Under one person: I, Zhang Zhiwei, the arrogant Zhang.

Chapter 379: Like a teacher, like a disciple, the attacking reckless team

Chapter 379: Like a teacher, like a disciple, the attacking reckless team

There were many swords and spears, swords and halberds. Zhang Zhiwei led a group of powerful Tianding and headed towards Xia Ma Pavilion in a mighty manner.

On the way, some fellow disciples followed him curiously, wanting to know what Zhang Zhiwei was going to do, but the murderous Dali Tianding shouted him back. How could he allow other people to follow him when he was performing the Dharma Master's mission?

Seeing this, Zhang Zhiwei wanted to say that it was just a matter of repairing the house, and it didn't have to be like this, but when he saw the serious look on Dali Tianding's face when he told him that the sweepers and miscellaneous people had been cleaned, he opened his mouth, but still did not say anything, and nodded. road:

"Good job, keep going!"

The team continued to move forward, and in a few breaths they arrived at the dismounting pavilion.

The White Jade Palace was adding bricks and tiles, Zhang Yuhan was furiously plastering the walls, and Tian Jinzhong and others were resting on the ground. Suddenly their whole bodies trembled, and they felt waves of cold air entering their bones.

"It's strange, the wind isn't blowing either."

Tian Jinzhong murmured.

"I heard the sound of drums and horns in the sky and the earth, as if an army was coming!" Zhang Huaiyi said.

Tian Jinzhong said without thinking: "How is this possible? How can there be... on Longhu Mountain..."

Before the word "army" was uttered, a group of soldiers wearing gold belts, red tassel helmets, green brocade robes, bright armor, ape-like arms, tiger backs and bear-like waists, with figures that seemed real and phantom, suddenly appeared at one end of the corridor.

These soldiers were radiating with brilliance, their crowns and ribbons were flying, and their armor was shining like gods descending from the earth, but with a pair of green faces and fangs.

Tian Jinzhong and Zhang Huaiyi, who had never seen divine generals before, were immediately shocked.

Little friend Zhiwei, why are you ordering so many powerful heavenly beings to come here? "

Bai Yugong said not surprised.

Zhang Yushan said: "This guy shouldn't want these powerful heavenly beings to repair the house!"

He obviously knows Zhang Zhiwei better.

This answer made Bai Yugong a little surprised: "Little friend Zhiwei... you can't be so cool!"

After receiving the legal position, Taoist priests are called Immortal Officials. Although the divine generals are subordinated to the Immortal Officials and called the Immortal Officials as Dharma Masters, the relationship is by no means as simple as ordinary superiors and subordinates. Who wants to treat the divine generals as subordinates? If you give orders at will, you will be in bad luck.

"I see how hard everyone is working, so I've found some help for you!"

Zhang Zhiwei pointed to the dilapidated dismounting pavilion in front of him and waved his hand: "Come up here and fix it before tonight!"


All the powerful heavenly beings: “…………”

For a moment, you can hear the needle drop.

The powerful heavenly beings looked at the various magic weapons in their hands, as well as the shining Mingguang Armor, and looked at Zhang Zhiwei in disbelief.

After a moment, a powerful Heavenly Ding pointed at Bai Yugong and others: "Dharma Master's intention... is to repair them?"

Baiyu Palace: “…………”

Zhang Yushan: "…………"

"This is for repair!" Zhang Zhiwei pointed to the half-finished Xiama Pavilion: "Repair the pavilion, do you understand?"


The powerful Heavenly Dings were immediately stunned. They were dignified generals, high in the Dharma lineage, worshiped by the world, and their duty was to exorcise evil spirits. Now they were ordered to repair the house?

If it is to repair evil people and eradicate evil spirits, they will pick up weapons and attack without saying a word, but when repairing a house...

They suddenly had the urge to pick up their weapons and hit Zhang Zhiwei on the head, but this was destined to be impossible, because the divine generals who were ordered out could not devour the master on the spot no matter what.

Even if he is offended by the Dharma Master, he can only wait until the edict is over before settling the scores later.

Of course, if the things ordered by the Dharma Master are harmful to nature and violate laws and regulations, they can also refuse. However, things like repairing a house are not considered harmful to nature.

A group of powerful heavenly servants glared at Zhang Zhiwei. Seeing that the master had no intention of taking back the order, they could only lower their heads and said:

"Respectfully abide by the law and the decree."

Then he stepped forward, picked up various tools and materials, and started repairing the house according to Zhang Zhiwei's instructions.

Not to mention, it is quite easy to use. Although these powerful Tiandings have no skills in house repair, they can accurately complete the instructions given by the Master. The palace fight should be high.

"As expected of the divine generals who protect the Dharma, they are easy to use. Senior Bai, Uncle Yushan, and several junior brothers, we are all tired after working for so long. Let the divine generals do it!" Zhang Zhiwei said.

Bai Yugong was not polite to Zhang Zhiwei, stopped what he was doing, and said:

"My little friend Zhiwei, God's generals should not take this order lightly. If you use them to repair your house, you are afraid that they will take a copy of your Dharma lineage afterwards!"

"It's okay. Isn't this what divine generals do? When Zu Tianshi was refining elixirs in Longhu Mountain, he asked Zhao Xuantan, one of the four commanders of Xuan Tan, to do some handy work for him. Zu Tianshi asked Marshal, I’ll invite a few Tianding, it’s not too much!”

Zhang Zhiwei waved his hand and said nonchalantly.

In his opinion, it would be meaningless if the divine generals were just enshrined in the Dharma lineage but not used.

Seeing this situation, Bai Yugong didn't say much and stepped aside, watching with interest a group of powerful god generals serving as masons.

At this time, Zhang Yushan said: "Speaking of which, I have also thought about ordering the gods to do some chores such as boiling pots and boiling water in the future, but I have never done it!"

"It seems you were very obedient when you were young!" Bai Yugong said with a smile.

Zhang Yushan glanced at Bai Yugong and knew that Bai Yugong meant that he did not listen to the advice during the previous legal examination.

If it had been before, he would have been a little unhappy and thought it was a provocation.

However, because he remembered some scenes from his youth, he did not feel unhappy at all. He even had a smile on his lips and said:

"It's not because I listened to advice when I was young, it's because I learned from past mistakes!"

"Learning from the past?" Bai Yugong said with great interest: "I would like to hear the details!"

Zhang Yushan continued: "At that time, I had not yet received the legal ordination, but several senior brothers had. One day, the two senior brothers quarreled fiercely."

"One senior brother said, if you have the guts, let's challenge each other. The other senior brother is not proficient in life and death, so he said that they are righteous Taoist priests and not gangsters in the world. Why do they always challenge each other? If you have the guts, just order the generals to come out. Everyone Line up your troops and have a good fight."

"Then the two senior brothers ordered their respective divine generals to fight. I won't say who won or lost. Anyway, the final result was that after the incident, both of them were not only severely punished once by the divine generals, but they were unable to survive for less than half a month. The bed was also marked down in the "Taiwei Immortal Lord's Merits and Demerits", and I did a lot of good deeds to make up for it."

"This incident left a deep impression on me. I have never made any jokes about the generals since then!" After hearing this, Bai Yugong smiled and said: "If it is not a life and death crisis, ordering the generals to come out to fight is not the same as fighting dogs and fighting crickets. What's the difference? You Taoist priests from Longhu Mountain are really brave!"

"Who says it isn't? This may be in line with the saying, like a teacher, there must be a disciple!" Zhang Yushan said with a smile.

Like a teacher, there must be a disciple. Little friend Zhiwei’s master is... Bai Yugong was stunned for a moment and then realized:

"Could it be that the Heavenly Master is one of the two senior brothers you just mentioned?"

"Yes!" Zhang Yushan nodded: "Speaking of which, do you also know the other senior brother?"

"Do I know him?" Bai Yugong paused and said, "Could it be Yi Qian from Zhengyiguan? It doesn't look like it!"

He knew many high achievers in Longhu Mountain, but the person in charge of Zhengyiguan, Yi Qian, he had the best relationship with.

"Senior Brother Yi Qian is the most serious in his work, especially when it comes to dealing with divine generals. How could it be him?"

Zhang Yushan didn't show off, and said bluntly: "Actually, he is the deliverer of this conference!"

Bai Yugong suddenly realized and said with a smile: "It turns out to be Zhang Yi, that old man. This is indeed something he can do!"

The relationship between him and Zhang Yi should be described as both enemies and friends. When they usually meet, there is inevitably a burst of cynicism, but if there is a real life-or-death crisis, the two of them can also be trusted friends.

Zhang Yushan continued: "Among the elders, the ones who care most about Zhang Zhiwei should be Senior Brother Jingqing and Senior Brother Zhang Yi. However, the general situation is that Senior Brother Jingqing plays the bad role and Senior Brother Zhang Yi plays the bad side!"

Bai Yugong smiled and said: "It's not unexpected that Zhang Yi did this, but I didn't expect that Tianshi did such things when he was young. In fact, speaking of it, I also did such things when I was young!"

"Oh?" Zhang Yushan said curiously: "I would like to hear the details!"

Bai Yugong said: "At that time, I had just entered Boxing Boxing and opened boxing circles in various places to teach the villagers to practice Qi. In order to gain the recognition of the villagers as quickly as possible, I once ordered the gods to come out and show the villagers my magical powers."

"After the god general came out, he scolded me, saying that he was the righteous god of the Ministry of Thunder and could help me conquer demons and eradicate evil spirits. But what was the difference between this and performing arts? I ignored him and just ordered him to show off. .”

"The final result... Afterwards, I was reckoned with by Queen Qiu. In the interior scene, I was hanged and whipped three hundred times for the crime of blasphemy."

"That taste... tsk tsk... I still remember it fresh even now. I'm afraid little Taoist friend Zhiwei will have a bitter taste tonight!"

Zhang Yushan smiled and said: "I was very energetic when I was young. Now I am a little curious. What will it be like when I see Zhang Zhiwei tomorrow?"

"Pindao is also very curious!" Bai Yugong said.

Because of Zhang Zhiwei, the two people who were at war with each other when they met earlier actually felt a little sympathetic to each other.

At the same time, Zhang Zhiwei was holding the yin and yang paper and contacted Lu Jin, Lu Ci and others to inquire about the situation.

Before attending the enshrinement conference, Zhang Zhiwei had contacted them once and told them to take a good rest, not to act without authorization, and to wait for news from him.

But obviously, the reckless duo never listened.

During the plot of "Rust", the head of the Lu family ordered Lu Ci not to do anything without permission, but Lu Ci still took a group of brothers to avenge his brother. The head of the Tang family ordered Lu Ci not to interfere in the affairs of the Tang family, but Lu Ci still intervened and even participated. Later, there was a ten-on-ten decisive battle in the Sky Cave.

During the Jiashen Rebellion, the head of the Lu family, Lu Xuan, ordered Lu Jin not to participate in this matter. Lu Jin agreed well, but still took a group of brothers to participate. In the end, the entire army except him was wiped out. fate.

The words of his elders were of no use, and Zhang Zhiwei's instructions from eight hundred miles away naturally had no effect. The Demon City was in a state of chaos these days.

But fortunately, Lu Ren was still around. Although he couldn't completely suppress these two reckless men, he could still make them restrain themselves, so he was not directly ambushed and killed like Bincheng.

"What storms you stirred up in the magic city, what glorious deeds you did, I don't want to know for the moment. I just want to ask how the harvest was? Dabi, tell me!" Zhang Zhiwei posted a message on the Yin and Yang paper.

Lu Ren replied: "Through the relationship with the proprietress of Fengming Building, I have learned a lot about the three tycoons of the Caoqing Gang in the past few days, and I have also gained a more intuitive understanding of the Caoqing Gang's industry, Yongxin Company."

"Yongxin Company is backed by foreigners from the French Concession and the Public Concession. Huo Tianhong, the boss of the three tycoons, is not only a member of the Caoqing Gang's generation, he is also the chief inspector of the French Concession patrol room. He is responsible for the smoking ban. It can be said that a thief shouts to catch a thief. , this person hides behind the scenes, deals with foreigners, and is not easily seen."

"The second among the three tycoons, Zhang Wanlin, is the person we met on the boat last time. This person is mainly responsible for smuggling cigarettes. Last time Zhang Dashuai withheld the goods of Yongxin Company, it was he who came forward. This person He is a reckless man, if you want to take down the Cao Qing Gang, it is best to take him down first!"

"In addition to being involved in some opium business, the third child, Lu Yusheng, is also responsible for the water transportation business and human trafficking. Therefore, these days, we are focusing on investigating him."

"Because of some clues provided by the proprietress of Fengming Building, we found out that the Chief Criminal Inspector of the French Concession Patrol Room in the Magic City is Lu Yusheng's protégé. He is also the leader of the human trafficking business in the Caoqing Gang, and he is also a guy who calls out to catch thieves."

"This person's men are spread all over the black and white circles, and his activities are very wide. In addition to the Magic City, he is also active in Jiangnan and other areas. He often goes to some remote villages under the guise of recruiting workers in a large factory in the Magic City, and uses smooth words to deceive the poor. And kind-hearted farmers go to the magic city to 'work'!"

"When I went there, I discovered that it was a huge park. The people inside regarded these people as 'goods.' After a series of cruel 'training,' these people would be 'sold' to various places."

"Nowadays, there is a very popular kind of 'small foot dance' in foreign countries, which is to let our women wrapped in 'three-inch golden lotus' to dance. It is said that they can sell it for a very high price. They have brought in a lot of them these days, and in They were shipped out of the country last night."

"But on the way, we were intercepted by a few of us at sea. We killed a boatload of Caoqing Gang's bastards and a group of ghost guys, and released those women with small feet in the early morning. The matter has not yet fermented. , I wonder what will happen in the end?”

Zhang Zhiwei replied: "The lack of fermentation means there is an undercurrent. Please stop for a few days!"

"I think so too!" Lu Ren replied.

"By the way, is there any news about the people in the jar?" Zhang Zhiwei asked.

"Not yet, but after we eliminated the Caoqing Gang's human traffickers last night, we checked their account books and found that every month there are a group of children who don't match the numbers!" Lu Ren replied.

"What do you mean?" Zhang Zhiwei asked.

"There are only entry records and no outgoing records, and the quantity is not small. It doesn't look like it was lost naturally!" Lu Ren replied.

"Do you suspect that someone took these children away and used them to make jars?" Zhang Zhiwei said.

"That's what I think, because the success rate of little devils is extremely low. No amount of children is too many!" Lu Ren said.

"I understand. Since there are some clues, it will be easier to handle. You can pay more attention. If you encounter any emergency, tell me immediately and I will come quickly!" Zhang Zhiwei replied.

"How fast can Senior Brother Zhang be?" At this time, Wang Ai suddenly sent a message.

Zhang Zhiwei replied: "If something happens, the deputy leader of the hall will go first, and then I will ride a crane and go to the devil's capital!"

(End of this chapter)

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