Teyvat's Otherworldly Adventurer

Chapter 86 Don't hide, come out and have fun!

Chapter 86 Don't hide, come out and have fun! (seeking first order)

Yu Huadu felt bitter, but he didn't dare to speak out.

It's really cool and exciting to step on the corpse of the ten guys, but... Fake, why do I have the slightest heartbeat? !

Sober Dianyu painting poison!That's ten guys, can you control this pool of water? !
He tried to wake himself up, but in the face of the pressure of survival, he finally gave in shamefully.

"It's not so easy for my disguise to fool familiar people, unless you can get the target's Qi characteristics."

Yu Huadu took the initiative to point out the points in the scheme that can be further optimized.

"It's easy!"

Haixi took the initiative to take over, "Leave it to me. At that time, we can let Quanxing reveal the face first, and then release 'Wang Bing' while taking advantage of the chaos. He hit him hard from behind, and finally Quanxing declared this Responsible."

"Don't, don't, please forgive me, two heroes! I can't bear this responsibility!"

Yu Huadu almost shook his hands out of phantoms, and the horror on his face was clearly visible.

They are not afraid of attacking Longhu Mountain at night, because the law does not blame the public, and it is natural that Gong Qing, the three corpses, and the four Zhang Kuang are the well-known blame for the accident.

But if he really wanted to stand up and say he was responsible for the death of a tenth guy... that would be too exciting, far beyond Yu Huadu's psychological capacity.

"What are you panicking about? Who said you're going to be responsible?"

Haixi pouted, "I'm talking about him."

Following his directions, Yu Huadu suddenly discovered that there was actually a fourth person in this cave!I didn't find out at all!

"He, cough, this hero is also a man of all sexes?"

Yu Huadu looked at the other party's thin body like a junior high school student, no matter how hard he recalled, he couldn't think of such a number one character in Quan Xing.

"The moon is dark and the wind is cold, and the death is invisible. The thousand changes are inexplicable, the black jade unicorn."

The Mo puppet announced his name calmly and coldly.

"Ah this..."

Yu Huadu was stunned, is there still a poem number?He really is a boss!

In fact, at the beginning, Haixi didn't think of letting Feng Zhenghao disguise himself as an assassin. Firstly, even the disguise of Yu Huadu couldn't last after he used Qi, and secondly, it was also because he lacked the ability to win with one blow and travel thousands of miles away. Tricks.Even if it succeeds, there is a high probability that it will be exchanged with Wang Ai's limit, which is not cost-effective.

Asking that before was just to test Feng Zhenghao's determination.The real killer move is naturally used by Mo Puppet, a non-stick pan.



With fewer and fewer remaining contestants, the intensity and excitement of Luo Tian Dajiao is also increasing day by day.

Of course, the most exciting duel in the past few days was Zhuge Qing and Wang Ye.

Wuhou Qimen vs. Fenghou Qimen, the appearance of another eight strange skills undoubtedly ignited everyone's passion again.

And that night...

"Hmph, the news released is really useful."

"There is never a shortage of fools in the whole sex!"

Mo Puppet and Yu Huadu stood on a treetop that was slightly higher and overlooked most of the Tianshi Mansion, looking at the dark shadows sneaking into Wang Ye's courtyard below, and at the same time showed a disdainful smile.

"When their fight attracts the attention of the surroundings, it's time for you to remove your disguise. Now, disguise yourself for me."

Several figures in night clothes seemed to be in different directions, almost fighting each other in Wang Ye's yard.

Naturally, it was impossible for the king not to notice such a big movement, so a chaotic fight unfolded.

At this moment, a high-pitched roar with overlapping sounds almost resounded through the entire Dragon and Tiger Mountain:

At the same time, a series of explosions sounded one after another, creating a chaotic scene on the peaceful Longhu Mountain.

This is undoubtedly Haixi's masterpiece. He scattered some detonating magic weapons in remote and uninhabited places in advance. When necessary, he directly opened the door and detonated it with the void breaking talisman without leaving any traces.

And these shouts and explosions exerted great pressure on the two waves of people at the same time.

"Fourth, what's going on? Didn't you say that people of all sexes will do it after Luo Tian's wedding?"

Xu San, one of the persons in charge of the North China Region, looked anxiously at his younger brother Xu Si, caught off guard by this sudden situation.

"Who knows, maybe they also know that the plan has been exposed, so let's make a desperate fight in advance."

Xu Si spat out a smoke ring fiercely, "Ma De, Lao Dou's support is not all in place yet! You watch the baby, and I will direct."

The comprehensive plan has always been full of loopholes and has no chance of keeping secrets. Apart from being able to communicate everywhere, Lu Jin, one of the ten men, also made a lot of preparations in advance. Although the incident happened suddenly at this time, he still quickly called up his staff: "Go, show those devil boys of Quan Xing a little bit of power!"

At this time, the most confused ones are the members of the whole sex.

Xia He, Shen Chong and the other four Zhang Kuang looked at each other in blank dismay: "What's going on, who did it?"

"Those explosions just now... Could it be Senior Yuan?" "Thunder Smoke Pao" Gao Ning speculated in a soft voice.

"Damn old Yuantou, is it so hard for him to see Lu Jin?!" Xia He cursed with strong personal characteristics.

"The most critical question now is, what should we do?" Shen Chong forcibly calmed down and brought the topic back on track.

"Our disguise is gone, even if we don't do anything, there is nothing to say when we are met by people from Longhushan. There are only two ways, fight or flee?"

At this time on Longhu Mountain, there are still many people who are faced with this important choice.Especially Gong Qing, the proposer and creator of the entire night attack plan, almost gritted his teeth with hatred.

Because of a coincidence, he turned into the little Taoist boy next to Tian Jinzhong, the second master of the Tianshi Mansion, which can be said to have gone deep into the enemy's rear.At this time, as soon as Yi Rong left, he instantly became trapped in the enemy's camp.

"What the hell is Yu Hua Poison doing?!"

Gong Qing didn't dare to hesitate, he slapped another Taoist boy beside him unconscious, turned around and ran away, and had to tearfully give up the identity he had pretended to be for three years.

It's not like he didn't think about racing against time to force his shot, but Lu Liang hasn't come to meet him yet, even if he restrains Tian Jinzhong, no one can read his old man's memory, so it's still useless.

The commotion caused by Gong Qing is not small. Tian Jinzhong is located in the important place of Tianshi Mansion, and there are spies here, which immediately makes the situation on Longhu Mountain even more chaotic.

The courtyard where the Wang family is located.

"Grandfather, save me!"

Wang Bing's face was pale, and he ran to the guest house where Wang Ai was. Behind him were a few souls that were so dim that they could hardly see their shapes, which seemed to be desperately blocking the enemy's attack.

"My dear grandson, don't be afraid!"

Wang Ai's love for this great-grandson did not seem to be fake, he kicked open the door disheveledly, his wrinkled old face was very fierce, "Let the grandfather see, who dares to act wild in front of our house!! "

Those vague souls were naturally provided by Feng Zhenghao's friendship, and the enemies were some all-sex strangers who coveted the king and sent generals with spirits on their bodies.

All in all, except for Wang Bing himself, everything in the whole field is real.

In the dim night, Wang Ai's eagerness to save Sun didn't distinguish carefully, so he hugged Wang Bing behind him to protect him. Wang Bing also seemed to be scared out of his wits, and stretched out his hand to hold Wang Ai's waist tightly.

At this time, strange black runes that looked like living creatures crawled out from the fingertips of "Wang Bing", like spirit snakes and ropes, covering Wang Ai's whole body in the blink of an eye.

Wang Ai was about to kill all directions with Xing Qi, but suddenly her whole body froze and she was firmly imprisoned in place.


(End of this chapter)

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