Under one person: I, Zhang Zhiwei, the arrogant Zhang.

Chapter 101 [Seek first order] Enlightenment, Golden Light Curse breaks the order

Chapter 101 [Seek first order] Enlightenment, Golden Light Curse breaks the order

Back in his own room, Zhang Zhiwei put away the tea leaves, and then began to meditate in meditation. First, he looked inside himself and performed three reflections on himself.

After identifying some small flaws in the hit, Zhang Zhiwei began to stir the qi on his spine, and made some meticulous adjustments to his body structure.

When everything was adjusted to the best state, Zhang Zhiwei began to temper his life. Perhaps it was because he realized his own obsession and burned his inner demons. Zhang Zhiwei only felt very happy in his heart during this practice, the world was clear, and his indescribable spirit Refreshing.

Practicing practice, cultivating the Tao, whether it is "walking" or "Tao", must have a direction. You need to see the way ahead. Only when you have a clear direction can you walk without confusion and be fooled by delusions.

After burning his inner demons and realizing his own shortcomings, Zhang Zhiwei only felt a burst of fresh air rushing to the sky, and a flash of light appeared in his mind.

He shrank his consciousness, grasped the flash of spiritual light just now, and immediately entered the state of epiphany, with a feeling of unity between heaven, earth and man.


In this state, Zhang Zhiwei only felt a loud noise in his head, his consciousness was raised, his soul did not come out of his body, but his consciousness was separated from his body, and he stared at himself from a strange third angle.

I don't know the true face of Lushan Mountain, but because I am in this mountain, when the consciousness is elevated, jumping out of the limitations of the body and soul, and seeing himself from another angle, Zhang Zhiwei gained some new insights.

He could clearly feel the changes in his "life" when he practiced the Golden Light Mantra.

"Fate" is being tempered, becoming stronger little by little.

At the same time, there are complicated thoughts flickering in "sex".

These thoughts are not distracting thoughts caused by an unclean mind. In this state of epiphany, Zhang Zhiwei's mind is like a mirror, and his mind is like still water, so it is impossible to have so many distracting thoughts.

"What is it?"

Zhang Zhiwei listened carefully. These thoughts were very messy and weak. Some said they lacked soil, some said they lacked water, and some said they were excluded...

There is only one thought that is very clear and definite, and this thought is saying:
"I just want to chase the highest step by step..."

Zhang Zhiwei: "..."

This is the idea of ​​monkey smashing!
How did the idea of ​​monkey smashing appear in my mind?

How dare it tell me such rebellious words?
Huh! ~ No, this is not from the monkey, it is from the heart.

The heart, the heart ape, and the heart ape are the restless thoughts of the heart, and the idea of ​​monkey smashing represents the thoughts of the heart, so aren't other thoughts...

Zhang Zhiwei suddenly understood that these thoughts were not distracting thoughts, but advice from various parts of the human body to him, the "king".

Inexplicably, Zhang Zhiwei remembered what his master Zhang Jingqing said when he explained the Golden Light Mantra to him.

The master said: "The Golden Light Mantra is a way to observe oneself and cultivate both life and soul. Its essence is to regard the body as the country, let the spiritual consciousness sit on the altar, look after the world with inaction like a holy king, and achieve peace with inaction. , to be at ease with the state of inaction, and to attain the Tao with the state of inaction.”

At that time, Zhang Zhiwei was puzzled and asked, "If the body is the country, and the king himself does nothing for the so-called tranquility, for the so-called freedom, and for the so-called Tao, isn't he a fool?"

But the master told him: "You who do nothing are not doing nothing. You who sit on the spiritual altar and are at ease are definitely not a dead tree. You who are at ease can do everything. Therefore, the way of the inner sage and the outer king is dark but not clear, gloomy but not forthcoming. , the people of the world, each according to his own desires, take their own way."

Taoist masters often speak mysteriously and mysteriously. Zhang Zhiwei did not understand these words at the time.

But at this moment, it suddenly appeared in my mind. Those things that were once obscure and uncomprehended, are all unlocked and fully understood at this moment.

"Golden Light Curse, Master Dao, I have realized it!"

After an epiphany, Zhang Zhiwei's Golden Light Mantra took another step forward.

A layer of golden light gradually appeared on the surface of his body.

This layer of golden light is very thin, not as thick as when he used the golden light spell.

But inexplicably, this layer of golden light curse gives people a tough feeling, as if compressed to the extreme, the golden light is introverted, almost turning into a real thing and blending into the body.

In the quiet room where the candlelight flickered, Zhang Zhiwei was covered with a faint golden light, giving people an inexplicable sense of emptiness.

This golden light lasted all night.

The next morning, the rooster crowed.

Zhang Zhiwei slowly opened his eyes, his eyes were pure without any impurities.

He stood up and stretched his muscles.

"Clap clap clap..."

There was a sound like fried beans coming from the body.

"This time I seem to have realized something incredible. The realm of the Golden Light Mantra has gone a step further, stepping into the realm of inner sage and outer king."

Zhang Zhiwei closed his eyes and felt himself, muttering to himself.

The term "inner sage and outer king" is one of the main academic thoughts of Confucianism of the Three Religions, and it is also the ideological guidance for Confucian students to deal with interpersonal relationships.

But very few people know that the concept of inner sage and outer king originated from Taoism. It was first put forward by the Taoist sage Zhuangzi.

However, as the saying goes, one law is universal, ten thousand laws are common, and the principles of the world have something in common. The principles proposed by the Taoist saints have been used by the Confucian saints, and even praised by the saints of the three religions. Its gold content can be imagined.

Of course, the principles are the same, but the form shown is very different.

Let’s not mention the Confucianism.

But for Taoism, the so-called inner sage refers to "sitting and forgetting" to achieve "heart fasting".

In short, it means that the spirit is not dominated by the body, sits high on the spiritual platform, and yearns for the spirit of the world alone.

To put it simply, I only talk about the most basic meaning, which is to remove the spirit from the body, let the spirit be at ease, and be able to look at the overall situation of the body without being affected, so as to practice the kingly way.

This is simple to say, but it is as difficult as heaven in reality, because most of the time, people are dominated by the instinct of the body.

For example, you are already very fat, and other parts of your body are admonishing you, boss, don’t eat, I’m about to die.

But your stomach is admonishing you to continue eating, and you can’t enjoy it after a long day?Who do you choose to listen to?
For another example, your brain tells you, go play games and don't sleep.

But your liver is admonishing that it is about to burst, who do you listen to?
As far as your body is concerned, you are like a king. If your cultivation is not enough, you will be a traitor in power, and the people will live in dire straits. In the end, the country will be destroyed and the family will perish.

And the practice of the Golden Light Mantra is to make myself, the king, a holy king, a holy king.

"Inaction" is not inaction, it is not being controlled by various distracting thoughts in the body.

But to be a holy king, one must first see one's own country, see the body structure, be sympathetic to the people's feelings, and listen to the people's hearts.

Zhang Zhiwei broke the human body's small world structure before, and it can be seen that God is in this realm, but not completely.

Because he can only see the situation in the human body structure, he can sympathize with the people's feelings, and he can make up for it when he finds that there are loopholes.

As for the reason for this, it was because Zhang Zhiwei was affected by delusion, which made him unable to hear the voice of his body.

But this time, he realized his own delusional attachments. Under the enlightenment of Dao Xin, the internal alchemy practiced a hundred feet, and he took this step. He not only saw it, but also heard it.

This is a huge improvement. In the past, he was like a monarch who worked hard to build a strong country and opened up a large territory, but he couldn't do it because he was deaf and couldn't hear advice, so he just Can act independently.

But now, the monarch and the people are one, the inner sage and the outer king, why is the cultivation of life and death not rising?

"Last time, Master himself got it wrong, and complained for a long time, saying that I was not happy about keeping it from him."

"This time, I have to talk to him carefully, so as not to be embarrassed all day long!"

Zhang Zhiwei ran out in a hurry, Zhang Zhiwei didn't want to hide his comprehension of the Golden Light Curse last night.

Growing up in Longhu Mountain, this place has long been his home.

My family doesn't speak two dialects, so what's the point of hiding?Zhang Jingqing will not harm him.

Moreover, the master's cultivation base is advanced, and if I tell him what I have realized and felt, he can also point out the maze.

(End of this chapter)

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