Under one person: I, Zhang Zhiwei, the arrogant Zhang.

Chapter 118 Write a Letter to Lao Lu and Er Bi

Chapter 118 Write a Letter to Lao Lu and Er Bi

In the Dashangqing Palace, after the uncle Zhang Yi left, only Zhang Zhiwei was left in the black hall.

Zhang Zhiwei looked around, took two golden talisman papers from the master's throne of heavenly master, turned and left, and looked towards the front gate.

Uncle Zhang Yi said, I'm going down the mountain to do some errands soon, so I plan to study the method of sealing the magical power of the flying sword and killing magic altar in the yellow paper talisman for me overnight.

It seems quite urgent, I think there will be something urgent tomorrow, in order to avoid long nights and dreams, I will send a letter to Lao Lu and Er Bi first by flying a crane.

Regarding the plans of the elders, Zhang Zhiwei was clear about the plans. Yi Qian said that he would test his ability through several things before deciding whether he could take on the important task of leading people to Liaodong. Zhang Zhiwei only regarded him as farting.



The night wind was blowing, and the long-lingering smell of oil and wax was blown away on the mountain road of Longhu Mountain.

A little Taoist priest in a gray Taoist robe, holding a lantern in one hand and a gong in the other, walked forward yawning.

He is a small Taoist priest patrolling Longhu Mountain.

Suddenly, a tall black figure suddenly jumped out from behind the little Taoist priest, screaming strangely:

"Ah ah ah..."

The little mountain patrolling Taoist was so frightened that he jumped three feet high, stepped on the grass when he landed, slipped, and rolled down the grass slope more than ten meters high. When he was about to fall into the valley, a golden light held him back , took him up the mountain road.

Zhang Zhiwei put down the little Taoist priest: "What's the matter, little brother, you almost scared me out of my wits."

He had a little impression of this person, he was a young junior who had just entered the Tianshi Mansion, he was under the disciple of Uncle Zhang Yi, and he learned the way of talismans.

The little Taoist was panting heavily, with lingering fears still alive, and looked at Zhang Zhiwei in disbelief:
"Senior Brother Zhiwei, you are the villain who sued first, obviously you almost scared me out of my wits."

"Hahaha!" Zhang Zhiwei said with a smile: "Just kidding, who knew that the boy patrolling the mountains is so timid, this is not going to happen, don't let the enemy not patrol, and if he stumbles, he will do something wrong!"

"Brother, if you're not bored and scare me, why would I fall?" the little Taoist said a little unconvinced.

"You think I'm boring and deliberately scare you?"

"Don't you..."

"Huh?!" Zhang Zhiwei stared.

The little Taoist immediately didn't dare to talk back.

Zhang Zhiwei raised his senior brother's attitude: "I saw you walking loosely and unresponsively when you were patrolling the mountain, so I tried it out. As a result, you are a worthless thing. Your first reaction is not to run the Golden Light Curse to fight back, nor to ring the gong to call the police. , you actually jumped down the mountain? What's wrong, you want to kill yourself!"

The little Taoist murmured and didn't dare to speak.

Zhang Zhiwei continued: "When you are frightened, the golden light can't even operate automatically to protect your whole body. When you use the golden light spell, do you have to recite a long spell to enter the state?"

The little Taoist nodded: "I have just practiced the Golden Light Curse not long ago, and I haven't fully grasped its essence yet."

"This is not very good. Although you are majoring in talismans with Uncle Zhang Yi, you still can't afford to use the Golden Light Curse as a means of securing your life. However, it is not good to go to Uncle Zhang for this kind of introductory technique."

Zhang Zhiwei made arrangements: "I could have personally instructed you for a few days, but I have something urgent recently. How about this, you go to Lin Huaiyi and ask him to guide you in practicing the Golden Light Curse. If he asks, you say that I asked you to go." !"

"Brother Zhiwei!" the little Taoist asked, "Who is Lin Huaiyi?"

Lin Huaiyi is a little transparent, except for a few brothers from Zhang Jingqing's line who know him, the rest of the family has no impression of him at all.

"Don't know?" Zhang Zhiwei paused and said, "It's about the same height as you, the one with the big ears, the one with big ears, understand?"

"Oh, senior brother Zhiwei, I remembered, I remembered, but is this senior brother very good at the Golden Light Curse?"

The little Taoist was a little suspicious of Lin Huaiyi's level.

Zhang Zhiwei nodded and said: "It must be good. The entire young generation of Longhushan can't find a few people who are better than him. You can ask him to study hard. If he doesn't teach well, you can tell him that I will smoke after I go back." he!"

"It's true, there are not many young people who are more powerful than him, so why haven't I heard of it?"

"He's low-key, do you understand low-key? Well, you continue to patrol the mountain, don't doze off, it's once a week, keep an eye on it!"

As Zhang Zhiwei said, he turned around and looked away.

In fact, Zhang Zhiwei knew what Lin Huaiyi was thinking, but he couldn't empathize with some things.

From his point of view, since the master is already making small troubles for the big-eared thief, he must have fully accepted him.

Then don't be so cringe, if something comes out, what does it mean to hide?It's the same as plotting something wrong in Longhu Mountain.

You don't really want to hide your clumsiness for a few years, and then fight yourself, don't you really think you can beat yourself?

Zhang Zhiwei never regarded Lin Huaiyi as an opponent, and he didn't care much about it.

Arranging this little junior to ask Lin Huaiyi for advice, I have no other bad intentions, I just think that this little junior practiced poorly and Lin Huaiyi did well, so what if I teach him as a senior?

When you come to the entrance of Zhengyiguan, even in the middle of the night, there is a lot of incense here, and there is an endless stream of pilgrims who come to offer incense and pray for blessings.

Zhang Zhiwei moved and went directly into the temple.

Zhengyiguan is located in Longhuqian Mountain, which is the office directly connected with the outside world. For all news from the outside world to enter Longhushan, you must first go through Zhengyiguan.

So the posthouse of Longhushan is also here, and the postman is the department of Longhushan responsible for connecting all parties.

In this era, although the telephone was invented, it has been five or sixty years.

But there are very few places where it can be applied. Longhushan still uses the ancient way of sending letters - flying cranes to send letters.

"Hey, what's the wind today, it's blowing Junior Brother Zhiwei here, hurry up, take your seat, pour tea, pour good tea!"

The posthouse, an important place for information exchanges, is guarded 24 hours a day.

Seeing Zhang Zhiwei coming, the senior brother in charge of the post house hurriedly greeted him.

Zhang Zhiwei's popularity is very good. In the whole Longhu Mountain, except for his master Zhang Jingqing who always gives him a face, everyone else, whether they are peers or elders, are kind to him.

"Brother, you are too polite, family, do this!"

Zhang Zhiwei walked into the post house, and he was not polite. He sat on a chair, took a sip of good tea, and expressed his intentions:

"Brother, I'm here to post a letter, to the Lu family and the Lu family of the four families!"

"That's easy to say, the four families have close contacts with us in Longhu Mountain, and there is a special communication channel. By the way, a common question, what does Junior Brother Zhiwei want to do with the four families?" the senior brother at the post house asked.

Zhang Zhiwei took a sip of his tea: "It's still the last time I went to Lu's house to attend a big birthday. The brothers may not be clear about it. Let me tell you..."

"You don't need to tell me, we all know it!" A senior brother laughed, "You beat the young master of the Lu family with a slap and made him cry, didn't you?"

Another senior brother added: "I even picked up the Lu family's two bibis like chickens."

Another senior brother added: "The slap even knocked Da Bi's head into the ground, it is said that he was hit upside down."

"Also, almost one person picked all the younger generations present!"


The senior brothers talked about Zhang Zhiwei's glorious deeds all over the place.

"..." Zhang Zhiwei was a little surprised, "You guys know the details!"

"That's not true, Tian Jinzhong's big mouth, in those few days, he would come to see everyone for a while, and I will tell you well!" A senior brother said.

"That's right, the last time I asked him if he had eaten, he said, senior brother, do you know that senior brother Zhiwei swept the audience by himself in the Lu family compound? Hahaha..." another senior brother laughed.

It was said that Zhang Zhiwei used tactics to drink water, but he didn't expect Tian Jinzhong to be so good at publicity. This kid is from the Propaganda Department of Longhushan? !
"To tell the truth, Zhiwei, you have given us Longhushan a good reputation this time!" The senior brother laughed.

Zhang Zhiwei sighed: "Brother, don't make fun of me. What kind of face do you have? Recently, after I returned to the mountain, I subdued Xinyuan, and my mentality became more rounded. I suddenly felt that I had gone too far."

"Speaking of which, the relationship between us, Longhushan and the Four Families is pretty good, and we have a good relationship with the Sany School. The drama I played before was a bit off-putting. I think we should do something!"

"So I just want to write a letter to invite Lu Jin and Lu Jia Shuangbi to come to Longhu Mountain for a gathering. Then I will host a banquet and entertain them, have a good time with wine and talk, and eliminate misunderstandings. This will not affect the harmony in the future!"

This is Zhang Zhiwei's plan.

The content of the letter sent from the post office will be checked by the post post. Of course, he can't ask Lu Jin about the news from Liaodong on the letter.

So I can only find an excuse to call Lu Jin to Shangqing Town.

And this excuse is very reasonable.

After listening to the post, the senior brother slapped the table and said excitedly:

"Brother Zhiwei, it's really great that you have this idea. I believe uncle and uncle will be very pleased. How about this, you write, and I will send an expedited one to keep it at Lu's house and Lu family tomorrow. Home!"

"Then thank you, brother!" Zhang Zhiwei said with a smile.

Then he took out the gold-coated paper he took out from the master's desk and began to write.

Gold-coated paper is the paper used in the past, and it is also an excellent material for making talismans, which can preserve the effectiveness of supernatural powers in talismans to the greatest extent.

It is undoubtedly quite extravagant for Zhang Zhiwei to use it to write letters. The brothers next to him grinned when they saw it, feeling a little distressed.

"Brother Lu, it's been a while since I saw the letter. It's been a few days since we left the compound. I've improved a little recently. I suddenly felt that something was wrong last time. I want to invite you to Shangqing Town for a gathering, to have a drink and talk, and to discuss the true meaning of cultivation. ..."

After writing to Lao Lu, Zhang Zhiwei wrote another letter to Lu Ci:
"Erbi, it's been a while since I saw the letter. It's been a few days since I left the compound. I've improved a lot in my cultivation recently, and I'm deeply touched. I feel that the instructions I gave you last time were a little too sloppy, and the shots were a little heavy." , I specially invite you to come to Shangqing Town to gather together to explore the way of cultivation, and at the same time, have a good time with wine and talk, this time I will be the host, I will have four cups, and you one cup, hurry up and fight!"

After finishing writing, Zhang Zhiwei handed the letter to the postman brother.

The senior brother took the letter and took a look at it. He didn't notice anything wrong, and said with a smile:

"You have four cups, and the other party has one cup? Zhiwei, can't you see that you still have a lot?"

"After all, to apologize, you have to have an attitude!" Zhang Zhiwei said with a smile.

"Well, Junior Brother Zhiwei, I'll send it to you right away!"

As he said that, he saw that senior brother flying with his hands, and with a pinch of the formula, the two pieces of gold-coated paper turned into two golden paper cranes and flapped their wings. After circling a few times in the air, they flew out of the posthouse and disappeared into the night middle.

"It's settled. Those who go to Lu's house will probably arrive tomorrow morning. Those who go to Lu's house should slow down and take the afternoon!" The senior brother laughed.

"Then thank you brother!"

Zhang Zhiwei said a few more polite words, left the post house, and returned to Tianshi Mansion.

Looking at the back of Zhang Zhiwei leaving, a brother in a posthouse muttered to himself:

"Zhiwei is still easy to talk about. Why are the rumors so fierce outside? If he didn't deny it himself, I would have thought that the news was fake and spread rumors!"

"Come on, Zhiwei is in our Longhu Mountain, so he can talk to us brothers and sisters. If he goes down the mountain, hehe..."

"Hmph? What's the matter? Could it be that after Zhiwei went out, could he change his face?"

"You're all on your own, how do you talk? What do you mean by changing your face? This is called inner sage and outer king. He is kind at home and acts kingly outside!"

"Brother, Zhiwei is not here, so you don't have to say that?" A Taoist reminded with a smile.

That brother slammed the table: "You think I'm a sycophant?! It's funny, okay, okay, let's not talk about it, write down what happened just now, and write it in two copies, one for the master and one for the teacher. Da Shangqing Palace, to Master Tianshi!"

Not long after, two yellow paper cranes flew out from the posthouse.

One copy flew to Zhengyiguanli Hall not far away.

One copy flew to the Dashangqing Palace.

(End of this chapter)

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