Under one person: I, Zhang Zhiwei, the arrogant Zhang.

Chapter 283: The imperial master’s rude words, Zhang Zhiwei’s murderous intention

Chapter 283: The Imperial Master’s snacks, Zhang Zhiwei’s murderous intention

A cold wind blew towards my face.

Huang Xian's consciousness, hidden in the cold wind, rushed towards his face, passed through his gaze, penetrated his eye sockets, and penetrated straight into his soul.

Then, it turned into a big hand, grabbed and pulled, trying to pull Zhang Zhiwei's soul out of his body, but he failed to pull, and even used too much force, causing his soul to tremble.

"What... is going on? This man's soul is as heavy as a mountain!"

Huang Xian suddenly felt something bad. The human soul is very light and fragile. If it casts a spell on the opponent, even if the opponent's cultivation level is far better than it, there should be a pulling process. It is absolutely impossible to be as big as a mayfly like it is now. The tree can't even be pulled back at all.

Zhang Zhiwei's soul blends with his body. If you want to shake Zhang Zhiwei's soul, you must also shake his body. How can the mental power of this Huangxian alone be enough?
Realizing that the situation was not good, Huang Xian immediately wanted to run away.

But after pretending to be cool, he wanted to run away. Zhang Zhiwei didn't agree. With a thought, the power of the soul grabbed Huang Xian's consciousness and pulled Huang Xian's soul out of his younger brother Ma's hole. , following the path formed by the intersection of eyes, pulling towards his body.

In the air, he saw a huge weasel with an illusory figure, its face was twisted, and its limbs were tugged in panic, but it didn't help, and it was pulled into Zhang Zhiwei's eyes.

After entering Zhang Zhiwei's body, Huang Xian's body lightened up, and the extremely strong pulling force disappeared. It regained freedom and immediately wanted to escape along the original path.

But when he raised his head, Huang Xian was confused. The passage was gone and his eyes were gone. What he saw was a world, a brand new world. It was obviously that person's body that he entered.

"In this case, this is a small world of the human body that only appears after one has reached an extremely advanced level of life cultivation!"

Huang Xian's heart skipped a beat.I was frightened and wanted to run but couldn't find the way.

The small world of the human body is Zhang Zhiwei's home turf. In the beginning, even the "National Master" could only be pressed to the ground and rubbed by him here, let alone this Huang Xian.

It is lost in this and can only beg for mercy.

"Great Immortal, Great Immortal, Master of Tiantong, have mercy on me, have mercy on me. The little Immortal belongs to Huang Jiuye. I heard that the Great Immortal established the Hall, so I came here to congratulate you. I accidentally bumped into the Great Immortal just now. Please forgive me. Can you please spare my life?"

Huang Xianbao's follow-up and horse-fighting activities are essentially about communication. Most of the Xian family's horse-fighting activities are not about fighting and killing, but about human nature and worldliness. Therefore, Chuma's disciples are also called "Mr. Sensible."

From Huang Xian's point of view, he had broken out of his family. As long as the Tiantong leader wanted to gain a foothold in this three-acre area in the Northeast, he couldn't do anything.

But it is a pity that this "Tiantong Cult Master" is not a master who likes to play with the world.

From the moment this Huangxian was cruel to him, Zhang Zhiwei sentenced him to death.

Of course, it was not his turn to do anything like this, so he had to close the door and let the monkeys go.

Suddenly, Huang Xian heard the sound of gurgling water.

It followed the sound and saw a huge black hole not far away.

The black hole is bottomless, so deep that it seems to absorb all light.

"As soon as I announced my home, the entrance to the cave appeared. Is this the Tiantong leader who wants to let me go for the sake of my father?"

Huang Xian thought so, he relaxed a little and walked into the black hole step by step.

But when he walked in, he discovered that the black hole was not an exit to the outside world. There was a large internal space, but there was a small hole at the very end.

"Is that the exit?" Huang Xian asked in surprise.

But then, the black hole started to move, which made his heart tighten, and an ominous feeling swept through his body.

I saw smelly saliva starting to flow out from the inside of the black hole, the threshold of the hole turned into sharp teeth, and the high and empty interior turned into a scarlet mouth...

If you look from top to bottom, you will find that the black hole looks like the head of a giant ape, biting it hard.

"This black hole is a mouth, and I just walked into it myself!"

Huang Xian was shocked, and stretched out his magical power to resist, but the monkey head was too huge.

Lifting his neck, Huang Xian fell directly downwards.

Two rows of sharp teeth interlocked, and Huang Xian was directly devoured and bitten.

Immediately afterwards, the wind and thunder were violent, and the monkey stood up, with golden eyes and snowy teeth, showing extraordinary power.

It chewed the snacks in its mouth and looked at Zhang Zhiwei in the distance.

"How does it taste?" Zhang Zhiwei asked.

"It has a fishy smell and is not delicious!" the giant ape said, his voice rumbling.

"Choose and choose!" Zhang Zhiwei said, feeling a little strange, so he used his extravagant eyes to look at the "National Master".

The "National Preceptor" has always been afraid of him. In front of him, he always transforms into a fist-sized appearance and screams "Zhi Zhi Zhi" incessantly.

But this time, the "National Master" did not, but showed his ferocious true form in front of him!
This made Zhang Zhiwei a little surprised, so he looked at it with his divine eyes.

Then I saw the problem.

I saw more shocking blood spots on the "National Master", clinging to it like maggots on the tarsal bones, exuding black energy.

From time to time, these black energies transformed into hideous and twisted human faces that flashed past.

These faces all look like people who were eaten by the "National Master". Although their souls were absorbed by the "National Master", their unwilling resentment remained in the "National Master".

Facts have proven that it is not advisable to strengthen one's own soul by absorbing other people's souls. The more one absorbs, the more severe the backlash will be, and the faster one will die.

Zhang Zhiwei reminded: "Master, have you noticed that you have become more and more irritable recently?"

The "National Master" was stunned and complained in his heart. Of course he was getting more and more irritable. He was a demon in his heart, but he was forced to do hard work. Anyone would become irritable.

Zhang Zhiwei continued: "I advise you to be more serious, sort out the balance between the liver and kidneys early, and ask me to use Samadhi True Fire to adjust it for you, otherwise, I am worried that you will breed inner demons!"

Breeding inner demons, how can I breed inner demons even if I have inner demons?Isn’t this a fantasy?Although Xin Yuan thought so in his heart, he was still a little surprised.

As for what the big-faced thief said, it knew that it had this problem after eating the female ghost named Xia Liuhong. The big-faced thief also said that after it sorted out the balance between the liver and kidneys, it would help It resolves.

So it never took it too seriously, eating and killing when it was time, thinking of solving it all together later.

But now it seems that the problem is getting more and more serious.


After reminding the "National Master", Zhang Zhiwei opened his eyes and looked at the disciple opposite.

I saw the other party lying straight on the snow, motionless and lifeless.

It was not Zhang Zhiwei's intention to kill him, but the sexual cultivation of ordinary disciples was generally not high.When Huang Xian was forcefully pulled out of his body just now, it inevitably affected him and shattered his soul.

Zhang Zhiwei has nothing to apologize for. If he had acted in a lowly manner just now, wouldn't he have been the one who died?


All of this happened in a very short period of time.

When the people who followed arrived, they only saw the bodies on the ground.

"Senior Brother Zhang, where are you from the Xian family who came to apply for a job in the hall?" Feng Ping said.

"By the way, who is this person? Why is he lying on the ground?"

Lu Jin walked over and sniffed the disciple's breath, turned around and said, "This is a dead man!"

Zhang Zhiwei didn't hide anything, and said: "No Xian family came to apply for the job, but an Xian family came to cause trouble, and I killed him. This person was the younger brother of that Xian family, and he died due to the impact!"

"There are actually people who are causing trouble?" Lu Ci's eyes widened, "Are there any more? I want to see which beasts are so blind?!"

"That's right, I'm Senior Brother Zhang's cousin. If you want to come and cause trouble, you have to get through me first!"

Wang Ai also jumped out with a strong face and said that his confidence came from the great immortal in the hall.

"By the way, Senior Brother Zhang, what kind of Immortal Family is that that caused so much trouble to you?"

At this time, Jin Shanxiu of Liaodong Tiangang Gate stood up from the crowd following and asked.

"It's a yellow one!" Zhang Zhiwei said.

Hearing this, Jinshan frowned and said: "It's Huang Xian, this is a bit troublesome. I heard that Huang Xian is narrow-minded and extremely vindictive. Once you offend them, they will fight to the death. If you want to resolve the grudge, then Three animal sacrifices must be offered, as well as all kinds of extremely harsh requirements to ask for forgiveness, and even if Huang Xian forgives, someone in the family needs to worship him as the Baojiaxian, so that the family can be safe."

Jinshan Xun is from Liaodong. Although he does not know Chuma Xian as well as Guan Shihua, he also knows some stories about Huang Xian, which shows that Huang Xian's character has long been deeply rooted in people's hearts.

"Is there any misunderstanding in this?" Lu Ren thought more carefully about the problem. Thinking that this was Chuma Xian's territory, he said, "How about we ask Senior Liao? Let's see what he says?"

"I'm afraid there's no misunderstanding!" Zhang Zhiwei said.

When he built the hall, he knew that he might touch some taboos, so he only planned to build a leather bag to display his faith. At most, he would bring Lu Jin, Lu Ci, Wang Ai and others in. He never thought that I thought I wanted to take in some fairy family, but I didn't expect that trouble would still come to my door.

Of course, the leader of Tiantong is not a person who is afraid of trouble. If those immortals want to cause trouble, he will accompany them to the end.

At this time, a gust of evil wind blew over.

"Are the troublemakers here again?"

Lu Jin, Lu Ci and others were ready to take action, but they found that it was Guan Shihua who came.

Huang Xian protects the body, and Guan Shihua, who came riding the demon wind, was surprised when he saw the people in the forest. He glanced at Wang Ai again and said, "What are you doing here?"

Wang Ai said: "It's a long story..."

He didn't vent his anger on Guan Shihua. After all, things like the entrance to the hall were beyond the control of Guan Shihua's little brother. Besides, he also had a better choice. He even wanted to show off to Guan Shihua.

"It's a long story, we'll talk about it later!"

Guan Shihua had no intention of saying this, and hurriedly came to Zhang Zhiwei and asked in a low voice:

"Senior Brother Zhang, are you the leader of Tiantong?"

"It's me!" Zhang Zhiwei nodded.

"It's not a Taoist name!" Guan Shihua confirmed again: "Is it the one who set up the hall before?"

"Yes!" Zhang Zhiwei said: "After discussing Taoism with Bai Xian before, I made one on a whim. I had no intention of getting involved, but I didn't expect that an immortal family would come looking for trouble. As soon as they made a move, they would attack me hard and I would be destroyed. Got it!"

As he spoke, Zhang Zhiwei pointed at the body on the ground.

Guan Shihua took one look, and her expression suddenly changed, and she said, "Senior Brother Zhang, it's like this. There are many immortals who think your name is taboo and you don't follow the rules, so they want to ask you for an explanation."

"Once they find out that the person who established the hall is not an immortal family but a human queen, I'm afraid they won't give up. For your own safety, you'd better leave the Northeast as soon as possible. As long as you pass Shanhaiguan, you'll be fine!"

"Leave the Northeast... and you'll be fine once you pass Shanhaiguan..." Zhang Zhiwei said, he couldn't help but laugh: "You mean, nothing will happen if I stay here?!"

Although the matter in Liaodong is over, we can start back to Longhu Mountain only after our uncle Zhang Shoucheng has completed the practice.

But going back on his own is different from being driven back.

He was the chief among the 65 generations of disciples of Longhu Mountain. He was driven back to Longhu Mountain by a group of snakes and rats. Where did he put his face? Where did Longhushan put his face?
"That's not what Huniu meant. It's just that the Immortal family is so numerous that we want Senior Brother Zhang to avoid his attacks first!"

Guan Shihua saw the meaning in Zhang Zhiwei's smile and explained.

"Senior Brother Zhang, avoid their sharp edges first?!" Before Zhang Zhiwei could say anything, Lu Ci, the little fanboy, stopped and slapped Wang Ai: "Fat man, bring me the knife!"

"Get a hammer, I've thrown away your weakling!" Armed with a sharp weapon and with a murderous intention, Wang Ai changed from his usual cowardly attitude and said angrily: "I'll just ask the Xian family to come out and beat it to death." What a dog!"

Zhang Zhiwei patted the two of them: "Don't worry. By the way, you said they wanted to ask me for an explanation. I'm right here. Let them come and I'll have a good talk with them."

Zhang Zhiwei didn't pay attention to the five great immortal families, a nest of snakes, rats, chickens, and dogs. But don't forget what his ancestors in Longhu Mountain got their start from.

The reason why he was polite to immortal families like Liu Kunsheng and Bai Sangu was because they also contributed to dealing with the Japanese pirates.

But he didn't recognize Huang Jiuye and his like who suddenly appeared.

Huang Xian will retaliate, so how can he, Zhang Zhiwei, be easy to deal with?

But don't forget how Zhang Zhiwei entered the northeast. It was a powerful dragon-pressing realm, the clouds were rolling, and he used the east wind sword to kill people in Bincheng.

Now he was attacked and killed for no reason just because he took his own Taoist title, and he was asked to leave the Northeast in disgrace?
Are those immortals drifting away, or is it Zhang Zhiwei who has stopped using the knife?
Guan Shihua noticed the vague murderous intention emanating from Zhang Zhiwei, and was suddenly shocked. This murderous intention was not strong, but extremely pure.

This murderous intention is a bit like her feelings towards the kettle lid. Does she have any feelings towards Griphook?

No, there is no disgust, no guilt, and no hatred...

Just because you want to drink the water inside, you will unscrew it without hesitation.

She realized that what Zhang Zhiwei said was that he really wanted to kill all the immortals who came to trouble him.

(End of this chapter)

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