Under one person: I, Zhang Zhiwei, the arrogant Zhang.

Chapter 352 Zhong Kui appears, rewards good and punishes evil

Chapter 352 Zhong Kui appears, rewards good and punishes evil

After being attached to the talisman by Zhang Yi, Zhang Zhiwei saw mist pouring down from the crack in the clouds.

At the beginning, the mist was as light as white ink, but soon it suddenly thickened and rolled, like a flood that had been released and poured in violently.

Faced with this horrifying scene, Zhang Zhiwei did not make any resistance, and together with the entire venue, disappeared into the thick fog like a mud cow entering the sea.

In the fog, Zhang Zhiwei couldn't see anything, but he didn't care. He didn't even use his eyes, he just sat cross-legged in the fog quietly and waited for An Ran.

Sure enough, not long after, a breeze suddenly blew up, blowing away a bit of the fog as thick as the Iron Curtain, revealing the scene ahead.

I saw the forest hills rolling up and down under my feet, and the landscape changed drastically in an instant. A winding path paved with cobblestones suddenly appeared, running through the mountains.

Zhang Zhiwei stood at one end of the cobblestone road and looked at the end of the road, only to find that he could not see anything clearly except the rolling thick fog. Looking around, he could still see some buildings in Longhu Mountain, but the tone was still gray.

"We've entered the interior scene. It's useless to think too much. It's better to follow the main force first!"

Zhang Zhiwei Shiran stepped into the path.

This path seemed very long and could not be seen to the side at first glance, but within a few steps, Zhang Zhiwei felt that his feet were empty, his vision blurred, and then his vision was reversed, and he was falling rapidly.

"What kind of test is this?"

Although his body was falling rapidly, Zhang Zhiwei did not panic. He adjusted his posture and let him fall, hoping to see the ground before reacting.

As a result, this fall did not reach the bottom for a long time. The bottom seemed to lead to the eighteenth level of hell, with no end.

Zhang Zhiwei was not in a hurry, and just sat up in the air and entered meditation. In the inner scene, anything could happen. Instead of being anxious, it is better to practice. The inner scene is the place to cultivate "nature". Here you can enter concentration and improve your sexual skills. It's also good.

Because the level of static skills is very good and has surpassed the fourth level of pure equanimity, Zhang Zhiwei can still enter concentration even in the process of falling from high altitude.

His thoughts fell away and he completely calmed down. At the same time, the feeling of falling suddenly became more intense!

It's the end... Zhang Zhiwei had something in his mind. When he opened his eyes, he saw that the earth was getting closer and closer. He was about to fall to the ground. With a thought in his mind, he formed a seal and said:


A strong wind rose from below, holding him up and stopping his rapid fall.

This is not a difficult task for him. There are various five-element magic methods in the "Secret Tongxuan Transformation Liuyin Cave Micro-Dunjia Zhenjing" of the Tianshi Mansion where he practiced.

On a vast and dark land, a Taoist priest slowly fell from the sky. His blue robes were blown by the wind, and he seemed to be riding the wind.

Zhang Zhiwei slowly landed on the ground and saw his uncles Zhang Yushan, Ge Wen and Wei Wenwen below. They looked at him blankly and asked:
"Just you?"

The assessment for the Immortal Official Legal Position is a unified examination just like the Civil Service Examination. After all, it is impossible for each legal position to have a separate divine assessment.

Therefore, all the people who want to receive the Dharma have entered into meditation together, but now there are far fewer people on the ground than those who have entered.

Zhang Yushan pointed to the sky: "It's up there!"

Zhang Zhiwei looked up and saw a group of people waving their teeth and claws in the air, looking panicked and screaming.

They are still falling, but the distance from the ground is not getting closer at all, as if they are not in the same space as the ground below.

"This level is supposed to test our ability to remain calm in the situation. As long as we calm down, we can reach the ground. But these people are too panicked and can't calm down, so there is no end to the fall!"

Zhang Yushan explained and praised again: "It's great that you can calm down so quickly!"

It was Ge Wen from the Lingbao Sect who said: "Speaking of just now, a few of us were still making a bet on how long it would take for you to get down to the ground. Junior Brother Zhang said it would take up to 3 minutes. Several of our other old guys also thought so, but I didn’t expect it took you 5 minutes!
"Don't be too harsh. After all, this is the first time to take the assessment of the Immortal Official Law. It's normal to feel hard to calm down for a while. If you can get down to five breaths, you are already quite good. Like the little guy we sent, now It’s still floating in the sky!”

Wei Wenwen of Qingzong on Maoshan said pointing to Zheng Zibu who was falling continuously above his head.

In this ordination meeting, Zheng Zibu was also recommended to receive the legal position, but the level of the legal position he received was not high. He was the eighth-level legal position of Tianshu Court, and the right-hand law enforcement official was in charge of the affairs of Tianshu Court.

Zhang Zhiwei didn't say much. In fact, he didn't stay in the air for too long. It was just that he came in a little late because his horoscopes were too hard.

But he didn't bother to explain this kind of thing. He couldn't control what others thought of him, and he had never cared about it.

He looked up and saw Zheng Zibu still swinging in the sky. However, judging from his expression, he was gradually calming down and even thinking about it. He expected that he would soon calm down completely and land successfully.

Just as he thought about it, he heard a loud "bang" and a figure fell from the sky, creating a deep pit on the ground.

"This landing posture is a bit too rough!"

Zhang Zhiwei whispered, looked around and found that there were many pits around. It seemed that everyone's landing posture was not cool enough.

"Uncle Master, what do you think of this assessment?" he asked.

"Keep waiting. There probably aren't enough people. Once a certain number of people is reached, the assessment will officially begin!"

Zhang Yushan said that he already has a fourth-level legal position and has participated in many legal examinations, so he is relatively experienced.

Gwen was a little suspicious, grabbed a handful of black soil from the ground, and said:

"This is the underworld. Our assessment venue this time is probably the underworld!"

Zhang Zhiwei said: "Is there anything more than the number of ghosts eliminated?"

"It's hard to say. This is an interior created by the gods. Anything can happen!" Gwen said.


While several people were talking, several more people fell from the sky, Zheng Zibu was among them, and a big hole was made in the ground.

Seeing this, Wei Wenwen hurried over and pulled Zheng Zibu up. Because it was an interior scene, he had no other problems except that he was a little dazed and still had not recovered.

Zheng Zibu shook his head vigorously, and when he saw his master uncle and the tall Zhang Zhiwei not far away, he asked Xiaosheng his master uncle Ge Wenwen, what kind of magic did Zhang Zhiwei come to teach?

Wei Wenwen told him that Zhang Zhiwei was his competitor, and he was coming to accept the affairs of Jiutian Lian Visiting Envoy of Jiutian Jinque, who was in the third rank.

This immediately shocked Zheng Zibu into speechlessness. He was going to compete for the eighth-level legal position, while Zhang Zhiwei was going to compete for the third-level legal position. The gap was too big!

His current legal position is from the eighth rank of Tianshu Yuan Zuo Tongbing Law Enforcement Officer.

The reason for this is that there are strict regulations for promotion to the Immortal Official position. Eighth-level Dharma positions need to save more than 20 people a year. Unless they have great merit, they can only complete the target for three to five years in a row. , can you get the opportunity to be recommended for promotion.

He has to practice the inner and outer rituals, study Taoist scriptures, and practice various altar rituals. There are not many opportunities left for him to go down the mountain for salvation. It is already very long to complete the promotion requirements from the eighth-level Dharma position. It was not easy, but Zhang Zhiwei directly reached the sky in one step and wanted to receive the third-level legal mandate.

You must know that the requirements for the merits of the third-level Dharma ministry are twelve years of merit, which means that one thousand, two hundred people will be saved in five years. On average, 200 people will be saved in one year.

With so many merits, this is simply shocking. Zhang Zhiwei was directly promoted like this, so how many merits did he get in Liaodong?This made Zheng Zibu smack his tongue, but he didn't think that Zhang Zhiwei came through the back door through his connections with Tianshi Mansion.

Because it is the Dharma God who presides over the assessment, even if Zhang Zhiwei comes in through the back door through the recommender and his merits are not up to standard, the Dharma God will brush him off. It is meaningless to be smart. If he can appear here, at least the three masters think he is qualified.

"Lu Jin also went with him last time to protect his family and country. As a fellow traveler, I'm afraid his merits are indispensable. I must remind this guy that if there is another time, he must call me..." Zheng Zibu thought to himself.

Zheng Zibu is also a relatively reserved person. He is not very familiar with Zhang Zhiwei, and he always feels that it would be too much to tell Zhang Zhiwei to call him together next time something happens. However, Lu Jin is his best friend, so he said to Lu Jin, He has no burden in his heart.

Perhaps the people who had fallen behind were enough to start the examination. Suddenly, thick fog rose from the edge of the crowd, and the fog connected into one, and vague scenery emerged inside.

The scene was a majestic and vast ancient city, hundreds of meters high, facing south and facing north. Its entire body was green and black. A huge white lantern hung at the gate of the city. The lantern had the word "longevity" written on it, illuminating the door of the ancient city gate. The two characters on the first page - Fengdu.

The two ancient seal characters are very clear, as if they have not faded after thousands of years.

"Fengdu City!"

Zhang Zhiwei murmured to himself, feeling that the breath coming to his face seemed to be filled with vicissitudes of life.

Inexplicably, he remembered the last trip to the underworld arranged by the Imperial Preceptor for him, but that time, he entered the City of Fusi, and this time he appeared in Fengdu City.

Many people don't know the difference between Fengdu City and Wansi City. They only know that they are two cities in the underworld.

But this is not the case. The term "Fengdu City" comes from the ancestral master Zhang Daoling, and is part of the dharma lineage created by him.

The system of the eighteen levels of hell in the City of Wasted Death is a dharma lineage created by Buddhism.

The two are similar, but different.

But later, the teachings of the three religions slowly merged, and some things developed into a common belief, so there is the current version.

But this also makes many people confused about the concept of the underworld. What about the Ten Halls of Yama, Emperor Fengdu, Bodhisattva Ksitigarbha, the four ghost kings, Lord Taishan...

It seems that each one has absolute power in the underworld, but they can't tell the difference. In fact, they are confused. The two belong to different dharma lines, Guan Gong versus Qin Qiong.

But these are actually just external manifestations. Regarding the meaning of the underworld, Buddhism and Taoism are also internally different. Buddhism talks about cause and effect, while Taoism talks about responsibility.

There is no need to say much about cause and effect.

As for responsibility, the explanation of this in the "Book of Changes" is that a house that accumulates good deeds will have lingering blessings, and a house that accumulates bad deeds will have lingering disasters.

The Taiping Jing talks about inheriting the past and carrying forward the burden of the future. The predecessors do good deeds and the descendants will be blessed. This is called inheritance.When the predecessors did evil, the descendants suffered, which is called negative.

To put it in layman's terms, the ancestors planted trees for the next generation to enjoy the shade. Whether you are good or bad will be punished by yourself or your descendants. This is why some people often say that there is smoke coming out of ancestral graves.

In other words, the actions of karma and judgment carried out by the "National Master" in the interior scene last time were actually equivalent to killing the officials of this dynasty with the sword of the previous dynasty.

But what appeared this time was obviously different. Fengdu City appeared. This time the examiner was Zhong Kui, who was a standard Taoist god.

Everyone looked at the ancient city in front of them. As time went by, the majestic ancient city became bigger and bigger, and became more and more real.


There was a huge roar, and the gate of Ghost City Feng opened.

Everyone widened their eyes and looked towards the city gate, only to see a vague shadow inside.

Zhang Zhiwei also widened his eyes and saw a little orchid will-o'-the-wisp coming out of it. The will-o'-the-wisp quickly expanded and finally formed the shape of a person, followed by the second, third, fourth... countless figures one by one. emerge.

The man at the head was wearing a python robe, a jade belt around his waist, two long straight hat wings, a black beard like steel needles, thick eyebrows like swords, and eyes like copper bells. He looked exactly like the statue in the temple. He was undoubtedly Zhong Kui. .

"The Ceremony of Ceremony and the Examination of Immortal Officials and Legal Positions!"

Zhong Kui stood at the gate of Fengdu City, his voice was like a loud bell, and he said loudly:

"The gate of hell is open in Fengdu City. The big and small mages arrived in time, each using their magic power to show their magical powers. The judge is here to do justice. If there is any violation of law, there will be no mercy. If you want to receive legal office, you must pass the test with virtue. The first step is to reward the good and punish the evil!"

Those who are able to come here to receive legal duties are actually recommended by recommenders based on their merits and deeds.

But this merit is estimated and has a strong subjective will. No one can tell exactly what it is. What if it is fake?
Therefore, there is a God checking this level.

As for how to verify, the assessment gods are different, and the verification methods are also different. This is equivalent to the political review in the public examination.

Soon, four ghosts and gods walked out from behind Zhong Kui and slowly came towards the crowd.

These four ghosts and gods all wore wide robes with long sleeves, and Xie Zhi crowns on their heads. Their faces were covered with black cloth under the crowns, covering their faces tightly.

Zhang Zhiwei didn't hold back. He stared hard for a few times and recognized that it was not a black cloth covering his face, but a corpse curtain, which is used to cover the remains of the dead when they are mortued.

Seeing Zhang Zhiwei looking at him with curiosity, Zhang Yushan explained to him from the side that this was originally a judge from the Department of Rewarding Good and Punishing Evil.

There are four divisions in the Yincao underworld, the Division of Rewarding Good, the Division of Punishing Evil, the Division of Chacha and the Division of Yin Law, which belong to the four major judges. The judge of the Division of Rewarding Good is Wei Zheng, the judge of the Division of Punishing Evil is Zhong Kui, and the judge of Chacha Division is Lu Zhidao. It's Judge Lu, and the judge of Yinlu Division is Cui Yu, also known as Judge Cui.

According to mythology, the two divisions that reward good and punish evil judge together, and they weigh them on a scale.

The person who rewards good deeds takes the good deeds from the soul of the person being judged as a weight and puts them on one end of the scale.

The people who punished evil took the sins from the souls of the judges as weights and placed them on the other end of the scale.

If the good end is heavy, then you will be rewarded.

If the evil end is heavy, then you will suffer from old sins.

"We are equipped with sharp weapons and have a murderous intention. When we travel around the world, it is difficult to say that we have done nothing wrong. This level will sort out the people we have killed one by one and make decisions one by one."

Ge Wen from the Lingbao Sect said: "We old Jianghu people kill a lot of people, and it is inevitable that there will be wrongful killings that we don't even know about. The Yin Shen assessment is strict. I'm afraid this level will be difficult to pass, but you young people, walking in the Jianghu Young Master, I haven’t killed many people, so you’re lucky!”

Among the people who are vying for the third-level legal position, the only young man is Zhang Zhiwei. Ge Wen's words are undoubtedly meant for him.


"That's it..." Zhang Zhiwei hesitated. He wanted to say something, but couldn't.

Ge Wen's words did not apply to him. He had killed so many Japanese in Bincheng.

If I took them all out and sorted them out...

I'm afraid that scene will end badly!
(End of this chapter)

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