Under one person: I, Zhang Zhiwei, the arrogant Zhang.

Chapter 277 Establishment of the Church, Tiantong Cult Leader

Chapter 277 Establishment of the Church, Tiantong Cult Leader

In the inn, Zhang Zhiwei was studying the affairs of the Xianjia Hall.

Last night, he and Mrs. Bai discussed Tao all night, and they gained something from each other.

From Bai Xian's words, Zhang Zhiwei also gained a deeper understanding of Chu Ma Xian Yiyi.

Before, he thought that he was a pure saint thief just for the sake of incense.

But after discussing it with Bai Xian, he found that it was still one-sided.

Going out together is indeed a saint thief, but the truly virtuous immortals will not only focus on incense, but also their own practice.

In addition, in order to prevent the incense from being too strong and causing a mismatch of virtue, they will even deliberately control it.

A serious fairy family will not brainwash and recruit believers like a cult to curb the power of belief.

It is more about earning incense by going out, I will show you things, you give me incense, drink and peck, it is predestined, orchid, cause and fruit, all have their origins.

Therefore, some virtuous immortals, even if they major in saint robberies, will not be affected and become distorted.

Of course, there are also some immortals who have become distorted, such as those who find it too difficult to earn incense by going out and taking refuge in the Japanese pirate Shintoism.

"All gifts given by fate have a price secretly marked on them. They are never given for free!"

Zhang Zhiwei thought to himself: "Sage Thief is the collective name for all the techniques that absorb the natural power of heaven and earth. The name is easy to understand. It means that even a saint can't help but want to steal when faced with the power of heaven and earth. "

"So, if you want to practice being a saint thief, the most important thing you should do is not the practice itself, but learn to restrain your desires and the heart to steal."

In short, you can carry as many bowls as your hands have, and eat as much food as your belly has.

Don't take care of your own fundamentals just for temporary greed. Although your faith is good, you can't be greedy.

Among a series of saint thief techniques, the most typical one is the Liuku Immortal Thief.

To practice this magical skill, you must control your appetite. This appetite not only means not eating people, but also means not blindly absorbing the power of heaven and earth when you have nothing to do, and asking for it in a moderate manner.

Even an ordinary person, if he does not restrain his appetite and stuffs himself very full every day, his weight will soar and his stomach will expand to dozens of times that of a normal person.

At this point, his crazy appetite will turn into extreme delusions, controlling him to continue eating, forming a vicious cycle. If he does not cut out his stomach, it is almost impossible to expect him to lose weight normally.

Ordinary people eat too much and can cut their stomachs to lose weight.

The power of heaven and earth has been absorbed too much and cannot be digested. If it stretches itself to pieces, how should it be cut?
Ruan Feng, the owner of the Liuku Immortal Thief, discovered this, so he exiled himself to the snowy mountains in order to "lose weight."

But by then, it was actually too late. His appetite had already grown so much that he had even begun to eat people. It was difficult to turn back.

"My inner alchemy skills are at a very high level. I am stripped of my self-consciousness. I sit high on the spiritual platform and am not affected by delusions. Logically speaking, no matter how much I eat or how fat I gain, I will not be affected by delusions."

"However, there are bound to be great disadvantages if there is a Tao and a virtue that is not in harmony with one's own cultivation. Blindly seeking external forces without considering one's own cultivation."

"But it would be a pity to give up the power of faith. After all, the innate energy contained in it can make people look at it for a long time. If you just give up, how big of a heart do you have to give up?!"

"It is not advisable to eat because you choke. No matter what you do, you still have to ask for it in a moderate way. Therefore, the power of faith you absorb must not exceed your own life foundation!"

"In this case, it is necessary to find a container for the endless power of faith!"

During this trip to Liaodong, what Zhang Zhiwei did, especially the Hundred Ghosts Night Walk in Bincheng, made him almost mythical, and a large amount of mottled power of faith continued to flow towards him.

Although he was sitting high in consciousness and was not disturbed by it, Xin Yuan was very annoyed and needed to be calcined with the true fire of Samadhi from time to time.

He doesn't have much faith now, so it's such a troublesome thing. If it happens in the future, what's the point?

Moreover, there is a big drawback in always using the body to contain the unrefined power of faith.

Because no one can guarantee that his consciousness will always be unable to sit down on the spiritual platform. If something goes wrong during his practice, or he is disturbed by strangers like the Four Crazy Four in later generations, wouldn't he leave some time for himself? Will there be hidden dangers and gaps left?

Therefore, it is urgent to find a container for the growing power of faith.

And in the method that Zhang Zhiwei knows about storing the power of faith.

The gloves that promote excellence are of the lowest quality.

The Taoist lineage is the highest level.

One is somewhat despised, and the other is somewhat out of reach.

To make a compromise, Xianjia's Tangkou is undoubtedly the best choice.

This is one of the reasons why Zhang Zhiwei went to Bai Xian to discuss Tao last night.

"Creating a hall and storing the power of faith in the hall is equivalent to depositing money from a personal account to a company account. I can mobilize them without any hidden dangers, and even pay them in the form of wages. Everyone else in the company is doing multiple things with one stone!”

After thinking for a while, Zhang Zhiwei began to arrange the rituals and prepare to open the entrance to the hall.

When erecting a hall entrance, four beams and eight columns must be met. The four beams and eight columns here do not refer to the building structure, but to the structure of the hall entrance.

The Four Liangs refer to Hu Xian, Huang Xian, Liu Xian and Bei Wang.

The first three are easy to understand. Three of the five immortals, the White Immortal and the Gray Immortal, are not among them because their methods are relatively low.

The "Sad King" in the Four Liangs refers to the general name of ghosts and immortals. Broken down, the male ghost immortal is called Qingfeng and the female ghost immortal is called Yanhun.

They are usually former disciples of the Immortals who turned into ghosts after death and continued to practice at the entrance of the hall. At that time, their status also changed from disciples to Immortals of the Immortal Family of the Immortals, so they were called ghost immortals.

The eight pillars refer to the eight organizational structures.

In other words, a legal and compliant tongkou must meet the above conditions. If one of them is missing, even if the tongkou is established, it is still a fake tongkou. No one will recognize it and will be sealed up.

The practice of Chuma Immortal has the meaning of one person achieving enlightenment, chickens and dogs ascending to heaven. The people here naturally refer to all the immortal families.

For example, in the previous Bai Xianli hall, although the main forces were Bai Xian and Hui Xian, there were still Hu Xian, Huang Xian and Liu Xian inside, which was in line with the rules of four beams and eight pillars.

However, Zhang Zhiwei didn't want to abide by the rules so much. Where could he find a bunch of messy monsters and ghosts to gather the conditions for opening a court? !

He plans to set up a leather bag company first to store the power of faith, and will talk about other things later.

"I'll set up my own leather bag shop, and I won't compete with them for business. Those tricksters shouldn't be so disrespectful and come to trouble me!"

Zhang Zhiwei muttered to himself, took out a series of objects such as the prepared yellow paper, pen, ink, sword, and began to play with the ritual.

The most important thing in the hall is the Seven Star Platform, so the first step is to set the Seven Stars.

The Seven Stars of the Big Dipper are of great significance in the calculation of magic. The changes of the seasons, spring birth, summer growth, autumn harvest and winter storage, all come with the direction of the Big Dipper. The Yu Step performed during the practice is also called the Seven Star Step.After the death of Beidou Lord, many magic swords will also have seven stars when refining, so they are called seven-star magic swords. The Dongfeng sword in his hand is a seven-star magic sword.

When Zhuge Wuhou was in Wuzhangyuan, he also fixed seven stars and set up seven-star lanterns on the legislative altar, hoping to change his destiny and live another life.

But after the Beidou Lord dies, the seven stars continue to live, which is a very dangerous method to live towards death. The destiny is not in Shu, even if it is stronger than Zhuge Wuhou, it will fail.

Zhang Zhiwei lit seven lamps, corresponding to the seven stars, and then placed a Bagua. He set up an altar on the Bagua stage, took out a piece of red paper, and affixed a talisman on it.

Then he bit his finger, dripped the blood into the ink, took out the brush, and wrote a spell on the red paper. It was said to be a spell, but in fact it was a shamanic calligraphy.

This step is called establishing a hall order, which is to set up a structure for the hall to facilitate the arrangement of positions. It is somewhat similar to the list of gods. Whoever is assigned a position will have what authority within the hall.

Generally speaking, a church should have an archbishop, ten church leaders, ten envoys in charge, two camp kings, two chiefs...

Zhang Zhiwei didn't know much about shaman texts, so he didn't tamper with them.

Moreover, this organizational structure is already very complete. If he were to change it, it would be difficult to make it better.

The chief bishop in this hall is the boss of the hall.

Like Mrs. Bai from before, she was the head bishop of that hall.

If you guessed correctly, the Archbishop at the entrance of Guan Shihua Hall is Liu Kunsheng, and the Huangxian invited by Guan Shihua when he interrogated the Japanese pirate named Yuan Guangxin last time should be the branch hall master. A hall master like this should be There are ten.

However, what Zhang Zhiwei is now setting up is a leather bag church. It doesn't need to be that complicated. He only needs an archbishop in charge!
Zhang Zhiwei picked up the pen and was about to put it down, but hesitated.

"What name should I write as the head coach? You can't write Zhang Zhiwei directly!!"

He thought about how his predecessors had done it.

The most famous names in Chumaxian are none other than the three giants of Chumaxian, Mrs. Hu, Mrs. Hu, and Mama Hei.

"This is too simple and down-to-earth. According to the thinking of the immortal family, I should be called Mr. Zhang San? Dad Zhang, Grandpa Jin?"

Hearing these names made Zhang Zhiwei's scalp tingle: "Speak in human language and use people's names. You can't fool around with the immortal family. You have to learn from your ancestors!"

The name of his ancestor Zhang Daoling, apart from the fancy titles granted by emperors of all dynasties, is recognized in the Zhengyi Sect as Prime Minister Tai Xuan and the Great Sage Conquering Demons and Protecting the Way.

"The Prime Minister and the Heavenly Master, from what I hear, are much more capable than the black mothers, grandpas, grandpas, etc. They really have to learn from the ancestors!"

After thinking about it, Zhang Zhiwei put down his pen and wrote four words in the position of the Archbishop - Master Tiantong.

Since you want to imitate the Patriarch, of course you have to use the name given by the Patriarch, but it would be embarrassing if you want to make the name as long as the Patriarch did.

The name Tiantong Cult Master is very good, it is domineering and concise, it avoids the name of Sanqing Lingbao Tianzun, and it is consistent with his Taoist name. Even if the master knows about it, he can't say anything.

With the title of Archbishop falling, the step of establishing a church was completed.

Zhang Zhiwei performed a spell, and the hall spontaneously ignited without wind, turning into a wisp of smoke that was inhaled into his nose.

Immediately, Zhang Zhiwei felt a roar in his head, and he immediately meditated and entered the interior scene.

What catches the eye is a seven-star platform, standing in a void. This is the entrance to his hall.

Above the Seven Star Platform, wisps of colorful Qi will occasionally appear. This is the power of faith.

In the past, the power of faith would be gathered in Zhang Zhiwei's body, but after the hall was established, they would be stored on the seven-star platform at the entrance of the hall.

The current entrance of the hall is still very simple, and all the strange phenomena that were seen in the entrance of Baixiantang did not appear here.

Zhang Zhiwei is not surprised by this. This is an interior scene, and everything can be decided by him.

As soon as I thought about it, the surrounding scene changed drastically. From one side to nothingness, there were formations of fairy sounds, auspicious clouds blooming, and dragons and phoenixes singing together in the sky [-] meters high. The Sanqing Gods were watching everyone, and there were even more immortals and gods arrayed...

It looks extremely majestic, more than ten thousand times larger than the formation at the entrance of Baixiantang.

But in the next second, all of this suddenly collapsed, and the interior space returned to its original state.

"It's better to be simple, the fancy ones are meaningless!"

Zhang Zhiwei walked over and touched the Seven Star Platform with his hand.

At the moment of contact, his consciousness diverges, and he discovers that there is a connection between the entrance of the hall and the inner scene of the pattern of heaven and earth. This connection is the Seven Star Terrace.

This Seven-Star Platform is like a signal transmitter, which can pull in the consciousness of the people on the hall's list.

"It's interesting. Hurry up and recruit someone to come into the hall and try the effect!"

Zhang Zhiwei was about to leave the hall entrance space, but suddenly discovered that the seven-star platform could not only send signals to the people in the hall entrance, but also send signals to the surrounding people indiscriminately.

The moment the church was established just now, the news that his leader Tiantong had established the church had already resounded in the minds of everyone around him.

Zhang Zhiwei: "..."

In fact, the general entrance of the Immortal Family will not cause such a big noise. Only the surrounding Immortal Family, strangers, and some people with weak earth soul defenses and weak horoscopes can hear it.

But Zhang Zhiwei's life was fused together, and the power of his soul was so powerful that everyone could hear it.

In an instant, everyone in the gathering place looked around in confusion.

Someone saw his companion looking around with a puzzled look on his face and tried to say:

"You heard that voice too, right?"

"Master Tiantong?" said his companion.



In a room at the gathering place, the disciple who stayed here said with a shocked expression:

"This feeling is that some great immortal with profound spiritual knowledge is opening the hall. But when the immortal family opens the hall, you should not choose a good day and auspicious day, choose a geomantic treasure place, and summon all the immortal families from the Yin and Yang realms to come and participate. An opening ceremony? How come we didn’t get the news, and why did he hold an opening on our territory?”

Another person said: "How do I know this? But this great immortal's name is so arrogant and domineering. Master Tiantong, who is this great immortal? Aren't you afraid that you can't bear it if you dare to take such a name?"

"Brothers, are we going to find this Tiantong leader?" someone said.

"Why are you looking for him? The affairs of the Immortal Family have nothing to do with our disciples. Master Tiantong is not easy to mess with when he hears it. It's better not to get involved. It would be bad if he offends the other party. Tell him directly to report the matter. , just let it bring the news back to the hall!"

(End of this chapter)

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