Under one person: I, Zhang Zhiwei, the arrogant Zhang.

Chapter 385: Brother, let me try again, the first batch of sinister thunder

Chapter 385: Brother, let me try again, a group of sinister thunders

In the mountain behind Tianshi Mansion, on a clear moonlit night, the shadows of the trees sway like ghostly shadows.

Zhang Huaiyi hid himself among the trees, restrained his energy, adjusted his breathing, and observed in the dark.

He is a person who is good at hiding his clumsiness. Since he became a disciple of the Tianshi Mansion, he has been hiding his clumsiness all the time while sitting up or lying down.

Over the years, only Zhang Zhiwei and Heavenly Master Zhang Jingqing discovered that he was hiding, which shows how high his hiding ability is.

But now that he suddenly saw the scene in front of him, he couldn't help but take a breath of cold air. He was so shocked that he didn't even notice that his big ears were exposed outside the bushes.

Black, black everywhere, soaked into the ground, overflowing the grass, submerged the woods, with a damp and cold feeling that penetrated into the bone marrow, sucking the bones out of everything.

Especially the big black quagmire on the ground in front of him always gave him the feeling that as long as he broke into it, he would fall down the next second and sink into this black quagmire forever.

This black mud-like thing should be the Five Yin Thunders, but hasn’t Senior Brother already practiced the Five Yang Thunders? How could he train with him?

Zhang Huaiyi was full of confusion. He remembered the conversation he had with his master when he first started practicing Thunder Technique.

At that time, he asked his master that he had already practiced the heart qi and lung qi of Yang Wu Lei, but he felt that the qi in other parts of his body was about to move. Would he be able to produce hair in the future?

Master Zhang Jingqing told him that the five internal organs of the human body are matched with the five elements, and the five elements are matched with the stems and branches.

The qi of the heart and lungs is yang qi, corresponding to fire, and is described as a monkey emitting fire. The qi of the liver and kidneys is yin, corresponding to water, and is described as a pig soaked in water.

When you first start, the qi of yin and yang have their own strengths and weaknesses, and it is difficult to rise at the same time. One must be respected. For those who have not broken the body, if the yang energy is sufficient, the monkey is stronger than the pig, so you can only practice the monkey first. If you break the body, If the Yuanyang is released, then the pig is stronger than the monkey, so we can only cultivate the pig first.

This has been the rule of Longhu Mountain for thousands of years. Because he is still a boy, he can only cultivate monkeys. Even if he wants to cultivate pigs, he cannot.

At that time, he also asked his master, how far should one have to cultivate before he can become a pig?

Master Zhang Jingqing told him that the yang pole produces yin, and the yin pole produces yang. Only when one side has been cultivated to the extreme can the other side be cultivated.

However, the reality is that even if one party has practiced to the extreme, it will not be able to practice the other party, because the method of mediating the conflict between the two parties is only passed down to the heavenly master.

But why is senior brother practicing Yin Wu Lei now? Could it be that Master passed on the position of Heavenly Master to him?

Zhang Huaiyi was so shocked that he couldn't help but turn his head and look at the dense forest not far behind him, where his master was.

Although Zhang Jingqing no longer expects to use Zhang Huaiyi to surprise Zhang Zhiwei or beat Zhang Zhiwei.

But he kept his word, and the three years of private service he had previously promised to Zhang Huaiyi still counted.

Therefore, in addition to daily teaching, Zhang Jingqing would often come to the back mountain to teach Zhang Huaiyi.

The last time he opened a small stove for Zhang Huaiyi in the back mountain, he was chopped down by Zhang Zhiwei's flying thunder sword.

However, Zhang Jingqing did not change the location. Firstly, practicing thunder method can easily damage the building and it is inconvenient to do it in the mansion. Even if it is on the campus of Tianshi Mansion, it would not be appropriate. After all, private work is a private matter.

So after thinking about it, the spacious back mountain is suitable. In his opinion, the incident with the Flying Thunder Sword is only a small probability event. Zhang Zhiwei often goes to Tianmen Mountain to practice. The back mountain is still stable, but he never thought that this time I bumped into Zhang Zhiwei again.

Zhang Zhiwei tested Yin Wulei, and the range covered a hundred meters. Naturally, it was impossible for him not to feel such a big movement.

However, he did not immediately realize that it was Zhang Zhiwei who was practicing. After all, he had just taught Zhang Zhiwei the Five Yin Thunders, and he was a genius. It would have taken him a few days to master it!

So at first, he thought it was the old masters who practiced Yin Wu Lei in his house who were trying out the moves!

He came with me to see what was going on, and what kind of old villain was still here secretly carrying out his own crimes despite his age. He brought Zhang Huaiyi over to have a look.

As a result, no one said a word.

There is no old evil obstacle, it is clearly a small evil obstacle.

Seeing the huge Cangtan in the north and the dense black clouds spreading over the Cangtan in front of him, not to mention the inexperienced Zhang Huaiyi, even he, a dignified Celestial Master, was shocked.

It has only been a short time, maybe less than a day, to have cultivated the Five Thunders of Yin to such a state. Even if the Five Thunders of Yang are fully realized, and the Yang pole generates Yin, with divine help, it is not so exaggerated!

And he also came up with some new tricks. He could still understand the black mist rising from Cangtan in the north, but it was just relying on his extraordinary ability to control Qi to break the Yin Wu Lei into pieces.

But he was a little confused about the little black ball that was like a solid iron ball.

Judging from the scene where he threw the black ball into the mountain with ease, it was probably quite powerful.

"This kid is really amazing!" Zhang Jingqing thought to herself. When she came back to her senses, she saw Zhang Huaiyi, a little mouse with a dumbfounded face. He was so surprised that he didn't even notice that his ears were exposed and was still looking back at him.

Zhang Jingqing: "......"

Sure enough, the next moment, a voice sounded.

"Your chicken feet are exposed, that big-eared monster!" Zhang Zhiwei laughed.

"Chicken feet? What chicken feet?" Zhang Huaiyi was puzzled. It wasn't until he heard the words 'big-eared demon' that he realized, oh, it turned out that he had been discovered!

Big-Eared Monster was the nickname he got when he competed with Zhang Zhiwei last time. In order to motivate Zhang Zhiwei to fight with all his strength, he said that Zhang Zhiwei would treat him like a complete monster. He remembered this.

After being discovered, Zhang Huaiyi stopped hiding. He stood up from the grass and rushed out. Zhang Zhiwei forced out a smile and said:

"Brother, how did you discover me?"

When he and Zhang Jingqing came here, in order not to disturb "Old Gao Gong"'s practice, he deliberately controlled his Qi Qi, and even affixed a hidden breath charm on his body. It can be said that as long as he does not show any malice, it is unlikely. discovered.


Zhang Zhiwei pointed to the big, round shadow outline on the ground.


For this reason, Zhang Huaiyi was a little embarrassed. He immediately straightened his face, pointed at Zhang Zhiwei, and took the lead:

"Senior brother, you stayed up late at night and went to the back mountain to practice. You are not giving your junior brothers a way to survive! Do you know? If you are called a scab in a factory for your current behavior, you will be punished to death!"

"Good fellow, you are the first to complain, you evildoer? If the master hadn't been behind you, I would have whipped you!"

Zhang Zhiwei looked sideways at Zhang Huaiyi and said.

Zhang Huaiyi was startled: "How do you know Master is behind you?"

It’s impossible for Master to reveal his flaws too!

"You looked back just now, and you're not afraid of ghosts, so there must be someone behind you!" Zhang Zhiwei said.

"Brother, when did you become so smart?!" Zhang Huaiyi was shocked.

Zhang Zhiwei: "…………"

"This kid has always been very smart, but he just didn't use his smarts in the right way!"

After being pointed out by Zhang Zhiwei, Zhang Jingqing walked out with her hands behind her back.

"Don't we need more guidance from Master?" Zhang Zhiwei said with a smile.

"You still want me to give you advice?" Zhang Jingqing glanced at Cangtan, the northern border of Zhang Zhiwei's fifty-fifty range, "Last time you gave me advice on the Golden Light Curse, which caused an uproar on Longhu Mountain. This time, please don't give me any advice. this?"

"Master, don't be ridiculous. Didn't you sacrifice me with a flying sword earlier? If you don't calm down, will you sacrifice me again?"

Zhang Zhiwei scratched his head and said, thinking that it would be quite interesting to fly through the clouds on a flying sword.

"What a beautiful idea you have!" Zhang Jingqing said in a bad mood, but Zhang Zhiwei's thoughts are clear to them.

"Brother, what are you doing, is it so scary?" Zhang Huaiyi asked knowingly.

"Yin Wu Lei, haven't you seen it before? Do you want to try it?" Zhang Zhiwei said.


Zhang Huaiyi glanced at Zhang Zhiwei's remaining huge northern Cangtan, hesitated for a moment, and refused to say "Just try it."

At this time, Zhang Jingqing was also a little curious about the results of Zhang Zhiwei's half-day practice, and said:

"Go and try it with him. He has not learned the complete thunder method. The Yin Five Thunder is just something he found a different way and achieved in a way that is difficult to copy."

"However, the problem of yin and yang incompatibility is still not solved. When using the five yang thunders, you cannot use the five yin thunders, and when you use the five yin thunders, you cannot use the five yang thunders."

"He has just cultivated this Yin Five Thunder... He has just cultivated it not long ago. It is still relatively shallow. I am here to help you to find out the bottom. Zhang Zhiwei, you should also pay attention to your sense of propriety!"

In order not to offend Zhang Huaiyi, he did not say that he taught Zhang Zhiwei today.

As for the issue of using the Yin Five Thunder and not the Yang Five Thunder, he already knew it after learning the principles explained by Zhang Zhiwei.

After all, Zhang Zhiwei does not yet have the method to reconcile Yin and Yang. When using the Five Yang Thunders, he must choose not to generate the Qi of the Five Yin Thunders, otherwise it will cause a short circuit. The same is true when using the Five Yin Thunders.

This is why he asked Zhang Huaiyi to compete with Zhang Zhiwei.

If it were a competition with Yang Wu Lei, even if Zhang Zhiwei deliberately suppressed his cultivation to the point where he was comparable to Zhang Huaiyi, Zhang Zhiwei would have practiced Yang Wu Lei for several more years, which would be unfair to Zhang Huaiyi.

But it's different now. Zhang Zhiwei has just cultivated the Five Yin Thunders, and Zhang Huaiyi has been practicing the Five Yang Thunders for a while. If Zhang Zhiwei deliberately restrained his cultivation and only practiced fighting skills, Zhang Huaiyi would still... still be able to fight! Zhang Jingqing thought this way.

"Don't worry, Master, I know it well!" Zhang Zhiwei said.

The last time he fought with Zhang Huaiyi, he pushed the intensity of the thunder method to the limit of Zhang Huaiyi's golden light. In the end, he still beat Zhang Huaiyi half to death.

Later he learned that the limit is an ideal state and not everyone can reach their limit.

So this time, he planned to use it at a level slightly lower than Zhang Huaiyi's limit, to see if the Yin Five Thunder works well?

After listening to the master's explanation, Zhang Huaiyi also knew that Zhang Zhiwei had not learned the complete Five Thunders, and suddenly felt that he could do it:

"Just try it!"

The Yang Wulei can't compete with me because my senior brother has been practicing for many years. The Yinwulei has just been practicing for a short time. There is no need to be afraid. The huge puddle of black mud in front of me might just look like a bluff!

"You strike first!"

Zhang Zhiwei hooked his hand, and the huge northern Cangtan under his feet began to shrink. Since he wanted to suppress it to the same level as Zhang Huaiyi, he naturally couldn't use such a large range.

Seeing this situation, Zhang Huaiyi was not polite to him, his eyebrows stood up, and blazing lightning erupted all over his body.

He was very smart and knew that he could not set foot on the Cangtan in the North at the feet of Zhang Zhiwei unprepared, so he used the Qi of Yang Wu Lei to protect his whole body and resist the erosion of Yin Lei.

Immediately afterwards, he transformed into a shape with Qi, and a long golden sword appeared in each hand. The golden light was intertwined with blazing lightning, and finally shrank and shaped into two lightning knives.

"Brother, I'm here!"


Zhang Huaiyi's Qi penetrated the whole body, stimulating the meridians throughout the body, bursting out with terrifying speed, and rushed towards Zhang Zhiwei.


As soon as he stepped onto Cangtan in the north, the black silt-like Yin thunder wrapped around him like gangrene attached to his bones. However, before it had time to penetrate into his body, he was defeated by the Yang thunder surrounding him.

Seeing this situation, he immediately understood in his heart that Yin thunder could not corrode Yang Lei, or in other words, the head-on confrontation between Yin thunder and Yang Lei was not advantageous, but Yin thunder was more powerful in its strangeness, changeability and persistence. As long as he approached quickly, the head-on Be tough, fight quickly, and have a good chance of winning.

But soon, he realized something was wrong. The distance between him and his senior brother was only a few dozen meters. At his own speed, he could reach him in a blink of an eye. Why, after a few breaths had passed, the distance between him and his senior brother did not get any closer.

"This...the problem lies at your feet!"

He reacted suddenly, looked at his feet, and saw that the quagmire under his feet was flowing. He was running forward on it, and the quagmire was flowing backwards, canceling each other out, which was equivalent to him standing still.

Seeing this scene, Zhang Jingqing nodded secretly. Although Zhang Zhiwei had just come into contact with Yin Wu Lei, he had already mastered the secret of Yin Wu Lei, and his control over Qi was astonishingly high.

"Senior brother, don't be a coward, have the guts to fight me for 300 rounds!"

Zhang Huaiyi said with a pair of thunderous eyes.

"Hey, Huaiyi, what are you thinking about? The characteristics of the five yang thunders are powerful and unrivaled, and the characteristics of the five yin thunders are strange, changeable, and free-spirited. If I use the yin thunders to fight you with the yang thunders, , how is it different from being mentally retarded?"

He hooked his hand at Zhang Huaiyi: "If you have the ability, come here!"

"Come here, come here!"

Zhang Huaiyi bent his legs slightly, jumped up suddenly, raised his thunder knife high, and struck at Zhang Zhiwei. Since the ground doesn't work, then I will come from the sky.

But soon, he realized that he was wrong. He was only halfway through the jump when Zhang Zhiwei stepped forward and, relying on the flow of the Cangtan in the north under his feet, appeared on the other side. He jumped in the air.

"Come here!"

Zhang Zhiwei hooked his hand again.


Zhang Huaiyi rushed over again, but at the same time, he was brewing thunder in his other hand. As long as Zhang Zhiwei changed positions again, he would give him a thunder.

Unexpectedly, this time Zhang Zhiwei stood in Cangtan in the north, motionless, and just stretched out his hand to shake Zhang Huaiyi from afar.


A huge black hand suddenly appeared and swatted at Zhang Huaiyi. Zhang Huaiyi jumped in the air and had no way to dodge. He could only watch as the giant hand swatted him away like a mosquito.

However, his whole body is now covered with Yang thunder, and the intensity of the Yin thunder controlled by Zhang Zhiwei is even lower than the intensity of his Yang thunder, so this blow did not knock him over, but just knocked him into the quagmire. middle.

In the quagmire, black thunder kept coming and entangled like huge waves of mud, but every time, it was defeated by the Yang Thunder on Zhang Huaiyi's body.

"Huaiyi, Yang Lei is powerful, but it cannot last long. Every attack by Yin Lei will drain part of your Qi, one will decrease and the other will increase. If you don't break the situation, the Qi in your body can only last for three minutes!"

As Zhang Zhiwei spoke, bubbles and mud rolled up under his feet, and a black pillar stretched out to lift him up.

He looked down at Zhang Huaiyi, slowly raised his hand, and a huge black palm appeared out of thin air and collapsed.

(End of this chapter)

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