Under one person: I, Zhang Zhiwei, the arrogant Zhang.

Chapter 135 The master who protects the calf, the Dongfeng Sword that must fulfill the mission

Chapter 135 The master who protects the calf, the Dongfeng Sword that must fulfill the mission
"Uncle, what wind brought you here?"

Zhang Zhiwei saw the sword in Zhang Yi's hand at a glance, and quickly turned away, asking Zhang Yi and Yi to sneak into the house.

"Just now your master asked me to have a few drinks, and said that your boy did a good job in descending the mountain this time, and Ziyun Temple praised you very much. Aren't I curious, so I came here to ask." Zhang Yi said with a smile .

"That's it, then Master Uncle, come in first, I'll explain it to you, by the way," Zhang Zhiwei looked at Yi Qian who was next to Zhang Yi, and said with a smile, "Is Master Yi going to pay me this time? "

With that said, Zhang Zhiwei looked at the sword in Zhang Yi's hand again.

"Of course it is!"

Yi Qian grabbed the sword in Zhang Yi's hand and said:

"Didn't I say that you did a good job, and I will reward you with a seven-star magic sword? The case of Ziyun Temple has been submitted, and you have done a good job. Your uncle, I keep my word, and of course I will send you a sword." , that is, I met your Uncle Zhang Yi on the road, and he took it to play for a while!"

Saying that, Yi Qian handed Zhang Zhiwei a magic sword more than one meter long:
"Come on, let's see how it is. The quality of this sword, even among the seven-star magic swords, can be considered top grade!"

When Yi Qian was talking, Zhang Yi kept looking at him with a smile.

Of course, this sword was not sent by Yi Qian, he went to grab it from Yi Qian.

Before, when he was meditating in Daozang Hall, Zhang Jingqing came over with a food box, and wanted to have a few drinks with him with a smile.

Seeing his brother Zhang Jingqing smiling, he was a little puzzled, so he asked why.

Then Zhang Jingqing talked about it, including the fact that Yi Qian was going to reward Zhang Zhiwei with the Seven Star Sword, and also presented Zhang Yi with the case handed over by Ziyun Temple.

Zhang Yi was also very surprised to see that Ziyun Temple had such a high opinion of Zhang Zhiwei, so he wanted to come and chat with Zhang Zhiwei.

But as soon as he walked out of the door, Zhang Jingqing said that Yi Qian promised to give Zhang Zhiwei the magic sword, but he has not fulfilled it yet. It is not easy for him as a master to ask him, so let him as a master to remind him.

So Zhang Yi turned back to Yi Qian and snatched the magic sword he had collected.

Yi Qian, as a master of cultivating talismans, is best at edict talismans, which are used to make sacrifices. There are all kinds of magic weapons at home, and there are naturally many magic swords. Zhang Yite picked out a very fine one. Walk.

Yi Qian became a little anxious when he saw it, but he didn't intend to renege on the debt, what he thought was to give Zhang Zhiwei a standard seven-star magic sword.

Who knew that Zhang Yi, who was a fisherman, could not help but take a magic sword that he treasured and wanted to give it to Zhang Zhiwei.

He can't chase it out?

This chase led to Zhang Zhiwei's door.

It's all here, Yi Qian also recognized it, comforted himself in his heart, and gave it away, anyway, I still have a few magic swords, I don't feel bad, I can't lose face as an uncle, so I gave it away pretending to be generous.

"Then thank you, Uncle!"

Zhang Zhiwei took the dharma sword with a smile and watched it carefully.

This seven-star magic sword is a Han sword, 1.3 meters long, three fingers wide, with sparkling blades and a formidable air. The standard magic sword of the master's residence.

"Compared to the ordinary Seven Star Magic Sword, this is still a big sword!"

As Zhang Zhiwei said, he held a sword flower. The average magic sword is less than one meter, including the five mahogany swords in his hand.

But this dharma sword is a full 1.3 meters long, and it is a lot longer than ordinary dharma swords in the hand, full of visual oppression, only because Zhang Zhiwei is tall, so it doesn't look very obtrusive.

"Not bad!"

Zhang Yi nodded, thinking that he hadn't misjudged, among Yi Qian's magic swords, this big sword was the most suitable for Zhang Zhiwei.

"By the way, Zhiwei, this is a magical sword, and naturally it is also a magic weapon. As a magic weapon, it has special abilities. About this, I need to talk about it!"

Zhang Yi looked at Yi Qian with a smile and said.

"Then tell me!"

Yi Qian said expressionlessly: "This seven-star magic sword has a long history. It was forged by celestial masters several generations ago. The original intention of it was to slay demons, not to set up an altar for sacrifice, so it is a bit big. You can use it to build an altar."

"In addition, it has two special abilities. One is that even if it is damaged, it can be recovered slowly as long as the damaged parts are glued together. Xiemei, ghosts, and even incense wild gods!"

Xianghuo Wild God is pointing out the existence of Ma Xian and the like, the Xia Liuhong who was beheaded by Zhang Zhiwei before, is it also counted as such?
Even strictly speaking, Zhang Zhiwei himself can now be regarded as a wild god of incense.

Yi Qian introduced the Fajian, and his heart ached more and more. This time, he was really cheated by Zhang Yi.

He wanted to take a few puffs of cigarettes to calm himself down, and reached for the cigarette pouch hanging on his waist, but it was in vain.

It turned out that Zhang Yi, the scoundrel, took the sword and ran away. He chased him in a hurry and forgot to bring his cigarette stick, so he was even angrier now.

Zhang Yi saw his brother's expression, grinned, and said to Zhang Zhiwei:
"Zhiwei, why don't you try some tricks, what do you think, Senior Brother Yi?"

Yi Qian smiled on the surface: "I... I think this proposal is good!"

Zhang Zhiwei is not stupid either, from the texture and function of the sword, and the expressions of the two master uncles, he can roughly know what happened.

"Then give it a try!"

He thanked him earnestly, then held the hilt of the sword in his hand, turned his wrist and wiped it forward, and the blade made a clear grin, like spring water hitting a pebble.

Immediately afterwards, Zhang Zhiwei swung it, and the sound of the sword sounded like a sea tide.

The sword body was connected, and several silver and bright sword marks were torn out in the air.

In just a blink of an eye, the magic sword pierced more than 20 swords.

After a little trial, Zhang Zhiwei retracted his wrist, letting the sword marks disappear in the air.

Although he usually slaps his hands, it doesn't mean he can't use a sword.

You know, Zhang Daoling, the ancestor of the Tianshi Mansion, is a good swordsman, and even passed down the town's magic tool, the three-five male and female sword to kill evil.

Swordsmanship is the basic skill of the Heavenly Master's Mansion. Every Taoist knows it, and Zhang Zhiwei is no exception. He even has good swordsmanship skills, but he has rarely used it.

After all, he doesn't even have many opportunities to use boxing techniques, so where can he use the sword?
Zhang Zhiwei rubbed the back of the sword, flicked it lightly, and then asked Yi Qian:
"This sword is very easy to use. Thank you, uncle. By the way, uncle, what is the name of this sword?"

Yi Qian said blankly: "Since it's all given to you, don't mention the previous name, you can take it yourself!"

Zhang Zhiwei pulled up a sword flower, danced with dots of sharpness, and said:

"I see, this sword should be called Dongfeng!"

Dongfeng Express, the mission must be delivered, free shipping worldwide, and expedited every day.

"Dongfeng, that's a good name, brother, what do you think?" Zhang Yi smiled.

"I can see it!"

Yi Qian continued to remain expressionless, but his heart was bleeding: "Since the sword is also given away, then I will take my leave first, and I have something to do over there!"

After all, he strode away, he was afraid that if he stayed here for a while, he couldn't help but hold Zhang Yi down and beat him up.

After Yi Qian left, only Zhang Zhiwei and Zhang Yi were left in the room.

"Uncle, Uncle Yi is very angry!"

Zhang Zhiwei said with a thumbs up.

"It doesn't matter, this old guy often irritates people, it's good to be irritated once in a while, by the way, did you use the talisman I gave you this time when you went down the mountain?" Zhang Yi asked.

"No!" Zhang Zhiwei said with a smile, "The talismans my uncle gave me are all trump cards. They are used at critical times. How can they be used casually on this kind of brat."

"Good boy, the evil spirit that the entire Purple Cloud Temple can't do anything about is actually just a little ghost in your eyes. Your arrogant personality is really the same as before. If your master hears about it, you must be reprimanded!" Zhang Yi Exclaimed.

"Hehehe, I'm used to it!" Zhang Zhiwei laughed.

"However, don't think that your master is not good. Senior brother, that guy has a knife mouth and a bean curd heart. He screams all day long, but he actually cares about you very much!"

Saying that, Zhang Yi pointed to the Dongfeng Great Sword in Zhang Zhiwei's hand: "This sword is what your master told me to grab, how about it?"

Hearing this, Zhang Zhiwei was in awe: "Master and uncle have great wisdom, I..."

"Okay, okay, don't talk about flattery or anything else, besides, you have brought down the atmosphere of Longhu Mountain!" Zhang Yi laughed loudly.

Zhang Zhiwei: "..."

Dump the pot as much as possible.

He could see that the root of Longhushan's ethos lay in his master and Uncle Zhang Yi.

"Now that the sword is also brought, I should withdraw it. By the way, your master asked me to bring you a few words. Isn't your kid studying talismans recently? He also learned a few altars. He looked at your talismans. The level of the 'Taishang Sanwudu Kung Fu Sutra', which is still at the fifth rank, is a bit low, and it has dragged down the strength of the deity's power, so let you condense the talisman carefully, and go to him after condensing!"

Zhang Yi said with a smile on his face.

Zhang Zhiwei was puzzled: "Why didn't Master tell me directly before this matter?"

"Maybe it's because when you talk about the altar, you think of you hacking him with the altar!" Zhang Yi laughed loudly.

(End of this chapter)

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