Chapter 290 My power is endless
Zhang Zhiwei lowered his eyes, and in an understatement, he used thunder to blast the rising Xianjia into charcoal.

He immediately stood guard at the entrance of the valley with his sword, cutting off everyone's back. If he dared to take a step beyond the thunder pool, there would be only death.

However, there are many soldiers and horses in the Orthodox Xianjia Hall. There are eight departments and ten branch halls. Once dispatched, there will be thousands of troops.

Zhang Zhiwei's actions just now, instead of scaring them away, actually aroused their ferocity, and more and more immortals swarmed up.

Especially the Xian family soldiers and horses in Xiong Xiantang's mouth who were killed by the flying thunder sword just now rushed to the front with red eyes. The leader of the Zhangtang was killed, and they wanted to avenge him.

Facing the menacing immortals, Zhang Zhiwei showed no fear at all. He used Longhu Mountain's Qingping Sword Technique, and the Dongfeng sword flew in his hand, striking out fierce and sharp sword lights one after another.

A large number of immortals formed a military formation and used their own methods to collide with the sharp sword light.

"Pfft, puff..."

The sound of broken flesh and blood resounded, each immortal family was torn apart by the sword, countless bloody corpses were cut off, and the blood mist filled the air.

They swarmed up, but they didn't get any benefits.

"Isn't this person nicknamed Little Heavenly Master, a junior from Longhu Mountain? Why is he so scary? If I had known this, I shouldn't have agreed to Chang Zaitian's invitation and submitted a petition to Shinto!"

Above the valley, an immortal who looked like a rickety old man murmured to himself with a look of horror.

This fairy is only half the height of an adult man. It has black hair all over its face and is wearing a gray robe. If you look closely, you can see that it has a mouse face. It was the same person who was scolded by Chang Zaitian during the previous meeting. That Gray Cactus Cult.

It stared at Zhang Zhiwei. From its small eyes, you could see the cunning and insidiousness. Beside it, there were several similar gray fairies, all standing upright and wearing tailored gray robes, observing. Off-field situations.

"Headmaster, are we going to take action?" A Gray Immortal said, "If we just sit back and watch, I'm afraid it won't be easy to explain afterwards."

Before the Gray Immortal Master could speak, another Gray Immortal said: "What do you want me to tell you? Tell me, the other party is so powerful. Do you want to go up and die? Xiong Ba even had half of his head cut off by a flying sword. Our strength is far inferior to Xiong Ba." Got it!"

Xiong Ba is the Xiong Xianzhang Cult from before.

At this time, the Gray Cactus Master stroked the rat whiskers on his face and said:

"We must take action, but not now. The opponent is surrounded by lightning, and even his hair is shining. It seems that he has entered a certain state. This state will not last long. If we want to attack, we have to wait until he is weak. Go up, you didn’t see, Chang Zaitian has been dormant to avoid its sharp edge since he first took action!”

"Then we continue to wait now?" Gray Fairy said.

The Gray Celestial Palm Cult said: "Of course not. How can we avoid its edge? Someone has to be able to resist the edge. Who do you think is more suitable?"

A gray fairy turned his eyes, and his eyes shone brightly:

"Although Xiong Ba is dead, his death is not over yet. Let them continue!"

The Gray Cactus Master stroked his whiskers and nodded:
"That's right, and in this process, we don't have to wait. We can also pick the soft persimmons first. Look, aren't those three people the soft persimmons? The two white-haired ones are especially soft. First, Give these two people a knife!"

Then, a gray fairy broke away from the team, came to a huge black bear with bloodshot eyes, and whispered a few words.

When the black bear heard this, he was shocked and shouted angrily:
"Don't be afraid, everyone, let's go together. He is alone. The thunder method consumes the most Qi. His current state cannot be maintained for a long time. He will not be able to kill us all before the Qi in his body is exhausted!"

This black bear is Xiong Xiantang's leader who is responsible for managing the troops.

In a church, the leader of the army is often the absolute confidant of the patriarch, and Xiong Xiantang is no exception. The leader of the army is the biological son of the archbishop.

His own father was cut off half of his head by a stinky Taoist priest with a sword in front of him. As his son, of course he wanted revenge.

However, its idea that Zhang Zhiwei's thunderous regeneration state cannot be maintained for a long time is doomed to fail. The previous thunderous regeneration state could not be maintained for a long time because the energy in the body was limited.

But it's different now. He has opened the hall and is receiving the power of faith all the time. It's like carrying a power bank with him. Once he is unable to use it, he can directly use the power of faith in the hall to replenish himself.

The power of faith can be used in a wide range of ways. A large amount of the power of faith collected in daily life is stored in the gloves of Changyou who practices godhead. Once used, the combat power will be doubled.

Zhang Zhiwei's godhead mask has reached the third stage of cultivation. The power of faith can be said to be like an arm in front of him. His mouth is like a glove collecting the power of faith in the hand of Zhang Zhiwei.

However, there are differences. The power of faith in the gloves of advocates needs to be actively collected, which can be said to be a lot of hard work, but Zhang Zhiwei's disciples passively receive it all the time. The efficiency between the two is day by day.

This is the reason why Zhang Zhiwei started the reverse state as soon as he took action.

Facing the waves of attacks from the immortals, Zhang Zhiwei was not afraid at all, with golden lightning surrounding his body to protect him.

Although the defensive power of golden lightning is not as good as the golden light curse, it is not something that ordinary immortals can break. Even if it is broken, his life will be one and it will be difficult to be hurt.

The only ones who could hurt him were some of the great immortal families in the hall, but Zhang Zhiwei knew all about these great immortal families. Moreover, these great immortal families were all very restrained, and they all stayed on the sidelines and drove some miscellaneous fish to come. Consuming him, as if waiting for him to run out of energy.

Therefore, it seems that the immortal family is coming one after another, but in fact it is a one-sided massacre.

Swinging his sword to kill a Liuxian who was dormant in the dark, waiting for the opportunity to attack, Zhang Zhiwei stared at the black bear giving orders, and then he moved and flew past.

Seeing Zhang Zhiwei's arrival, the black bear's expression froze, and the ferocious look on his face quickly turned to fear. His iron tower-like body trembled, and then, he roared sadly, turned around and ran away.

It didn't dare to face Zhang Zhiwei at all. Unfortunately, as soon as it took the first step, there was a light coming from behind to chase the soul and kill it. It was a sharp sword energy.

The black bear's face looked horrified, and before he even had time to scream, his body exploded into pieces. His skin and flesh were rotten into pieces, and he flew straight down, blending into the wind and snow, turning into a rain of blood.

This scene shocked the Immortal Family dormant in the dark. Black Bear is good at fighting. Although he is just a barracks king, when it comes to fighting, some of the White Immortal, Gray Immortal, and Bei Wang Tangkou masters may not be him. The opponent was slaughtered like a chicken by the Little Heavenly Master.

There were many immortals who had their thoughts turned around and left immediately, not daring to stay any longer.

At this moment, the cunning Huang Ye and Huang Jiuye stood on a high place, looking at the battlefield.

"The power of the little Celestial Master can be said to be the Celestial Master's personal presence. Lao Liu, I have to thank you. If I had rushed forward rashly to avenge the Tangkou Xian family and my younger brother Ma, I'm afraid I would have suffered heavy losses. ah!"

Huang Jiuye said happily.

"Brothers, why are you talking about this? If anything good happens in the future, just remember me!" Huang Ye said.In fact, in terms of shock level, it was no less shocked than Huang Jiuye. Before Zhang Zhiwei took action, it just intuitively knew that this person was not easy to mess with, but it never expected that he was so difficult to mess with.

"Then I will definitely remember you. By the way, Sixth, look, some rats in the gutter actually want to launch a sneak attack right under my nose!"

Huang Jiuye suddenly pointed in a direction and said.

Huang Ye quickly looked around and saw several gray shadows hidden in the black mist, rushing in front of Lu Jin who was fighting fiercely with the Python Immortal, about to attack.

Lu Jin, who was in the reverse state, was mentally alert and suddenly felt a thorn in his back. He took a quick look and saw that a huge gray mouse was about to pounce.

Lu Jin was about to defend himself when he saw the gray fairy who was about to pounce was passed through by a ray of yellow light. His body instantly burned and exploded like a firework.

Could it be that Senior Brother Zhang is helping me?Lu Jin subconsciously looked at Zhang Zhiwei, only to find that Zhang Zhiwei could no longer be seen. He was surrounded by blood mist.

The blood mist surged like a bloody vortex, sucking in the black mist in the valley and the faint immortal family in the mist.

The fog formed by the gathering of the immortal qi was originally black, but now it gradually began to glow red and became thicker and thicker.

However, the immortals who had been constantly attacking him and Lu Ci were gone. Lu Jin was stunned and looked around, only to find that many immortals no longer followed the orders of the leader of the church and were fleeing in panic. They could not escape. , and even knelt down on the spot, kowtowing crazily to Senior Brother Zhang.

On the top of the mountain, several immortals from the palm hall let out strange screams, which sounded like anger, hatred, and a hint of fear.

"What's going on? Is the power in this guy's body infinite? Why can he still maintain this state? Why has his aura not weakened at all?!"

The situation changed beyond expectation, and the Gray Cactus Cult let out a sharp roar:
"Withdraw, withdraw. There are many opportunities to surrender, so there is no need to gnaw on this difficult bone!"

A gray-furred fox said: "Chang Zaitian, I am facing a powerful enemy, so I have to make a decision now!"

"Let me think about it!" Chang Zaitian shouted, staring down. Now that things have happened, it would be a lie to say that he has no regrets.

In fact, when it had just fought with Zhang Zhiwei, it felt a little regretful, knowing that it had picked the wrong person, so it retreated immediately after the attack and lay dormant, hoping to wait for Zhang Zhiwei to collapse before attacking again.

But after waiting and waiting, even the immortal family at the entrance of the hall had too many deaths and disobeyed orders, and it did not wait until Zhang Zhiwei showed signs of fatigue.

Now, it has been unable to dismount from the tiger, and there have been too many casualties in the hall. If it walks away in despair, it will be difficult to convince the public, and I am afraid that the hall will become alienated in the future.

But if you fight...

Chang Zaitian looked at Zhang Zhiwei, only to see that Zhang Zhiwei was also looking at it. The tip of the formidable Dongfeng sword was pointing at him and said:
"Want to use up all my power?" He chuckled: "My power is endless!"

The voice was decisive, and Chihan's murderous aura surged out like a floodgate.

Chang Zaitian felt a shiver in his heart. He knew that because he had killed those boys who had done the dragon vein removal method before, he had already been on this person's must-kill list. Even if he retreated this time, it would be useless, even if he retreated to the ends of the earth.

There is no way out!

Chang Zaitian gritted his teeth and roared: "Everyone stand shoulder to shoulder, I will take the lead!" "

Having said that, with a movement of his body, he came over like a wild dragon, using all his methods, he got into hands with Zhang Zhiwei, and two shadows, one gold and one black, clashed fiercely in mid-air.

Several other Palm Immortal Masters looked at each other. Without saying a word, the Gray Immortal Palm Master flashed and turned into a gray mist, disappearing into the vast wind and snow. Also disappearing at the same time were the grays it brought. Fairy.

"The stinky rat is useless and is excluded from the rest of the world. It's not unreasonable!"

The gray-furred fox sneered and made the same choice as Chang Zaitian, attacking Zhang Zhiwei and began to cast spells.

At this moment, Chang Zaitian opened his mouth and let out a jet-black breath, which instantly transformed into countless small black snakes, winding towards Zhang Zhiwei.

Without thinking, Zhang Zhiwei waved the East Wind Sword. Golden lightning penetrated the sword body, enveloping the cold sword energy. He killed the dense black snake with one sword and chopped it on the head with one sword.

Chang Zaitian screamed in pain. A bloody hole was cut out of its head. It was extremely miserable. Zhang Zhiwei's methods made him feel very difficult. He couldn't match his speed or physical strength, but his opponent was fast and his body skills were fast. , it has a lot of power but no place to use it.

After injuring the opponent with a sword, Zhang Zhiwei was about to take advantage of the victory to pursue him when suddenly, a sharp and harsh sound sounded.

"Respectfully invite the Soul Controlling God of Yujia."

Hearing this, Zhang Zhiwei was startled. He felt that these words were a bit familiar, as if he had heard them somewhere, but they were definitely not Taoist gods. As a serious Taoist priest, he still had this bit of integrity.

Zhang Zhiwei soon remembered that the Yuga Soul God is actually the Inari God, a god in Japanese pirate Shintoism. Commonly known as the "God of the Three Foxes" among the people, he is the god of grain and food in Japanese mythology. He is in charge of good harvests. The god of wealth, so it has a high status in Japan.

"Where is Inari God? Are there any priests in the Immortal family who can invite God?"

Just when Zhang Zhiwei thought this, the gray-furred fox hiding in the dark suddenly opened his mouth and spit out a white talisman.

The talisman glowed, and a fox that swelled in the wind emerged from it. In just a moment, it turned into a giant creature, waving its sharp claws and colliding with the east wind sword wrapped in wind and thunder.

Being caught off guard, and because Zhang Zhiwei only used the principle of electric field to push, he was standing in the void with no point of strength, so he was knocked away by a blow and fell to the bottom of the valley, making a big pit.

Upon seeing this, all the immortals became energetic. Huang Tianliu said that this little Celestial Master was the future Celestial Master. He was suspected to be a true martial artist from heaven descending to earth, and his strength was boundless.

They didn't take it seriously before coming, but after Zhang Zhiwei took action, they were almost scared out of their wits.

But at this moment, he actually suffered a loss and seemed to be seriously injured. How could this not make the immortals excited? !
However, before they could get excited for long, a golden thunderbolt rose up, moving like a wild dragon in the air.

Zhang Zhiwei just didn't have a point of stress under his feet, so he was knocked off guard. Apart from his hair being a little messed up, he didn't suffer any injuries.

With a movement of his body, he was propelled by the electric field and soared into the sky to kill the gray-furred fox.

As a celestial being, he was able to ask a Shinto god to take action, and he surrendered to the enemy completely.

(End of this chapter)

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