Chapter 172
Zhang Zhiwei walked into the Double Happiness Club.

In this year of the Republic of China, earning money in a serious business is not fast, and the fastest way to make money is pornography, gambling and drugs.

So the brothels, casinos, and opium halls are all making a lot of money, and many people are forced to sell their children and daughters, and their families are ruined.

And the current Double Happiness club is worthy of being opened by the iron hat king. It is directly organized, integrating brothels, casinos, and smokehouses.

Zhang Zhiwei was dressed decently, and he knew it was a fat sheep at a glance, so as soon as he entered, a young man with a yin and yang hair immediately walked over with a big teapot and greeted him with a smile:
"My lord, what sport are you planning to play at the Double Happiness Club?"

After finishing speaking, the teapot was held in his hand a few times, and he was about to pour tea for Zhang Zhiwei, not behind him.

"Don't play, find someone!"

Zhang Zhiwei was expressionless, and stretched out his hand to pinch the slender spout of the teapot until it seemed to be welded to death.

Seeing this situation, the servant who was pouring tea suddenly changed his expression and warned:
"Brother, there are Japanese backing here, so don't make trouble!"

"I have a big deal, I ask you to come out!" Zhang Zhiwei said coldly.

"Our leader is King Suppressing, what kind of status is he as an old man, how can he be..."

The boy hadn't finished speaking.

A big slap instantly magnified in front of his eyes, and then, his head froze, and his eyes suddenly turned around.

Then his eyes went dark, and he fell to the ground with a bang, and it seemed that he would not survive.

I saw his neck bone was broken by Zhang Zhiwei's slap, his head was like a broken clockwork, twisted around his neck for an unknown number of times, hanging on his neck at a strange angle, the tragedy was indescribable.

"The Qing Dynasty has been dead for so many years, why are you pretending to be Nima with me?"

Zhang Zhiwei looked at the other guys in the room.

These fellows have sultry faces, big arms and round waists. They are undoubtedly the thugs supported by the club.

These thugs are okay to bully ordinary people, but when they meet real ruthless people, they are frightened, their faces change drastically, their mouths open and close, and they want to run away screaming.

"biu, biu, biu"

Several golden beans flew out, passed between their eyebrows, brought out a series of bloodstains, and disappeared without a trace.

Killing several people with a flick of his fingers, Zhang Zhiwei was expressionless, brushed his loose hair, and glanced at the boy's body with cold eyes, and the icy flames with the smell of blood sprayed wantonly. Tunton?
"Since you don't cooperate, you can only do it yourself!"

Zhang Zhiwei pasted a heaven and earth audio-visual talisman on his body.

All of a sudden, his consciousness was heightened. Looking at the overall situation, he had a panoramic view of every move in the Double Happiness Club.

The first floor is the casino, which is full of noise and gambling.

There are various forms of gambling, including the most basic dice roll, and some strange foreign games.

The second floor is divided into many small rooms. From time to time, it is heard that the woman is panting and the spring is beautiful. This is a brothel business.

The layout of the third floor is similar to that of the second floor, and it is also equipped with beds.

But there are no prostitutes, just some dead-faced, stooped guys who are smoking opium with bongs, which they call drugs.

Zhang Zhiwei felt it a little bit, and then he made a discovery.

In a large room on the third floor, a group of strangers with yin and yang hair were having fun, smoking big cigarettes and holding a naked meeting at the same time.

"I checked my eyes, it's the right person!"

Zhang Zhiwei got up and walked towards the third floor. On the way, he occasionally met a club employee with a yin and yang head.

For these people, Zhang Zhiwei didn't hold back. Those who were close would be taken away with a slap, and those who were far away would be taken away by a golden light.

Although these people are ordinary people, but if they can work in this kind of place, where can they be clean?

Zhang Zhiwei didn't have time to distinguish between good and evil, so he took him away directly, and he was done with it, leaving no one alive.

And this is why Zhang Zhiwei sneaked in without masking his face.

That's right, Zhang Zhiwei called the behavior just now sneaking in.

Seeing the essence through the phenomenon, sneaking in, isn't it just sneaking in, no one will find out.

He walked in directly and killed everyone who saw him, wouldn't that be the same?

What Master said is good, one must learn to be flexible.

So far, the only one who survived seeing him enter the Double Happiness Club was the rickshaw driver.

However, during the previous conversation, Zhang Zhiwei used observation methods to quietly affect the driver's thinking.

Let the driver only remember to pull a very generous guest and give a lot of tips.

But he has no impression of what this guest looked like, what he said, and where he went.

For Zhang Zhiwei, this is not a difficult task. Although his observation of the law is based on his own observation, it is still more than enough for him to influence an ordinary person with his strength and mental power.

Zhang Zhiwei was walking on the third floor of the club, occasionally bumping into an addict who staggered out.

Zhang Zhiwei didn't hold back against these people, and sent them away with a slap.

If you smoke this thing, you can't be regarded as a human being.

You can never imagine what a person who is addicted to drugs will do.

Zhang Zhiwei rushed all the way to a large room on the third floor.

As soon as I got close, I could hear the demons dancing inside and all kinds of chaotic sounds.

"Spicy ears!"

Zhang Zhiwei raised his hand and knocked on the door.

"Bang bang bang!"

There was an untimely knock on the door, loud and loud, like a door slamming.

The group of people in the house were suddenly startled.

"Damn it! Who is it again?"

"Scared me, didn't I say hello, don't come to find me when the sky is falling."

"While Grandpa is still happy, get out of here. If you offend Grandpa, Grandpa will take your skin off!"

An impatient warning sounded from inside the house.

"bang bang bang"

But the rapid knock on the door didn't stop.

"It's him, who is it? I'm going to kill you if you're so disgusting!"

Someone inside came over cursing, and was about to open the door when his hand just touched the doorknob.



The door frame shattered and exploded, and the door flew out like a cannonball.

A tall figure stood by the door, dressed in a casual white suit and spotless, it was Zhang Zhiwei.

And the person who opened the door flew out with the door panel in his arms, and smashed heavily on the back wall of the house.

Everyone who was having fun was stunned for a moment, and for a while, they didn't come back to their senses, and just stared at this scene in a daze.

Until a faint voice came out: "I'm here to find Prince Su, where is he?"

Hearing this, a group of people looked at each other in blank dismay, and then their expressions suddenly became ferocious: "Prince Su is the one you can find if you want, it's like a bear's heart and leopard's guts!"

"I see you are courting death!"

One of them pushed away the woman on his body, with bloodthirsty eyes, and rushed towards Zhang Zhiwei in the first place.

"Calm down!" Zhang Zhiwei was very indifferent, with a golden light in his palm, pointing to a sword, and stretched out his hand.


The sound of the sharp blade cutting flesh sounded, and the person who charged at the front, with his mouth open and his face full of pain, slowly lowered his head.

I saw an arm piercing through his chest, piercing out from the back of his heart, and piercing back and forth.

There was another "poof", and the arm was withdrawn from his chest, leaving a transparent blood hole the size of a bowl.

"So fast."

This was the last thought in his mind, and then his eyes went dark, and he fell to the ground with a crash, and there was no more movement.

The atmosphere suddenly became tense.


Immediately afterwards, there were screams one after another. This bloody and brutal scene scared the group of prostitutes in the room to scream wildly.

Zhang Zhiwei's eyes were fixed, his qi energy diverged, and he swept past, stunned all the prostitutes.

But at this time, the group of guys who were smoking and playing had just reacted.

"Xiao Liu, you should die!"

"kill him!!"

These people may have been in high spirits, and they rushed over one by one, showing a ferocious look.

The leader shouted angrily, wiped his waist, and with a "clang", a cold light suddenly rose from his waist, dancing wildly like a green snake, and slashed towards Zhang Zhiwei's throat.

At the same time, the rest of them quickly followed up, either using punches, palms, or kicks to perform unique skills, attacking in three directions, without giving the opponent the slightest chance.

During the ups and downs of the moves, there was turmoil and alarming momentum. These people are all good players under Prince Su's subordinates.

When the previous dynasty was still alive, Prince Su was the first-class guard of the Qianqing Gate, so his strength was naturally not weak.

After the fall of the previous dynasty, he brought a group of old tribes here to take root, and took advantage of the power of the Japanese pirates to continue to dominate and oppress ordinary people.

The man who used the sword before was the first to attack Zhang Zhiwei. The soft sword spit out letters like a snake, tearing the air while shaking, making a "buzzing" sound of the sword, forming a white high-pressure airflow like sword energy.

As the extreme move approached, Zhang Zhiwei did not retreat but advanced, he stretched out his hand and grabbed it, the fine iron soft sword that tore through the air was actually held by him casually, and the sound between the blows was like a mourning.


The man stared wide-eyed, with an incredulous expression on his face. The power of his soft sword erupted in an instant, comparable to bullets, and with strong penetrating power. Many strangers dared not take it hard, but they were caught by the opponent.

"Weak and weak!"

Zhang Zhiwei spat out the golden light from Zhang Zhiwei's palm, a flash of golden light rushed up, the soft sword shattered inch by inch, and then slapped the man on the head.


The man's head was like a deflated ball, suddenly sunken, and blood spurted from the seven orifices.

Everyone seemed to be hit by a crashing car, and they flew upside down suddenly, knocking out a dent in the back wall, and after landing, they didn't move.

"You seem to be a little delirious. For the convenience of questioning, come, I will let you sober up!"

After all, Zhang Zhiwei went a step further, put his index finger and middle finger together, and swiped horizontally, his fingertips revealed an extremely sharp golden light, and swept out.

The few people who rushed were terrified, and wanted to defend themselves, but the tricks had already been used, and they could not be recovered.

As soon as the two sides came into contact, there was no wave, and the qi people formed by the golden light passed through their bodies.

"Puff, puff, puff."

Bloody light shot up into the sky, rushed over? Several people were beheaded obliquely by the golden light, their internal organs were splashed with blood all over the ground, and the bloody smell wafted out of their nostrils.

Raising his hands and raising his feet, Zhang Zhiwei killed several masters with ease, as if he had just crushed a few ants to death.

The bloody reality was in front of them, these people who were brought here by Prince Su felt as if they had been poured over their heads by a basin of ice water.

The ferocity and courage accumulated from oppressing ordinary people before suddenly disappeared.

These people are all former Eight Banners children.

Most of the ancestors of the Eight Banners were aliens who followed the founding emperor to conquer the world, so many of the Eight Banners were alien families.

With their abilities, they are born to be one step stronger than others, and their ancestors have made great military exploits, shadowing their descendants for generations to come.

People in the banner don't have to work, don't have to work, and they can receive rice and money every month when they are idle at home, and eat monthly money as offerings.

They don't need to be disturbed by other matters, they have a lot of time to practice, it can be said that God rewards them with food.

In this case, anyone who is a little self-motivated will be terrible.

But God rewards the meal, and I can't help myself not to live up to it.

Maybe it's because they live too comfortably, but within a few generations, these alien families that were originally brave and good at fighting have all decayed.

Not only did he almost forget the ancestral law, he even took the lead in smoking drugs.

The body is composed of innate qi, smoking this every day, the innate qi is polluted, within a few generations, there are fewer and fewer strangers in the banner, and most of them are even worse than ordinary people.

The ones who were casually slaughtered by Zhang Zhiwei just now were still the best of the best selected by Prince Su.

Now, these elites have completely lost their fighting spirit when they encountered a ruthless stubble. They are full of panic and dare not be aggressive anymore. They turn around and are about to disperse.

"Where are you going?"

Zhang Zhiwei stepped forward, came behind a person, strangled his throat amid his screams, cut off his voice, and crushed his spine
Then, he threw his body hard, knocking another fleeing man to the ground.

Before the knocked-over man got up, Zhang Zhiwei approached him, aiming at his head indifferently, and stepped on it.


Blood splattered, brains flew, and before the screams could be heard, he was dead.

After crushing one person to death, Zhang Zhiwei chased and killed others.

In the eyes of ordinary people, these people can be regarded as masters, but in front of him, they are chickens and dogs, who will be wiped out in the blink of an eye.

(End of this chapter)

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