Under one person: I, Zhang Zhiwei, the arrogant Zhang.

Chapter 377 The identity of “National Preceptor” is exposed

Chapter 377 The identity of “National Preceptor” is exposed

Zhang Jingqing and his party were heading to the front yard of the Great Shangqing Palace.

Zhang Zhiwei caused quite a stir, and other people came after hearing the news.

The depressed-looking Ben Leishou was wandering around, but suddenly his dejection disappeared and he rushed towards the Great Shangqing Palace.

"This boy is really a troublemaker. Last time he played with flying swords, he shot his senior brother with one sword and half of his beard was burnt off. This time he shot the Great Shangqing Palace. With several things added together, how can senior brother be still alive? Can you spare him? I have to go and see!"

Tian Jinzhong and Zhang Huaiyi were also rushing towards the Great Shangqing Palace.

"Huaiyi, walk faster, senior brother seems to have something wrong, let's go over and help!!" Tian Jinzhong exclaimed.

"I saw it, but senior brother, he doesn't need to help. He is so accomplished in the Golden Light Curse, so why does he need our help?" Zhang Huaiyi said.

"We can go help build a house!" Tian Jinzhong said.

Baiyu Palace also went there with some curiosity. He was still very concerned about Zhang Zhiwei, his long-lost acquaintance.



The Xiama Pavilion is located in the front yard of the Great Shangqing Palace. The entire pavilion is supported by twenty-eight pillars, corresponding to the twenty-eight constellations in the sky. The ground in the pavilion is inlaid with the Nine Palaces and Bagua formation.

The merit stele in front of the pavilion is engraved with the words "Civil officials dismounted from sedan chairs, military officers dismounted from horses, stepped forward to fight, and paid homage to the gods".

The main body of the pavilion is very strong and has not been damaged, but a big hole has been knocked out of the top of the pavilion.

Zhang Zhiwei lay on his back on the ground and did not choose to get up. Instead, he looked up at the sky through the big hole. The weather changed quickly. There were dark clouds, lightning and thunder, but it cleared up in an instant.

"Master's move seems to be more effective than artificial rainfall. No wonder the emperors in ancient times often asked heavenly masters to pray for rain!"

Zhang Zhiwei thought to himself. At this moment, a broken tile on the edge of the big hole above his head was teetering on the edge and fell down right in front of his eyes.

He had already raised his head to look up at the sky, without blinking or using the golden light spell. He just stared blankly as the sharp corner of the broken tile pierced his pupil without any reaction.

This is a very unwise move. Even if his life cultivation level is very high, he is still made of flesh and blood. If he is unprepared and is hit in the eye by a hard object, there will be damage.

But something strange happened. Even though he didn't do anything, when the broken tile was just a hair's breadth away from his pupils, it was smashed to pieces by a sudden force.

There was a smile on Zhang Zhiwei's mouth. Although the bodyguard general did not come out to protect his body when he was struck by lightning, it was actually effective, but its priority was behind the golden light spell and other means.

If it is not actively activated, it will only automatically protect the Lord when the golden light spell does not work.

But in this case, this is a bit useless for him. After all, if his protective golden light is useless, this protective god may not be able to withstand it.

However, it is still very useful for other Taoist priests. After all, not every Taoist priest has the golden light spell to protect the body.

"It's always good to have an extra layer of protection, and the effect of the protective gods taking the initiative is pretty good. It's worth it... Damn it!"

Zhang Zhiwei covered his eyes with some discomfort. Just now, the god general protected himself and beat Powa into powder. Such a big pile of powder got stuck in his eyes. Even he felt a little uncomfortable, and his eyes were filled with tears. .

At this moment, two rapid footsteps sounded outside the pavilion.

It was Zhang Jingqing and his party who arrived.


Zhang Zhiwei felt bad. Lao Lu had been laughed at by a group of bad friends for a hundred years because he was beaten to tears. He wouldn't follow in his footsteps, would he?

Although I wasn't beaten and cried, it was really sand that got into my eyes, but as the saying goes, if yellow mud falls into your crotch, it's either shit or shit.

If it is seen, I am afraid that the next day, the inside information of the vegetable seller at the foot of the mountain will appear. Zhang Zhiwei, the 64th generation chief disciple of Longhu Mountain, was so angry that he was struck by a thunderbolt by the Celestial Master. , crying and fussing, woo woo oh so pitiful and other news.

The footsteps outside the pavilion were getting closer and closer. Zhang Zhiwei thought for a moment, and finally hit the ground before the footsteps came, and pretended to be dead.

Just at this time, everyone came over and saw Zhang Zhiwei who was in a state of embarrassment. Zhang Zhiwei was half-buried in the ground and was immediately stunned.

"You old evildoer, you really didn't hold anything back?!" Zhang Yi said with a surprised look on his face.

Zhang Jingqing was also a little surprised. His apprentice should not be so fragile.

"Tianshi, my trivial matters are not a big deal. Don't do this again!" Zhao Ruhui quickly stepped forward and said.

No matter what, Zhang Jingqing made people fly and sacrificed them with swords, and struck them with thunder, which already gave him enough steps and face. If he had any dissatisfaction, he would just slap his nose on his face.

In fact, Zhang Jingqing did this not entirely because of his fault, but more because Zhang Jingqing wanted to deal with this evildoer.

Ever since that time, Zhang Zhiwei blasted him with a flying thunder sword and used Tian Jinzhong as a hidden weapon to shoot him. He wanted to sacrifice Zhang Zhiwei's flying sword. Later, he sneaked down the mountain and the idea became stronger. He just used Zhao Ru This is just a matter of outrage.

Now that he saw Zhang Zhiwei in such a miserable state, the evil spirit that had been accumulating in his heart for a long time finally came out and he felt relieved.

Zhang Jingqing waved her hand: "The villain is so stubborn, I have wanted to deal with him for a long time!"

"Master, disciple, this... doesn't matter, right?" Zhao Ruhu asked.

"As a scoundrel, I am very good at protecting myself, so it shouldn't be a big deal!"

Although he said this, Zhang Jingqing still walked over, checked it, and then frowned:

"Everything is fine, but why don't you wake up?"

Zhang Yi thought of a possibility and said quickly: "Could it be that the inner demon took advantage of the situation and got in!"

As soon as these words came out, they instantly attracted the attention of everyone present. Zhang Zhiwei actually had inner demons at work. This was no small matter, and they all stared at it.

Zhang Jingqing's heart skipped a beat, remembering Zhang Yi's previous shouting that something bad was going to happen when he kicked open the door, his expression tightened and he said:

"The inner demons took advantage of the situation? What do you mean? You said Zhang Zhiwei gave birth to inner demons?"

"Yes, I brought him here just because of this matter! But as soon as he entered the door, this old man made someone fly and threw his sword and sacrificed him!" Zhang Yi said angrily.

Zhang Jingqing's expression also changed for a while, and she actually regretted her actions just now.

At the same time, Zhang Zhiwei had already used Qi to expel the sand from his eyes and regained his composure. When he saw his uncle talking about his inner demon, he noticed his expression on his face. He didn't pretend to be anything. He held up his hands and started He jumped out of the ground, clasped his hands and said: "Disciple, everything is fine. I would like to pay my respects to Master, Uncle, and all seniors!"

Several people were stunned for a moment. Wasn't it an invasion of inner demons? This doesn’t look like it either!

Zhang Jingqing hurriedly went over and patted Zhang Zhiwei a few times and checked it again. Although he was a little shabby, he was full of energy and courage. He was energetic and fierce. He didn't look like he was invaded by inner demons. He was immediately relieved. Come.

"Your uncle said that you have given birth to inner demons. Is this true?" Zhang Jingqing said in a deep voice.

"That's what happened!" Zhang Zhiwei said honestly.

"With your character, why do you breed inner demons?" Zhang Jingqing asked puzzledly.

"It was transformed by the Heart Monkey. Master, do you still remember? My disciple asked you for advice in order to polish the Heart Monkey. You told me two paths at that time, one is to be a practitioner and the other is to be a great sage. I chose the second one. Article!" Zhang Zhiwei said.

In fact, the birth of inner demons is often not caused by a single incident. On the one hand, he does not polish his heart, but on the other hand, he is worried about Longhu Mountain and the future situation of his brothers.

However, the latter disappeared after he borrowed the help of the "National Master" to confront the most terrifying thing in his heart and get rid of it in the interior scene.

Even the last bit of grudge was completely gone after the trip to Bincheng, so I didn't mention it.

Hearing that Zhang Zhiwei chose the second path, Zhang Jingqing sighed. After all, this apprentice did not go as he expected.

"When did you discover that the Heart Monkey had turned into a demon?" he asked.

"On the afternoon of the second day after attending the Lu family's birthday party, Master reminded me to be careful about the breeding of inner demons!" Zhang Zhiwei said.

"Then why didn't you tell me?" Zhang Jingqing frowned.

"Master, you didn't even ask. Moreover, Master is also busy on weekdays. It would be bad to trouble Master with such trivial matters!" Zhang Zhiwei said.

"A trivial matter? Do you think the inner demon is a trivial matter?" Zhang Jingqing narrowed her eyes.

Others were also shocked, thinking that this kid is really too arrogant and arrogant. People talk about things like inner demons that change color. It's a trivial matter, so what is a big deal?

"Isn't it small?" Zhang Zhiwei said, "That afternoon I suppressed it in the small world of the human body. Later, I went to the interior scene to completely subdue it. It accepted me as the master and moved the Qi in the body in various ways. Blood, help me practice, it’s a boost, and it’s not dangerous, so I didn’t disturb the master!”

You have conquered your inner demons and are you still helping you practice? ! Zhang Jingqing looked incredulous, what kind of operation is this? Even though he was well-informed, he had never heard of such a thing.

Others are also dumbfounded. If ordinary people want to polish their mental ape, they can only travel, experience, and polish it bit by bit.

As for the inner demon, it is even more difficult to deal with. Can this guy be conquered? Can you still help people practice? I have never heard of such an outrageous thing in my life!

But then, they remembered the armored and powerful giant ape in the interior scene.

Mental ape, inner demon, giant ape...

My Infinite Heavenly Lord, it can’t be such a coincidence! ?

"Is the inner demon you are talking about the giant blue-headed and white-bodied ape who fought Pindao in the interior scene?" Zhao Ruhu said in a trembling voice.

Zhang Zhiwei nodded: "It is indeed it. This guy has been slacking off recently and is not doing his job well. He needs to find time to polish it up!"

Even though they had expected it, everyone was still shocked and didn't know what to say for a moment.

In the legal examination, the giant ape that pushed through the waves of ghosts like a demon, cut off Zhao Ruhu's arm, and angrily tore apart the protective general, was actually an inner demon.

Moreover, after having such a record, you still say that it is a bit slack, does not work hard, and needs to be polished. How harsh are you? The landlords are not as cruel as you!

After a while, Zhao Ruhu swallowed his saliva and asked again, "How did you polish it?"

He still doesn't think Zhang Zhiwei's ability can overcome his inner demons, and thinks that Zhang Zhiwei's so-called polishing should be controlled and refined with a special method.

"Literally, go into the interior and beat it up!" Zhang Zhiwei said.


You are so beaten! Which good company has you polished like this? Why is it that everyone talks about the inner demon of color change, but in your eyes it seems like it’s not worth mentioning.

Moreover, the interior is the home of the inner demons. When entering there, shouldn’t we fall into endless terrifying illusions and be unable to extricate ourselves? How do you beat it?

It was difficult for everyone to understand, but they couldn't deny that if another person said this, they would definitely think it was bragging, but they had already seen the "National Master" in the interior scene, and they were indeed following Zhang Zhiwei's lead.

"I dare to ask fellow Taoist Zhiwei, how can we conquer the inner demons?!" Zhao Ruhu continued to ask, and the change in Zhang Zhiwei's title also reflected the change in his mentality.

Among the people present, he was the one who felt the most miserable due to some past experiences, so he was also the most curious. By this time, he had completely let go of the embarrassment in the scene.

Zhang Zhiwei glanced at him and said: "If you want to conquer it, you must first not be afraid of it. If your mentality is not good and you are timid before fighting, how can you deal with it?"

Zhao Ruhu nodded, "That's true. If you don't dare to face it, how can you talk about victory?!"

Zhang Zhiwei continued: "Furthermore, although the inner demon is born with consciousness, everything has its roots. If you can cultivate your life to the level, you can see the gods, understand the realm of the small world of the human body, and know everything about yourself like the lines on the palm of your hand, even the heart. Even if the devil is causing trouble, we can quickly find its source and put it to rest.”

Zhao Ruhu and everyone else's hearts sank. This level is not easy to reach. This requires extremely high attainments in alchemy. Most of them who hold legal positions are majoring in talismans. In this regard, In fact, they are not very good at it. It is too difficult for them.

Zhang Zhiwei continued: "If we can go one step further and let our consciousness sit high on the spiritual platform, without being disturbed by delusions in the body, even the inner demons will not be able to cause any trouble!"

No one is talking anymore. The previous step has been so difficult. How can we expect to take another step? I am afraid that not many of the senior masters of the Quanzhen Sect can achieve this, but Zhang Zhiwei has achieved it. Otherwise, why would he suppress his inner demons and become his subordinate?

And this kid is still so young now, and his future achievements are probably immeasurable. If it were other schools, they would probably have to think of countermeasures.

But fortunately, he is one of our own, and he may succeed the Heavenly Master and become the leader of the Taoist sect in the future. Thinking about it this way, he feels very safe.

Seeing the change in everyone's expressions, Zhang Jingqing's heart sank slightly. She was concerned just now but was confused. Things like inner demons should not be asked in front of everyone, but should be discussed in private.

Zhang Zhiwei is a big talker. If he continues, he might say something.

He immediately straightened his face, pointed to the big hole in the pavilion, and said, "You are all seniors. You have eaten more salt than you have eaten rice. Do you need to give me advice here?"

"Let's think about how to repair this place. We don't know how to cherish the family property left by our ancestors at all."

Zhang Zhiwei: "…………"

Isn't this what you did? I am the victim, but now that there are many people, the master just got angry again. He did not fight against Zhang Jingqing, and nodded:

"Then I'll repair this pavilion right now!"

"Go now!" Zhang Jingqing nodded, and said: "By the way, the Lingxing Gate next to the pavilion has become somewhat weathered by the wind and sun over the years. Remember to take care of the Lingxing Gate as well. After it's done, , come and report to the teacher in the evening."

(End of this chapter)

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