Under one person: I, Zhang Zhiwei, the arrogant Zhang.

Chapter 123 Godhead Mask Stage 3, Living Ghosts and Gods

Chapter 123 The Third Stage of the Godhead Mask, Living Ghosts and Gods

"By the way, Guanzhu, what's going on in Huangshi Town now?"

Zhang Zhiwei temporarily suppressed his mind of turning himself into a god, and asked.

Ziyun Guanzhu said: "The situation is very bad. That ghost named Xia Liuhong kills one of the family every night, and the method is extremely cruel. Last night, a family of thirteen were killed!"

"It's so fierce. Knowing that it's haunted, don't the people in the town know how to run away?" Tian Jinzhong asked puzzled.

"Xiao Gaogong was joking, now that the army is in turmoil, where can he go? Moreover, there are thousands of people in a town who are lucky, thinking that disasters will not happen to them!" Ziyun Temple Master said.

Zhang Zhiwei also nodded and said: "That's a good reason. Ghosts are born with resentment, and they hold vengeance the most. They are really after you. It's useless to run out of this town. Since the situation is critical, let's not procrastinate. We will go to Huangshi now town."

"Everything is up to Xiao Gaogong. By the way, Xiao Gaogong, if we go this time, what altar will we set up?" Ziyun Master asked.

"No need, I am a moving Altar of the Five Thunders, lead the way, go directly to the town!" Zhang Zhiwei said lightly.


Several old Taoists of Ziyun Temple looked at each other, gritted their teeth, and did it, pretending to be a disciple with a surname, a candidate for a celestial master to lead the way, afraid of being a bird.

"However, two young masters, wait a moment, let me prepare!"

"OK, no problem!"

Zhang Zhiwei nodded and said, he knew that Taoist priests who majored in talismans did compare ink smears before departure, after all, they had to prepare their means.

After waiting in the temple for a while, Temple Master Ziyun and several old Taoist priests came out fully armed.

What Zhang Zhiwei saw was his eyelids twitching.

I saw a few people still holding floating dust in their hands, with talismans in their waist pockets, all wearing apricot yellow Taoist robes, and eight trigrams mirrors hanging on their chests.

There are two swords on his back, a mahogany sword and a copper coin sword. There is also a Liuding Liujia order flag on his shoulder, which looks like a big show.

It seems that the ghost in Huangshi Town scared the people in Ziyun Temple enough last time, and they have arranged this outfit... Zhang Zhiwei thought to himself.

Tian Jinzhong was also stunned in shock, silently looking at the five mahogany swords on his back, he was too restrained as a sword-carrying junior.

"Xiao Gaogong laughed at him. He lost several disciples in a row. He didn't dare not prepare enough!"

Ziyun Guanzhu noticed the eyes of Zhang Zhiwei and Tian Jinzhong, and explained with a wry smile.

"Understand, let's go!"



Afterwards, the group went straight to Huangshi Town.

This time, because of the large number of people going, Zhang Zhiwei didn't change out of the crane to rush on the road, and didn't rush to use the god-shaped armored horse, so he took a dozen or so people from Ziyun Temple and passed by in a mighty way.

After walking for about half an hour, Huangshi Town came into view.

It was already midnight, although it was not completely dark yet, every house in Huangshi Town was already brightly lit.

Even the poorest families don't care about saving at this moment, so they light up a few more kerosene lamps to brighten up the house.

"As the saying goes, if there is a grievance, there is a debtor. Xia Liuhong is the daughter-in-law of the mayor's family, and she was also ordered to be immersed in a pig cage by the mayor. She has a grudge, so she must be the first to go to the mayor. Where is the mayor?" Zhang Zhiwei ask.

Master Ziyun said: "It should be in the ancestral hall in the town. Ever since the town was haunted by ghosts, the mayor hid in and dared not come out. He even sent someone to ask us to get rid of the ghosts!"

Zhang Zhiwei said: "The ancestral hall has been enshrined by future generations for many years. If the incense is at its peak, it can indeed ward off evil spirits and protect future generations, but the ghost named Xia Liuhong can overturn the altar. I'm afraid this ancestral hall can't stop it." Bar!"


Master Ziyun pondered for a moment, then nodded and said: "It is reasonable to say that this is the case, but we did it last time, and he is still alive and well!"

At this time, Tian Jinzhong, who had been listening silently by the side, suddenly had an idea: "Could it be that there is some incredible treasure in the ancestral hall in that town, which can suppress ghosts?"

"You have a good idea, don't think about it next time!"

Zhang Zhiwei said something, and took out a heaven and earth audio-visual talisman.

This is what he did before. Although the world audio-visual altar is also very simple and can be used at any time, it is not as convenient as making a talisman.

With a thought, after using the heaven and earth audio-visual talisman, Zhang Zhiwei's consciousness was heightened. Looking at the overall situation, overlooking the world, he could have a panoramic view of the whole Huangshi Town.

In his eyes, the ancestral ancestral hall in the center of the town is surrounded by a dark and strange demon atmosphere, full of resentment, as if covered by a cloud of gray mist, surrounded by smoke and fog, and a picture of A twisted and struggling fuzzy face, appearing and disappearing from time to time, howling and screaming into the sky.

Zhang Zhiwei suddenly understood: "The ancestral hall has long been occupied by ghosts, let's go, go in, and destroy her!"

Immediately, Zhang Zhiwei took everyone to the ancestral hall in the center of the town.

When I first entered the town, from time to time, people looked around and cast expectant eyes, and some people sent some ocean coins, imploring everyone to subdue the ghost.

However, as we went deeper into the center of the town, fewer people came out, and none even came to look in. The doors and windows of every house were closed, and the atmosphere suddenly became gloomy and treacherous.

The entire central location of Huangshi Town is dead quiet, and everything is cast in a shadow.

The strong evil spirit almost rushed over, and Zhang Zhiwei and his party walked in it, feeling the air was a bit sticky.

Faintly, the sound of singing and suona came from the wind.

It's gloomy, it doesn't look like it's being sung to people, but it's like it's being sung to ghosts. I don't know where it came from. When I turn my head to look, the voice will come from behind again. It sounds extremely Infiltrate.

"It's shrunken, as if it came from the house!"

Tian Jinzhong muttered something, opened the windows of several houses, and looked inside one by one, and found that the residents in these houses were all surrounded by a kind of evil spirit, and they were in a daze.

Some were sleeping with hideous faces, as if they had had a nightmare.

Some were chopping vegetables with a dull face, but they were still chopping blankly after all the vegetables were gone.

Some have dull faces, circling around the room like walking dead.

Some murmured to themselves in horror, saying that they should not act against their conscience.

"Brother, something is wrong with these people!" Tian Jinzhong said.

"That's not right!" Zhang Zhiwei said: "This is the qi from the outside world, which affects the qi of the body, so it creates hallucinations. It's a bit similar to the Feng Shui qi situation. In layman's terms, it's a ghost hitting a wall. Activate the Golden Light Curse!"

Hearing this, everyone used golden light one after another to avoid the surging evil spirit.

Those present are all disciples of Longhu Mountain, even if it is a branch of the Purple Cloud Temple, they still know the Golden Light Curse.

However, Zhang Zhiwei didn't open it, his life cultivation base was strong enough, this bit of evil energy couldn't affect him at all.

"Xiao Gaogong is so good at cultivation!" Ziyun Temple Master praised this scene.

"Absurd praise!" Zhang Zhiwei said lightly.

"By the way, Xiao Gao Gong!" Ziyun Temple Master said solemnly: "Compared to the last time, we haven't seen any ghosts this time, and the evil spirit is so strong, this ghost must have become stronger! "

"Are you sure you've become stronger?" Zhang Zhiwei asked.

"Sure, and it has become stronger by more than one notch. It shouldn't be. How can ghosts grow so fast?"

The Master Ziyun's face was a bit ugly. He has been eliminating ghosts for decades, what scene hasn't he seen?But this situation is the first time encountered.

Zhang Zhiwei thought for a while and said: "Maybe it's because this ghost is transformed by a Changyou who is good at playing the soul son. Changyou can seal the power of faith in a weapon, which is convenient for use when acting as a god. This ghost named Xia Liuhong may absorb it." The power of faith in the ancestral hall became stronger!"

While talking, Zhang Zhiwei remembered what Master said when he introduced Changyou last time.

The power of belief, although the individual is small, the power of belief in the masses is beyond imagination.

And advocating excellence can collect and store the spiritual power revealed by the masses when they worship ghosts and gods in awe.

When necessary, they will use these mental powers to display their specialty - acting.

Act until others believe, act until you believe, use yourself to act as a god, and use yourself to become a god.

In the current situation, this advocating actor named Xia Liuhong no longer has to act to the point where she believes she is a soul child.

Because she has truly become a soul child, this is already the third stage of the mask of the godhead, but the role of Li Huiniang she plays is too useless, and she has no other abilities except for a yin and yang treasure fan.

So, what she has to do now is to make others believe, make others fear, make others awe, and absorb the power of these beliefs to strengthen herself.

And the power of faith, in the final analysis, is generated by people, so she didn't kill people in Huangshi Town, but cut meat with blunt knives, killing one family every night, making every family fear her.

As long as this kind of belief is strong enough, she will get rid of Li Huiniang's weak identity, and gradually become the ghosts and gods that these people fear in their hearts.

"Want to turn into a living ghost? The ideal is full, but the reality is very skinny!"

Zhang Zhiwei sighed in his heart.

This idea is very good and has a bright future, but it is the same as what the master said last time when he taught him a lesson. If he has no strength, it will not work.

No, didn't she meet a stumbling block like herself today?
Moreover, even if she didn't come today, there would be other high-spirited people who came to deal with her.

Longhushan is there, killing several disciples in the temple, can she be accommodated?

It is certain to be wiped out, it is only a matter of time.

It's just that she was very unlucky this time, and met herself at the beginning.

"However, what she is doing now coincides with my thoughts. Maybe I can get some inspiration from her!"

Zhang Zhiwei said to himself, and continued to lead the team to the ancestral hall in the center of the town.

(End of this chapter)

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