Under one person: I, Zhang Zhiwei, the arrogant Zhang.

Chapter 138 Knowing about soldiers and horses on the altar, 5 ghosts carrying Dafa

Chapter 138 Knowing about soldiers and horses on the altar, five ghosts carrying Dafa

When Lu Ci and Wang Ai went up the mountain, Zhang Zhiwei was not idle. He came to Daozang Hall and went to look for Uncle Zhang Yi as usual, but it turned out that the middle-aged senior brother was still stationed here.

"Zhiwei, my master has gone to Dashangqing Palace to do some business. If you have anything to do, just tell me!"

The middle-aged brother said enthusiastically.

Uncle Master opened the back door for himself. Naturally, there is no one here... Zhang Zhiwei reacted and said:
"That's troublesome brother!"

"No trouble, by the way, Zhiwei, what classics did you come to Daozangdian to read, I will show you!" The middle-aged senior brother laughed.

"I want to know about the altar rituals of the guardians and soldiers!" Zhang Zhiwei said.

"Guardian soldiers and horses, I am familiar with this. By the way, Junior Brother Zhiwei, do you want to order soldiers and horses to go up, or do you want to raise soldiers and horses to go down!" said the middle-aged senior brother.

"Go to the altar!"

Zhang Zhiwei said, he didn't have time to spare to raise the weak soldiers and horses.

"Okay, come with me!"

The middle-aged brother took Zhang Zhiwei into the second floor of Daozang Hall, pointed to a row of bookcases and said:

"Here are some Taoist treasures about soldiers and horses on the altar. There are a lot of them. It is too exhausting to read them all. How about this? I recommend a few volumes for you. You read them all, not to say you are proficient, at least you are familiar with this book. Together with the Altar Heavenly Soldiers, we will understand somewhat!"

"Then thank you brother!"

Zhang Zhiwei said with a smile, his face almost turned green when he saw such a row of daozang just now, there are so many, let alone learn, even if he read them all, it would take half a month.

"We're all brothers, don't be so polite!"

The middle-aged brother picked out a few volumes of Daozang and handed them to Zhang Zhiwei:
"Look at it first, if there is anything you don't understand, you can come to the gate of the hall to find me at any time!"

Watching the middle-aged brother leave, Zhang Zhiwei took the volumes of Dao Zang and read it through, and soon gained some understanding of how to use the heavenly soldiers on the altar.

To put it bluntly, the heavenly soldiers on the altar are actually the gods and their subordinates in the dharma lineage.

Generally, there are two ways to order the heavenly soldiers to go to the altar.

One is transformed by the qi of the gods in the dharma lineage, assigned to you, and turned into invisible soldiers and horses to bless your body. According to different gods, the types of soldiers and horses ordered are different!
Among these invisible soldiers and horses, the thunder soldiers of the Leibu are the most powerful.

Of course, in order to order the Thunder Department in Dharmaline, the level of the dharma must reach the third-grade 'Shangqing Three-hole Five-Thunder Sutra'...

As for the second type, there are tangible soldiers and horses, such as the five warriors, the yellow scarf warriors, and even the soldiers and horses summoned by the Soldiers of the Beans, all belong to this category.

Sprinkling beans into soldiers does not mean that beans become soldiers, but that talismans are engraved on the beans, and throwing beans is the same as throwing talismans.

This method of ordering soldiers and horses to the altar is more convenient than the first method, after all, it is directly descended from God.

As for the strength of the descended god, it depends on the user's cultivation base and the level of the dharma.

If the cultivation level is low, the deities that come down from the edict will only have a shape, but they are actually vulnerable. In the plot of Biyou Village, Zhao Guizhen from Maoshan summoned the Five Warriors, and Xiao Zizai defeated them in twos and twos.

And if the cultivation base is high and the talismans are high-level, then the soldiers and horses on the altar of the edict are not only powerful, but may also have a trace of true spirit.

For example, Zhang Daoling, the founder of Zhengyi Sect, who practiced dragon and tiger pills in Yunjin Mountain, once ordered Zhao Gongming to come out of the Dharma lineage, protect the Dharma for him, and guard the alchemy furnace.

After the alchemy was completed, Zhang Daoling appointed Zhao Gongming as one of the four marshals of the Zhengyi Xuantan, commanding the heavenly soldiers all the way to the altar.

As for the Marshals of the other three routes, they were Ma Lingyao, Wen Qiong, and Guan Yu.

Among them, Ma Lingyao is what the folks call "Prince Ma". As the old saying goes, "If you don't show me how powerful you are, you don't know that Prince Ma has three eyes." This sentence was first said by a Taoist priest. Ma Lingyao, one of the four marshals in the altar.

And that Wen Qiong is the head of Dongyue's divine department and one of the 36 heavenly generals under Emperor Zhenwu.He has several positions, and many Taoist priests ordered the heavenly soldiers to go to the altar, and they were all ordered by him on this journey.

As for the last Marshal Guan, this one is familiar to everyone. He was the famous Guan Yu and Guan Yunchang during the Three Kingdoms period.

In the early days, among the four marshals of the Heavenly Soldiers on the altar, Zhao Gongming had the highest gold content and his strength was the strongest, otherwise he would not have been ordered by Zhang Daoling to guard his alchemy.

Guan Yu is the weakest in this journey, after all, his background is low and his level of belief is not high.

But during the Song Dynasty, the capital city was plagued by demons constantly. The then emperor Song Huizong asked Zhang Jiqian, the No. 30 generation celestial master of Longhu Mountain, to punish the evil and eliminate the demons.

After Zhang Jixian arrived in the capital, he set up an altar and ordered Guan Yu, the marshal, to descend, and wiped out the evil spirits in the capital in one fell swoop.

Guan Yu came out of the Dharma lineage, and the gods descended into the world, with extraordinary power, which directly shocked Huizong of Song Dynasty as a heavenly man.

At this point, Guan Yu's road to pardon began. After nearly a thousand years, Guan Yu was pardoned nearly [-] times. His beliefs have spread all over the country, and he has also become the head of the four generals of the altar.

"The soldiers and horses on the altar are almost understood, but it is still a bit too far away to invite the marshal to come. It is not easy to open this kind of altar. It is very troublesome. I am afraid that the master is not capable of inviting it out alone. And with my talisman level, I should only be able to invite small soldiers, which is of little use!"

Zhang Zhiwei shook his head, his strength lies here, so it is better not to invite some miscellaneous soldiers.

"The second method of edict can be ignored for the time being. Just study the first method. The gods don't descend directly, but dispatch invisible soldiers and horses to protect the body. This should be more useful to me!"

Zhang Zhiwei put back a few Taoist books and studied them intently.

Compared with the second method of edict, the first method is much simpler, and it didn't take long for Zhang Zhiwei to understand it.

For a while, he felt a little itchy and wanted to invite him to have a try.

But looking around, he remembered the scene of the last test of the flying sword to kill the magic altar, shook his head, and temporarily dismissed the idea, Daozang is important, it's better not to experiment blindly!
Afterwards, Zhang Zhiwei put back the daozang about soldiers and horses on the altar, and began to look through other daozangs.

After the talisman is advanced, there are more means of talismans and altar rituals available, and Zhang Zhiwei plans to expand it.

"There is no shortage of destructive means for the time being. There are swords and thunder. Even in terms of my life and cultivation base, there may be some overflow. I still have to find some functional means!"

Zhang Zhiwei picked up a volume of Daozang and took a look. It contained a scripture sealing talisman.

The scripture sealing talisman, as the name suggests, is a special talisman that seals people's meridians. The meridians of strangers are sealed, just like ordinary people.

"It's a bit tasteless, but it's very simple, learn it!"

This method is not complicated, and it doesn't even need to open the altar. It only needs to outline the runes with your own energy. Zhang Zhiwei has learned it after reading it through.

He also picked up a volume of Dao Zang, which recorded a method called the Trapped Immortal Talisman, the effect, the high-end version of acupoint acupuncture, and the low-end version of body-fixing method.

Anticipating that it might be used in the future, Zhang Zhiwei read it through.

This method is a bit more advanced than the scripture sealing talisman. When drawing the talisman, you need to open a simple altar, and all kinds of messy rituals are quite troublesome.

However, Zhang Zhiwei can see at a glance that many steps in it can be saved, and it is only written in such detail to take care of those who are new to this way.

"This kind of body-fixing method similar to acupuncture can be used in many places, especially when dealing with ordinary people!"

After memorizing this method, Zhang Zhiwei picked up the next volume of Daozang and read it.

The current volume of Daozang records a method called Ghost Travel Talisman. Its effect is somewhat similar to that of Shenxing Armored Horse. After sticking it on the body, it is as light as a swallow and moves like a ghost.

"When I move, I am as fast as lightning and as fast as thunder. This method is of no use to me."

Zhang Zhiwei put Daozang back on the bookshelf, and after picking and choosing, he picked up another volume of Daozang.

This volume of daozang says the five ghosts' transporting method.

Zhang Zhiwei was very interested in this spell, so he opened Daozang and read it carefully.

The Five Ghosts Transport Dafa is also known as the Five Ghosts Lucky Fortune Technique.
It is a well-known method in the alien world, and there are many rumors about it in the world.

Some people say that it can transfer other people's wealth to oneself. After using this method, the wealth luck will be infinitely strong in a short period of time. No matter what you do, you will get enough money. Even if you don't do anything, you can also pick up a A windfall of good fortune.

There is another way of saying that after using this method, it is like a loan, which will transfer the fortune of future generations to yourself. Now you are at ease, but future generations will be unlucky for a lifetime.

However, after a general reading, Zhang Zhiwei found that this method is not as high-end as the above-mentioned rumors, but the world thinks it is too complicated.

It is actually a simple carrying technique, which is to summon five ghosts to carry things.

As for why this method is also called the five ghosts to transport wealth, it should be that some careless Taoist priests directly summoned the five ghosts to move the property.

"This method is of great use to me!"

Zhang Zhiwei thought to himself, his so-called great use is not to steal money.

Unlike Lin Huaiyi, who likes to hide private money, Zhang Zhiwei has never been too interested in money. After all, with his methods, what money can't he get?
When he saw this spell, the first thought in his mind was that after the flying sword was unsheathed, there was a way to recover the flying sword.

Ordinary mahogany swords, because of the material, will start to carbonize after being subjected to a lot of lightning. Once shot out, they are basically useless, and it doesn't matter whether they are recycled or not.

But the Dongfeng Great Sword is different. It is a magic weapon, and it is still a very good one. If it is not recycled after use, what kind of wealth is it? !
In the past, Zhang Zhiwei's plan was to go to the drop point to get it after killing the enemy.

But now that he has the five ghosts transport method, he can send the five ghosts out at the moment of launch, or even before launch, and wait in advance.

As soon as Feijian falls, move it back for him.

In this way, there is no need to worry about losing the flying sword, and after picking it up, it can fly again.

(End of this chapter)

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