Under one person: I, Zhang Zhiwei, the arrogant Zhang.

Chapter 285: Arrangements at the entrance, Wong Tai Sin’s magical skills

Chapter 285: Arrangements at the entrance, Wong Tai Sin’s magical skills
After Zhang Zhiwei finished speaking, there was silence in the hall. They joined Zhang Zhiwei's hall just as an act of loyalty. At most, they just wanted to make friends with this little heavenly master, but they did not expect that there would be such benefits.

For a time, everyone's minds became active.

Some people are thinking about the power of incense and wishes. This kind of thing has always been exclusive to the Immortal family. Disciples can only touch it after they die and become the King of Sorrow. Now, what does Senior Brother Zhang mean? They have a chance to touch it while they are alive?

Some people thought of the scene where Wang Ai asked an immortal to possess him and defeated Lu Ren.

Wang Ai's strength was mediocre, but after asking for immortal protection, he actually defeated the top masters of the younger generation.

If it were them who invited me, I'm afraid it wouldn't be much different. Wouldn't that be a one-stop success?

Facing the eager gazes of everyone, the "National Master" maintained a high profile and ignored them. It looked at everyone coldly, its body as motionless as a mountain, and its strong aura radiated, making everyone in the hall stunned. I dare not look directly at it, because its two-point golden flame pupils are like flying stars, which sting people's eyes.

But the more powerful this posture was, the more it made people's hearts itch. Finally, someone couldn't help but ask:
"Senior Brother Zhang, can we also ask this great immortal in the hall to come forward?"

Someone echoed: "Yes, yes, if you can ask this immortal family to take action, how domineering it would be!"

Zhang Zhiwei thought for a moment and said: "This Immortal Family is an immortal who sits at the entrance of the hall and usually does not do anything. But if there is an emergency and you need to ask it to do something, it is naturally possible, but there must be conditions. The Immortal Family needs it most. What, everyone doesn’t know about it, right?”

"I know that, it's incense!" someone replied.

Zhang Zhiwei nodded: "Yes, the Xian family sits at the entrance of the hall, so naturally it is not without desires. If someone wants to invite the immortal to come out, they have to use incense to do so. Depending on the priority of the matter, the incense received by the Xian family will be different. The specific amount will be determined by the Immortal Family!"

The "National Preceptor" standing on the Seven-Star Platform with a golden sword secretly glanced at Zhang Zhiwei and felt a little unhappy. Wasn't this making him a coolie?Even though it is possessed by a horse, it still feels very happy. Not only can it go out for a walk, but it can also improve its cultivation of Dharma. It achieves multiple things with one stone.

But when it thinks of the big-faced thief lying down to absorb the power of faith, it feels that this is even more uncomfortable than having him imprisoned in the small world of the human body!
As for Zhang Zhiwei's statement, everyone had no objections. Even in Chumaxian's court, if the Xian family was asked to do something, it would not be for free, which was very reasonable.

There seems to be something wrong with this way of earning incense. The serious way of earning incense in the Immortal Hall is for the disciples to take over the work, and the Immortal Family to take action.

But Senior Brother Zhang's cousin seems to be different. He takes on the work by himself, sees things by himself, earns incense by himself, and then takes the incense to ask the Xian family to help... Everything can only be done by himself.

"By the way, Senior Brother Zhang! I wonder if we can ask this great immortal in the hall for advice?"

Lu Ren suddenly said that he was convinced by the previous competition, and he even felt a little afraid when he faced the "National Master" directly.

But as the future successor of the Lu family, how can he be a mediocre person?He knows that the best way to overcome customer fear is to face the fear and fight, fight back from this immortal family.

The imperial master's golden eyes didn't even look at Lu Ren. How about challenging him?Don’t underestimate yourself!

"Your courage is commendable!" Zhang Zhiwei said with a smile: "If you want to seek advice from the Immortal Family, you can of course do it, but you have to pay enough incense!"

"That's natural!" Lu Ren nodded and said, "Even hiring a sparring partner will cost money, let alone asking the Immortal Family for advice!"

Lu Jin and Lu Ci were also eager to give it a try. Ever since Zhang Zhiwei "broke out of the siege and fought his way out" in Bincheng that day, they had given up their intention to compete with Zhang Zhiwei. The difference in strength was too big and the competition was meaningless.

But now, they have the idea again. Although the gap with this fairy family is also very big, this is in the interior scene. There is a lot of room for maneuver and no one can die. They can go for abuse with confidence and boldness.

"Senior Brother Zhang, if we want to gain the power of faith, we have to do things in the name of Master Tiantong, or in the name of this great immortal!" someone asked again.

Zhang Zhiwei said: "This great immortal is the protector of the hall, so naturally he has to be called Master Tiantong!"

Wang Ai suddenly asked: "By the way, Senior Brother Zhang, I see that this hall has just opened. No one is in the branch hall, barracks, or other positions. What are the requirements if you want to be in these positions!"

"Whatever you want to do, you naturally have to show the ability that suits that position." Zhang Zhiwei said.

"How to determine this ability?" Wang Ai looked at Zhang Zhiwei with burning eyes and continued to ask: "Is it strength, merit, or function?!"

"Of course it's a comprehensive assessment!" Zhang Zhiwei glanced at Wang Ai in surprise, "What, you have a lot of ideas?"

Wang Ai's eyes were blazing: "I want to make progress so much!"



at the same time.

Guan Shihua drove Yaofeng and dragged a corpse back to the Mangxian Temple.

As soon as I entered, I saw a hundred men and women in colorful clothes standing in front of the temple.

Among these people, there were quite a few children, all looking at her in horror, their eyes darting back and forth between her and the corpse in her hands.

It was late at night, when they were rehearsing, and suddenly ghosts were crying and wolves were howling outside, and a gust of evil wind blew.

In the evil wind, a person dragging a corpse walked out. Anyone who saw it would be frightened...

Guan Shihua gave these people a strange look, put away the demon wind, threw the body aside, looked at Liao Huzi in front of the hall, and said in confusion:

"Master, what's going on?"

"These people are all needed for the opening of the altar at the imperial mausoleum." Liao Huzi said.

"Does it take so many people to open an altar?" Guan Shihua said with a surprised look.

Liao Huzhu took a puff of his cigarette and explained: "The scene of the big altar made by releasing the dragon's veins is naturally not comparable to that of ordinary Zhenzhai Buddhist altars. If conditions permit, it is best to use Taoist priests instead."

"But the matter is urgent now, and the imperial mausoleum is deep in the Changbai Mountain, so everything is simplified. But even if it is simplified, the minimum manpower and scene must be there. Otherwise, the power of the gods cannot be invited, and the dragon veins cannot be released."

Redefining everything to be simple, Guan Shihua secretly clicked her tongue, and then got down to business:
"Master, I guessed it right before. The leader of Tiantong is indeed Senior Brother Zhang, and an immortal family has already come to fight with him. I asked him to leave the Northeast, but he refused. There was a big fight with the immortal family. Intend!"

Liao Huzi sighed and said: "Actually, as soon as you left, I expected this result. Judging from the behavior of this little heavenly master, it is indeed impossible to leave like this."

He asked again: "By the way, you said that an immortal family has come to your door. Which immortal family came to you? What was the result?"

Guan Shihua said: "It's Huang Jiuye's hall, but the result... the Xian family and his younger brother Ma are both dead!"

After hearing the news, Liao Huzi was silent for a moment and said:
"Young man, I'm so angry. Huang Tianjiu is the most protective of his little ones. We're in trouble this time!"

Guan Shihua frowned and said: "Master, there is a conflict between Senior Brother Zhang and the Xian family. We cannot just sit idly by and do nothing because of our emotions and reasons. Why don't we ask Mr. Huang to step in and be a peacemaker and let both parties sit down and talk together to avoid fighting? See you!!"

Liao Huzi sighed: "This is the only way now. Let's go. We will go to see Mr. Huang overnight. This kind of thing cannot be explained clearly!"

"Then Master, what should we do with these people?" Guan Shihua pointed at the ritual personnel at the altar and said.

Liao Huzi said: "Originally, I personally took them up the mountain as my master, but now the Little Heavenly Master and the immortals are at war with each other. The two matters should be weighed. I will deal with the matters here first, and as for sending them up the mountain to get them, I will take care of them first." ...Leave it to your senior brothers to do it!"

After that, Liao Huzhu called two disciples and asked them to prepare horse-drawn sleds and take the [-] people up the mountain, while he took Guan Shihua and hurriedly found Huang Ye.

The two of them summoned the power of the Immortal Family, braved the evil wind, and turned into Changbai Mountain.

In the middle of the night, the two walked on the snow for half an hour. After crossing a mountain stream, they arrived at Huang Ye's cave.

All I could see ahead was a bright light.

It was a gate in the style of an archway, decorated with gorgeous and complicated reliefs and cornices, and lights stretched out behind the gate.What kind of cave is this? It's clearly a mansion.

The door of the mansion was not closed, and although the lights were bright everywhere, it was empty and there was no one around.

Liao Huzi and Guan Shihua walked in directly.

As soon as they entered, they saw a pointed head sticking out from behind the rockery in the yard, and a pair of bright eyes looking at the two people, followed by two, three, four... These were all weasels, big and small. Very big.

They looked at Guan Shihua and Liao Huzhu with no life in their eyes, and came up to greet them, chirping and wagging their tails.

Every time Guan Shihua and Liao Huzi came here, they would bring a cart of delicious food, but unfortunately, this time it was an emergency and they didn't bring any.

"The two of us have important matters to see Mr. Huang, and I would like all the little immortals to inform you!" Liao Huzi said, clasping his hands.

They were all old acquaintances. Although they didn't bring any gifts this time, the Huangxians didn't embarrass the two of them and took them to the lobby of the mansion.

Mr. Huang is in the lobby of the house, with his back to the courtyard, about 1.7 meters tall, wearing a large robe, with his hands behind his back and a book in his hand.

Guan Shihua took a look at the book, and there were four words "Compendium of Materia Medica" written on it.

"Guan Shihua!"

"Liao Beard!"

"Meet Mr. Huang!"

The two stood at the door and saluted.

Mr. Huang slowly turned around and revealed his face. He saw that it was wearing a high crown and had a body like a human, but it had a big tail and the face of a weasel.

The weasel's face showed a humane grin: "You two are here just in time. Come and be a bookboy for a while, and read a book with grandpa and me for a while!"

"Master Huang, this time I..." Guan Shihua was about to speak when Liao Huzhu squeezed her hand hard and gave her a look. If you want an immortal family, you must serve the immortal family well and you can't be rash. , making the Xian family unhappy.

Guan Shihua immediately understood and said with a smile: "Okay, Mr. Huang, I wonder what book Mr. Huang is reading?"

Mr. Huang said with a smile: "It's the "Compendium of Materia Medica"!"

"Master Huang also reads medical books!" Guan Shihua said: "You are so knowledgeable!"

"Medical books?" Mr. Huang shook his head: "Who is the serious Huang Xian who reads medical books? Only Bai Xian reads medical books. Mr. Huang, I am reading the human chapter of "Compendium of Materia Medica"."

"Master Huang is really knowledgeable. I wonder what is written in this puppet chapter?"

Even though she was extremely anxious, Guan Shihua still worked hard to be a good idol.

Mr. Huang said with a smile: "The first 51 volumes of "Compendium of Materia Medica" all record some pharmacology of traditional Chinese medicine, but the last volume of the Human Puppet Chapter is quite remarkable. It records some methods of people transforming into animals and animals transforming into humans. You Huang I managed to get it hundreds of years ago, it’s definitely authentic!”

Guan Shihua was shocked: "Really? That's amazing!"

Mr. Huang smiled and said with emotion: "Of course it is true. Li Shizhen, the compiler of this book, is a wizard. Under his hands, human flesh and white bones were brought to death, severed limbs were reborn, men turned into women, people turned into beasts, and beasts turned into people... all of them... Needless to say, this puppet secret technique is definitely a miraculous skill!"

"It's amazing!"

Guan Shihua exclaimed, and at the same time secretly glanced at Mr. Huang. The reason why Mr. Huang looked like this could be because of the "Compendium of Materia Medica".

Huang Xian's perception ability is so strong, he immediately realized what Guan Shihua was thinking.

"Don't think about it. Grandpa, it would be great if I knew this magic skill, but this book is too profound and I can't understand it!"

Mr. Huang closed the "Compendium of Materia Medica", clapped his palms and said:

"By the way, if you are looking for me because of that little fat man's matter, then it will be a waste of time. Liu Kunsheng has a stupid head. I can't talk to him. I have no hope of going south, so I will just stay here in the northeast." Let’s go. Also, it heard the little fat man secretly scolding Liu Kunsheng, disrespecting the immortal family, so don’t accept it if you don’t accept it!”

Without being able to go south, Wang Ai's resources would be dispensable, and Mr. Huang would no longer care about him.

It turned out to be this reason... Guan Shihua was speechless immediately. The co-author was Wang Ai who was a bitch.

However, now is not the time to talk about this, Guan Shihua said quickly:

"No, Mr. Huang, we are not here for him, but for the Little Heavenly Master!"

"What's wrong with him?" Mr. Huang pretended to be calm.

"He is the leader of Tiantong who established the church!"

Immediately, Guan Shihua talked about what happened before.

Upon hearing this, Mr. Huang's hand holding the book trembled, and he thought to himself that it was so dangerous, he almost became that unlucky young Huang Xian, and then he pretended to be calm and said:

"This kid is a lawless master. You are here to persuade me not to deal with him, right? I will give you a face and stop causing trouble for him."

Guan Shihua: "…………"

After a pause, she said: "That's it, Mr. Huang, this little Celestial Master is the Celestial Master's direct disciple, and is very likely to be the future Celestial Master. If something goes wrong with him here, I'm afraid he will If we have a grudge with Longhu Mountain, our camp may also be affected..."

"Master Huang, we all know that you have a lot of connections. Shihua is looking for you this time because he wants you to be a lobbyist and turn a big issue into a small one. See if the matter can be resolved peacefully!"

Mr. Huang shook his head and said: "It is difficult to resolve this matter peacefully. This is a taboo, and he also killed a Huang Xian and his younger brother Ma first. Huang Tianjiu protects his shortcomings. I'm afraid it will be difficult to resolve this matter. , and more than one immortal family has objections this time, even if I convince Huang Tianjiu, it is impossible to convince other immortal families, I can't help you!"

Guan Shihua said: "Persuading a family is a family. Mr. Huang, you have many connections. You will definitely be of great help!"

"What can I do to help him?"

Mr. Huang said angrily. This kid scared him last time. It would be better if he didn't add insult to injury.

"As for if something happens to him here and the Tianshi Mansion causes trouble, there is no need to worry. The Tianshi Mansion is very reasonable in doing things. If we don't participate, the blame will not be on us."

"Let's just sit on the mountain and watch the fight between tigers. By the way, don't let Liu Kunsheng know about this, lest this reckless man interferes!"

"This..." Guan Shihua was a little anxious, but she knew what to say.

At this time, Liao Huzi said: "Master Huang, isn't there some people who can't understand this "Compendium of Materia Medica"? Why don't you help me this time and let the little Celestial Master owe you a favor? When the time comes, can't you please Did he help you read this wonderful book?!"

"What a joke!" Mr. Huang said with a displeased look on his face: "I can't even understand it. What can a brat like him understand?"

Liao Huzi continued: "Has Mr. Huang forgotten who the master behind him is? He can't understand, can he ask his master for advice?"

Mr. Huang's eyes moved.

(End of this chapter)

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