Under one person: I, Zhang Zhiwei, the arrogant Zhang.

Chapter 129 The 5th Realm of Jinggong, Sanctification of the Flesh

Chapter 129 The Fifth Realm of Jinggong, Sanctification of the Flesh
In the clear sky, a crane floated above the clouds, and the long wind whistled around.

On the back of the crane, Zhang Zhiwei stood in front, closed his eyes, and stood with his hands behind his back.

And behind him, Tian Jinzhong sat cross-legged, his whole body glowing with golden light, resisting the strong wind from all directions, preventing himself from being blown down.

"Brother, why don't you speak?" Tian Jinzhong was a little bored.

"I'm in meditation!" Zhang Zhiwei still closed his eyes when he said this.

"Ambience?" Tian Jinzhong was a little surprised, "Senior brother, you are still standing, you are not meditating, and on this occasion, with the wind howling, you can also enter concentration?"

"Why can't you enter samadhi? Oda, the purpose of samadhi is to calm down. What kind of environment, what kind of posture is not important, just need to be quiet!"

"Can you enter meditation without meditating? As expected of you, senior brother, how high is the realm of Qi Jinggong?"

Tian Jinzhong sighed, and said again: "The master said before that you and Huaiyi practiced secretly, and Huaiyi secretly practiced. I didn't see it, but you, I saw it. You are still practicing on the back of the crane. Do you want to do this?" Hard work?"

"Practitioners, of course you have to take your practice seriously." Zhang Zhiwei said, "How far have you reached in meditation?"

"It should be barely in the third realm, let's be happy in seconds!" Tian Jinzhong said.

"Then work harder and strive to enter the fourth realm. After all, practice is to gather Qi. If there are too many distracting thoughts, the Qi will be dispersed, and the efficiency of practicing Qi will be low. Only when you really calm down, will the Qi be faster. Gather to your dantian."

Zhang Zhiwei said slowly: "The deeper you enter the meditation, the smoother the movement and condensation of qi will be. If you practice Jinggong to the extreme, you can become stronger even without practicing!"

"It's hard to calm down!" Tian Jinzhong asked, "Senior brother, what level has your meditation skills reached? Have you reached the advanced stage of the fourth level of meditation?"

"Not too clear, it's hard to say!" Zhang Zhiwei said.

Hearing this, Tian Jinzhong was very obedient and stopped asking.

Zhang Zhiwei continued: "It's hard to say. It's not that I have to hide or hide my clumsiness. It's just that I don't know how to describe it. I don't say anything modest about it with you."

"Now, as long as I move my qi into concentration, I can do it regardless of the occasion or posture. Even with my eyes open, I can practice concentration while walking. In terms of static work, it should be beyond the scope of the fourth stage of giving up and purifying thoughts. .”

"But I haven't set foot in a new realm. I always feel that there is a layer of membrane that can't be pierced. There is always a small knot in my heart that can't be solved, so I can't be completely quiet. After all, I haven't understood it thoroughly!"

As he said that, Zhang Zhiwei slowly opened his eyes. Different from his usual pair of star-like, sharp eyes, in this state of meditation, there was no trace of expression in his eyes, which were ordinary. At first glance, it is no different from ordinary people.

However, Tian Jinzhong, who was behind him, had no chance to see this scene. Of course, with Tian Jinzhong's current cultivation base, even if he saw it, he would not be able to see anything other than feeling that his senior brother had a pair of dead fish eyes.

This is the ability that Zhang Zhiwei acquired after he got rid of the inner demons and reached the realm of inner sage and outer king. It has not been greatly improved, but it is more convenient to practice.

However, Zhang Zhiwei thinks that this may be the reason why he has not completely broken through. If he can break through the fourth level of Jinggong, the effect of practice may still have a qualitative leap.

The key to breaking through the realm of Jinggong may lie in Liaodong... Zhang Zhiwei looked up to the east.

In the last trip to the interior scene, although he burned away those illusions and delusions, it was still the interior scene, and he needed to go to the exterior scene to repeat it again, to unite the inside and outside, and completely destroy everything.

This is also the reason why he eagerly wants to go to Liaodong, saying that it is all for the country and the people, it is a big hypocrisy, he is also for himself.

"Beyond the fourth realm, but not completely surpassed?"

Behind him, Tian Jinzhong stared, muttering to himself with an incredulous expression on his face.

Among the brothers of their generation, no matter they are young or old, most of them have practiced Jing Gong in the second and third realms, and there are very few in the fourth realm. Only some brothers in their 40s and [-]s have reached it.

Now, senior brother Zhiwei, who is less than 20 years old, has surpassed the fourth realm and is about to enter a new realm, how scary it must be.

"Brother, can you remind me?" Tian Jinzhong scratched his head and smiled.

In terms of Jinggong, no matter how you mention it, the master can't raise it... Zhang Zhiwei looked at Tian Jinzhong, thought for a moment, and a flash of inspiration flashed in his mind, and said:
"I have an idea, but it's a bit painful. Would you like to try it?"

"What's your idea?" Tian Jinzhong said hastily, "I'm not afraid of suffering!"

"From today on, you insist on not sleeping for a period of time, and use static exercises instead of sleeping!" Zhang Zhiwei said.

"Ah?!" Tian Jinzhong said, "I tried meditation practice instead of sleeping. It is indeed feasible, but if you don't rest for a long time, your brain will be very tired, the state of concentration will be very poor, and the efficiency will be very low!"

"That's why you have to exercise restraint. When you achieve the same effect as when you don't sleep, it means that your meditation skills have improved a lot!"

Zhang Zhiwei said that he himself did the same thing. He hadn't slept for a long time, and he spent it in meditation. For him, sleeping or not sleeping, there is no big difference, even because of the high level of Jinggong For Tian Jinzhong's sake, getting into samadhi was more relaxing than sleeping, but it was still a bit too difficult for Tian Jinzhong.

"Then how about...I go back...to try?" Tian Jinzhong said with some difficulty. He has three hobbies, eating, chatting, and sleeping.

Among these three hobbies, he likes sleeping the most, because when he falls asleep, these three hobbies come alive in his dreams.

"You can try it, for example, set a small goal first and insist on not sleeping for a year!" Zhang Zhiwei said.

"One... one year!~" Tian Jinzhong said dully, "This goal is not small, why don't you try it for a month...ah no... try it for a week!"

Zhang Zhiwei turned his head and looked at him with blank eyes.

"Brother, don't look at me like a master!" Tian Jinzhong shrank his neck, "Then let's make a decision... for a month!"

"Okay, let's take it step by step!"

As he said that, a ray of golden light emerged from Zhang Zhiwei's body, turned into a silk thread, wrapped around Tian Jinzhong's feet, and said: "I'll hold you to prevent you from falling, and you withdraw the golden light, and try to enter meditation on the back of the crane."

Tian Jinzhong glanced at the golden thread on his ankle: "Then if I am in meditation, brother, you have to hurry up!"

Zhang Zhiwei looked serious: "Senior brother, don't worry!"


Tian Jinzhong calmed his head, then withdrew the golden light of the body protector, and tried to settle down in the strong wind.

Seeing Tian Jinzhong slowly enter the state, Zhang Zhiwei removed the gold thread tied to Tian Jinzhong's ankle.

Many things, in fact, can be done once you grit your teeth. The reason why you can't do it is because you are not self-consistent and need a little help. The same is true for practice.

Of course, removing the gold thread doesn't mean that Zhang Zhiwei doesn't care about Tian Jinzhong. If this kid really doesn't live up to his expectations and falls off the crane's back, he can catch it.

After being fooled into talking about tuberculosis, Zhang Zhiwei also began to calm down and think about the Godhead mask.

In the early morning, the "national teacher" had already crushed and digested Xia Liuhong's soul, and reported to him all Xia Liuhong's understanding of the mask of the godhead after she turned into a ghost.

At this moment, on the back of the crane, Zhang Zhiwei began to think about the details.

If one wants to play a god by cultivating a godhead mask, one must use a god to play it. What is a god does not refer to the hundred gods of the human body in the inner alchemy, but the primordial spirit. Only by using the primordial spirit to perform the divine form can one perform the divine form, otherwise It's just superficial!
And the first stage of the godhead mask is called borrowing divine power.

In the second stage, it is necessary to steal the world's belief in the gods and reach the stage of descending the gods, which is called descending the power of the gods.

But to reach this stage, you need to borrow the power of faith to exert your power. After all, no matter how similar you act, you are not a true god. Without the power of faith, isn't it difficult for a clever woman to cook without rice?

And at the third stage, when the god transformation is successful, at this time, you can directly obtain the ability of the god you are playing, and you don't even need to go to various places with strong incense to collect the power of faith and store it in advance, you can directly use the power of the god you are playing Belief.

But this stage is very dangerous.

Zhang Zhiwei learned from the memories that Xin Yuan packed up that Xia Liuhong was not so violent when she first transformed into a ghost.

But after she absorbed the power of faith from the people of Huangshi Town, she was completely lost under the influence of the delusion of the fate of faith, and began to become more and more vicious.

"Using the primordial spirit to impersonate others is undoubtedly an unwise act. The primordial spirit is the key to sex, and the practice of sexual skills is to temper the primordial spirit. To turn the primordial spirit into someone else, isn't this abandoning oneself? Is this still practice?"

"Cultivation is also called self-cultivation. What is self-cultivation? To learn the Tao and practice, to seek the true self, to discard the false and preserve the true is to cultivate the truth. The name of self-cultivation has existed since ancient times, and it is commonly called Taoism."

"Cultivating my own soul into the appearance of others, can I still be regarded as a true self? This godhead mask is just a slanted sword, and it is just a heretic method. However, if I take a slanted sword again, won't I be on the right track? "

"Cultivation means cultivating the true self. I don't play other gods. I directly evolve myself, first observe myself, and then reflect myself on the primordial spirit to evolve, so that the body and spirit become one. Isn't this the true self?"

"The evolution of the primordial spirit and the physical body are completely consistent, blending with each other, regardless of you and me, and go hand in hand. Wouldn't it go further on the road of dual cultivation of life and soul?"

"And you can control the power of belief of all living beings without sitting in the dharma vein. Isn't this the sanctification of the flesh?"

"As for the influence of the power of belief of all living beings on oneself, my internal alchemy has been cultivated to the realm of inner sage and outer king. My own consciousness sits high on the altar and is not affected by my own delusions. None of my own delusions can affect me, let alone Not to mention outside thoughts."

"This way is feasible and has no disadvantages."

With this in mind, Zhang Zhiwei began to evolve himself on the back of the crane.

(End of this chapter)

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