping looked at Lu Jin with a complicated expression. Although he was disappointed, he soon became optimistic again: "You won, I am really not a good one!"

(End of this chapter)

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