Under one person: I, Zhang Zhiwei, the arrogant Zhang.

Chapter 272: A road without roots, the Shinto priest takes action

Chapter 272: A road without roots, the Shinto priest takes action
"If I remember correctly, Biheshan's participation in the war was during the Second World War, which was a long time ago. Is it a chain reaction of this trip to Bincheng?"

"But Biheshan is different from other foreign sects. These are a group of rebellious guys who may not necessarily obey the emperor's orders. It's not easy to get them to come out of the mountain and come to this foreign country to fight for their lives!"

"In the news sent by Guan Shihua, among the words said by the python fairy, how much is true and how much is false...

In the ice and snow, Zhang Zhiwei looked at the message sent by Guan Shihua through the yin and yang paper, and his thoughts were racing in his mind.

Xiaozhan had already reminded him that Mangxian had taken refuge with the Japanese pirates. He was not surprised or angry. There were many traitors in this land, so he could not place too high demands on a group of animals that had acquired Qi.

As for someone in Quanxing colluding with the Japanese pirates, that's not surprising. It's possible for Quanxing's disciples to do anything.

Many people are a little one-sided about Quanxing. They only think that it is somewhat similar to the Mingjiao in martial arts novels, but in fact it is not the case. Quanxing is worse.

Quan Xing in the plot of later generations is Quan Xing who was transformed by Wu Gensheng. Now Quan Xing, under the banner of the founder Yang Zhu and the guidance of the previous generation sect leader Yao Guangxiao, has conquered the world, is lawless everywhere, and does whatever he wants.

But the key point is that they are just a group of headless flies without a leader. They are claiming to conquer the world, but they have no intention of replacing them and governing the world.

Everything they do is just to find a good cover for venting their desire for destruction, which makes them like a group of terrorists wreaking havoc everywhere.

Nowadays, everyone can kill Quan Xing, so after the 36 thieves formed an alliance, people from various major sects had such a big reaction.

"Never mind this, no matter whether he is real or fake, he is all the same raccoon dog. If you dare to come, I will kill you all with one sword, Taoist Master!"

Zhang Zhiwei rode his horse in the wind and snow, touched the Dongfeng sword on his back, and couldn't wait to try the moves he learned from the Zhenwu ancestor.

At the same time, in the imperial tomb.

Wu Gensheng said: "Go this way, follow my footsteps, go forward three steps, turn left two steps, and continue walking four steps forward. In front of you is the Yin Palace, which is the center of the Dragon Vein. Once you get there, the influence of Qi Bureau It’s over!”

Behind, many strangers cautiously followed Wugensheng's guidance and entered the underworld palace step by step.

The moment they entered, everyone felt relaxed, and the ever-present feeling of a sword hanging above their heads disappeared.

Then, they saw dead bodies all over the ground in the Hades.

Some of these corpses were killed by the "National Master" Shinzaru, and some were killed by Shuten Doji.

They were not surprised by these corpses. They saw too many dead corpses along the way and already knew that most of the Japanese pirates here were dead.

"Everyone, check around and see if there are any fish that have slipped through the net!" Gao Family Leader reminded.

Master Hu Tu of the Shuzi Sect sighed: "Brother Wu Xiao is really amazing. The Dragon Vein Qi Bureau is naturally generated. To find the rules of entry, you need to carefully observe the local structure and Qi Veins." Flow, in order to infer the structure and effect of the entire Qi Bureau.”

"This is a complex and large project. Even I am not necessarily sure of the inference. My little brother actually found it directly. I am amazed. It is truly a talented person from generation to generation!"

He couldn't help but sigh. This time, he really saw too many young leaders, the powerful Lu family's twin swords, the Wudang disciple who was on par with him in magic at a young age, the little heavenly master Zhang Zhiwei who was like a god descending to earth, and This method is weird, it can easily get through the Wugensheng of Dragon Vein Qi Bureau...

However, his sigh received no response. When he turned around, he realized that Wu Gensheng's figure was no longer there.

"Where's that little brother?" he asked.

"After bringing us in, he left!" Zhou Sheng said.

He looked at the direction Wu Gensheng was leaving and was in a daze. When Wu Gensheng left, he had a private chat with him and asked him to remember the route out clearly.

"What a mysterious and powerful guy. I wonder if we will see him again in the future?!" He thought to himself.

"I left. How could I just leave like this? How could I just leave like this..." Master Hu Tu was stunned for a moment and muttered to himself. He still had many things he didn't ask.



At this moment, outside the southeast gate of the imperial mausoleum, Wu Gensheng looked at the wind and snow in the sky and murmured to himself:

"Everything that follows is unimportant. The biggest gain along the way is the various people I meet."

"Some of them are ordinary ordinary people, some are sanctimonious hypocrites, some are hot-blooded reckless men, and some are honorable gentlemen who are anxious for justice and justice..."

"But it is precisely because of contact with them and the reflection of the Tao in them that my Tao has become more perfect."

"Like this group of righteous people in Changbai Mountain, although they all have their own shortcomings, whether they are sanctimonious or hypocritical, they all have shining points and are worthy of praise. They can sacrifice their lives for the sake of the country's righteousness and gather here. Deep in Changbai Mountain!"

"This group of righteous people is like this, but what about those evil people who do all kinds of evil? What kind of mental journey do they have, and what kind of path do they have?"

Wu Gensheng sighed, took out a piece of yin and yang paper, and wrote "It's a long way to go, we'll meet again if we have the chance."

After finishing writing, Wugensheng didn't read the reply message. He threw away the yin and yang paper casually, gathered the bearskin hat on his head, and stepped into the wind and snow.

Wu Gensheng seems easy to get along with, but in fact, his personality is sometimes close to cold.

He is different from Zhang Zhiwei. The biggest difference is that Zhang Zhiwei does not have much empathy, so he is a bit cold and hard.

After all, Zhang Zhiwei's background, his abilities, his character, his talent... all allow him to stand on the top of the mountain, like a heavenly being.

His mind is sitting high on the spiritual platform, and even his own delusions cannot affect it, let alone others.

Therefore, even if he occasionally seems to hate evil, it is not because of empathy, but because of his moral values.

He cannot understand the pain and fear of the weak, so he cannot understand how violent and twisted the villains in the world are...

But having no roots makes a difference. He crawled out from the belly and pile of dead people. He has always felt the same for all kinds of evil in this world.

Along the way, he felt a lot of evil and a lot of good.

In a sense, good and evil are never opposites to each other, just like the world is neither black nor white, but a delicate gray.

Now, he wanted to see what those legendary evil people without any brilliance of humanity were like!
"Quanxing, Quanxing, what kind of organization are you? It's really curious!"

...The rootless figure gradually fades away.


In Japan, in the mountains on the outskirts of Ise City, Mie Prefecture, ancient buildings are shrouded in drizzle.

These buildings look very old, and the stone floors in the corners are covered with moss, but every corner is so exquisite. Even the lamps in front of the Buddha are made of glass lamps. Even people who don’t know anything can See its value.

In the building complex, from time to time priests and witches with solemn expressions would stop in the corner and light the kerosene lamps on the walls.

This is a Japanese shrine, although on many occasions, it is called Ise Jingu.

But in fact, the official name of this shrine dedicated to Amaterasu, the god who symbolizes the sun, is "jingu".

Being able to call it this name shows its status. In Shintoism, it is almost equivalent to the status of Longhushan Tianshi Mansion in Taoism.

The "Shrine" is divided into an inner palace and an outer palace. The inner palace looks very classical, and the architectural styles are from nearly a thousand years ago, but there is no sense of dilapidation.

The reason for this is that Ise Jingu has a replacement system. Every 20 years, the shrine must be burned down and rebuilt. This is called the shrine-style annual shrine, and it has been built more than 50 times so far.

At this moment, in the deepest part of the inner palace, incense is enshrined on a red wall with an ukiyo-e painting of Amaterasu.

In front of the red wall, blazing firelight bloomed, and the sound of hammer striking steel became clearer and longer.

A crimson knife embryo was suspended in the air. An old man wearing a black striped haori, white socks and wooden clogs, was forging it with a stream of Qi in the air, and the fire was splashing everywhere.

"Bang bang bang!"

There was a knock on the door.

"Please come in!" the old man said.

The door was pushed open, and a middle-aged man wearing hunting clothes and a black hat walked in.

"Miyaji-sama, I just discovered that the destiny talisman of Shuten-douji enshrined in my Tsuchimikado family shrine is broken. This shikigami, which was used by my ancestors for nearly a thousand years, is completely dead!"

The middle-aged man said in a trembling voice: "We placed the soul of Shuten Doji in the corpse of the China emperor, and wanted to use his corpse to resurrect him, but now his life talisman is broken. I'm afraid something big has happened to the dragon vein! "

The middle-aged man's words did not affect the old man at all. He still calmly fired out his energy to temper the blade, and said with an indifferent expression:

"There is an old saying in China: a mountain collapses in front but its color remains unchanged; an elk rises to the left but does not blink. The sword master Mr. Miyamoto Musashi also said something similar. When facing the enemy, you should remain true to yourself. If you are moved by the enemy's rhythm , you will expose your flaws."

"What happened to Longmai is not a very unexpected thing. In fact, I was mentally prepared when the accident happened in Bincheng, but..."

The old man paused and said: "It's just that I didn't expect it to come so quickly. According to my expectation, with the Dragon Vein Qi Bureau, it can last for a period of time no matter what, which is enough for me to arrange, but I didn't expect it to be broken. It happened so quickly, disrupting a series of my plans."

"For such a big move, there should be some ruthless characters on China's side. As for Shuten Doji's accident, it should be that he failed to complete the last step and failed to be resurrected successfully. Otherwise, with the ability of Dajiangshan Ghost King, he should not be able to This is right."

They didn't know that Shanqi had transferred his fate and that Shuten Doji had been successfully resurrected, but they thought he was stillborn.

The middle-aged man thought for a while and said: "You are a ruthless character, that's not right. Mr. Gong Si, our spies from China are here to report that in this operation around the Dragon Vein, except for a few stubborn ones from the Four Families and Chuma Xian, Except for those guys, ruthless characters like the Taoist Celestial Master, Immortal Daying, and the Abbot of Shaolin are not involved. Of course, we don’t rule out the possibility of them hiding their whereabouts and sneaking over!"

The old man shook his head and said: "China is a vast territory. It would not be surprising if a master suddenly appeared. Judging from the situation in Bincheng, the person who took action this time was extremely ruthless and almost killed everyone. It was not like a god. Master, what the abbot and these people did.”

"By the way, Mr. Palace Secretary!" the middle-aged man said again: "The people who are new to the special high school in Bincheng, all the clues they found point to Cheka agents. Could it be that Maozi's Cheka agents did it?" What happened in Bincheng is in line with their usual style of killing everyone!"

The old man said: "People from the military have communicated with Mao Ziguo. Mao Ziguo denied it, but he does not rule out this possibility. However, regardless of whether it is true or not, this person has great hostility towards us and is a serious concern. We must Cut it off!”

His tone was decisive.

The middle-aged man said: "But we don't know the identity of the other party. How to cut it off!"

"There is nothing in this world that cannot be known!"

The old man said, waved his hand, stuffed the knife embryo into the stove next to him, and walked out of the temple. The middle-aged man hurriedly followed.

Outside the temple is a cherry blossom forest. In the middle of the cherry blossom forest is a small pool. In the center of the pool is a circular metal altar. There are also some shrines of various shapes enshrined around the altar.

The old man climbed onto the altar: "If you want to know one thing, the most direct way is divination, but direct divination is too expensive, so the altar and sacrifices appear!"

As he spoke, the old man made a magic trick, put his right hand into the pool, and closed his eyes slightly. In an instant, the pool exploded. With a deafening explosion, the full pool of water flew towards the sky, forming a ring tens of meters high. Wall of water!

The water wall stopped in the air as if the picture was frozen, forming a curtain-like water curtain, with vague human figures vaguely visible and ripples passing by. On the water curtain was an extremely tall, blond, blue-eyed foreigner.

Seeing this scene, the middle-aged man looked surprised and said: "Looking like this, a typical Eastern Slavic person looks like a bastard. Is he really a Cheka agent?"

The old man said: "His name is Victor, and he is indeed a Cheka agent. However, according to the information given in the interior scene, this person is ordinary in the Cheka. His status is not high. He is just an ordinary agent. You should have this ability, continue divination."

The water curtain changed, and another foreigner appeared, a fat and bald man.

"This man's name is Boris, and he's equally ordinary!"

After about ten breaths, the water curtain changed again, this time it was replaced by a tall and thin young man, still a foreigner.

"This man's name is Andre. He's just a mediocre person. It's impossible. These people are extremely weak. There's no way they could cause such a big storm in Bincheng. Someone is trying to change the situation. Don't try to lie to me!"

The old man clapped his hands violently and shouted: "Quick, tell me, tell me, who is the real instigator of what happened in Bincheng?"

The water curtain twisted violently, and a dazzling golden light came out. There was a rough outline of a figure in it, which seemed to be the real mastermind behind the scenes. This figure was too tall, with golden light all over his body, and his face was blurry, except for a pair of big star-like eyes. Flashing.

"The man behind the scenes has revealed himself. Come on, tell me his true identity. Come on!"

The old man clapped violently and let out a sharp roar.

(End of this chapter)

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