Chapter 97
At the moment when the new entry was generated, all Haixi in different worlds, whether it was the main body or the projection avatar, raised their heads at the same time, with joy on their faces.

Because only the entries that appear on the adventurer panel are the original abilities that they can share and are not affected by different world rules.

Ninja world.

Haixi threw away the puppet that was being forged by the magic technique, and came to the laboratory jointly established by Sayin and Orochimaru in an instant.

Since Orochimaru officially began to participate in the Hokage competition, he has been transferring his original experimental base in the Fire Country, especially in Konoha Village.

Most of these laboratories were established with the support of Danzo. The advantage is that it is close and convenient. The disadvantage is that once Danzo betrays the water, it can immediately drive Orochimaru into a situation where there is no redemption.

Orochimaru didn't care about these things before, but now Haixi just picked up a bargain and accepted all the orders. Soon, this biological laboratory, which can be called the largest and most equipped in the whole ninja world, was established in Sand Hidden Village.

It's just that during this period of time, due to the absence of the main force of the experiment, Orochimaru, the progress of the transformation experiment on demonizing organs and absorbing natural energy has almost stagnated.

But it's different now, [Spirit of Life] gave Haixi a lot of confidence.

Different from [Qi], which is unique to the world under one person, sex is the soul and life is the body. Unique primers are produced.

If he can fully grasp the duality of sex and fate, then life will no longer have any secrets in his eyes.

When he came to the laboratory, Hai Xi did not choose the Zongwu people for the experiment this time, but took out some of their cells in the petri dish, and brought out a former sand hermit ninja—Maki from the deepest part of the prison.

Diehard loyalists like them who once belonged to the 3.5th generation Fengying Luosha were imprisoned on the surface, but they were actually optional experimental products.

This time Haixi chose the one with the best overall quality.

He probably had anticipated what he was going to do. Apart from glaring at Haixi from time to time along the way, he didn't say anything, with a steadfast appearance of seeing death as home.

But when he found that the place he came to was not the execution ground, but a laboratory full of bottles and jars, his stagnant expression finally couldn't hold back.

Especially when he found himself bound on the cold test bench, under the pale shadowless lamp, and the sound of cold metal collisions ringing slightly in his ears...

The sand hidden tough guy quickly said: "Wait, wait a minute, what are you going to do?"


Hai Xi blinked, raised his hands and shook Ma Ji's eyes, "Can't you see? I'm trying to make you stronger so that you can continue to work for Hidden Sand Village!"

The metal instrument held between his fingers looked colder and colder under the pale light, and Markey only felt his scalp go numb.

He is Luo Sha's disciple and also the opponent's first confidant, if he wants to die for Luo Sha, he will not hesitate at all.


Markey gritted his teeth, isn't it just an experiment?I am not even afraid of death, how can I be afraid of this? !

He straightened his neck and said stiffly, "I will definitely not work for you rebels! Use whatever means you can!"

"Don't worry, I have a lot of inspiration today, no matter what you ask, I can meet it."

Markey's will made Haixi very satisfied. Although will is invisible and intangible, it can have a great effect on breaking through the barriers in many cases.

He hopes that Markey can continue to maintain this mentality.

After Ma Ji's whole body was connected with instrument probes to test the concentration of natural energy, Haixi made a precise operation and implanted Chongwu cells into his chest.

In the next second, the probe on the chest issued a "dididi" reminder, and the dial of the instrument connected behind it no longer displayed a horizontal line, but rose abruptly.

Under normal circumstances, when a local cell in a certain part of the human body encounters this situation and is suddenly impacted by a large amount of natural energy, there are only two results—first, petrification; second, hyperactivation, that is, the body mutates instantly.

But with Haixi around, naturally that kind of thing wouldn't happen so easily.

I saw him put his hands up and down to cover Maji's head and heart, and countless small hands transformed from chakra protruded out, and began to frantically extract Maji's spiritual power and cellular energy, and fill them into the implanted area. area of ​​foreign cells.

The natural energy is certainly inexhaustible, but after all, only a very small part of the Chongwu cells were implanted in Maji's body. No matter how much natural energy there is, the channel is too thin, and they can only enter in line.But mental energy and cellular energy are different. Maji's body is their home field, and Hexi's deployment, so the three began to seesaw in Maji's chest.

During this process, wisps of celestial chakras were slowly generated, and under Hai Xi's control, they spread evenly throughout Maji's body, and began to drill deep into the cells.

The natural energy is still pouring in, and there are more and more fairy chakras, and Maji's expression begins to become painful.

"Tsk, can't you bear it?"

Hai Xi noticed this, and hated iron for being weak, but the experimental materials were just like this, and he could only adapt to it.

So he picked up the scalpel again and picked out some of the previously implanted Zongwu cells.

The injection speed of natural energy was greatly eased immediately, but the generation speed of Xianju chakra also slowed down a lot.

"It seems that this is your limit..."

Haixi sighed, and seemed a little dissatisfied with the result, but a smart woman can't cook without rice.

He set out to reshape the meridian system in Markey's body.

There are two ways to produce chakra in the ninja body: one is natural generation, which circulates spontaneously in the meridians, and will automatically recover through rest after consumption; the other is forced extraction, which actively squeezes the cells and Mental energy can extract a large amount of chakra in a short period of time. This is a way of exchanging combat power by damaging the body. It is generally not advocated, but most ninjas use it quite smoothly.

Just now Haixi used the "ninjutsu version of both hands" to use the latter method on Maji, but that was only temporary. Now he wants to permanently speed up Maji's chakra generation rate by reshaping the meridians, and will The newly generated chakra nodes are set at the parts where the natural energy influxes, so that they can form the celestial chakra in the first place.

"Then use the celestial chakra to affect the ordinary cells in his body, stimulate these cells to optimize and upgrade, and can produce new chakra faster and more... Such a cycle will eventually make every cell in this body Are they all adapted to natural energy?"

Haixi is very much looking forward to this.

It is said that Prince Naruto's sage mode is perfect, but he doesn't think so.Although it is better than Jiraiya's mode that changes his appearance and posture, the mode of charging for two hours and talking for 5 minutes is not perfect, right?At most, it can be regarded as a limited-time version of the pseudo-immortal.

If we really want to say it is perfect, it has to be like the White Snake Immortal or the Big Toad Immortal, who does not need to prepare anything specially and is in the Immortal mode all the time to be considered a true Immortal.

And if every cell in the body is adapted to the natural energy, and what is brought out anytime and anywhere is the fairy chakra, so maybe it can get close to the realm of those psychic beasts and immortals?

(End of this chapter)

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