Under one person: I, Zhang Zhiwei, the arrogant Zhang.

Chapter 263 The Golden Immortal invited by God?

Chapter 263 The Golden Immortal invited by God?
"Coming, what's coming?" Lu Ci asked in confusion.

"Your boss is coming!" Wu Gensheng said.

"Where is it?" Lu Ci quickly looked around.

"Your boss?" Lu Ren was stunned for a moment before reacting, "Is it Senior Brother Zhang?"

He also looked around curiously and saw that Zhang Zhiwei was 1.9 meters tall. Logically speaking, he would stand out from the crowd everywhere and should be very eye-catching. However, after looking around, he found nothing.

"I just sensed the approach of his breath, so just focus on what's in front of you!" Wu Gensheng said.

He was also a little confused. Somehow, he did sense Zhang Zhiwei's approach, especially when Zhang Zhiwei was communicating with him through the yin and yang paper. But when he looked carefully, he felt like he was seeing flowers in the fog. The sense of reality seems very close, but also seems out of reach.

Wugensheng has never been a person who likes to bother himself, so the complicated thoughts in his mind immediately fell away and he began to focus on what was in front of him.

I saw densely packed Eight Banners soldiers, like a tidal wave coming from all directions.

Lu Ci stopped looking at Senior Brother Zhang and quickly used Ruyi Jin to parry. He flipped his hand and fired a Ruyi Jin that was more than ten meters long to meet the enemy, but the effect was not good.

In the past, his method could wipe out the rushing Eight Banners soldiers, but now it had little effect. He only scattered a few Eight Banners soldiers rushing in front, and the damage behind them was very small.

Lu Ci was a little surprised: "The Eight Banners soldiers from this position are covered with lightning, so they are more difficult to deal with than those from other positions!"

Lu Ren said: "I didn't use lightning before. Maybe it was because some mechanism was triggered, or the Japanese pirates were causing trouble, and they used some means to add lightning, making it several times stronger!"

While talking to Lu Ren, he took the time to adjust his breath. He had already withdrawn from the state of Ruyi Jin Dharmakaya due to loss of strength, so Lu Ci didn't know about his brother's Ruyi Jin Dharmakaya method. Now that he heard that Zhang Zhiwei was about to arrive, he had to recover quickly and take good care of himself. Use your methods.

Lu Ci's Ruyi Jin only blocked the Eight Banners soldiers' momentum slightly, and soon, they all pressed forward again.

Faced with this situation, the one who took action was Wu Gensheng. He wrapped his hands with blue Qi, and launched a series of attacks with both palms.

In an instant, blue light suddenly appeared, as if a sea wall had been built.

The tide of Eight Banners soldiers suddenly stopped, being sorted into streaks of primitive Qi, and then disappeared into ashes.

"This brother has a good trick!"

Lu Ren exclaimed, the impression Wu Gensheng gave him was undoubtedly mysterious and powerful, even compared to the impression Zhang Zhiwei left on him. Not as good as Zhang Zhiwei. After a while, Zhang Zhiwei became more and more unfathomable.

Wu Gensheng waved his hand in an understatement: "Don't do it six times!"

Then, he glanced at the Crow Tengu waving its wings with wind and thunder in the air, and then at the 40-meter-long sky sword that flashed with electric light.

These two things are too annoying. They will randomly attack people in the Qi Bureau, especially the Heavenly Sword. The attack range is too large, and many people have died due to it.

Wu Gensheng glanced at the Japanese sword inserted on the flag mountain and the shrine next to the Japanese sword, and said:
"Hold on, I'm going to take those two things apart!"

It would be difficult for him to destroy the Qi Bureau in this direction. After all, the node was inside the mountain, but if he only destroyed the two layouts on the mountain, it would still be no problem.

Wu Gensheng was wrapped in qi, ignoring the densely packed Eight Banners soldiers, and rushed over alone, and all the Eight Banners soldiers disappeared as he passed.

Sensing that Wugensheng was approaching the core of the Qi Bureau, the Crow Tengu, which was attacking like a stick in the air, returned to guard and attacked him.


The long knife was raised high, the blade was wrapped with flames and lightning, and it struck at Wu Gensheng's forehead, but Wu Gensheng didn't even raise his eyelids and allowed the long knife to hit his head.

The expected scene of a broken head and bloody blood did not appear. Instead, the long knife was shattered inch by inch, turning into pure energy and dissipating.

Without the weapon in his hand, Crow Tengu pounced on Wugensheng's body, and then his body-protecting Qi was combed into primitive Qi and dissipated.

Immediately afterwards, it resurrected from the torii, rushed over again, and was smashed to pieces by Mugensheng again. The cycle continued until Mugensheng smashed the torii, kicked down the shrine, and knocked down the stone statue of Crow Tengu inside. Broken, it stopped.

Immediately afterwards, he looked at the knife inserted on the top of the mountain and began to pull it out. Although the knife was deeply embedded in the soil, his cultivation level was not low, and he also had such things as the Xiling Lishi Talisman. Just pulled it out.

In an instant, the 40-meter sword flashing with electric light across the sky also disappeared, leaving only the original Eight Banners soldiers in the Qi Bureau to show off their evil, which greatly reduced everyone's pressure.

At this moment, in the middle of the crowd, there is an altar. It has jade plaques, incense tripods, talismans, incense candles... everything is available, and there is a gold seal placed on the altar, with "Zheng Yiwei Alliance" visible on it. of words.

The Taoist priests of the three sects of this talisman are making a ritual ceremony. In the past, it was the Taoist priests of Wudang who were able to break the Qi situation. Now the situation has worsened and the monster is showing off its evil, so they have no choice but to pray to the gods and ask the ancestor to cure this evil beast.

Beside the altar, there were several tall, tall, strong men with long beards protecting them and repelling the incoming Eight Banners soldiers.

One of the strong men said: "I tell you, Master Zhang, you don't need to set up this altar as close as the Taoist priests in Wudang. Otherwise, we will cover you, retreat down Qishan, and go farther away." , set it up in a safer place?”

Zhang Shoucheng stepped on the Yubu to cast the spell, and said with a solemn expression: "Although it is safer to stand farther away, the method of setting up the altar is like the army setting up artillery. It must be close to be powerful enough!"

The big man was speechless for a moment, scratched his head and said: "What Zhang Daoye said is mysterious. I, Jin Zhenhai, am a big boss. I am called a barbarian from Liaodong. I don't understand much about this. Anyway, we will do whatever Daoye Zhang wants us to do." alright!"

Then, he turned to look at a tall and thick young man and said: "Shan Xun, use your pace, maintain your condition, and fully cooperate with the Taoist masters in casting spells!"

Jin Shanxun said: "Yes! Master!"

The two came from an alien sect in Liaodong - Liaodong Tiangangmen, which is a local sect in Liaodong, and the original site of the sect is in Bincheng.

When the Japanese pirates invaded, they were also the first to resist. However, the Japanese pirates are powerful, and they are undoubtedly fighting against them.

After suffering a large number of casualties, the people of this sect plunged into the vast mountains and started a guerrilla fight with the Japanese pirates.

Because this sect has lived in the mountains for a long time, and they are all tall and powerful Northeastern men, over time, they have been called Liaodong savages.

As the vanguard of the anti-Japanese war, they naturally had no reason not to participate in this operation.

"Ta Tata..."

The ground shook, and the two strong men took strange steps. A small mouse-like air bag bulged on their bodies, from the spine up to the head, forming a bridge between heaven and earth and connecting heaven and earth.

In an instant, their eyes opened like daylight, and a steady stream of natural energy gathered over them.

This is the secret magic of Liaodong Tiangang Sect - Tagang Step Fighting.

As long as you step out and stand in a specific order, you can absorb the scattered energy of living things in nature.

As long as the Takang Step Fight is kept undisturbed, the user can continuously absorb the natural energy of the world and maintain strong energy for a long time. It can be called a perpetual motion machine, and it is also a sage stealing method.Later in the plot of Biyou Village, Jin Yong, one of the Twelve Supreme Weapons, was not a weapon refiner, but he relied on this method to control a large number of Ruhua siege kings with almost endless energy, which is enough to show that this The door means are extraordinary.

However, although they are both saint thieves, Ta Gang Bu Dou and Liu Ku Immortal Thief are different. Ta Gang Bu Dou only borrows it for a short time, which is equivalent to spending the money immediately after stealing it, while Liu Ku Immortal Thief saves it after stealing. , and is also used to strengthen oneself. The effects are different, and the backlash is naturally different.

After performing the Step Gang Steps to connect the bridge between heaven and earth, Jin Zhenhai and Jin Shan found two people one behind the other. They stretched their arms to the left and right and gathered them above their heads. With the palms of their hands facing upwards and their left and right middle fingers facing each other, they shouted in unison:
"Innate Gang Qi!"

In an instant, two bright white lights centered on the palms of both hands and spread outward, forming a huge protective shield to protect the Taoist priests and the altar of the three sects of Fu Lu.

Soon, the air flow surged, the drums and horns roared, and a large number of Eight Banners soldiers rushed up. Their swords struck the protective shield, but it was difficult to break it and they could not advance even an inch.

"I just took a look. The 40-meter Heavenly Sword and the Birdman have disappeared. Mr. Zhang, don't worry. As long as the guy above you doesn't take action, these things can't break our innate energy!" Jin Zhenshan said.

"Excuse me!"

Zhang Shoucheng said something and continued with the ritual. The altar he was going to use this time was called the Zhenwu Demon-Conquering Altar. He needed to recite scriptures and reenact the story of Zhenwu Dangmo Tianzun commanding the gods to wipe out the demon kings, in order to use the power of the gods. Summon the divine power to slay the demons.

This kind of altar is naturally not comparable to the one opened by Zhou Sheng before, and requires the cooperation of multiple Taoist priests.

Fortunately, the Taoist priests from the three sects of Fulu this time were all proficient in this way, and soon the altar was opened.

As Zhang Shoucheng chanted, the incense around the altar burned rapidly, and the rising light smoke lingered, and various strange phenomena appeared in the smoke.

Then, Zhang Shoucheng took out another piece of yellow paper, dipped the brush in cinnabar, wrote the order, then picked it on the peach wood sword and called out the name of Emperor Zhenwu.

In an instant, the yellow paper turned into flying ashes, and the surrounding light smoke suddenly gathered and turned into an arrow, which shot straight up into the sky and disappeared.

Seeing this, the other Taoist priests who cooperated with the practice breathed a sigh of relief. Without any accidents, the altar was completed.

However, Zhang Shoucheng, the host of Fatai, frowned. Although the talisman edict was typed out, something seemed to be wrong!
"What's the problem?" He thought to himself, but did not say anything. At this time, morale cannot be undermined.



At the same time, in the dark and silent spiritual world, Zhang Zhiwei stretched out his hand, about to cut through the space and descend into the material world.

Suddenly, a ray of light passed through the space, as if the black curtain was opened, and then plunged into his hand.

Zhang Zhiwei: "..."

What the hell, come directly into my hands?

He opened his hand and saw that it was an order talisman.

He is no stranger to this thing. He needs this thing when he uses the flying sword to kill the magic altar.

Moreover, the god invited by this imperial talisman is also a god he is very familiar with - the God of Tianwu Xuantian of Arctic Town.

"As expected, the medium used to invite the gods is actually an interior scene."

"In that case, the Taoist dharma lineage and the gods enshrined in the dharma lineage are actually in the spiritual world of this inner scene."

"However, we will study these things later. Let's take a look at what is written in this edict first!"

A golden light flashed in Zhang Zhiwei's eyes, and he instantly obtained the content of the order. It turned out that he wanted to ask Emperor Zhenwu to lower down three demon-killing sword talismans so that he could kill the evil spirits. The order was signed by Zhang Shoucheng.

"What did Uncle Zhang do? Uncle Zhang still has some strength and can force him to do it. It seems that the matter is very urgent, but I intercepted his Talisman Edict and can't reach Emperor Zhenwu. What should I do? "

Zhang Zhiwei took the shining golden talisman and issued an order. He shouted urgently like a law order, but found that there was no response at all.

"Come on, let me change it for you, otherwise I'm afraid it won't start!"

Zhang Zhiwei stretched out his finger to write and draw on the talisman.

In an instant, the talisman command appeared in the void.

Zhang Zhiwei used his own knowledge to change the content of Zhang Shoucheng's order, adding some orders to kill demons with flying swords and orders to invite heavenly soldiers, and then waved it casually.

In an instant, the imperial edict's blazing light rose into the sky and disappeared into the vast inner scene.

"Although it's a bit messy, I think Emperor Zhenwu is not illiterate and he should be able to understand it!"

Zhang Zhiwei muttered to himself, then took out the Dongfeng sword and a peach wood sword on his back, attached the Flying Sword Demon Killing Talisman to let the sword fly across the air, and then began to cast thunder on the sword.

"I have changed Uncle Master's Talisman Order. I don't know if I can invite the Sword Talisman."

"However, regardless of whether the sword talisman of Emperor Zhenwu is invited or not, your nephew, I, the Great Immortal Jin, will definitely give you the sword talisman generously!"



On the other side, the material world.

"Hahahaha, Changchong, do you think you can kill me?"

Shuten Doji laughed wildly, the bones all over his body were growing and extending, making crisp sounds, the muscles expanded and expanded, and the blood-red hard skin was engraved with black runes full of filthy and evil meaning.

Its size expanded again, and when it stretched out its hand, raging flames spread from its palm. The flames spread forward, and a huge flaming sword appeared.

Shuten Doji raised his long sword high and slashed diagonally, and a huge sword force came down in the air.

"Be careful to dodge!"

Liao Huzi, who was possessed by Liu Kunsheng, gave a loud shout and advanced instead of retreating. His index and middle fingers came together to form a sword.

He tried his best to exert the maximum strength that Liao Huzhu's body could carry. The strength was concentrated at his fingertips, and he wanted to defeat Shuten Doji's attack with a point of Arrancar.

At the same time, it was also prepared on the other hand. If it could not resist, it would quickly evacuate this place with its own people.

(End of this chapter)

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