Under one person: I, Zhang Zhiwei, the arrogant Zhang.

Chapter 175 General Fujita's Crazy Revenge

Chapter 175 General Fujita's Crazy Revenge

The Bincheng Compound Fertilizer Company is a subsidiary of the railway company. Its building has six floors and looks a little old. The walls are made of faded red bricks. There is a steel shed behind the building.

On the surface, this company is quite formal. During the day, the factory machines are running non-stop, and trucks full of fertilizers come and go.

But in the basement of the factory building, there are many caves, which are divided into many areas.

In one of the huge offices, there are many Japanese pirates in military uniforms, and they are in a meeting.

On the wall of the office, there is a terrifying Ukiyo-e painting. The raging flames are blooming on the earth and burning all the way to the sky. There are also evil ghosts with green faces and fangs, holding iron rods and knives and halberds to string living people on iron pillars and burn them. The one-eyed ghost on the bluestone platform dropped the heavy wooden hammer to punish the sinners on the wooden platform.

This is a disguised picture of hell, which depicts the sufferings that people suffer after falling into hell. The original intention is to awaken the precious nature of human beings and force sinners to pray to avoid such suffering of reincarnation.

The reason why this ukiyo-e is engraved on the wall of the office is because in the eyes of these Japanese pirates, they came here to save people.

However, at the moment, they are arguing.

"Fujita, we are also very saddened by the death of Huizi. In order to avenge you, I have used all means and compiled a list of suspicious persons."

"And send out the aliens who originally planned to be sent to the lion's mouth to kill the snake demon. Regardless of the three sevens and 21s, if there is a mistake in the killing, they will not be let go. Just get rid of all the targets on the list."

"For you, I have done my best, but why did you call back the garrison stationed on the railway?"

"Do you know how important the South Manchuria Railway is to us? Do you know how many forces are eyeing the railway?"

"You call the railway garrison back, the railway defense is empty, what if it is bombed?"

"That is equivalent to the loss of blood vessels to the empire. Can you bear this kind of loss?"

"Besides, this is our base camp in the Far East. You directly mobilize aircraft and cannons and enter the city with a fully armed regiment. What do you want to do? Bombard Bencheng?"

In the office, the head of the special advanced course was criticizing General Fujita.

The strength of the Japanese pirates in Liaodong, except for some policemen and soldiers in the village, the regular army is scattered in three places.

There is a naval base in Shizikou.

There is a wing stationed here in Bincheng.

Then there is the garrison that defends the railway.

General Ishikawa, who was hacked to pieces by Lu Ci, was the Chief of Staff of the Bencheng regiment.

This wing was sent to Changbai Mountain.

This also resulted in a situation where Bincheng's defense force was empty, and General Fujita wanted to take revenge, but there were not enough manpower available.

What he can do is either mobilize Shizikou's navy or the railway garrison.

General Fujita never had the idea of ​​mobilizing the navy.

Not to mention that Shizikou's navy is facing the threat of the snake monster, even if there is no such thing as the snake monster, he would not be able to transfer the navy.

The relationship between the Japanese pirate army and the navy, if it is said that the situation is the same as fire and water, it will be light.

In recent years, Fujita has always wanted to ease the relationship between the two armies. After all, Shizikou and Bincheng are close to each other, and they are both in the Far East. There is no need to make a life and death enmity.

Before he refuted the suggestion of the head of the special high school, and sent a stranger from Bincheng to help, he had this plan.

However, after all, it's a hot face and a cold butt, and the proud navy doesn't even care about them, the mud legs of the army.

If they knew that his headquarters was blown up by an unknown enemy, and even his daughter was killed, they might dance the Awa Dance to celebrate.

Therefore, the vengeful Fujita can only call the railway garrison back.

But this is undoubtedly tearing down the east wall to make up for the west wall. Now Bencheng is not empty, but it is the turn of the railway to be empty.

You know, the railway guerrillas have been around for a long time, no wonder other people have such big opinions on him.

It is worth mentioning that this railway garrison team was the predecessor of the elite Japanese pirates, known as the flower of the Japanese pirates.

Facing the criticism from other people, General Fujita stood in the middle of the office without saying a word.

Unlike other people in the office who were dressed in military uniforms, General Fujita was wearing a formal kimono with a plain striped cloth inside and a black haori on the outside, giving him the appearance of a Japanese elder.

After everyone finished speaking, General Fujita said: "This move is very risky, I admit it, but I think it is worth it."

"Since we settled in Bincheng, various forces have come to make trouble and create chaos. We have been passively defending for so many years. No matter how many times we have cleaned up during this period, we have not been able to eradicate it."

"But this time, the garrison guarding Bincheng is not there, the defense is empty, and many forces have shown their heads. They are just like you and concluded that I will not transfer the railway garrison back."

"So I wanted to take advantage of the fact that the headquarters was blown up, and I was suspected of being killed in the explosion, to come out and make trouble."

"I've seen the sources of all kinds of chaos, and now's my chance to wipe them all out!"

General Fujita looked around, his eyes were like a knife, and he said firmly:
"If these rebels can be wiped out, everything will be worth it!"

The death of his daughter was just an inducement. He had wanted to solve this problem once and for all, but he hadn't made up his mind, but now, he was going to burn the boat.

At this time, in the office, a silver-haired old man wearing a purple priest's costume stood up, stared at General Fujita, and said solemnly:

"Fujita, are you sure that this move is not for personal enmity, and that you have the ability to get rid of the rats lurking in the dark once and for all?"

It was a Shinto priest who spoke, and behind him, there were two priestesses in white and red dresses.

Shintoism is shamanism, and there are many rules in it. Generally, the status of a person in the shrine can be seen from the clothes he wears.

In the service of priests, the lowest rank is red coarse linen, which is the dress of the lowest rank priests, the second rank is aqua blue, and the third rank is purple.

At the level of purple, he is already a very high-ranking priest, and usually only appears when presiding over a big sacrifice, so this silver-haired old man has a very high status.

"Please rest assured, I will definitely wipe out all the enemies lurking in the dark. If I can't finish it, I would rather commit seppuku!"

After finishing speaking, General Fujita shook off a piece of white cloth and spread it on the ground, knelt down on both knees, straightened his waist, drew a dagger from his arms and placed it horizontally in front of him.

At the same time, he handed the other long sheathed white knife to the priest.

The priest took the long knife and said, "Do you want me to intervene for you?"

Earlier, when Lu Ci searched the body of Colonel Ishikawa, he wanted to find the sword he used for seppuku, but he couldn't find it.

And now the dagger that General Fujita placed horizontally in front of him was the Huaijian.

Different from the Japanese sword with some width, the Huaijian is a straight and simple straight sword, because it is too thin and can hardly kill the enemy, and it is only made to end the life of the sword owner.

Formal seppuku etiquette does not end with a long knife stabbed in the stomach, but requires a piece of white cloth, a sword in his arms, and an intermediary who holds the knife.

The wrong person is the helper of the seppuku.

They will hold a long knife and stand behind the seppuku. The seppuku stabs the abdomen with a knife, and the wrong person will swing his knife to cut off his head.

Some are similar to executioners, seemingly vicious, but they are actually to relieve the pain of the seppuku.

After all, seppuku is stabbing the stomach with a sword, and it is unrealistic to die immediately with one sword strike.

Good Jiecao people are proficient in knife skills. After the head is cut off, the skin is still connected to the torso.

Before General Fujita came, he had made preparations for seppuku. This move was tantamount to issuing a military order.

"If I fail, please come and be my intermediary." General Fujita said.

The priest stroked the long knife with his hand, nodded and said, "Okay!"

Now that the matter has come to this point, the others stopped criticizing and acquiescing to General Fujita's actions.

"Then what are you going to do?"

At this time, the head of the extra-high class said.

"Take down the Yamato Hotel first!" General Fujita said: "There are too many suspicious people hiding in it, including people from Zhang Ruozi's place, people from the Cheka, people from the Nationalist Government, and some messy people. "

"I really didn't expect that the hotel owned by our railway company would become a place where filth is hidden. At that time, I said that this hotel only accepts VIPs, but some people objected, saying that it can also accommodate other people. Let's ease it The financial pressure is ridiculous!"

Hearing this, the head of the special advanced class nodded and said: "The Yamato Hotel is indeed the top priority. I have sent people in to test it out. After I confirm the target, I will pick up those important people, and then you can do it!"

General Fujita smiled coldly: "By the time your people finish testing, the enemy will have run away long ago, and we must cut the mess quickly. I have already sent troops into the Yamato Hotel, with the intention of annihilating the enemy!"

"You..." The head of the special high school said with a look of shock on his face: "Do you care about the lives of those important people?"

"My headquarters has been bombed, what can Yamato Hotel do!"

General Fujita stared at him, and said every word: "We didn't kill them!"

"You..." The head of the special advanced class froze for a moment.



Yamato Hotel.

"あなたはWho, をするの?" (Who are you and what are you going to do?)

A chunky man with a fat head and big ears was picked up from the bed by Lu Jin and shouted loudly.

On the bed, there were two slender women lying on their faces. They both looked at Lu Jin with fear on their faces. Judging from the clothes beside the bed, they should be the waiters of Yamato Hotel.

"狗の日のもの, 私はあなたの父亲です!" (Dog day things, I am your father!)
Lu Jin's mouth is dirty, and he speaks fluent Japanese.

After all, he slapped the fat man a few times, knocking him out.

As the eldest son of a thousand-year-old family, Lu Jin's knowledge is still very profound, and he knows a lot of languages. He just happens to know Japanese.

Lu Ci, who is also the young master of a thousand-year-old family, can also speak Japanese.

In the plot, in the battle of the hole through the sky in the rust chapter, he speaks fluent Japanese.

Lu Jin hit the two hand knives again, and after knocking out the two waiters on the bed, he dragged the Japanese pirate's feet and walked out.

After hearing Zhang Zhiwei's plan, he split up with Lu Ci and went to other presidential suites to catch "meat tickets".

"There is still someone to sleep with, this stupid fat man looks very dignified!"

Lu Jin thought to himself, just arrived at the door, was about to go out, suddenly, he felt something was wrong.

Immediately, a few grenades were thrown in from outside.

The timing of these grenades thrown in was quite subtle, there was no possibility of catching them before throwing them out, and they exploded in the air before they even hit the ground.

Dazzling flames swept everything, textured black and yellow flames filled the house, and the entire presidential suite was shrouded in yellow flames.

Even the walls that should not be ignited are burning with raging flames.

While these flames were burning, they also emitted thick smoke.

What was thrown in was not an ordinary grenade, but a white phosphorous grenade, which is characterized by its ability to burn continuously in a small or air-dense space.

The combustion temperature can generally reach more than 1000 degrees Celsius, and it will not go out until the fuel is exhausted.

Therefore, when it touches the human body, the flesh will be penetrated, and then go deep into the bones, never ending death.

It's a brutal, and extremely unstable weapon.

(End of this chapter)

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