Under one person: I, Zhang Zhiwei, the arrogant Zhang.

Chapter 337 Zhang Jingqing’s domineering declaration

Chapter 337 Zhang Jingqing’s domineering declaration
"By the way, Master, I also encountered a few strange things!" Zhang Zhiwei said.

"What's weird?" Zhang Jingqing asked.

"When I was in the Dragon Vein Land, my uncle once started a ritual and ordered Emperor Zhenwu's divine power to use his sword to slay demons. After I used Emperor Zhenwu's divine power to slay demons, I went down to Changbai Mountain with a lot of wounds to seek treatment. On the way, Zhenwu A trace of the emperor's true spirit came and possessed a dead man. He discussed with me, gave me some advice, and also taught me a powerful sword move. I want to try and see if I can pass it on to my brothers. …”

Zhang Zhiwei had no intention of hiding anything and told Zhang Jingqing the situation in detail.

After listening to this, Zhang Jingqing looked solemn and was silent for a long time, then said: "One drink and one drink, could it be a predetermined decision? There must be a reason for the orchid and the fruit. The development of things follows rules and rarely happens for no reason." Please think about it carefully, what is the relationship between you and Zhenwu, why did he want the true spirit to come and teach you sword skills?"

Zhang Zhiwei thought for a moment and said, "By the way, Master, do you still remember the Flying Thunder Sword?"

Zhang Jingqing stroked her beard, which had not returned to its original size, and glared at Zhang Zhiwei angrily:
"Of course, remember, if you are talking nonsense, it will be over if I don't slap you!"

Of course Zhang Zhiwei would not get into trouble with his master for no reason, so he immediately explained:

"Aren't I talking about the reason why Emperor Zhenwu taught me sword moves? The foundation of Flying Thunder Sword is the Flying Sword Killing Magic Altar. What this altar commands is the divine power of Emperor Zhenwu. When I first opened this altar, I I caught a glimpse of Emperor Zhenwu in the dark."

"At that time, he was wearing golden armor, with disheveled hair, standing with his sword in his hand. When he looked at me, his eyes flickered for a moment. At that time, I just thought it was an illusion. I even joked that if he had a spirit, he would come down to earth and pass it on. I have a demon-slaying sword technique, and I sweep away the demons for him, and then he took advantage of his uncle's opportunity to ask for his divine power, and a trace of the true spirit came."

After hearing this, Zhang Jingqing frowned and whispered: "Is that just that?!"

"I was quite surprised at the time!" Zhang Zhiwei said.

"Some things in reality are often more absurd than those in stories. Don't worry about the reason why he came to you. Come on, show me the sword moves you have learned." Zhang Jingqing said.

"I'm afraid there are some things that can't be used here!"

Zhang Zhiwei was a little afraid that he would pierce a hole in the master's palace with his sword.

"The place where the sect's altar is is really not suitable for wielding swords and guns. Let's get out!" Zhang Jingqing said.

Immediately, the two left the Great Shangqing Palace and came to the old forest in the back of Longhu Mountain.

Here, there is a large area of ​​pitch-black ground, surrounded by traces of lightning strikes, spreading out radioactively like spider webs.

"Master, is this the place where you practice thunder magic on weekdays?"

"As expected of a master, his attainments in thunder magic are profound. Look at the thunder marks on the ground. They are big, round, and..."

Zhang Zhiwei kept banging his mouth.

Zhang Jingqing's face darkened, her eyes narrowed, and she stared at Zhang Zhiwei without saying anything.

Zhang Zhiwei's heart went crazy when he saw it. Could it be that his rainbow fart was too much?Stopped immediately and said carefully:

"Master, why are you always staring at me?!"

"Are you bragging about yourself?!" Zhang Jingqing snorted coldly, "It's so shameless!"


I'm boasting...I'm obviously...Wait a minute...This big, round thunder mark is... Zhang Zhiwei's heart skipped a beat, and he instantly realized that this big, round thunder mark was the one his master opened for the big-eared thief last time. When Xiao Zao was a child, he was struck by his own flying thunder sword. No wonder he had such a stinking face. This was a flattery to the horse's hooves.

"Master, it was all an accident. I didn't mean to kill you!" Zhang Zhiwei said quickly.

Zhang Jingqing continued to look at him with empty eyes: "Don't you know, my master? If you do it on purpose, you'll be finished just to see if my master can chop you."

"Hehehehe..." Zhang Zhiwei smiled stupidly and said nothing.

"You've been acting like a madman all day long. You only know how to have fun. Your teacher is cooking for that boy Huaiyi, but you're not nervous at all?" Zhang Jingqing asked.

"Master, look at what you said, why am I nervous? Shouldn't I look like I've been betrayed, fearful, uneasy, doubtful, desperate, then run to the back mountain and ask Master loudly, Master, why are you doing this to me? "

Zhang Zhiwei was speaking and gesticulating, holding up his height with one hand, and said with an exaggerated expression.

Zhang Jingqing: "......"

"I'd rather you do this," Zhang Jingqing said with a black line, "Okay, okay, put away your poor acting skills. If you continue, I'm afraid I can't help but strike you with lightning!"

In order to avoid getting into trouble with his master, Zhang Zhiwei quickly controlled his expression, put away his body movements and stood up.

Zhang Jingqing pointed at the scorched ground: "Okay, the venue here is spacious, you can demonstrate it!"

Zhang Zhiwei picked up the Dongfeng sword, walked to the middle of the dark ground, spread his legs, and slowly raised the Dongfeng sword with both hands.

Zhang Jingqing stared at this scene intently. As a master, he had always understood Zhang Zhiwei's sword-wielding habits.

The Dongfeng Great Sword is a heavy sword, but Zhang Zhiwei has always used it as a one-handed sword wielder, rarely holding the sword with both hands, but now, he picked up the sword with both hands.

Not only that, the Dongfeng Great Sword, which could be manipulated easily with one hand, suddenly became extremely heavy at this moment. When the sword was raised, the blade trembled uneasily, as if there was a giant dragon dormant inside.

The sword was finally raised to his chest and suddenly stopped. At this moment, a huge pattern, with the sword as the center, suddenly expanded, and then suddenly shrank, turning into a line, converging on the sword body. , endless power also poured into the sword body.

The next moment, an extremely sharp sound completely tore through the silence. The sword in Zhang Zhiwei's hand thrust out. On the simple sword body, there seemed to be a twisted dragon beating, and time paused at that moment.

Until a ray of black-gold light left the sword body, the sword light was as thin as a ray, piercing the mountain in front, leaving a hole in the ground the size of a bowl. The hole was bright in front and back, and it actually penetrated the mountain.

Zhang Jingqing watched this scene, walked forward, and took a look at the hole as big as the mouth of a bowl.

"What is the name of this sword?" Zhang Jingqing asked.

"I call it a sword that separates the world!" Zhang Zhiwei said.

"Did you choose it yourself, or was it the name given to you by Emperor Zhenwu?" Zhang Jingqing asked.

"Emperor Zhenwu only said that he taught me a swordsmanship, but did not name it. I named it myself!" Zhang Zhiwei said.

Zhang Jingqing paused and said, "Emperor Zhenwu actually said his name!"

Zhang Zhiwei was stunned: "What's the name? It can't just be called swordsmanship, right?"

Zhang Jingqing nodded: "Yes, it's called swordsmanship!"

Zhang Zhiwei: "..."

Zhang Jingqing continued: "This is a long-lost miraculous skill. It, together with the two miraculous skills you learned before, is listed as one of the 72 Disha skills!"

"It turns out that it comes from here. By the way, Master, tell me, if I learn all the 72 Earthly Evil Techniques, will I be the Monkey King?" Zhang Zhiwei said with a smile.

"Is Monkey King's ending good?" Zhang Jingqing asked.

"Uh..." Zhang Zhiwei couldn't help laughing.

Zhang Jingqing sighed and continued: "The Earthly Evil is the star of murder, Zhenwu is the God of the North, and after the death of Beidou Lord, I will give you the Earthly Evil Technique... I feel uneasy as a master..." "Master, what are you afraid of?" Zhang Zhiwei said. , "Aren't all arts controlled by people?"

"It's easy to say, the road is at your feet, how many people can control the road under their feet? There are many people in this world who are dominated by magic!" Zhang Jingqing said.

Zhang Zhiwei did not refute this. This was indeed the case. Wasn't the Jiashen Rebellion started by a group of people dominated by magic?

"I can understand your feelings of wanting to pass this technique on to your brothers and sisters, but this technique is extremely demanding. Whether others can learn it is another question, but the key is that you can't pass it on!" Zhang Jingqing said.

"Why?" Zhang Zhiwei said: "When Emperor Zhenwu taught swordsmanship, he didn't say he couldn't teach it to others!"

"It's not because of this, it's because the common man is innocent and guilty of carrying the jade. This will bring disaster to them!" Zhang Jingqing said in a deep voice.

Zhang Zhiwei's heart trembled. He thought of Tian Jinzhong in the plot. Wasn't it because of the source of Qi that his cultivation was abolished and his limbs were cut off?
"Will it bring trouble to Longhu Mountain if I learn these things?" Zhang Zhiwei said calmly, without any expression on his face.

"Causing trouble?"

Zhang Jingqing glanced at Zhang Zhiwei, suddenly laughed, patted Zhang Zhiwei heavily on the shoulder, and said:

"What do you think of me, Longhu Mountain?"

Zhang Zhiwei was stunned.

Zhang Jingqing continued: "It has been nearly 2000 years since the founder of the Tianshi Mansion!"

"In the past 2000 years, dynasties have changed and sects have risen. Our Tianshi Mansion has always been standing on Longhu Mountain. I have seen him build tall buildings, watched him entertain guests, and seen his buildings collapse. I have never wavered for a moment!"

"Does this come from their charity?"

"Not to mention just a few magic skills, you have learned 72. As long as you stand in Longhu Mountain, in front of your master, no one will dare to hurt you!"

Zhang Jingqing said this with full confidence.

Zhang Zhiwei was stunned for a while. Is this the feeling of someone behind him?Although with his strength, he doesn't really need it, this feeling is reassuring.

Unexpectedly, the master was also enthusiastic about it, but Zhang Zhiwei remembered that Zhang Jingqing also said in the plot that it was the time when the big-eared thieves were being hunted down during the Jiashen Rebellion.

However, the big-eared thief did not return to the mountain after all, and instead harmed Tian Jinzhong.

Regarding this paragraph, many people speculate that Zhang Jingqing's so-called method of protecting the big-eared thief is to pass on the Celestial Master's salvation to the big-eared thief and let him become a Celestial Master. In this way, no one will dare to touch him.

But Zhang Zhiwei sneered at this. After passing on the title of Heavenly Master, no one else really dared to move?
This Heavenly Master position has such a big face, isn’t it? !

The reason why Celestial Master is respected by others is not because of the noble position of Celestial Master.

No matter how noble the Heavenly Master is, can he be as noble as the Emperor?When an emperor loses power, he can die in any way, no matter how miserable it is, let alone a heavenly master.

The weight of the word "Celestial Master" is determined by his strength.

The aliens went to war because of the Eight Wonders, and Tianshi Duli's complete thunder method was a unique skill passed down directly from the Taoist saint Zhang Daoling. Is its gold content no better than the mere Eight Wonders?
But why has no one ever gone to Longhu Mountain to grab the complete Five Thunders Dharma?

This question is like someone asking why eating ginseng fruit is better than eating Tang Monk’s meat, and why the monsters didn’t go to Wuzhuang Temple to snatch the ginseng fruit, but instead ate Tang Monk’s meat.

Ginseng fruit is a vegetarian, is Zhenyuan Daxian a vegetarian?
Using Tianshi Du to protect the big-eared thief is tantamount to abandoning Zhenyuan Immortal and using ginseng fruit to protect Tang Monk.


Master finally got excited. Of course Zhang Zhiwei couldn't let him down and said immediately:

"Master, I understand. The meaning of our Longhu Mountain is actually that when you go up the mountain, you have to coil up even if it is a dragon, and you have to lie down even if it is a tiger, right!"


Zhang Jingqing glared at her apprentice fiercely and reprimanded: "If you don't learn well every day, you will always say weird things!"

Zhang Zhiwei chuckled and said: "That's more or less what I mean. By the way, master, last time I asked Emperor Zhenwu to teach him a move and a half, and Emperor Zhenwu's true spirit came. Not long ago, the ancestor came, and I also asked him to teach him his secret skills. , tell me, does the old man know how to pass it on?"

"On the day when the dragon's veins ascended to heaven, you were just a cat nearby, peeking in with a sly look on your face, right?" Zhang Jingqing showed an expression that was just as I expected.

"Disciples, disciples, and grandsons pay homage to the majesty of their ancestors. How can it be said that they are peeking?" Zhang Zhiwei said.

"If your ancestor knew that he had a disciple like you, let alone teach you a single move, it would be fine if he didn't kill you!" Zhang Jingqing suppressed a smile at the corner of her mouth.

"Well... Master has said so, so it seems that it won't happen. But Master, why does the true spirit of Emperor Zhenwu come, but the true spirit of other gods does not appear?" Zhang Zhiwei said.

"Because Emperor Zhenwu is very special!" Zhang Jingqing stopped her smile and said slowly.

"Why is it special?"

Zhang Zhiwei was puzzled. Although Emperor Zhenwu was of high status, there were many people whose status was similar to his, or even far beyond his.

"You are not the first person to see the true spirit of Emperor Zhenwu!" Zhang Jingqing said.

Zhang Zhiwei was shocked and asked quickly: "Who else is there?"

"The last one was Ming Chengzu!" Zhang Jingqing said.

"Is it...Zhu Di?"

Zhang Zhiwei felt that there should be no one named Ming and Chengzu.

Zhang Jingqing nodded: "Yes, that's him. What do you think of this emperor?"

"He is the only vassal king in the history of a unified dynasty who successfully rebelled with a weak force!" Zhang Zhiwei said.

"What do you think is special about him? Why is he successful?" Zhang Jingqing asked again.

Zhang Zhiwei wanted to say that it was because Emperor Jianwen stretched his crotch too much, but then he thought about it. Master's words probably meant that Zhu Di was special, not that Emperor Jianwen was incompetent.

After all, no matter how incompetent an emperor is, he will still have many capable people under him, not to mention that Emperor Jianwen has the team left by Zhu Yuanzhang...

Zhu Di was able to raise an army with [-] soldiers. In the end, he became more and more courageous and defeated Emperor Jianwen's army of one million. Later, he personally led the troops to defeat the nomads in the north and became the only emperor to enshrine the wolf in Xu. How could he not be special?

After thinking about it, Zhang Zhiwei said: "Zhu Di had the help of Yao Guangxiao, the prime minister in black at that time. Yao Guangxiao was the only head of Quanxing in the past few hundred years. He had the help of Quanxing in his heyday!"

"Furthermore, it is said that when Zhu Di raised his army, no one was optimistic about it and his morale was low, but suddenly dark clouds rolled in and Emperor Zhenwu came and wished him victory over the enemy. I originally thought that this was a gimmick that Zhu Di found to raise his own army. Could it be that this it is true?"

Zhang Jingqing said: "Who knows the truth of history? Some are true, but no one believes them when they are told, and are considered fallacies. Some lies that cannot withstand scrutiny are regarded as truth."

"Zhu Di's success must be attributed to Yao Guangxiao, the prime minister in black. But at that time, apart from Yao Guangxiao, who else was a big shot in the alien world?"

(End of this chapter)

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