Under one person: I, Zhang Zhiwei, the arrogant Zhang.

Chapter 370 Foreign forces, the legal assessment is over

Chapter 370 Foreign forces, the legal assessment is over

After helping Judge Wu move the judging platform to the right position and patting his robe, Zhang Zhiwei stood aside angrily without making any mistakes.

Because he found that Judge Wu's already dark face was as gloomy as water, and his fists were clenched. If he provoked him again, he would probably be a warning to others.

The judge Wu took a deep look and saw that he was quite sensible. He snorted coldly and for the sake of Marshal Tianpeng's protection, he stopped pursuing it. He sat back on the red copper four-legged judge's platform and continued to preside over the assessment.

Zhang Zhiwei was not the kind of conspicuous person who liked to look for trouble. He made no other moves after that. He just stood quietly under the gate of Fengdu City, watching Zhong Kui confer magical powers on others and feeling his own situation.

Among the three souls, the Heavenly Soul has been drastically transformed. It is impossible to say that there is no feeling at all.

In the past, the Heavenly Soul was ethereal, just a ball of Qi-shaped soul light, floating above people's heads. If you were not high in Jing Gong, you would not be able to feel it, let alone use it.

Even the warlocks who specialize in numerology, such as those who specialize in numerology, and other warlocks such as Xiu Qimen Dunjia, will only use it briefly when using interior divination.

Although Zhang Zhiwei has learned the strange skill "Tongyou" and still has some confidence in the heavenly soul, he has never practiced the numerology of changing one's destiny against the heavens. This grasp is really not deep, and he has very little use of the heavenly soul.

But after being awarded the title of Divine General, the talents that had been somewhat illusory in the past seemed to have suddenly come to fruition, from intangible to tangible.

As long as he closed his eyes and meditated for a moment, he could see a majestic god with four heads and eight arms standing three feet above his head. The god dropped down thunder and fire, covering him with no blind spots.

Although this scene is difficult to see with the naked eye, as long as he is attacked, these things will be manifested to defend himself, but that's all. He cannot control his heavenly soul to attack like Zhao Ruhui.

Zhang Zhiwei was not surprised by this. When he first started practicing the Golden Light Mantra and could not use his arms and fingers, if he wanted to move the golden light, he had to recite the Golden Light Mantra.

The same applies to the protective divine general. If you want to control it, you must recite the incantation. Zhang Yushan and Zhao Ruhui also recited the corresponding incantation when they used the divine general.

To command the Faceless General, you need to recite the Faceless God Curse, and to command the Canopy Marshal, you naturally have to recite the Canopy God Mantra. As for how to recite the Canopy God Mantra...

Zhang Zhiwei didn't know it, and Marshal Tianpeng didn't tell him.

As we all know, Xuanmen is extremely strict when it comes to the inheritance of magic and magic. A complete magic power is often divided into several parts and taught separately.

One advantage of doing this is that the Taoist magical power is not easy to spread. Even if it is spread, it is only partial and cannot be advanced. If you want to go further, you must either specialize in other skills or join the Taoist sect, which can be regarded as attracting talents in disguise.

But the disadvantage is that many spells are passed down from a single line. Once something goes wrong, the inheritance will be interrupted or incomplete. For example, the older generation of the Three Demon Sect did not have time to teach all the inheritance, so they died in the war, resulting in the three demons. The Demon Sect, a Taoist sect whose goal was to kill three corpses, did not pass down the most important part of how to kill three corpses, which made the later corpse demon Tu Junfang suffer.

In the plot, the little girl Liu Wukui in Biyou Village may not have the divine spell of the Five Directions to Reveal, so she can only use it to protect herself and cannot control it to kill enemies. The Five Directions Revealing is a Buddhist protector. She wants to For better use of protective gods, you may have to go to Faxiang Sect to find the answer.

When it comes to inheritance, this is a very troublesome matter, even if she joins the company.

However, if Zhang Zhiwei wants to obtain the Tianpeng Divine Curse that controls Marshal Tianpeng, it is quite simple. He only needs to inform Master Zhang Yi of Daozang Palace.

This is the sense of security that a disciple of a large sect has when someone is behind you. Just work hard and leave the rest to the sect.

After carefully staring at the protective god general for a while, Zhang Zhiwei checked his one hundred thousand heavenly soldiers. He said it was one hundred thousand heavenly soldiers, but to be precise, it should be Dao Qi with one hundred thousand soldiers.

These Dao Qi gathered on his earth soul, right under his feet. What is a human being? A human being stands tall with the sky and the earth. The sky soul is above his head, the earth soul is under his feet, and the life soul lives in him.

The earthly soul of ordinary people is just a ball of energy-like soul light, silently guarding the soul from evil spirits.

But Zhang Zhiwei's earth soul is particularly spectacular. Although it is also in the shape of Qi, you can vaguely see the forest of Qi swords and halberds, as if there are countless thunder soldiers whizzing by, and the thunder Qi masters kill, rising up unconsciously. It had an impact on the surrounding area.

There were several judges from the Punishment Department beside him. Just getting a little closer to him, their bodies began to tremble as if they were electrocuted.

They looked at Zhang Zhiwei and then at Wu Judge, who was sitting firmly on the judging platform. After shaking on the spot for a moment, they returned to Fengdu City and looked at this place from a distance.

Seeing this, Zhang Zhiwei also tilted his head and looked towards Fengdu City.

He still doesn't know what's going on here, and is a little curious.

But this move made several judges shrink back in fear.


The military judge slapped the alarm, his bell-like eyes looked at him, and he shouted loudly:

"Young man, get out of the way of this judge. If you make trouble again and delay the ceremony, I will have to punish you!"

Zhang Zhiwei: "…………"

What a mess, where did I make a mess, wasn't the table held up... Zhang Zhiwei complained in his heart.

But after looking at his feet, he immediately figured out the reason. The Dao Qi of the Lei Department was the most lethal to evil spirits. No wonder the judges of the Punishment Department were like this.

However, he didn't have much to do about it. The 100,000-strong Lei Bu Dao Qi was right at his feet. No matter how hard he restrained himself, he couldn't disappear out of thin air.

"Yes, yes, yes, then I'll go!"

Zhang Zhiwei is not angry either. Previously he had lifted the lid of the military judge's table and the military judge was not angry. Why was he angry?

Obediently retreat behind everyone.

Everyone looked at him with complicated expressions on their faces. Now that things have come to this point, they always feel that Judge Wu's attitude towards Zhang Zhiwei is a bit strange.

First go to the trial of good and evil, where are the military judges who say the same thing and then throw out those who fail to pass the test with a wave of their hands?

He's already flipping your table, why don't you push him into a frying pan to wake him up? !

At the previous step of taking out the key from the oil pan, everyone got into the oil pan, but Zhang Zhiwei didn't get in. They were not worried about the shortage but the inequality. They really wanted to put Zhang Zhiwei in and fry it.

Zhang Zhiwei retreated to the edge of the crowd and saw that everyone looked at him in strange and surprised ways.

I didn’t mess with them!

Uh-huh... it doesn't matter if they were blown away or into the river, it was an honest mistake...

At this thought, Zhang Zhiwei looked away with some guilt and saw his uncle Zhang Yushan lying on his back and unconscious on the other side of the river.

Zhang Zhiwei: "…………"

The waves on the Wangchuan River were rough and Zhao Ruhui was causing trouble. He didn't pay attention to the situation behind him. Seeing that his uncle was inexplicably unconscious, he crossed the river on a raft to check the situation.

By the Wangchuan River, Zhang Yushan was lying there on his back, his clothes were disheveled, his hair was messy, and there was a big bump on his forehead, with a red mark on it, like the corner of a huge stamp.

Zhang Zhiwei looked at Zhang Yushan and then at the White Jade Palace, complaining in his heart that the name Thunder Hand was indeed unlucky.

Not far from Zhang Yushan, Bai Yugong, who was chatting with Ge Wen and Wei Wenzhang, saw Zhang Zhiwei crossing the river. He nodded to Ge Wen and Wei Wenzhang, then walked towards Zhang Zhiwei and said as he walked:

"Congratulations to fellow Daoist Zhiwei, who has become the official of the Nine-Heaven Golden Palace and has been awarded the title of Marshal of the Heavenly Peng!"

After that, he pointed at Zhang Yushan and explained: "Taoist brother Yushan is extremely powerful. He really can't hold back. He used his full strength to attack, so he struck too hard!"

Zhang Zhiwei stared at the big bag on Zhang Yushan's head and said:

"My uncle has a strong head. The battle for legal positions is based on each person's ability. As long as he is upright and upright!" Bai Yugong followed Zhang Zhiwei's gaze and also stared at the big bag on Zhang Yushan's head. He curled his lips and nodded:

"Brother Yushan Taoist is indeed a towering figure!"

Ge Wenwen and Wei Wenzhang followed their gazes and stared at the big bag on Zhang Yushan's head. They were stunned for a moment and looked at each other with smiles on their faces.

Zhang Zhiwei didn't see this scene. He was talking to Bai Yugong.

"Senior, have you ever participated in a battle with ghosts from the Eight Kingdoms?" Zhang Zhiwei glanced at the ghost figure behind Bai Jade Palace and said.

Bai Yugong said: "That was ten or twenty years ago. Many people have participated. Yi Qian, who is now in charge of Zhengyiguan in your Tianshi Mansion, dressed up in disguise, opened boxing circles in various places, and taught people to practice. Qi, against the ghost guy, Pindao and he have fought side by side for a period of time, it can be regarded as a life-long friendship, and it can be regarded as his blessing to be able to receive the magic of the Arctic Exorcist Academy!"

Zhang Zhiwei suddenly said: "It turns out that senior and Uncle Yi Qian are familiar with each other. By the way, senior, I see that among the ghosts of your identity, ghosts account for more than half. What are their methods?"

Bai Yugong pondered for a moment and said: "Let's not mention the innate aliens for the moment. It is the same at home and abroad, but the ghosts also have very powerful alien forces, the largest of which is the Catholic Church."

"This is a very large sect with several branches. It has a very long history. Each branch has no shortage of tools, magic weapons, or anything else. It also has a lot of people and a lot of believers."

"They are very powerful and will punish you if you disagree with them. When you encounter them, you need to be cautious. They are far from comparable to Shinto and others!"

"Behind the Hongyang Rebellion, in addition to our own reasons, there was also the intervention of the Catholic Church. When this happened, Pindao was not yet born. He had only a little understanding of it and it was complicated and confusing, so it's okay not to say anything."

"In addition to this religion, there are also seven magic schools in Gui Lao, distributed in various places, and there are many branch schools among the seven."

"The inheritance taught by these schools is also different. In short, the strength is not small. However, they also like to fight among themselves, so the threat level is much less than that of the Catholic Church..."

After introducing for a while, Bai Yugong concluded:

"Anyway, there are as many alien forces abroad as crucian carp crossing the river, but not many of them have become popular. It is said that there is some kind of alien island, and the island is full of aliens. However, Pindao has never fought against them, nor does he clear!"

An island of aliens, an island full of aliens... This should be Nathan Island. As for the Catholic Church... Needless to say, it is the largest religion in the world, but it has seven magic academies... Zhang Zhiwei thought of the plot The "Dumbledore" and "Snape" glimpsed at the Luo Tian Dajiao.

Bai Yugong continued: "Among the ghosts of the Eight Kingdoms, there are all kinds of aliens with unpredictable abilities. Of course, the most important thing is that they are still mixed in the army with well-equipped firearms, so even if our alien world has made great efforts, but The previous government stabbed the enemy in the back and was unable to survive alone. In the end, it failed simply and many good players died!"

Speaking of this, he sighed: "At that time, the world of strangers was much more lively than it is now, but now it's all coffin boards!"

"It's so hateful and abominable!"

Zhang Zhiwei said that it was indeed very frustrating to deal with a ghost but to be hit by one of his own from the previous dynasty.

After the Hongyang Rebellion and the battle with the Eight Kingdoms Ghost Guys, the Chinese alien forces were on the verge of collapse. That was why they faced such difficulty when facing the Japanese aliens.

"It's really hateful. In that battle, we underestimated the power of firearms. It was very tragic!"

Bai Yugong took a deep breath: "When I was young, I always felt that I had the skills to protect my family and the country and get rid of evildoers. But everyone is saying that firearms are difficult to stop. We are old and times have changed!"

Bai Yugong twisted his neck, his face expressionless:

"Times have changed, but I haven't changed!"

Zhang Zhiwei responded with silence. This cow nose suited him very well.

Bai Yugong looked at Zhang Zhiwei, frowned and said, "Why don't you speak!"

Zhang Zhiwei paused and said: "Me too!"

Bai Yugong was stunned for a moment, then laughed and said, "As soon as I saw you, kid, I knew you and I would get along well!"

"When you first looked at me, you were very good-natured!" Zhang Zhiwei said with a smile.

"Lao Jianghu sometimes makes mistakes!" Bai Yugong said with a smile.

"That's right, senior!"

Zhang Zhiwei pointed at the ghost figures behind Bai Yu Gong. Bai Jade Palace had not crossed the river, but these ghost figures were still standing behind him and said:

"You have said that the Catholic Church is strong. If these are exposed, I am afraid it will cause big trouble for the Shenxiao Sect!"

Bai Yugong said: "It won't be any better for you. This matter is still a bit difficult to deal with. It would be easier to deal with outsiders, but it would be difficult to deal with them if they are our own people!"

"What should I do if it's difficult?" Zhang Zhiwei asked.

"Don't do it. If the sky falls, there will be tall people holding it up. Let the Heavenly Master consider this matter!" Bai Yugong waved his hand and said.

"You are quite good at throwing the blame away!" Zhang Zhiwei said.

"What do you mean by that?"



While Zhang Zhiwei was talking to Bai Yugong, the conferring ceremony was also continuing. Unlike Zhang Zhiwei's ink marks, their ceremonies were all very fast, and they were completed as soon as the order arrow landed.

During this period, there were also Taoist priests who were newly entrusted with legal duties and received powerful protective divine generals. However, with Zhang Zhiwei's Tianpeng Marshal Zhuyu in front, the divine generals behind him seemed very ordinary.

Among the crowd, Zheng Zibu also finished the additional teaching. He was promoted from the ninth rank of Tianshu Court to the eighth rank of Tianshu Court. The right-hand law enforcement official is in charge of the affairs of Tianshu Court.

This was something to be overjoyed about, but when he thought that Zhang Zhiwei was only a few years older than him, already a third-grade officer, and the first marshal of the Arctic Exorcism Academy, he, an eighth-grade sesame official, couldn't help but laugh.

He must work hard. Although he cannot compare with him in terms of life cultivation, immortal officials, and divine generals, he must surpass him in terms of talismans... Zheng Zibu thought to himself.



The number of people who were to be conferred the legal position was far less than the number of people who were to be conferred, and some of them were eliminated, so the assessment did not last long. With the completion of the conferment of the last Taoist priest, the assessment of the Immortal Official's legal position was also over.

Zhong Kui stood up suddenly, glared at Zhang Zhiwei fiercely, waved his sleeves, and walked into Fengdu City without looking back.

As Zhong Kui disappeared, a strong wind seemed to blow between the sky and the earth, flying sand continued to the sky and the sky was vast. Everything around him seemed to be drifting and blurred, as if he was disappearing into the distance.

Later, Zhang Zhiwei heard the familiar sound of chanting sutras and saw Zhang Yi, the master who taught the practice of hand swords in front of him.

They returned to the Temple of Enlightenment and were sitting cross-legged on the altar.

Zhang Zhiwei ripped off the talisman on his forehead and whispered:

"Uncle Master, something bad has happened. The big mouth of Wu Pen has spread the word about Bincheng!"

(End of this chapter)

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