Teyvat's Otherworldly Adventurer

Chapter 23 Fabrication: Alley

Chapter 23 Fabrication: Alley
The conversation with Mrs. Cinder went smoothly, but it is not so easy to check her body directly.

Even if Camille herself agrees, it will not work, because the ownership of her body belongs to the Philos family, and it is not something that I can decide with one word.

Therefore, the first task Hai Xi received was to make a portable Hex weapon.

The reason for adding a portable prefix is ​​because the Hex devices that appear in Piltover are generally relatively large.Not to mention Hex's light gate, but also mining gloves, ore cutting rays, etc., are not very suitable for the role of a spy.

That's right, even though Camille, the chief secret agent, had already accepted Hai Xi's new position as a "secret agent", the head of Stewan's family did not agree.

He asked Haixi to make weapons that meet the three requirements of portability, quietness, and power as much as possible.

It's quiet but powerful. When Hexi heard this request, Hexi almost smashed the hex gem in his hand into the opponent's face!

"It's no wonder that the Philos family has mastered Hex's original crystal for so many years, and Camille is still fighting with the hook lock and leg blade. With such a sand-sculpted leader pointing fingers, it will be a ghost to develop Hex technology well!"

Haixi couldn't help complaining.

Don't do micromanagement if you don't have the skills, okay?

A layman guides what an expert does!

Hex gems are things that contain huge energy. The research direction should be how to guide this powerful force first, instead of always thinking about controlling the output power and insisting on precision and concealment.

It's not that it can't be done, but that it violates the requirements of its own physical properties, which will obliterate the biggest feature of hex gems.

This is like how nuclear physics laboratories do not first study how to make a powerful nuclear bomb, but study how to control the degree of nuclear fusion and fission reactions so that it can just cook.

Is this ok?sure!
But does it make sense?
Completely putting the cart before the horse!

Hai Xi scoffed at this, and felt that this kind of research was a waste of his time.

The only advantage is that, as the sole monopoly manufacturer of Hex crystals, the Philos family provides him with an unlimited supply of raw materials.

So, while perfunctorily following the request of the Philos family, he casually made a few things like the Hex pistol, the Hex portable bomb, etc. to deal with his errands, and at the same time devoted more energy to researching the forbidden magic stone. .

This is the main gain from that transaction with the Midarda family.

From the outside, the forbidden magic stone is a kind of off-white stone. It is strong, but not indestructible.

One of the main uses of it by the Kingdom of Demacia is to make magic-proof handcuffs, which are used to restrain the magicians who are captured by them.After being absorbed by the magic power, with the generally weak physique of magicians, they couldn't break free from the imprisonment of the magic stone.

This can't help but make Hai Xi think of something with a very similar purpose - Hailou Stone.

However, unlike the suppression of Hailou Stone, the Forbidden Stone really absorbed those magical energies into itself.

And if a piece of forbidden magic stone is full of magical energy, it will change from the original inconspicuous off-white color to platinum luster.

Galio, the guardian colossus of the Kingdom of Demacia, was carved out of a single piece of forbidden magic stone.According to the rumors, when it is full of energy, it will wake up and transform into a super destructive giant soldier!
Haixi didn't have many magic stones in his hand, and Midarda was quite stingy, saying that he couldn't afford so many at one go and had to pay in installments, so far he only sent five longan-sized stone balls.

But their capacity is really astonishing. Haixi replaced the ten hex gems that had been depleted of energy, put in a new batch, and fired again.

Only at this time, he will feel that Ferros is really at the right place.Otherwise, how could I waste the hex gems so much to recharge the magic stone?
Watching the surface of the forbidden magic stone gradually become shiny, it's all worth it!
Finally, after consuming a full fifty hex gems, the color of the first forbidden magic stone ball turned into platinum, which meant that it had been filled with energy.

Haixi imitated the method of activating the Hex crystal, trying to redirect the energy inside it.

But sadly, he didn't succeed.

Regarding Haixi's series of stimulation methods, the Templar Stone was very lazy and unwilling to cooperate at all.

"What do you mean?"

Hai Xi rubbed the forbidden magic stone, lost in thought.

"The characteristic of Hex crystal is that it contains huge energy and its structure is very unstable. We use pulse resonance to complete its structure and turn it into a stable energy source.

"As for the forbidden magic stone... the initial characteristic should be that the internal structure is extremely stable but lacks energy, which is exactly the opposite of the hex crystal. Even if it is filled with energy now, its inherently too stable material structure still restricts energy output.

"This stability has to be broken a bit..."

As for how to destroy it, didn't the Demacians already give a ready-made example?

"The structure of the ball is too stable, this is not acceptable, let me think about what shape I should carve you into..."

Haixi picked up the carving knife, thinking and rejoicing.

Although he came from an aristocratic family, his family education did not include sculpture.

This is the skill he mastered when he was a chef-carving.

While carving on softer materials is certainly somewhat different than carving on stone, the principles are similar.Moreover, the magic stone is very malleable, it is not as brittle as ordinary stones, and it feels a bit like carving on a radish when you use a knife.

"What can a stone ball be carved into?"

Hai Xi did not rush to the knife, but began to diverge his thinking, "The safest way is to completely restore Galio's image, but I only remember how it looks in the game, and I haven't paid much attention to the details, so it's hard to be precise. reduction."

Moreover, Galio's strength largely comes from its super-standard size and weight. A stone ball the size of a palm, even if it can be made into Galio, is useless.

"With this size, relying on the size to launch physical attacks is enough, or focus on energy. Is it better to make it an energy ray weapon, or an energy shield?"

A series of images such as "eyeball", "dice", "nebula", "poro" and so on flashed in his mind.

Finally, the image of a little blue ghost with a cat head and a snake body was frozen in front of his eyes.

"Yeah, why do I have to choose rays or shields? Can I have all of them?"

Suddenly enlightened, Haixi picked up the carving knife and started with precision and stability.

"Then, let's call you Aery!"

(End of this chapter)

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