Under one person: I, Zhang Zhiwei, the arrogant Zhang.

Chapter 339: Senior brothers reunite, senior uncle talks about divine generals

Chapter 339: Senior brothers reunite, senior uncle talks about divine generals

Zhang Zhiwei came down from the back mountain and was about to go find Uncle Zhang Yi.

As a result, as soon as he walked to the straight plaque of Sihan Tianshi Mansion, he met his brothers who were waiting to greet him.

"It's Zhiwei, Zhiwei is back, Zhiwei is back!"

"Good boy, you are finally back. You went down the mountain without saying a word. We thought you had offended the master and were kicked out of the mountain!"

"Quick, quick, tell the truth, where have you been this month?"


As soon as they saw Zhang Zhiwei, the brothers gathered around and talked a lot.

"Senior Brother Zhiwei, you are finally back. We haven't seen each other for so long. You miss us so much!" Tian Jinzhong, a little fanboy, came up to him and gave him a hug.

"Hahahaha, Xiaotian, long time no see, you've grown a little taller!!"

Zhang Zhiwei was very happy to see Tian Jinzhong, hugged Tian Jinzhong, patted him on the shoulder and said.

"Long time no see, everyone is still the same!"

Zhang Zhiwei let go of Tian Jinzhong and went to hug and greet his fellow apprentices one by one.

"Senior Brother Zhiwei, where have you been this month? It really makes us worried!"

Lin Huaiyi said happily from behind.

He actually wanted to go over and hug Zhang Zhiwei, but he was a stubborn guy and couldn't let go.

Zhang Zhiwei noticed this, so he went over to hug him, patted his shoulder vigorously, and said with a smile:
"Huai Yi, how have you been during this period? Have you gotten along well with your fellow apprentices?"

When he left, Lin Huaiyi had just exposed his hidden cultivation. Although the brothers didn't say it clearly, there must be a gap. He had taught Lin Huaiyi how to eliminate the gap, but he didn't know if Lin Huaiyi did it.

"This period of time is okay, my brothers and sisters have forgiven me!" Lin Huaiyi said with a smile.

"Hahaha, those who forgive or are not forgiven are all brothers, so what does that mean?" A brother laughed.

"That's right, this kid Huaiyi is easy to think too much. For such a trivial matter, he even invited us to drink for more than half a month, and he was so polite. However, he is polite to us, but we are not polite to him. Inviting guests to drink and dine, you don't refuse anyone who comes, hahaha, Huaiyi, when will you invite me again?" Tian Jinzhong laughed.

"I'm short of money, I'm short of money. When I save some money, I can treat everyone to dinner and drinks!" Lin Huaiyi said with a smile.

"Are you short of money?" Zhang Zhiwei said with a half-smile, "Have all your savings been exhausted over the years?"

Lin Huaiyi's expression froze, a drop of sweat dripped from his forehead, and he said with a smile:
"It's almost there!"

As soon as Zhang Zhiwei saw Lin Huaiyi like this, he knew that this boy must still have some stocks. People like Lin Huaiyi would always leave a leeway for themselves no matter what they did, and they would never run out of ammunition and food.

"Hahaha, look at you like this. I'm back. Treating guests is naturally left to me. By the way, how is Yang Wulei's practice? Have you encountered any problems?" Zhang Zhiwei asked.

"Well..." Lin Huaiyi paused and said, "Although he can't compare with Senior Brother Zhang, it's already his first glimpse of the world, and he has a little bit of enthusiasm!"

"Is there a little bit of heat?" Zhang Zhiwei said with a smile: "You are a humble kid, so it seems that you are practicing well. I will give it a try when I find a time!"

"This..." Lin Huaiyi paused for a moment, touched his head, and laughed dryly: "There's no need for that. How can my meager means get into the eyes of Senior Brother Zhang, hahaha!"

"Hahaha, Huaiyi is here again. Look at what you said. If your methods are meager, then our methods will be nothing but dust!" Tian Jinzhong said with a smile.

"That's right!" A senior brother agreed.

"No, no, no... I didn't mean that. I meant that my methods are insignificant compared to Senior Brother Zhiwei. I'm not saying that you..."

Lin Huaiyi quickly gave a hesitant explanation.

"Okay, okay, I understand what you mean. Everyone is just talking casually. By the way, Brother Wei, you can't tell me what you have been doing for more than a month? In the first few days, we searched the entire Longhu Mountain I searched all over you but couldn't find you. I went to ask the master about him, but the master didn't give me a good look. We thought you were kicked off the mountain because of something that provoked the master!" Tian Jinzhong asked.

"How can I be driven down the mountain? Master, how can I let it go?" Zhang Zhiwei said with a smile: "I went to Liaodong to exterminate the Japanese pirates!"

"Go to Liaodong to destroy the Japanese pirates?" Tian Jinzhong exclaimed: "Brother, hurry up, tell me the story carefully!"

"It's a long story, please listen to me in detail!" Zhang Zhiwei said with a smile.

Zhang Zhiwei immediately briefly described the process from taking the train to Bincheng, and then riding a horse from Bincheng to Changbai Mountain. As for what happened in the Dragon Vein Land, the time was too short, and Zhang Zhiwei did not say anything.

Moreover, the senior brothers of Zhengyiguan were also involved in this part of the matter. They had previously kept the operation secret, so their whereabouts were not disclosed.

Now that they have all returned, what happened in the Dragon Veins of Changbai Mountain will surely be spread through their mouths, so Zhang Zhiwei did not go into details and only talked about how he killed the Japanese pirates along the way.

However, when narrating, Zhang Zhiwei was a little cautious and deleted a considerable part of the content.

After all, this matter touched the bottom line of the Japanese pirates. Tianshi Mansion, Jianghu Inn, and the four major families, Zhang Dashuai and others spent a lot of effort to extract themselves and others, and divert the trouble to Cheka.

Ruo Tu was quick to speak out and let their hard work go to waste, that is really not a thing. Zhang Zhiwei is just a bit big-mouthed and doesn't like to be secretive, but he is by no means a fool who can't understand clearly.

However, even if it was the castrated version of the story, everyone was excited to hear it. They slapped their thighs and applauded, but at the same time they couldn't help but regret that they were not there for such a thing.

"Senior Brother Zhiwei is so unkind, you don't even ask us to do this kind of thing!" Tian Jinzhong said sourly.

"That's right, I went with three boys from the four families. The wealth does not go to outsiders. How can we not ask the master brothers to do this kind of thing together?" said a senior brother.

Zhang Zhiwei smiled and said: "Speaking of this, I was also instigated by Lu Ci from the fourth family. I am not the leader, so how can I have the nerve to pull people in? Moreover, Liaodong is very dangerous. As a senior brother, I Why are you willing to take risks?"

"Senior Brother Zhiwei, they say that when a father and his son go into battle, they are brothers who fight tigers. We, brothers, are not brothers, but better than brothers. We will not go there if there is danger. You are too unreasonable. You are not willing to let us take risks. Are we willing to let you take risks?!" Tian Jinzhong said.

"That's right, next time something like this happens again, you must call us together. No matter what, we can also help, right? How can you be left to fight alone?" Another senior brother said.

"Okay, okay, let's fight together next time. As brothers, we can work together to defeat the Japanese pirates!" Zhang Zhiwei laughed.

"Hmm, who are you trying to kill but can't be defeated?"

Suddenly, a majestic voice sounded.

Everyone was frightened to death. The cheerful atmosphere just now was instantly audible. This scene was like the head teacher suddenly coming from behind during a self-study class.

However, Zhang Zhiwei was not affected. He held his hands and leaned against the wall, watching this scene with a smile.

This voice was the arrival of the master... Everyone turned their heads stiffly, but did not see the majestic Zhang Jingqing. They only saw an old Taoist priest with white hair and beard, looking at them with a smile on his face and holding a bag in his hand. A bottle of wine. Judging from this posture, he must have just returned from drinking at the foot of the mountain.

Everyone immediately breathed a sigh of relief and started talking in all directions. "It's Master Zhang Yi. You almost scared us to death. We thought it was Master coming!"

"You little bastards, you are afraid of Master, but you are not afraid of Uncle Master me?" Zhang Yi blew his beard and glared.

However, Zhang Yi is well known for his good temper, so no one is really afraid of him, and he still smiles playfully.

Zhang Yi scolded him with a smile, and then looked at Zhang Zhiwei.

"Long time no see, uncle, you still look good!" Zhang Zhiwei made a sign and said with a smile.

"Your uncle and I are guarding the Daozang Palace, how can I be as good as you? This trip to Liaodong can be said to have stolen the limelight. Even my old face, your uncle and I, have been honored!" Zhang Yi said with a smile.

"Uncle, look at what you said, isn't this under the care of my uncle? Speaking of which, the Flying Sword Demon Killing Talisman you gave me, uncle, has played a big role!" Zhang Zhiwei said with a smile.

Zhang Yi naturally knew what Zhang Zhiwei did with the Flying Thunder Sword. He touched his beard and said with a smile:

"As long as it's useful, you brats keep talking, I'm leaving first!"

"Uncle Master, I have something to say to you!" Zhang Zhiwei said quickly.

"What's the matter?" Zhang Yi said.

"It's about the ordination conference..."

Before Zhang Zhiwei finished speaking, Zhang Yi interrupted him:
"Let's talk about this in my room!"



In Zhang Yi's closet.

"What, that guy Zhang Shoucheng actually wants to recommend you to receive the third-level legal position, and wants you to be the Jiutian Jinguanqing Jiutian Lian Visitor Zhixuezhizhi Exorcist Academy of the North Pole Exorcism Academy?!" Zhang Yi said with a face of shock.

Before, Zhang Yi thought that Zhang Zhiwei was looking for him because he was talking about the matter of Sipin Falu getting on the bus first and then paying for the ticket. He thought that this kind of back door thing was not suitable for everyone to make trouble, so he called Zhang Zhiwei to his residence and asked him to go alone. comminicate.

Unexpectedly, Zhang Zhiwei told him that not only had his Dharma Level reached the threshold of the third level, but he also had to receive the third level Dharma Office!

Just being able to condense the Dharma Ribbon in such a short period of time is shocking enough, let alone the third-grade Dharma position. It is a more precious thing than the third-grade Dharma Vault. Since ancient times, only high-level magicians can hold the position. .

Even if he has been deeply involved in talismans and worked hard all his life, he has only reached the second-level legal position in his sixtieth year. Now Zhang Zhiwei is going to reach the sky in one step and directly receive the third-level legal position. How could he not be surprised?

"Does your master know about this?" Zhang Yi asked in a deep voice.

"My master knows about this, and it's him who asked me to come and tell you!" Zhang Zhiwei said truthfully.

"Since Shoucheng and your master both agree, then I naturally have no objections!" Zhang Yi said.

The three masters all agreed that the matter was basically half done. The next step would depend on his own ability. Zhang Zhiwei took a long breath and said:

"By the way, Uncle Master, I would like to ask you about the third-grade legal profession!"

"What do you want to ask?" Zhang Yi said.

"It's about the heavenly soldiers and divine generals!" Zhang Zhiwei said: "Uncle Shoucheng once told me that after receiving the legal position, a certain number of heavenly soldiers and divine generals can be awarded according to regulations. It is determined by the horoscope of the giver, so what kind of divine general is it? How are the divine generals determined?"

"Zhang Shoucheng only told you about heavenly soldiers, but not about divine generals?" Zhang Yi asked.

"Uncle Shoucheng said that he can't say for sure about the divine general, so he can't judge!" Zhang Zhiwei nodded.

Zhang Yi explained: "Strictly speaking, the divine generals awarded by the legal position are indeed uncertain. The number of heavenly soldiers depends on the horoscope, while the divine generals depend on the destiny. Both of them are not related to the level of the legal position."

"Some mages with a third-grade magic rank have the lowest ranking of the God of Protective Generals, while some mages with a rank of seventh-grade magic rank with a God of Protective General at the top!"

"The level of the magical position only determines the power controlled by the heavenly soldiers and divine generals. If they belong to the same level of magical positions, the more heavenly soldiers there are, the stronger they will be, and the higher the ranking of the divine generals, the stronger they will be."

After listening to Zhang Yi's words, Zhang Zhiwei suddenly realized. In this way, the heavenly soldiers look at the earth soul, and the divine generals look at the heavenly soul. The heavenly soul controls luck. The divine generals are indeed based on luck. Uncle Shoucheng is not proficient in numerology in magic. It is true that Not sure.

"Uncle Master, this time I participated in the action of releasing the dragon veins and received the blessings of the dragon veins. My fortune has greatly increased. Doesn't it mean that I may be awarded an extremely powerful divine general?" Zhang Zhiwei said.

Zhang Yi smiled and nodded: "It is indeed possible. This must be the reason why Shoucheng recommended you to receive the legal position!"

"Uncle Master, what is your legal position, and what about the military generals you lead?" Zhang Zhiwei asked curiously.

"My legal position is not in the Arctic Exorcist Academy, but in the Shangqing Tianshu Academy. My position is from the second rank. I am the envoy of the Jiutian Jinque Shaozai Tianshu Academy and judge the affairs of the Tianshu Academy. As for the soldiers and horses?"

Zhang Yi paused and said, "Speaking of soldiers and horses, let me tell you your birthday and horoscope. Let me calculate for you. How many soldiers and horses can you command at most?"

Zhang Zhiwei said with a smile: "Uncle Shoucheng has already calculated it for me and said that I can lead up to one hundred thousand heavenly soldiers!"

"How...how much?" Zhang Yi asked with a look of disbelief.

Zhang Zhiwei stretched out his hands and spread his fingers: "One hundred thousand!"

"Really or not, tell me your date of birth!" Zhang Yi said with excitement.

"In the year of Gengzi, Jiashen month, Jiayin day, Xinwei time!" Zhang Zhiwei said.

Zhang Yi counted his fingers and said with an envious look on his face: "It's really like this. Your boy's horoscopes are rare to see in thousands of years. Where did senior brother find this precious pimple like you?"

"This is fate, right? By the way, uncle, how many troops can you lead?" Zhang Zhiwei asked with a smile.

Zhang Yi's expression froze for a moment, then he waved his hand and said seriously: "The number of heavenly soldiers is not important, but the strength of heavenly generals is crucial!"

"Uncle Master's general is very strong?"

Zhang Zhiwei asked quickly. He remembered that Master Zhang Shoucheng once said that Master Zhang Yi had the lowest number of heavenly soldiers, only five hundred heavenly soldiers, but he did not mention Master Zhang Yi's divine generals. Now it seems that they are very extraordinary.

"That's natural!" Zhang Yi said, stroking his beard.

"Which god is it?" Zhang Zhiwei asked again.

"Shangqing Tianshu Academy, one of the 28 constellations of gods, the leader of the seven constellations of white tigers in the west, Kui Mulang!" Zhang Yi said with a proud face.

"That yellow-robed monster in "Journey to the West"?" Zhang Zhiwei suddenly became interested: "Quick, quick, quick, uncle, show me!"

(End of this chapter)

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