Under one person: I, Zhang Zhiwei, the arrogant Zhang.

Chapter 279: The entrance of the church opens, the first immortal family under the leadership of Tia

Chapter 279: The entrance of the hall opens, the first immortal family under the leadership of Tiantong Cult
"not successful!"

Wang Ai sat on the kang, looked at the bright red pot, and said with a depressed expression.

"How do you say it?" Lu Ren asked again.

Wang Ai paused and said, "At the beginning, Shi Hua'er took me to see Huang Xian, the same Huang Xian I saw in the inn last time."

"Master Huang fell in love with me as soon as he saw me. He immediately arranged a horse riding ceremony for me. He also said that he would arrange some clever people to report to the horse fairy family for me."

"As a result, at the end of the ceremony, when I entered the hall to pay my respects to the Grand Master, I was brushed off by Liu Kunsheng. It looked at me very badly and said that I had evil intentions..."

Wang Ai said in a low voice, this time it was a big blow to him. He grew up with the love of his family. From a young age, he got wind and rain, and seldom got what he wanted. .

So I have almost never worked hard for anything in this life, let alone worked hard for anyone.

But during this trip to Liaodong, he really worked hard and tried his best.

In the beginning, he stayed away from Chu Maxian. Whether it was his first encounter with Liu Kunsheng on the train or his encounter with Mr. Huang in the inn, he was scared to death.

But in the end, he overcame the fear in his heart, surrendered his delusions, and made up his mind. Even if he had to break through the mysterious door of life and death and walk in front of the gate of hell, he would still enter the Ma family.

This is not only his determination to charge for love, but also his determination to become stronger and catch up with everyone.

But the thing he had devoted so much of his heart to was denied with a simple word just when it was about to come true.

Do you have evil intentions and inconsistent horoscopes?How ridiculous!

But for such a ridiculous reason, he was denied.

"If you want to be a disciple, the most important thing is to get along with the Xian family. Xiao Ai, don't be discouraged. There are many ways to become stronger. Besides, your Wang family's methods are not bad either!"

Lu Ren patted Wang Ai on the shoulder and comforted him.

Wang Ai did not answer Lu Ren's words. He buried his head so low that everyone could not see his current expression.

Lu Jin also comforted Wang Ai and told him not to be discouraged. It was still early. He remembered that when he became a disciple of Trinity Gate, he also spent a lot of effort and worked in the lower courtyard of Trinity Gate for a long time. This time Maybe it’s just a test and you can try again.

Lu Ci didn't say anything. He just picked up the wine bowl mixed with chili oil, touched the bowl with Zhang Zhiwei, pursed his lips at Wang Ai, and drank the wine in one gulp.

The spicy taste entered his throat, and Lu Ci wanted to cough, but he held on and only made two muffled groans.

He and Wang Ai had grown up and had the best relationship, and he also knew Wang Ai's nature, so it was not easy to get along with him. This time the blow would be huge, and I'm afraid Senior Brother Zhang would have to step in and enlighten him.

Wang Ai lowered his head and clenched his fists tightly. He was unwilling to give in, but there was nothing he could do.

Why is it so unfair, he thinks?Is it just because he is too weak?If he had Senior Brother Zhang's strength, that snake wouldn't have done this to him.

A ferocious look flashed across Wang Ai's face, but at this moment, someone held his hand with such strength that it could almost crush his hand bones.

Wang Ai felt pain, raised his head, and met Zhang Zhiwei's eyes.

Zhang Zhiwei tilted his head, a pair of big star-like eyes fixed on his face, like burning blades.

The more extraordinary a person is, the more unruly he is at heart. Although Wang Ai is naive, he is actually also unruly at heart.

But he was so unruly, and when he saw Zhang Zhiwei's eyes, he instantly made a judgment.


Wang Ai swallowed, and the delusional thoughts that had just arisen in his mind disappeared immediately, and he stuttered: "Zhang...Senior Brother Zhang...do you have...any advice?"

Zhang Zhiwei blinked, converged his eyes, and said: "You just said that Liu Kunsheng's eyes are scary. Do you think it's my eyes that are scary, or Liu Kunsheng's eyes that are scary?!"

"No...it's no different!" Wang Ai whispered.

Liu Kunsheng's fear is the kind of physical fear. Normal people would be afraid of such a big snake coiled there and staring at you with eyes as big as lanterns.

As for Zhang Zhiwei's eyes, there is more of a sense of oppression, a sense of oppression that penetrates into the soul.

For a moment, Wang Ai couldn't explain why.

"Equal?" Lu Ci patted Wang Ai's head, "Can you speak? What does "equal" mean? Senior Brother Zhang should be far better than that long worm. Fatty, I won't let Senior Brother Zhang support you. trick?"

"The hedgehog is right, that long worm only deserves to hear Senior Brother Zhang's farts!" Wang Ai added, "Senior Brother Zhang, please give me some advice!"

"There's no need to say such vain words. Every mouthful is like a worm. Did it hear the bad things you said about Liu Kunsheng, so it won't accept you?" Zhang Zhiwei said.

Wang Ai was stunned. He seemed to have whispered bad things about Liu Kunsheng, just when Liu Kunsheng ran away with Guan Shihua and Liao Husheng.

Zhang Zhiwei continued: "Isn't it just a disciple who wants to go out? There is no master here, there is a place for masters. I will find you a more awesome disciple!"

"A more awesome Tangkou?"

Wang Ai was stunned, then overjoyed. He believed in Zhang Zhiwei almost unconditionally, and asked quickly:
"Which great immortal is he?"

Zhang Zhiwei said word by word: "The hall of Master Tiantong!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone was stunned.

Wang Ai looked excited and said: "Tiantong Cult Master, it sounds a bit familiar. I seem to have heard it somewhere. If you dare to call him by this name, you must be a very powerful immortal family!"

He wasn't nearby before and didn't receive the signal, so he didn't know the situation, but others reacted.

The cousin of the leader of Tiantong, and Senior Brother Zhang, your name is Tiantong...

Several people looked around, then all looked at Zhang Zhiwei, and whispered:

"This leader of Tiantong, could it be you, Senior Brother Zhang?"

"Yes, it's me!"

Zhang Zhiwei said calmly: "I saw that the hall of Chumaxian was interesting, so I set up one. How about it? Do you want to join in and have fun?"

"It's really you!" Everyone was dumbfounded.

Wang Ai was also dumbfounded: "Senior Brother Zhang established a hall? When did it stand? The hall has four beams and eight pillars. Where did you find so many soldiers and horses in such a short period of time?"

During this period of time, Wang Ai'e improved his knowledge on Chuma Yiyi, so he had a good understanding of the structure of the hall.

Zhang Zhiwei said: "Why do you need so many soldiers and horses? The soldiers are good, not too many. Even if there are more chickens and dogs, it is meaningless!"

"Then..." Wang Ai's eyes lit up, "Senior Brother Zhang, your cousin has a powerful immortal family sitting in charge?"

"Isn't it enough to have Senior Brother Zhang in charge? What else is needed for the Immortal Family?" Lu Jin said.

"But it's impossible to ask Senior Brother Zhang to possess him!" Wang Ai said.

Lu Jin thought for a while and said: "That's right, unless Senior Brother Zhang can produce Yang Shen, but this is a bit weird!"

"Tuk-tuk-tuk!" Zhang Zhiwei knocked on the table with his hand: "What are you thinking about? Don't say I can't create the Yang Shen. Even if I can, I can't possess anyone."

"Besides, who said there is no immortal family in my palace? I have a great immortal here, a super fierce great immortal!"

A super fierce immortal?How fierce and how big is it?Pictures of Liu Kunsheng and Mrs. Bai flashed through everyone's mind. They couldn't possibly be more vicious than these two immortals!
"Which one of the five immortals is it?" Wang Ai said, "Could it be Hu Xian?"

"She should be considered a miscellaneous immortal!" Zhang Zhiwei said.

"Miscellaneous Immortals?" Wang Ai was stunned and said with a surprised look on his face: "I've never heard of any masters among Miscellaneous Immortals!"

The shaman group is dominated by the five major immortal families. Among the five major immortal families, Hu Xian is the well-deserved boss.

In addition to the five major immortal families, elves such as monkey immortals, bear immortals, tiger immortals, etc. are collectively called miscellaneous immortals.

Because the shaman's camp must be structured with four beams and eight pillars, this puts Hu Huang Liubei in an almost monopoly position. It is difficult for miscellaneous immortals to get ahead, and there are very few masters.

So Wang Ai was very surprised when he heard Zhang Zhiwei said that the great immortal in the hall was a miscellaneous immortal.

"Don't worry about anything else, I picked it. Are you afraid that you are not strong enough?" Zhang Zhiwei said with a half-smile.

Wang Ai thought of Zhang Zhiwei's methods along the way, and it was as if he had taken a reassurance, and the previous dejection was wiped away.

Even if he enters Guan Shihua's hall, he won't be able to invite any great immortals in a short period of time.

But it's different with Zhang Zhiwei. There is only one powerful immortal in the hall. Isn't it 100% sure that he can invite him?He immediately smiled and said:
"Since it was Senior Brother Zhang who picked him, I certainly won't worry!"

"This Miscellaneous Immortal is very special. You will know it later. I will go and communicate with it first!"

After that, Zhang Zhiwei meditated on the spot, his thoughts fell away, he entered a state of trance, and his consciousness entered the hall entrance space in the interior scene.

He came to the Seven Star Platform, and with a thought in his mind, a black hole appeared in front of him, and he stretched out his hand to grab it.

He grabbed a fist-sized white meat ball out of the black hole and dropped it onto the Seven-Star Platform with a "pop" sound.


The "National Preceptor" looked around blankly, where is this place and why does it appear here? !

Just now, it was sorting out the five elements of the human body, and suddenly stretched out a big hand, grabbed its tail, and carried it this far!

In the small world of the human body, there is no one else but the big-faced thief who can grab my tail. This disgusting stinky thing, a traitor, a villain, a traitor...

It was still cursing in its mind when suddenly its body was hanging in the air and it was lifted up by its tail.

Being pinched by the tail is like being choked by fate.

Xin Yuan blinked his big eyes and stared pitifully at Zhang Zhiwei, saying nice things and flattering him.

Zhang Zhiwei read Xin Yuan's thoughts and secretly cursed in his heart. He was so angry just now, but his face changed in an instant. Sichuan opera can't change your face as fast as you!

As for integrity, is this really the inner demon born from me?How come you don't want Bilian so much, and yet you wink and act cute!In front of me, he deliberately transformed into a furball the size of a fist, but as soon as he walked out, he turned into a ferocious demon ten feet tall...

"Uh-huh, the Imperial Master has been working hard day and night recently, and I've seen it. I'm going to reward you and give you good fortune!" Zhang Zhiwei said in a deep voice.

There was no joy on Xin Yuan's face, and he looked at him warily, wondering what tricks the big-faced thief wanted to play.

It has already eaten too many big cakes, and now when it hears about rewards, fortune, etc., it panics, fearing that it will be some dirty work again.

Zhang Zhiwei continued: "It is a bit unfair for a great national teacher to stay in the small world of the human body and engage in theories."

"So, I plan to let you manifest in the world, with more actual combat and more experience. Only in this way can you grow faster."

"Furthermore, your method of observation is based on external objects. If you want to make progress, you naturally have to observe everything in the world to improve. Even if you are studying, you have to read a lot of books. Why don't you keep observing me in the small world of the human body? Doesn’t this delay you?”

After a set of chain pancakes went down, Xin Yuan was a little moved.

As smart as it is, it's not that it didn't notice the pitfalls in Zhang Zhiwei's words, but it is also really eager to leave the small world of the human body and get involved in the outside world.

In these few attacks, it was like a wild horse running wild, extremely violent, which showed how depressed it usually was.


how to do?Xin Yuan asked quickly.

"Have you seen this interior space?" Zhang Zhiwei said, "This is the hall I established. Now, in addition to the position of national master, I will make you the deputy head of the hall. Your status is only second to mine. Archbishop, one person is inferior to ten thousand people, and your duty is to sit at the front of the hall. Once someone comes to cause trouble, it will be your turn as the deputy archbishop to take action. Go up and kill it!"

When Xin Yuan heard this, he tilted his head and smacked his lips. Sure enough, it was a familiar recipe and a familiar taste, which made him work as a thug.

But... it is willing to be this thug, and it is quite willing. As an inner demon, no one knows what kind of injustice it has suffered and how much depression it has accumulated!

These all need to be vented, but he can't vent to Zhang Zhiwei, after all, he can't beat him!

If it could leave Zhang Zhiwei's small world of the human body and go to the outside world to vent, even if it was short-lived, it would be willing.

Zhang Zhiwei is still saying: "When you become the deputy head coach, you will not only be inferior to one person, but also be superior to ten thousand people. I will also reward you based on your merits. No matter how much you have done, I will give you performance. When the time comes, Let me settle the power of faith for you..."


Okay, okay, stop talking, I agree!

Before Zhang Zhiwei painted all the cakes, Xin Yuan interrupted him. As long as he could go out, everything would be easy. As for the cakes Zhang Zhiwei painted, he just thought they were farting.


How to take action?Xin Yuan asked.

"Wait a moment, I'll find a disciple for you right now!"

After Zhang Zhiwei finished speaking, he disappeared from the interior scene, finished his meditation, opened his eyes, and looked at everyone.

"The Immortal has already taken care of it. Fatty, do you want to come and try to enter my hall?"

"So fast," Wang Ai said, "Senior Brother Zhang, how do I get into the hall? Will you be a Sanhai aide and preside over the ceremony?"

Wang Ai has seen the riding ceremony several times and participated in it once again, so he is already familiar with it.

Since I am a purser, I don’t need to be so formal. Zhang Zhiwei said:
"Everyone is on their own. When you enter my hall, you don't need to do those fancy operations. Just enter samadhi and leave the rest to me!"

"Good good!"

Wang Ai immediately meditated and fell into concentration. Others looked at Zhang Zhiwei attentively, wondering how he would accept Wang Ai into the hall.

Zhang Zhiwei stood up, patted Wang Ai on the head, closed his eyes, and just stood there in trance.

(End of this chapter)

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