Chapter 126


Heart Ape hammered his head, and there was a terrible collision, making a dull sound of sour teeth.

The female ghost's neck bone was broken by the hammer, and her head was like a broken clockwork, twisted a full [-] degrees, and hung on her neck at a strange angle, which was too tragic to describe.

However, this kind of injury is not fatal to the ghost. Instead, the female ghost took advantage of the impact just now and slammed back, trying to distance herself from the heart ape.

But Heart Ape was obviously prepared, and would not let the other party let go so easily. In a blink of an eye, he quickly reached out and grabbed the female ghost's leg, dragged it back, and then slammed it hard on the ground !

The air wave flew, and a big hole was smashed out of the small world of the human body, and the female ghost fell deeply into the big hole.

Immediately afterwards, Heart Ape jumped into the big pit suddenly, with hostility in his eyes, grabbed the female ghost's left hand, pressed his right leg against the female ghost's neck, and pulled violently, only heard a "click", the female ghost's The whole arm was torn off abruptly!
"Ah ah ah ah..."

The female ghost screamed, the originally broken neck stretched like a snake's neck, completely violated the way the joints moved, opened its big black mouth, and bit Xin Yuan, but was punched by Xin Yuan. Hit the forehead, hit back to the bottom of the pit again.

Immediately afterwards, Xinyuan raised his hands high, like beating drums, and hurled wildly at the female ghost at the bottom of the pit.

"Boom! Boom! Boom..."

Punch after punch came crashing down, and the area trembled slightly.

Zhang Zhiwei, who was watching the battle from above, had his eyes twitching slightly. Hou Zai's face-changing speed is too fast. One second he was a naive furball, but the next second he turned into this ferocious look?
How depressing is it usually? !
At the same time, Zhang Zhiwei also felt the current mental activity of the heart ape from the feedback of the heart.

It turned out that this guy was purely venting.

As it smashed, it was still roaring in its heart.


"I am a teacher of the state. In this small world of human bodies, I am only one step lower than that big-faced thief. I am under one person."

"If I get out of here, I will only be inferior to that big-faced thief, and I will be inferior to one person."

"I was bullied by the big-faced thieves. It's because I'm not as good as others. How dare you do something to me? How dare you?"

"You bastard, what is your status, what is my status, you dare to sneak attack me?!"

"It's something that wants to step on me?!"

"I'm going to beat you to death!"

Heart Ape's vicious aura was soaring to the sky, without any mercy, the bottom of the pit trembled again and again as his fists rose and fell.

It didn't use Leifa, nor did it use other moves, it only used the most primitive, brutal, and violent fighting methods.

Under repeated beatings, Xinyuan was full of evil spirits, his eyes were fierce, and the icy flames with the smell of blood sprayed wantonly, and it was difficult for anyone to connect it with the previous little furball.

Under Xin Yuan's crazy output, the female ghost at the bottom of the pit was completely changed, almost turned into a puddle of flesh.

During this period, it's not that she didn't want to fight back, but there was no other way. One was that she didn't have enough strength, and the other was that Xin Yuan would see through her every time she tried to run.

However, at this moment, the female ghost's body that was almost turned into rotten flesh suddenly exploded, and the flesh and blood turned into countless small black snakes.

These little black snakes engulfed Xin Yuan in an instant, crawled all over Xin Yuan's body, while biting it, they also pervasively penetrated into the eyes and mouth...

Ghosts have no substance. These black snake-like things are actually mental attacks, and they are devouring the spiritual power of the heart ape.

However, since ancient times, only big fish eat small fish. Even if Xinyuan was burned by Zhang Zhiwei's Samadhi real fire, the essence of his soul is much higher than that of female ghosts.

This move of the female ghost is not so much absorbing the power of the soul of the heart ape, but rather sending it into the mouth of the heart ape.

Sure enough, the lightning in Xinyuan's eyes suddenly exploded, and the flames and electricity intertwined all over his body, quickly sealing his whole body, preventing the black snakes that got into his body from escaping.

It wants to wipe out and digest all the black snakes that entered its body, and turn them into a pure spiritual force to nourish the soul.

Above the human body, Zhang Zhiwei looked at this scene with a little surprise, saying that he would grow wiser if he suffered from it, but this sentence didn't seem to apply to this female ghost.

The first time she was a surprise attack, she dug herself into the small world of the human body.

The second time it was broken into pieces, rushed into Xin Yuan's body, went into his mouth, and was directly digested by Xin Yuan.

Absorbing the spirit power of the female ghost, the breath of the heart ape began to rise steadily.

However, Zhang Zhiwei didn't care about this. Compared with the ones he burned before, this increase is not worth mentioning.

"Digest well, after digesting, tell me what I want!"

In the sky, the giant face spoke, and the voice shook the sky.

The heart ape, who was full of anger just now, froze for a moment, and then his figure gradually became smaller, reverting to the fist-sized image before.


The fist-sized Heart Ape grinned, showing a bright smile, and bouncing back in response.

It told Zhang Zhiwei, don't worry, boss, leave everything to me!
Zhang Zhiwei was taken aback for a second when he looked at the naive heart ape who had no trace of the previous fierce arrogance.

This face-changing speed...

He is Guihudan who plays Shaoxing opera.

Are you playing face-changing Sichuan opera?
He is perfect in doing things, able to bend and stretch, this heart ape, he has polished himself well.

With a sigh in my heart, the giant face slowly disappeared.

This female ghost was born from resentment, and absorbed a lot of power of faith. The composition is relatively complicated, even if it is a heart ape, it will take a while to digest it.

Zhang Zhiwei didn't continue to squat, and kept watching with a ray of consciousness, then finished his meditation and opened his eyes.

Zhang Zhiwei was shocked by what he saw when he opened his eyes.

In front of him, there was an altar made up of three tables. A small jade seal was tied with a golden ribbon and hung high above the altar.

Yellow talisman papers were scattered all over his surroundings, and six ever-burning lights were placed in Liuhe directions around him.

All the people in Ziyun Temple, holding a talisman in one hand and a sword in the other, were all ready to fight, looking at themselves nervously.

"What are you... doing?" Zhang Zhiwei asked.


Everyone in the Purple Cloud Temple was stunned, and each looked at each other, but they didn't dare to be careless at all, and shouted: "Who are you?!"

"I, Zhang Zhiwei!"

"How can you prove it?"

Zhang Zhiwei felt a little speechless, raised his hand, and a ball of bright lightning intertwined in his palm.

Seeing this situation, everyone in the Ziyun Temple breathed a sigh of relief. Lei Fa is the nemesis of all ghosts and evil spirits. Being able to use Lei Fa shows that the person in front of him is a real person and not possessed by a ghost.

"Earlier when the ghost disappeared, Xiao Gaogong suddenly sat in meditation, but it scared us!"

The Master Ziyun let out a sigh of relief. Zhang Zhiwei's status in Longhu Mountain is quite unusual. If something happened here, he, the master of the division, could hardly be blamed.

Tian Jinzhong inserted the two mahogany swords back into his back, and said excitedly:

"Brother, have you dealt with that female ghost?"

"Don't be six in the basics!" Zhang Zhiwei waved his hand: "Call work!"

"Without using other means, the power of the soul alone can defeat the ghosts who specialize in this way. The cultivation base of the small high-level kung fu is really admired by the old Taoist. This process must be very dangerous. Unfortunately, we are weak and can't help. What are you doing!"

The master Ziyun sighed, if he first saw Zhang Zhiwei, he would belittle him, but after knowing Zhang Zhiwei's identity, he would pay attention to him, and now he would respect him.

That's right, it is reverence. He is an elder, and he respects a junior. It may be a bit outrageous to say it, but it is the truth.

In the world of aliens, those who are masters come first, and Zhang Zhiwei was in his weaker years. Such a cultivation level really made them, the older generation, feel ashamed.

"It's not dangerous. Such trivial things are not worth mentioning. The temple master doesn't need to care about it. I have achieved a little achievement in this cultivation of life. This ghost wants to attack my Niwan Palace. It is undoubtedly a mantis's arms and a car, and it is beyond its control!"

Zhang Zhiwei looked calm and calm, and did not exaggerate, but told the truth.

Wasn't that what happened in the scene just now? In the small world of the human body, he sat on the altar, just like the big devil in the game level.

And the female ghost who rushed in was like the warrior who broke through the barrier. If she wanted to enter the Niwan Palace to kill him, the great devil, she first had to kill his minions, but in the end, she was wiped out by the minions.

It is not an exaggeration to say that the mantis' arm is like a cart.

"Yes, yes, it's not dangerous at all. My senior brother can still distract himself by controlling the Golden Light Curse to protect himself. If it's really dangerous, I'm afraid there will be no master, and everything will be in chaos!"

At this time, Tian Jinzhong, a little fan, jumped out and said to Yourong with a look on his face.

He has the best relationship with his senior brother, and his senior brother is powerful, rounding up to five, he is the best.

"That's right, I seriously underestimated Xiao Gaogong's strength. Xiao Gaogong has such a cultivation level at a young age. From now on, it must be my blessing!"

Master Ziyun sighed, these words are really not fake polite words, but from the heart.

While speaking, Master Ziyun couldn't help thinking in his heart, with such a cultivation base at such a young age, if he practiced for a few more decades, would it still be worth it?

And then take over the position of the celestial master from the hands of the contemporary celestial master, what kind of peerless grace will it be?How beautiful will Longhu Mountain be? !

Although the Purple Cloud Temple is only a sub-view of the Tianshi Mansion, but the general altar is powerful, and these sub-views will speak with a strong voice.

This scene, just thinking about it, makes people excited.

It's a pity that at his age, he probably won't have the chance to meet him, but he has no regrets to see such a proud man.

Ziyun Temple mainly looks at Zhang Zhiwei, and the more he looks at it, the more pleasing to the eye.

"The viewer is polite, that's right!"

Zhang Zhiwei pointed around, and saw more than a dozen bloody corpses lying around the open space of the ancestral hall.

These corpses are covered with all kinds of scars, which are hideous and terrifying.

"We were invited by the mayor to slay demons, but looking at this scene, the mayor may be in danger. Who should we ask for wages?"

Zhang Zhiwei asked, although it is a bounden duty for Taoist priests to eliminate demons and defend Taoism, but Taoist priests also have to eat, especially this time Ziyun Temple lost several people.

(End of this chapter)

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