Chapter 170

The next morning, the sun was shining brightly.

The tallest building in Bencheng, the European-style castle-like Yamato Hotel.

A group of white pigeons flapped their wings and cooed, landed on the edge of the balcony of the Yamato Hotel, pecking at the breadcrumbs on it.

On the balcony, Zhang Zhiwei was wearing a loose bathrobe, holding a piece of bread in his hand, breaking off a few pieces from time to time to feed the pigeons.

In the living room behind the balcony, Lu Jin was also wearing a bathrobe, his white hair was pinned back, and he was reading a newspaper with his legs crossed.

Today's "Bincheng News" published the big explosion last night, did not mention the enemy's attack, only said that the weather was dry, the ammunition warehouse was not managed carelessly, and an accident happened, and a few photos were attached.

There are photos of collapsed buildings, overturned vehicles, scattered slogans, and dying people crying in the ruins, and the remaining flames are rolling and pointing to the sky...

Even though he has watched it many times, Lu Jin is still very excited because they hosted the two explosions.

Saying this may be suspected of putting money on your face. To be precise, it should be planned by them and hosted by Zhang Zhiwei, but no matter what, they are participants, and that is enough.

After reading it several times, Lu Jin felt a little excited, got up and went to the corner of the living room, opened the refrigerator and searched.

Different from the refrigerators with different functions in later generations, the refrigerators of this era are very simple, made of wood, and divided into three layers, with ice cubes on the top and bottom, and things to be refrigerated in the middle.

Lu Jin took out a bottle of champagne from the refrigerator, unscrewed the cork, poured two glasses of wine into the goblet on the table, and walked to the balcony with the wine.

The arrival of Lu Jin scared away the white pigeons pecking at the bread crumbs on the balcony. His murderous aura was too strong.

"Brother Lu, pay attention to restrain yourself!"

Zhang Zhiwei crushed the bread in his hand and threw it all out in one go.

Outside the balcony is a square with a total area of ​​more than 2 square meters.

Groups of pigeons came and went on the square every day. The bread crumbs thrown by Zhang Zhiwei attracted them. A bunch of pigeons landed on the square and began to grab the bread.

"Brother Zhang, what are you doing?" Lu Jin asked.

"Doves are creatures that symbolize peace. They seem to like me very much, which shows that I am a person who symbolizes peace!"

Zhang Zhiwei patted the bread crumbs on his hands and smiled.

Thinking of the picture he saw in the newspaper just now, Lu Jin grinned:
"Then you are really a representative of peace. Come on, Representative Zhang Da, I would like to toast you. You were so handsome last night!"

"Representative Lu is very polite!"

Zhang Zhiwei took the cup, touched Lu Jin with a smile, and drank it down.

Last night, after releasing two flying thunder swords that were as powerful as missiles, and seeing a grand fireworks show.

Zhang Zhiwei and his party took advantage of the chaos in Bincheng before martial law began, and stayed at this Yamato Hotel.

Yamato Hotel, the name is very local, it sounds a bit like a third-rate small hotel on the street in later generations, tens of dollars a night.

But in fact, it is the most luxurious hotel in the entire city. Looking at the whole country, it is also ranked number one. It belongs to the railway company that they bombed before.

It is generally used to receive the big shots of Japanese pirates, which is equivalent to half an official guest house, and it is difficult for ordinary people to afford it.

However, among Zhang Zhiwei's group, Wang Ai was able to make money, so he directly booked the most luxurious presidential suite with a wave of his hand.

Everything inside is simply luxurious, with a sense of sight of a five-star European hotel in later generations.

In the territory of Shenzhou, living in a hotel built by Japanese pirates into a European style, this has to be said, is a very unharmonious thing.

The reason for this is mainly because Maozi occupied this place for many years and built many European-style buildings here.

Later, the Japanese pirates occupied the place again. The Japanese pirates have always advocated a harmonious architectural style. When they found that Bincheng had been marked with the style of European architecture, they did not destroy and rebuild it. On the contrary, they continued this style.

Therefore, the middle is not the middle, the sun is not the sun, and the European is not European.

"Senior Brother Zhang, why did you say that the newspaper defined yesterday's explosion as an accident? Isn't that treating people as fools? Some people believe this?" Lu Jin said.

"There will never be a shortage of fools in this world."

Zhang Zhiwei shook the goblet in his hand, and said: "Although the Japanese pirates have occupied Bincheng for many years, people who are not of our race must have different hearts, and the contradictions between the two parties cannot be reconciled."

"Plus the Japanese pirates snatched it from Maozi again, tsk tsk tsk... As the saying goes, three women play one drama, and these are three countries. How can there be fewer dramas?"

"If the Japanese pirates dare to show their weakness, their dormant opponents will swarm up like leeches that smell blood. So naturally, he can't justly say that he was attacked."

"Besides, I used a mahogany sword. The instant it exploded, it was already melted. They probably didn't know what the attack was. How could it be published in the newspapers?"

After listening to Zhang Zhiwei's explanation, Lu Jin said: "But this kind of deception, hidden people, can't you see it?"

Zhang Zhiwei said: "The opinions of these people are not important, what is important is to stabilize the situation. On the side of Bincheng, there are only less than 2 Japanese pirates, and the population of Bincheng is nearly one million. Compared with them, the people who make trouble behind the scenes, Not worth mentioning."

"However, this does not mean that the Japanese pirates will smash their teeth and swallow them. In the next few days, there should be turmoil here, and the grass and trees will be full of soldiers. This will bring us some troubles, but it is also an opportunity for action!"

Lu Jin's eyes lit up when he heard that he was going to make trouble again: "Senior Brother Zhang, when shall we start?"

"Look at you, I'm in a hurry. Now the water is muddied by us. The Japanese pirates are going to fight. Let's let the situation ferment. I am strong and can act at will, but you have to lie down for a while!" Zhang Zhiwei said.

"Brother Zhang's strength, I understand, I understand!!"

Lu Jin nodded, looked at the newspaper again, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and said:
"By the way, Brother Zhang, how did the Japanese pirates think of putting the headquarters and the warehouse together? I really can't figure it out. If they didn't cooperate so well, how could we have such great results?"

Zhang Zhiwei said with a smile: "The brain circuit of the pirates is different from ordinary people, how can I guess it? Maybe the commander stationed here is a guy with a brain!"

In fact, Zhang Zhiwei knew a little about the reason, because this headquarters was originally remodeled from a warehouse.

Its predecessor was the Manchuria Warehouse, and its main task was to supply various materials to frontline personnel.

It is worth mentioning that the supplies of the Japanese pirate team in Taitaizhuang were replenished from the place that was bombed yesterday.

So when Zhang Zhiwei learned the location of the ammunition depot from Ichiro Kameda, he knew that it was probably impossible to make a mistake.

"I also think that the commander here is out of his mind. I don't know if the explosion last night killed him. It would be great if he was killed. Maybe there will be chaos here!" Lu Jin sighed.

Zhang Zhiwei shook his head and said: "The death of a powerful or powerful person will often bring shock and panic to people, but soon people will find that the world without him has not become so bad. Commander, it is difficult to have any qualitative impact on the situation in Liaodong!"

"Brother Zhang's words are really becoming more and more reasonable!"

"I'm a Taoist priest!"

"By the way, Senior Brother Zhang, there seem to be a few people sneaking around in the square, do you see?"

Suddenly, Lu Jin pointed to the square outside the window and said.

Without looking back, Zhang Zhiwei leaned his back on the balcony railing and said with a smile:
"I found out earlier that there are a few guys who have been wandering around the square, some pretending to be sitting in the corner reading newspapers, some pretending to be tourists sitting on chairs in the square watching pigeons, but they are actually monitoring the situation in the hotel Yes, this should be someone from a special high class."

"Brother Zhang, what do you mean, have they found us?" Lu Jin asked.

Zhang Zhiwei shook his head and said, "It's not so fast with the super high-level ability to handle affairs. What they should monitor are other people in this hotel. When you came in last night, didn't you see that there are many morons living in this hotel!"

Zhang Zhiwei didn't worry too much about super-high courses. Although this organization is notorious, its ability is far from keeping up with the reputation. Although it is a newspaper organization, most of them can only do some bright things.

Some people have said that the Central Command and the Military Command are a bunch of idiots, and the super high school is just a bunch of idiots. During their stay in China, they basically did nothing. In the super high class, even a demon can't handle it.

If they were really capable, Zhang Zhiwei and his party would be targeted as soon as they got off the train.

"However, although the people in the special high class are useless, we didn't deliberately hide our identities when we came here. It will be a matter of time before they come to us. We have to make a quick decision. Let's go and see how Lu Ci's torture is going. gone."

After finishing speaking, Zhang Zhiwei turned and entered the room. The living room of the hotel is in an elegant European style, the walls are decorated with Victorian-style patterned wallpaper, the portholes are wrapped in solid wood, and the dark green leather sofa is embroidered with gold thread. There is no detail that is not delicate.

Zhang Zhiwei is a common man, he didn't care to appreciate these fancy things, so he went straight into Lu Ci's bedroom.

Pushing open the door, the lingering stench of blood greeted my eyes.

Shi Chuan, whose limbs were all broken, was hung on the wall by Lu Ci. Unlike yesterday, he has had his eyes gouged out, his ears cut off, and his fingers smashed... It can be said that he has experienced all the tortures in the world. shape.

Not to mention that he is a useless person, even a normal alien with cultivation base will die, but he is still alive.

And Kameda Ichiro sat slumped in the corner with a dull expression, as if he had been frightened stupid.

Zhang Zhiwei frowned: "How about it, did you ask anything?"

"No, this bastard is stronger than I imagined. I originally thought that he didn't carry a seppuku sword, because he was greedy for life and afraid of death, but I guess I was wrong. This bastard is very proud and doesn't think about himself. I will die, wasting my whole night!"

Lu Ci shook his head and said, his eyes were bloodshot, while torturing others, it was actually torturing his own spirit.

Although Lu Ci is a bit crazy, she is not a person who enjoys killing and torture like Yu Gu Yu Huizhong of the Tang Sect and Xiao Zizai, a temporary employee of the company.

"It's fine if you can't get it out of the interrogation. The streets here are full of tongues. Just catch another one. There's no need to hold on to this guy!" Zhang Zhiwei said.

"makes sense!"

Lu Ci nodded, and stopped torturing Shi Chuan, but still didn't give Shi Chuan a good time, and continued:
"However, it's not completely fruitless. When dealing with Ishikawa, Ishikawa didn't break down. The Guizi who was watching on the side broke down and said some news."

Lu Ci told Zhang Zhiwei the information, which was supplementary information about the Japanese pirates and alien forces lurking in Bincheng last time.

After finishing speaking, he asked: "Senior Brother Zhang, what should we do next?"

"What should I do?" Zhang Zhiwei grinned, "I already know their location, so it's a great deal!!"

Thinking of the scene of the flying sword flying across the sky yesterday, surrounded by wind and thunder, Lu Ci's eyes widened:

"Senior Brother Zhang, is he going to start practicing again?"

"Don't panic, some of the locations this person mentioned are in the downtown area. Using this trick will hurt innocent people. I will get rid of them myself!"

"When are we going to dispatch?" Lu Ci asked quickly.

Zhang Zhiwei glanced at Lu Ci with bloodshot eyes: "The wind is raging outside, and there are special agents of special high school everywhere. You are exhausted and exhausted. Take a good rest. I can go by myself!"

"But!" Lu Ci wanted to refute, but looked into Zhang Zhiwei's eyes, and finally agreed.

Like Lin Huaiyi, after seeing Zhang Zhiwei's Feilei Sword last night, he had some points for the gap between himself and Zhang Zhiwei, which is as big as a gap.

Given the situation outside and the current state of myself and the others, following them out might only cause trouble for Senior Brother Zhang, so Lu Ci didn't force it, they have already arrived in Liaodong, there are many opportunities for experience, there is no need to rush for a while.

At the same time, he was also sighing in his heart, and also rejoicing that it was fortunate that he had abducted Senior Brother Zhang here in a flash of his brain, and it was also fortunate that Senior Brother Zhang was righteous and did not refuse.

Otherwise, if I came here rashly, I'm afraid that I and the others will be as embarrassed as bereaved dogs.

How could it be as calm as it is now, with a snap of the fingers, the fake railway company and headquarters of the Japanese pirates were wiped out, and I and others are still living in high-end hotels and enjoying the services of the Japanese pirates.

For a while, Lu Ci's admiration for Zhang Zhiwei was like a torrent of water, and it was almost as strong as Tian Jinzhong, a little fan.

"Well then, enjoy yourself, I'll go out first, if you need something, please contact me at any time!"

Zhang Zhiwei waved the paper in his hand. This is Wang Aifa's instant messaging tool. The four of them each have one piece of paper, which is convenient for contact after separation.

After making arrangements, Zhang Zhiwei went back to the room, changed into a holiday-style casual white suit, cut his hair, and got a hairstyle like Marvel Thor, and walked out of the Yamato Hotel briskly, just like someone who came to play.

Walking out of the gate, Zhang Zhiwei waved, and a rickshaw ran over and stopped in front of him.

"Where is this gentleman going?"

"Guandong Street!"

"Alright, sit still!"

Zhang Zhiwei left in a rickshaw.

But after he left, several people in black suits and top hats walked into the Yamato Hotel, came to the front desk of the lobby, and took out a certificate:
"I'm Eiichi Aoki from the Special High School, let the person in charge of your hotel come out!"

(End of this chapter)

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