Under one person: I, Zhang Zhiwei, the arrogant Zhang.

Chapter 382 Discussing Tao with Master and Teaching Yin 5 Thunder

Chapter 382 Discussing Tao with the Master and Teaching the Five Thunders of Yin

"Master is so enlightened!"

Zhang Zhiwei admired sincerely.

This is not a flattering statement. In the current era, many people call going to a "foreign school" a despicable act of "selling your soul to foreign devils."

Zhang Jingqing, a cultivator, was able to put aside his prejudices and study in foreign schools. Even after becoming a heavenly master, he still studied occasionally. He couldn't be described as unenlightened!

"You can't say it's enlightened!"

Zhang Jingqing reached out and stroked the backs of those books: "The development of a country is actually the same as the practice of strangers. If you don't have enough means to protect yourself, you will be bullied. If you want to change, determination alone is not enough. You must also If you have a method, your opponent is actually the best teacher!"

Zhang Zhiwei said: "What Master said is very true. Some things in the West are still very valuable. Japan was originally a small country, but it only absorbed some Western knowledge before it developed. And the people in power in the previous dynasty They are all short-sighted and closed in on the country, which is why we are in today’s situation!”

Zhang Jingqing glanced at Zhang Zhiwei in surprise, and said with some relief:

"Don't you underestimate them?"

Zhang Zhiwei said: "I have never underestimated them. I only despise them strategically, but tactically, I attach great importance to them. Like this trip to Liaodong, I basically managed to leave no one alive. The Japanese pirates were so quick to yolk their eggs." I shook it apart, and the earthworms wanted to cut it open vertically!"

Earthworms are cut vertically and egg yolks are shaken apart. These are all bastard words that I heard somewhere...

Zhang Zhiwei's words made Zhang Jingqing laugh uncontrollably, then returned to a serious expression and said:

"You killed so many people during your trip to Liaodong. Can you guarantee that there were no good people among them?"

Zhang Zhiwei pondered for a moment and said: "There is no guarantee that there will be good people no matter where. Even in the world, there are some righteous people, not to mention that Japan is a country, but I have a clear conscience!"

"You have a clear conscience, but your idea is correct!"

Zhang Jingqing patted Zhang Zhiwei on the shoulder and said in a deep voice:

"This is not a personal grudge. This is a war between two nations. It has nothing to do with right or wrong. All of us have taken a stand from the beginning. Master is very relieved that you have this awareness!"

Zhang Zhiwei looked at Zhang Jingqing in surprise. When he said those words just now, he thought he would be reprimanded by the master, but he did not expect to be praised by the master.

"What? Are you surprised?" Zhang Jingqing said.

"A little bit!" Zhang Zhiwei said: "I thought Master would think that I was too murderous and asked me to practice hard in the mountains and never go down again!"

Zhang Jingqing sighed and said: "I did have this idea before. It was because I was worried that you would not reach the realm and be affected by the delusions that are disturbing the mountain, thus going astray. But with your current realm, it is There is no need to keep practicing hard on the mountain, that will only delay you!"

"Why did Master say this?" Zhang Zhiwei was a little puzzled by Zhang Jingqing's change in mentality.

Zhang Jingqing explained: "People are faced with many disasters in the world. In fact, whether we are the Zhengyi sect or the Quanzhen sect, in the early stages of practice, we must have a heart that is tired of the chaos of the world and seeks purity."

"This is the best mentality for practitioners, but it is a bad thing for you now."

"Because you have reached the state where you are the Inner Saint and the Outer King, transforming your body into a country, sitting on a spiritual platform with your mind high, not disturbed by delusions, and overlooking the entire body!"

"In this realm, Qingxiu is no longer suitable for you. According to the purpose of our Zhengyi sect, you have to go down the mountain, drive away evil with righteousness, and unify all people."

"If we take the purpose of Quanzhen Religion, it is to practice in the world, pick up the world, and then put down the world, to reach the realm of goodness as water,"

"If we look at the purpose of Buddhism, it is to go down the mountain to save all sentient beings and become a Mahayana Bodhisattva, rather than an Arahant sitting in the Qingdeng Ancient Temple, practicing and annihilating himself."

"So, if I continue to let you stay in the mountain and become weary of the world, I will actually encourage your inner demons!"

Zhang Jingqing patted Zhang Zhiwei's shoulder, sighed and said.

In fact, he did have this idea after learning what Zhang Zhiwei had done in Bincheng.

But today, after listening to Zhang Zhiwei dealing with his inner demons and seeing Zhang Zhiwei even taller than him, Zhang Jingqing suddenly realized that his apprentice had grown up and was no longer a young eagle who needed to stand behind him and be protected by him. .

His wings are already full and he can fly in the blue sky. If he keeps him on the mountain forcibly, he will only be harmed.

Now, what I have to do is to train Zhang Zhiwei's ability to be independent. I can deal with the aftermath for him, just like what happened in Bincheng, but I can no longer forcibly interfere with some of his behaviors.

Otherwise, you will become a delusion on your disciple's journey of cultivation.


Zhang Zhiwei opened his mouth, but didn't know what to say? Some feelings are difficult to describe in words.

Zhang Jingqing glanced at Zhang Zhiwei, "I'm free, so happy that I don't know what to say?"

"Hehehe..." Zhang Zhiwei just giggled.

"You have been in this realm for a while, what do you think?" Zhang Jingqing asked again.

Zhang Zhiwei thought for a while and said: "After reaching this state, life practice has slowed down, as if the road has come to an end. If the five elements of the human body had not been successfully adjusted during this period, there would have been very little progress!"

This time when he went down the mountain, his greatest improvement was in his skills and static skills, but his life was the least improved.

Of course, it is said to be the smallest, but compared to the progress in other aspects, if it were an ordinary person, the progress would be a leap forward, reaching the sky in one step.

However, Zhang Jingqing was obviously not clear about this. He nodded and said:

"It's true. When you have reached this point in life cultivation, the road ahead is already confused. Many practitioners are not afraid of life and death, but they are afraid that the road will come to an end. You have just set foot on this path, and your feelings may not be very deep yet."

"If you stay for a long time, even the most tenacious practitioner will become confused and tired, which will breed inner demons. If you can overcome this level, it will be Nirvana and rebirth. If you cannot overcome it, it will be a calamity. !”

After listening to what the master said, a figure with white hair and fluttering clothes jumped into Zhang Zhiwei's mind:

"Master, I remember that during the Lu family's birthday party, the left gate leader of the Trinity Gate once asked you for guidance. Is he at the stage of overcoming the demonic tribulation?"

Zhang Jingqing nodded: "Chief Zuo has known my master for a long time. When he was young, something went wrong in his practice, so he could only maintain a state of reverse life to survive, so he has always maintained the appearance of his youth."

"But as the saying goes, a strong dragon has regrets, and it cannot last long. A strong dragon is full, and a big surplus is full, and when full, it is lacking. It cannot last long. To maintain the state of reverse growth, it also requires the consumption of innate energy. If he is too late to be able to If you succeed in knocking on the pass and step into the third level of rebirth, you may lose your energy and die!"

Zhang Zhiwei thought of Zuo Ruotong's fate in the plot and said:

"Then master, do you think Zuo Menchang can succeed?" Zhang Jingqing pondered for a moment and said: "As far as the master knows, although the road ahead is unknown, Zuo Menchang has never been confused or given up. Instead, he has been working hard and forging ahead. Master believes...he...can succeed!"

"The apprentice also hopes that he can succeed!" Zhang Zhiwei said.

Although he didn't have a close relationship with Zuo Ruotong, even if he only had a superficial acquaintance, he could feel that Zuo Ruotong was a respectable elder and was by no means an angry person as Quan Xingyuan Tao said in later generations. Deadly narrow-minded people.

What's more, Zuo Ruotong is also the master of his younger brother Lu Jin.

"It's not your turn or my turn to worry about the matter of the Zuo Sect Master. Let's talk about yourself. Can you describe it to my master? What does it feel like to sit on the spiritual platform with your mind high and overlook the whole body?" Zhang Jingqing asked.

Zhang Zhiwei closed his eyes and felt it, then said:

"The feeling of sitting on the mourning platform with your mind high is like a bystander observing various changes in your body, various information, and even emotional fluctuations."

"I can see my own mood changes, boredom, laziness, encouragement, enthusiasm, sadness, loneliness, loneliness, joy, etc. There is a feeling that I am not myself."

"This is a very strange feeling. I can feel these emotions too. I also have sadness, anger and joy, but they can't shake me and really affect my heart."

"How to describe this..."

Zhang Zhiwei thought for a moment and continued:

"To sum up, in this state, no matter how my emotions change, I remain the same, just like clear water falling from the sky and reaching the ground, stained with dust, but after being evaporated by the scorching sun, it rises to the sky again and turns into clear water again. The dust is left on the earth, but my true self-consciousness is not stained by the dust, and has always been true to my nature, pure and flawless!"

After Zhang Jingqing listened, she pondered for a while and said:

"Your description is very appropriate. In fact, the inner demon is also a kind of delusion. Your consciousness is not disturbed by the delusion. It seems that you can indeed suppress the inner demon!"

"Don't worry, Master. If there were any questions, I would have come to ask Master a long time ago!" Zhang Zhiwei said.

Zhang Jingqing nodded and said:

"Although you suppressed the inner demon with your strength, and even used the inner demon to adjust the balance of the five elements in the human body for you, the inner demon has not disappeared. Even if it is used by you, it is only a temporary forbearance."

"The inner demon and the host are one. The stronger you are, the stronger it will be. If you let it adjust the five elements of the human body, you are actually letting it control the five elements of the human body. I'm afraid that the day when all the five elements are adjusted, it will break out and devour the host. !”

Jiang is still old and spicy, Zhang Jingqing saw through the "National Master"'s thoughts at a glance and agreed.

Regarding his master, Zhang Zhiwei did not hide anything and said bluntly:

"I actually know this. It's the true nature of my heart. I know its thoughts very well. However, I also have strategies to deal with it!"

"Samadhi True Fire?" Zhang Jingqing said.

"Master, you know!"

Zhang Zhiwei opened his hand, and a wisp of blue flame rose from his palm.

"Ge Wen's article came out and he told his teacher before, but they were just guessing, but now it seems to be true!" Zhang Jingqing stared at the flames and said, "Did that boy from the Zhuge family give it to you during the competition in the Lu family's courtyard?"

Apart from this, he did not remember Zhang Zhiwei having contact with other members of the Zhuge family.

Zhang Zhiwei nodded: "I pointed him out at that time and reciprocated, and he passed this on to me!"

Zhang Jingqing said: "This is the secret knowledge of the Zhuge family. Since you have learned it, you will not pursue it as a teacher, but you cannot pass it on to others without the approval of the Zhuge family!"

"Master, I still understand the moral principles of the world!" Zhang Zhiwei said.

Not to mention that Samadhi True Fire is a unique skill of the Zhuge family and is not allowed to be taught externally. Even if it could be taught externally, Zhang Zhiwei would not teach it.

Because the difficulty of this secret skill is too high, it is even more difficult than the Tang Sect's Alchemy. In the past hundred years, there have been many comprehenders of Alchemy, but in these generations, except for Zhuge Qing, the True Fire of Samadhi No one outside has learned that if you are not careful, you will die. He will not use this thing to harm others.

"The true fire of Samadhi can burn the soul, as well as the things born from the soul. The inner demon happens to be among them. If you have it as the finale, you won't have to worry as a teacher!"

Zhang Jingqing said: "Since you have chosen the path of becoming a great sage with force, I won't stop you as a teacher. I just hope that you can stick to your heart, don't be deceived by others, go inward and outward, kill gods when you meet them, and kill them when you meet them." Buddha kills Buddha, with sharp momentum, cutting into the endless life, breaking through the barrier between heaven and man!"

Zhang Zhiwei understood Zhang Jingqing's words clearly. Killing gods when meeting gods and killing Buddhas when meeting Buddha was not Zhang Jingqing's intention to kill Zhang Zhiwei.

This is actually an allusion from Zen Master Linji, the founder of one of the five Zen sects of Buddhism. The complete words should be - "If you want to gain insights according to the Dharma, don't teach others to confuse you. Go inward and outward, and kill wherever you encounter. The Buddha kills the Buddha, and the ancestors are killed... only then can one achieve liberation."

This is actually a kind of artistic conception. If you want to achieve the Tao, you must not be deceived by delusions, no matter inward or outward, psychological, physiological, social, natural...

Once it starts to control you, confuse you, and lead you astray, you should cut it off with a clean cut. This is "killing whenever you encounter", "killing gods when you meet them", "killing Buddhas when you meet them"!

"Disciple, remember this!" Zhang Zhiwei said solemnly.

"In that case, you can go back!" Zhang Jingqing waved her hand and said.

Zhang Zhiwei did not leave: "Master, I want to learn the Five Thunders of Yin!"

Zhang Jingqing glanced at him: "You are very direct, you don't mince words at all!"

"Master and I, why are you so polite?" Zhang Zhiwei chuckled.

Zhang Jingqing smiled and said: "Since ancient times, if you want to practice yin and yang at the same time, you have to complete the Five Thunder Methods. But since you have found a new way to reconcile yin and yang, it is not necessary to practice the five yin thunders at the same time. I also want to see it as a teacher." Look, what can be cultivated by relying only on the four kinds of Qi, heart, lung, liver and kidney, without relying on the Qi of the spleen!"

"The Four Thunder Zhengfa with one less thunder than the Five Thunder?" Zhang Zhiwei said.

What nonsense are you talking about? Zhang Jingqing glanced at Zhang Zhiwei angrily and said:

"The Five Thunder Methods are not simply the fusion of Yin and Yang Thunder Methods. I can't tell you the specific content. You can only explore it yourself. Next, I will teach you the Five Yin Thunder Methods. Remember it!"

Zhang Zhiwei hurriedly listened attentively.

Zhang Jingqing continued: "The three talents of the Dao are the ears of Qi. The heaven and earth can use this Qi to change in a thousand ways. Human beings are the spirits of all things. If they get this Qi, they can shake the heaven and earth and move ghosts and gods."

The three talents, also known as the three treasures, refer to essence, qi, and spirit. The three talents combined into one are the innate Qi.

"To cultivate the Five Thunders of Yin, you need to transport one Qi back to the Kidney Palace first, and transport it for nine weeks to make the Qi of the Kidney Water strong...and then travel to the Liver Palace to generate the Qi of the Liver Wood. The less Yang in the Yin of the Liver Wood can be Fire circulates for three weeks to make the fire strong. The anode is taught first, and the yin is born..."

"Then use fire to generate earth, earth to generate metal, and metal to generate water... circulate for seven weeks to make water prosperous. Then use water and fire to help each other... run for another five weeks, and the qi of the five elements will turn into yin, which will become water, zang and thunder. !”

(End of this chapter)

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