Under one person: I, Zhang Zhiwei, the arrogant Zhang.

Chapter 259: The art of moving mountains, crushing them into pulp

Chapter 259: The art of moving mountains, crushing them into pulp

"I don't believe I can't crush you to death!"

Shanqi looked ferocious, panting heavily and vomiting blood while dancing wildly with his hands, forming seals and casting spells.

Casting this spell consumes a lot of money, and he was wasting his life by moving the Feng Shui Qi Veins from three mountains in a row.

"If you want to know the Sanyuan Wanfazong, first look at the Emperor Zai and the divine skills, the Kunyuan and the virtue mechanism are completely connected, and the five qi are complete..."

Following Shanqi's spellcasting, the heavenly soul above his head was in turmoil, wisps of purple energy were stimulated and connected to the Fengshui energy veins of the mountains and rivers.

Then, the flowing qi of the mountains and rivers actually began to constrict their bodies, and with a sudden shock, it turned into a big python.

Zhang Zhiwei could see this scene clearly, even because of the perspective of the interior world, he could see it more clearly than the caster Shanqi himself.

"This operation looks quite simple, but it's a bit complicated. First, I used the power of the Heavenly Soul to strengthen the connection between myself and the world, and then use this connection to connect to the inner scene."

"Use the internal scene to understand the local structure and the flow of air veins, and then deduce the structure of the entire mountain range, and then pack and strip this structure. As for how to strip it..."

"It should be through a short time-out, intercepting the Fengshui Qimai of that time period, and then using one's own Qi and the power of the soul, to use some means to close this Fengshui Qimai, forming a closed pattern, just like a It's the same as another kind of qi bureau."

"Then transfer the qi pulse like this qi bureau to the inner scene, and directly graft it to the person through the method of transforming the virtual and the real, crushing the opponent to death."

"The basic principle of the seemingly inscrutable spell is not complicated. Although the strength of my heavenly soul is a little worse than that of the earthly soul, it is not weak. Maybe I can try it. However, before that, I have to give it a try. Break this old guy's technique!"

Zhang Zhiwei looked at Shanqi. At first, part of the feng shui qi was passed on. He was careless and didn't pay attention to it. He could hide from Shanqi's mountain-moving technique later on.

The reason for the hard pick is nothing more than to experience the power of this move personally. After all, there are some things that cannot be understood just by looking at them.

For example, how Shanqi turned the flowing energy channels into a closed pattern, this is very important, it is equivalent to the trajectory of the energy in a technique.

Zhang Zhiwei's observation method is better at observing himself, so he has to use himself to feel all this, and use himself as a medium to reverse this method.

Fortunately, after resisting two feng shui energy channels, Zhang Zhiwei reversed this method and understood some of the basic "Tao" and "reason".

That being the case, there is no need to play with this old guy anymore.

But at this moment, under Shanqi's spellcasting, the boa constrictor stretched its body and slowly revealed its shape in the night sky.

"You can withstand two feng shui qi channels, but I don't believe you can withstand the third, fourth, and fifth..."

Shanqi moved his body that was becoming more and more awkward, his face was crazy, and he roared.

After all, he pulled the feng shui energy channel and was about to transfer it to Zhang Zhiwei's head.

During the transfer, Shanqi kept staring at Zhang Zhiwei, trying to see the fear on his face.

Although he talked about the fourth way and the fifth way, in fact, he knew in his heart that the third way was his limit. If there were more, let alone passing on the feng shui energy channel, he would be backlashed to death.

However, to his disappointment, there was no trace of fear on Zhang Zhiwei's face, and he even saw a smile.

This smile made Shanqi's heart jump suddenly, and an ominous feeling arose.

"Laughing?" He roared, "What are you laughing at, what the hell are you laughing at, don't laugh!"

"Don't laugh?" Zhang Zhiwei said with a smile: "Old man, you are quite lenient, and you still have the third, fourth, and fifth ways. Do you think I am playing house with you?!"

After all, with a thought, he stripped the heavenly soul, which was bound in the physical body and fused with life, from the physical body.

If Tongyou is a kind of use of the earth soul, then the current method is a kind of use of the sky soul.

The powerful Heavenly Soul emitted a burst of milky white light, which made people unable to open their eyes, and a hazy ball of energy emerged, and there was a majestic and heroic figure in the ball of energy, like a god-man.

"What's going on here, the fate that I couldn't see before appeared again!"

Shanqi was taken aback when he saw it. He is a magician majoring in numerology, and he is used to seeing all kinds of fortunes, but he has never seen such a situation.

Although he was a little puzzled by this situation, he became anxious and wanted to quickly transfer the third Feng Shui Qi Vein.

However, as soon as he started, he saw Zhang Zhiwei pinch a formula and pointed to the void.

A white light flew out from behind and hit the Feng Shui energy channel that he had passed on. In an instant, the big python raised its head and roared silently, and then shattered.

The spell was forcibly dispelled, Shanqi only felt his head go blank, as if struck by lightning, he took a few steps back abruptly, collapsed on the ground with a disbelief on his face, and murmured to himself:
"How is it possible, how is it possible, half of the Fengshui Qimai that I passed on have been disintegrated, how is this possible?"

"Nothing is impossible," Zhang Zhiwei grinned, "Your methods are too crude and low-level!"

"Simplicity? Low-level?" Shanqi seemed to have heard some big joke, "You say my methods are simple and low-level?"

"No, no, no, don't get me wrong, I'm not aiming at such a technique!" Zhang Zhiwei said: "I mean you are too simple and low-level, and if your virtue is not worthy, you are not worthy at all!"

After all, Zhang Zhiwei's body shook, destroying the structure of the two Feng Shui qi veins on his back, and the two red pythons wailed each other, and their bodies also collapsed.

Without the suppression of the two Feng Shui Qi channels, Zhang Zhiwei felt an unprecedented relaxation in his body. Although he didn't crush him before, it also made him suffer a lot.

Now, then, is the time to test the fruits of your hard work.

Zhang Zhiwei stepped on the foot, and the four pans moved again. Because Shanqi's fate was too strong and he was protected by heaven and earth, once he stopped forcibly controlling the four pans, the four pans would automatically adjust to an auspicious position that was beneficial to Shanqi.

However, as the four sets were once again under Zhang Zhiwei's control, the auspicious position disappeared from Shanqi's feet, and he appeared in the position of great evil.

In an instant, he, who was almost exhausted, didn't catch his breath, and vomited a few mouthfuls of blood. However, the purple energy of fate protected him, preventing him from vomiting blood and dying.

"You are still far behind in fighting with me."

Then, on a whim, Zhang Zhiwei draws ladles according to the gourd, restrains the barrier between the soul of the earth and the heaven and the earth, strengthens the connection between the soul of the sky and the earth, and then uses this connection to understand the local structure and the flow of Qi veins through the interior scene .

In an instant, his perspective continued to zoom out, and all the surrounding structures and energy flows transformed into another scene after the interior scene was transformed.

The sky is still snowing and the cold wind is howling, but the ground is a different scene. The rolling mountains have turned into a dragon's head lying on the mountainside, and the dragon's horns are piercing the sky.

The layered ravines on the mountains are the dragon scales on the dragon skin, the undulating mountains are the dragon's eyebrows, and the two peaks reaching the sky are the dragon's horns.

The Eight Banners Arching the Dragon Qi Bureau, the Eight Banners Mountains, are both like a crown and a shackle, placed in the center of the dragon's head, and the imperial mausoleum is the jewel in the middle of the crown.Snake-shaped feng shui qi veins run around the dragon head, and these are the feng shui qi veins that Shanqi carried over earlier.

"Is this the technique of looking up qi? Or is it the presentation of the flow of Feng Shui Qimai in the interior scene, or in other words, is this the true face of the spiritual world after the fog is removed?"

Zhang Zhiwei murmured to himself, and immediately continued to raise his perspective to look at the overall situation.

I saw the original blessed land of dragon veins, but presented a very strange scene, the head of the dragon representing auspiciousness was full of bite wounds, dense white bones could be seen, and the huge longan was covered with bloodshot eyes, revealing A strong sense of resentment.

"Is this the dragon vein? Those parts that were bitten were bitten by Japanese pirates!"

Zhang Zhiwei looked at the bruised dragon veins with venomous eyes, and couldn't help feeling in his heart. It was supposed to be the auspicious aura of the blessed land, but because of human greed, it ended up like this.

"Damn it!"

Zhang Zhiwei said something in a low voice, and then jumped into the sky, his eyes were bright red gold, and the strange gates under his feet were flying rapidly.

He stretched out his hand in the direction of the dragon's veins, Tianhun stretched out his hand fiercely, grabbed one of the huge Fengshui Qimai in his hand, fixed its shape, pinched a spell, and pointed at Shanqi.

I saw the four discs suddenly turning, and a huge golden flood dragon suddenly flew out of the Qimen game.

When the golden dragon first appeared from the Qimen Bureau, it was not very big, but after circling around in the air, it was already a hundred meters long, and suddenly it pressed on top of Shanqi's head.


The heavenly soul above Shanqi's head glowed, and his powerful fate was trembling, and he wanted to use his ability to turn Shanqi into good luck.

Shanqi also panicked, and wanted to use the eight-door transfer technique to move himself to avoid the collapsed golden dragon.

But what made him despair was that his struggles were of no use, because the four disks were used by Zhang Zhiwei, and he moved Shan Qi to the position of great evil. He was not on the human disk, and he was not on the human disk, so naturally he could not use it. The spell of making a fortune.

If in the Qimen Bureau, the auspicious position means that everything is suitable, then the great evil is that everything goes wrong. In the position of the great evil, not only cannot the method of transportation be used, but even the protection of one's own destiny is reduced. .

This ebbs and flows, Shanqi's fate did not last long, and soon, he felt an unspeakable dryness in his chest, which turned into a hot pain, and finally couldn't bear it, and vomited A mouthful of scorching blood.

This vomit completely ruined his work, his powerful fate made up of multiple fates collapsed like a domino, and the huge Feng Shui energy channel collapsed violently under the momentum of Wanjun.


The golden dragon shook the ground, and the aftermath was rolling, setting off a huge wave of earth and rocks. Shanqi had disappeared, leaving only a big pit in the place.

Zhang Zhiwei: "..."

"Oops, I'm a bit harsh!" Zhang Zhiwei hurried to Dakeng to check.

I saw Shanqi lying in it, miserable, he had lost his human appearance, perhaps it was too much of a stretch to say that he was human, it was simply a mass of rotten flesh with no outlines, no limbs and facial features visible, a blurred In the flesh and blood, there are wisps of purple air, which are the remnants of his noble fate.

"The fate is so weak that you can't even memorize a feng shui qi meridian?"

Zhang Zhiwei inspected the piece of rotten meat, and he didn't turn around until all the purple energy lingering on it dissipated.

This time he wanted to capture Shanqi alive and interrogate him for some information, but he didn't expect that he seriously overestimated Shanqi's strength, and was crushed into a meat paste by one of his Feng Shui energy channels.

"Although it is said that luck is also a kind of strength, but how to say that, good luck will not protect fools!"

Zhang Zhiwei turned his head and glanced at the shaking position of the Eight Banners Gonglong Qi Bureau, then turned and walked there.



And when Zhang Zhiwei fought with Shanqi before.

The eight banners arch the dragon, shaking the position.

The soldiers of the Eight Banners, who were inspired by Shanqi's fate to hide their means, followed one after another, like moths rushing to the flame, rushing into the barrier formed by the three talisman sects.

Fortunately, this enchantment is powerful and can withstand a large number of attacks. Those soldiers of the Eight Banners will be obliterated by the enchantment under the continuous collision. Most of their qi has been wiped out by the enchantment. The threat has been greatly reduced. Solve it easily.

However, going on like this is not a long-term solution. Every time the enchantment is hit, its power will dissipate a little, and it will be completely broken after a few more times.

The huge crow dog flapped its wings and soared into the air. It was covered in flames, wrapped in wind and thunder, and slashed at the upper right corner of the barrier.

Only a loud "clang" sound was heard, and the pale golden barrier dimmed instantly. The red-faced and long-nosed Crow Tengu actually squeezed in. Even though most of its body was cut off by the talisman light of the barrier, it still rushed in. He came in, held up his long knife, and lunged down with a roar.

But right now.


An edict.

Countless fine thunder fires burst out, these thunder fires are very weird, they don't burst at all when they move and jump, and the color is deep, giving people a sticky and soft contradictory feeling, which is completely opposite to Zhang Zhiwei's Yang Wulei.

However, although it is weird, its power is also very domineering. During the leap, a large net was formed, which wrapped the Yatengu flying in at once, and wiped it out on the spot.

"The Yin Wulei of the Five Thunders of Longhushan Mountain are powerful, Zhang Gaogong!"

Patriarch Gao was joining forces with several other Patriarchs to deal with the thunderous sky sword that was flying across the sky. Seeing this scene, he couldn't help but admired it.

"Ashamed, ashamed!" Zhang Shoucheng sighed and said, "This dark and treacherous water dirty thunder is still far from the mighty Jianggong Lei in the mountain gate!"

His surname is Zhang, but he is not a disciple pretending to be surnamed. He is the direct descendant of Zhang, that is, the descendant of the ancestral heavenly master Zhang Daoling. For the direct descendants of Zhang, as long as their cultivation reaches the conditions for practicing Thunder Method, they can be taught half of the Five Lei Zhengfa.

As the direct descendant of the Zhang surname, he was born extraordinary, and he was a bit rebellious when he was young. It was rare for him to calm down and practice. It is also the regret of his life.

"I will protect the Dharma for everyone, Master Hutu, Zhou Xiaogao Gong, please hurry up!"

Zhang Shoucheng stood at the front, using the talisman technique with one hand, and the thunder technique with the other. When the two combined, many dark arcs of light jumped out of the talisman.

(End of this chapter)

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