Under one person: I, Zhang Zhiwei, the arrogant Zhang.

Chapter 287 The Ten Thousand Immortals Family Comes to the U.S.

Chapter 287: Thousands of Immortals are coming in droves
"Senior Brother Zhang, things are going much smoother than expected. After Huang Ye's lobbying, the immortals have agreed to sit down and talk. The talking place will be in a valley not far away!"

Guan Shihua, who came here after a long journey, gasped and said.

"Thank you for your hard work, come here and have something to eat!"

Zhang Zhiwei handed Guan Shihua a bowl of wine.

Guan Shihua took the wine, drank it all in one gulp, took a deep breath, and said:

"It's okay for me. I didn't contribute much. Mr. Huang contributed more. Mr. Huang saw that Senior Brother Zhang was extraordinary and wanted to make friends, so he used a lot of connections to facilitate this matter!"

"Then thank you Mr. Huang for me. If I can help with anything in the future, you're welcome!"

Although Zhang Zhiwei doesn't like too much worldliness, he is not ungrateful and said with a smile.

"By the way, Senior Brother Zhang," Guan Shihua reminded in a low voice: "The stances of the immortals who came this time are mixed. Some are very hostile to the Japanese pirates, some stay out of it, and some have already taken refuge with the Japanese pirates. Those who have taken refuge with the Japanese pirates may target you. You Be careful then!"

Zhang Zhiwei grinned and said seriously: "I will pay close attention to them!"

Guan Shihua did not hear Zhang Zhiwei's words and continued:
"But there's no need to worry, Senior Brother Zhang. You just need to be there tomorrow. Leave the rest to us!"

Following Zhang Zhiwei on a trip to the imperial mausoleum, Guan Shihua naturally understood Zhang Zhiwei's character and expected him to break up with the Xian family and fall out and fight, so she and Liao Huzi were relatively fully prepared.

"Thank you!" Zhang Zhiwei waved back: "Erbi, come on, give Huniu a deer leg!"

The barbecue officer Lu Ci was a little drunk. He picked up the wine jar, punched the ground hard, and shouted:

"Use a knife to cut it yourself. You are a tiger girl, not a tiger lady. You still expect me to serve you?!"

"I'll do it, I'll do it!" Wang Ai eagerly wanted to go over and help Guan Shihua get it, but Guan Shihua pulled him away.

Guan Shihua strode to the bonfire. There was a grill on the bonfire. The meat was roasted until it was sizzling and oily, and the aroma of the meat wafted everywhere.

She snatched the knife from Lu Ci's hand, cut off a large piece of tender venison, blew it, stuffed it into her mouth, and started chewing it happily. She then uncorked the wine jar, picked up the wine jar and fiercely Take a sip.

The smell of wine surged up, as if he was blowing a strong breath of spicy breath from his heart and lungs. Guan Shihua took the wine jar, said hello, and touched the jar with Lu Ci:
"I'm impatient with my craftsmanship, Lu Hedgehog. This one is burnt on the outside and tender on the inside. Come on, let's go!"

"Wait a minute, let me eat some meat mat!" Lu Ci said while holding a piece of deer steak.

"Bring a hammer!"

Feng Ping, who was having a drink with Lu Ci, saw the right moment, snatched the meat from Lu Ci's hand, and shouted in Sichuan dialect:

"Drink, drink quickly, your majestic Second Master Lu, are you afraid of a woman?!"

"Fengping, are you scared?" Lu Ci said, "Huniu and I will go together, won't you take advantage? We want to drink together!"

"Just drink, I'm afraid of you!" Fengping said loudly.


Zhang Zhiwei smiled as he watched them drinking together, rolled up his sleeves, picked up the roasted venison shank and started eating.

On the other side, unlike the bold and unrestrained Lu Ci, Lu Ren was an elegant and gentle man. He held a small knife and cut the meat into small pieces. He chewed it slowly and looked at Zhang Zhiwei across from him curiously. While his stupid brother was fighting for wine, he ate all the meat on the grill in one go.

In the past, Senior Brother Zhang was extremely domineering, and his attacks were as if he were a god. Such Senior Brother Zhang was really rare, and he did not seem as difficult to get along with as expected.

At this time, the three people who had finished drinking turned around and wanted to eat meat, but found that there was no meat on the grill.

"Where's the meat? Where's my big piece of barbecue?!"

Lu Ci looked surprised. He glanced at Zhang Zhiwei, whose mouth was full of oil. He recalled the scene of Zhang Zhiwei "drinking" peanuts in the Lu family compound. He seriously suspected that the meat was "drinked" by Senior Brother Zhang.

"My rice is bloated and I have a pustule. What kind of meat do you want? Wine will be fine. Come on, Lu Hedgehog, let's drink!"

Fengping said while carrying the wine jar.

Lu Ci picked up the wine jar and touched it to Feng Ping: "Just drink, am I afraid of you?"

Zhang Zhiwei: "..."

I feel swollen and pusy, and I feel offended.

"Shi Hua'er, I also have a bear paw here, specially reserved for you to drink with!"

Wang Ai brought over a bear paw and said.

Guan Shihua glanced at the bear's paw but did not take it, and said to Wang Ai: "I'm sorry, Master Wang, for making you work in vain. I asked Master Huang to ask. The real reason why Uncle Liu rejected you is not because of you." You have evil intentions, but it heard you secretly speaking ill of Uncle Liu behind his back, so it doesn’t like you!"

"That's the reason!"

After Wang Ai heard this, instead of being depressed, he was very happy.

Liu Kunsheng said before that he would not accept him because he had evil intentions and was a treacherous person. He still had some self-doubt, but now it seems that this was just an excuse. The main reason was that he was found to have been talking behind his back.

"What are you happy about?" Guan Shihua looked at Wang Ai in confusion: "Aren't you sad that you were rejected because of something like this?"

"It's okay, it's okay, I'm not surprised at all, because I also joined Tangkou, and we all have a bright future!" Wang Ai said nonchalantly.

"You also joined the Tangkou?" Guan Shihua was stunned and quickly asked: "Whose Tangkou did you join?"

Not all immortal families treat their younger brother Ma as a relative, and many immortal families treat their younger brother Ma as a slave, or even a disposable tool. She is worried that Wang Ai will seek medical treatment indiscriminately due to a sudden illness, and he will not be able to enter. The entrance to the hall should be entered.

Wang Ai said with a proud look on his face: "I am joining Senior Brother Zhang's cousin!"


Guan Shihua was speechless at once, "Senior Brother Zhang's cousin doesn't have any troops, so is there any difference between joining and not joining?"

"Who says there is no such thing? There is a great immortal family sitting in front of Senior Brother Zhang who is very powerful. I invited him out before and he even defeated Brother Lu Ren!" Wang Ai said enthusiastically.

Not far away, Lu Ren, who was innocently lying at gunpoint, had a dark face. Is this kind of thing easy to publicize everywhere?
Guan Shihua's eyes lit up: "Tell me carefully!"

Wang Ai found the topic and quickly explained it to Guan Shihua in detail.

Guan Shihua was surprised when she heard this: "Monkey Immortal, that is definitely not from Changbai Mountain. There are no monkeys in Changbai Mountain. It is probably from other places. If you are possessed by your body, you can defeat the Lu family's jade. You must be very strong. I really want to see it." !”

"Shi Hua'er, why don't you join us? Master Tiantong, how domineering you are!" Wang Ai said quickly.

If you ask everyone here who cares about Tangkou the most, it is definitely him. He cares more about Zhang Zhiwei.Guan Shihua glanced at him angrily:
"One person can only enter one entrance of the hall. If you enter repeatedly, you will be deceiving the master and destroying the ancestors!"

"It doesn't count as deceiving the master and destroying the ancestors," Wang Ai continued: "As far as I know, although my younger brother Ma cannot join multiple halls, the Xian family can. The Xian family is divided into sitting hall immortals and Chuantang immortals. You are in If other cousins ​​are disciples, they can come to Senior Brother Zhang to be the 'immortal family'. Anyway, Senior Brother Zhang's cousins ​​do not have the position of disciples!"

Sitting in the hall means that you only stay in one hall and do not go to other halls. Chuantangxian means you have your name in several halls. Nowadays, many immortal families are Chuantangxians, but there are relatively few who are hall immortals.

This is also the reason why the immortal family is united. All the halls are related to each other to some extent. For example, Mr. Huang, although he is the hall master of Liu Kunsheng hall, he is also known to Huang Jiuye. , also has a place.

"Being the younger brother of my original cousin, and taking the position of the Immortal Family as Senior Brother Zhang's cousin, it does make sense in name, but..."

Guan Shihua thought for a moment, but still refused. This rule was for the immortals. She didn't know whether it would apply to her younger brother Ma, so she couldn't take the risk.

"By the way, when are we going to that valley?" Zhang Zhiwei asked.

Guan Shihua said: "Let's wait until daybreak. The temperature in Changbai Mountain at night is too low and it is really difficult to travel through it, let alone other places. Even the immortal family will not choose to go out at night!"

Zhang Zhiwei nodded, and then continued to drink and eat meat with everyone.

The next morning, the sky was bright.

The wind howled, and the cold wind blew in the face with snow as big as grains of salt.

Everyone rode Zhang Zhiwei's horse-drawn sleigh to the valley agreed with the Xian family.

The valley was quite large, covered in snow, with snowy peaks reaching straight into the clouds on both sides, and a large open space inside.

When everyone entered the valley, they did not see the immortal family, but they saw Liao Huzi. He had set up an incense table and chairs in the middle of the valley, and offered several sandalwood incense. There were wine and vegetables on the table, which was quite sumptuous.

"Senior Liao, why are you here, where is the Xian family?"

Zhang Zhiwei was confused and said that he thought they would be greeted by various monsters and ghosts after entering the valley.

"The Immortal family is all about presentation. You should be here in a while!" Liao Huzi said.

"Then this is..." Zhang Zhiwei looked at the incense table.

Liao Huzi said with a smile: "Since we are talking about things, it is best to talk at the wine table, so that everyone can make money by being harmonious!"

"Senior Laoliao is here!"

Zhang Zhiwei clasped his hands and said.

"Little Celestial Master is too polite. Speaking of which, I have to thank Little Celestial Master for taking action. Unfortunately, I was seriously injured at the time and was taken away by Uncle Liu. I didn't have the opportunity to see the power of Little Celestial Master!" Liao Huzi said. He said politely.

Although he is older than Zhang Zhiwei, in the alien world, what matters is the means and strength. Zhang Zhiwei's means and strength have undoubtedly won his respect.

"It should be right!" Zhang Zhiwei said.

"By the way, Little Heavenly Master, what are these people here for..." Liao Huzi looked at the people behind Zhang Zhiwei.

After entering the valley, everyone who came to the town lined up and stood behind Zhang Zhiwei, looking quite impressive.

"Don't the Immortal Family do things based on status and connections?" Zhang Zhiwei said: "These fellow Taoists wanted to help me, so they joined my court to increase my status and connections!"

Liao Huzi suddenly said: "I see, everyone is interested. With all the major factions gathered together, the Immortal Family must also consider it!"

"That's the truth!" Zhang Zhiwei turned to look at the people behind him and said:
"Brothers, remember, you are here to calm the situation for me, not to fight. You just stay at the entrance of this valley. If something goes wrong later, don't worry about anything else and just leave the valley."

"I know, Senior Brother Zhang!"

Everyone knew that with their strength, staying would only cause chaos, so they didn't insist on staying.

Not long after, the wind picked up.

Immortals appeared one after another, carrying the wind, snow and demonic wind, heading towards the valley like a tide, causing quite a stir and frightening the hunters and visitors in the mountains.

"Many great immortals have appeared. This scene is comparable to Yin soldiers taking advantage of the way. Hurry up, hurry up, let's hide quickly. We are being bumped into and something unexpected will happen to the immortal family!"

An old ginseng took a young ginseng and hid in a snow cave.

"Master, aren't these immortals rare to see? Why do they go out in groups?" the young visitor asked puzzledly.

"Who knows about the Immortal Family's affairs? Be careful what you say!" the old ginseng guest said quickly.

At the same time, everyone in the valley looked up at the sky.

I saw that the sky suddenly became gloomy, and wisps of black air emerged from nowhere. It rose like smoke, gradually became thicker, and was full of evil and strange things. The wind and snow that were originally weak suddenly became violent, and the wind sounded like ghosts crying and gods howling. Weird and terrifying.

"It's Qi. It's such a powerful Qi. It's so rich that it turns black. This should be called Yao Qi!" Someone sighed.

"With such a strong Qi, the immortals coming here should be very strong and there are many of them!" Guan Shihua whispered.

Zhang Zhiwei didn't speak. He looked up at the snow peaks on the side of the valley. A black gleam appeared on the snow peaks. It turned out to be a giant python. The eyes of the giant python seemed to be flowing with lava, like a mirror reflecting flames.

An extremely ferocious, cruel, and scalp-numbing tragic energy spread invisibly

Everyone was shocked when they saw this giant python. They and the giant python were looking at each other from a distance for several miles. No one spoke or moved at all. Their hearts were filled with deep uneasiness.

"Uncle Liu's party brother Ma, Liao Huzi, I have met Chang Zaitian, Mr. Chang!" Liao Huzi bowed and said.

Liao Huzhu always ignored him, his huge body was entrenched, his head was lowered, and his eyes were serious, staring in the direction of Zhang Zhiwei.

Behind it, the black mist was as thick as cast iron, with countless huge or weird shadows howling in it.

"Senior Brother Zhang, this Chang Zaitian is full of murderous intent and has brought many soldiers and horses from the palace. I'm afraid the person who comes here is not good!" Guan Shihua reminded in a low voice.

Is Chang Zaitian the second or fifth boy who took refuge with the Japanese pirates? Zhang Zhiwei also stared at him. Did he bring so many soldiers and horses to be blamed?
At this time, another storm surged, and a large stream of yellow Qi rushed into the sky like a tide, forming a huge wave of yellow clouds.

And in these clouds, a large number of yellow skins were jumping and gliding inside. The two yellow skins at the head had human bodies and animal heads, and wore high crowns, but one was wearing colorful clothes and the other was wearing a yellow robe.

Guan Shihua introduced in a low voice: "The one in colorful clothes is Huang Ye, and the one in yellow robe next to it is Huang Jiuye, the headmaster of the Xian family that you killed yesterday, Senior Brother Zhang, but Senior Brother Zhang, you don't have to worry , they have been convinced by Mr. Huang and will not embarrass us, they can even be said to be half of our own!"

Half one of his own...the only Tangkou headmaster he had ever killed in the Xian family...was actually one of his own...Zhang Zhiwei felt a little strange.

(End of this chapter)

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