Under one person: I, Zhang Zhiwei, the arrogant Zhang.

Chapter 393 The deal between Biheshan and the military

Chapter 393 The deal between Biheshan and the military

Shinobi listened to Onijima Shigeo's words and remained silent.

Although ninjas are famous for their ability to obtain intelligence, since entering Bihe Mountain, the radiation range of their influence has become lower and lower, and many things in the country are still unknown, let alone things abroad.

He had never heard of the railway company or the railway garrison, but he knew about the special higher education courses and had dealt with them before.

A few years ago, they even overestimated their capabilities and tried to infiltrate Bihe Mountain. However, the method was too clumsy and they were eradicated only on the periphery.

They even captured a few of the little leaders and got a lot of information about the Super High School from them. After some analysis, they defined the Super High School as a bunch of trash.

And this bunch of trash turned out to be the main intelligence organization of the empire, so Onigashima Shigeo's intention to find him was obvious.

The Ninja of Higashan Mountain got a lot of useful information from Onigashima Shigeo's words and also knew his own value. This gave Ninja some confidence and said:

"I understand what the Palace Secretary and General Shigeo meant by inviting me over. I can control the disobedient bandit warlord and investigate the murderer behind this incident, but we also have our own conditions."

"Loyalty to the Emperor is a gift from God to you. You are not qualified to bargain!" Onigashima Shigeo said solemnly.

"Are you loyal to the emperor?" Shinobi was silent for a few seconds, then smiled lightly and said, "Isn't that something only you samurai masters are qualified for?"

"In the eyes of big shots like you, we ninjas are not worthy of having our own thoughts. We have existed as tools since our birth!"

"Just like today, when you need it, call it out and use it. If one day you don't need it anymore, it will be sealed in the mountain for a hundred years just like a hundred years ago."


Onigashima Shigeo wants to say something else.

However, the Grand Palace Secretary raised his hand to stop him and said:

"Ono-kun, the world has changed. It is no longer more than a hundred years ago. The shoguns have been overthrown, and the shogunate era has passed. Everyone has a surname, and civilians no longer have to worry about being drunk while walking on the road. The samurai master chopped them down and everyone was treated with tenderness. You ninjas should also be treated with tenderness. This is the emperor's idea."

After hearing Omiyaji's words, Ninto and Erli's eyes shrank.

Before coming, they had been mentally prepared to be bossed around, but they didn't expect that the Omiyaji would actually say these words.

Did the Emperor really intend this?

But then, the Omiyaji changed his subject: "Although His Majesty the Emperor has this idea, the cabinet ministers have different ideas. They feel that you ninjas are killing tools created by the shogun. The original intention of your existence, and You are incompatible with this gentle world, so I don’t want to let you out.”

Shinobu's eyes darkened. Sure enough, is this still the case? Is this their fate as ninjas? !

But then, Omiyaji’s words changed again:

"However, since this is His Majesty the Emperor's proposal, the cabinet ministers are willing to give you a chance, a chance to see the light of day again and live in the sunshine!"

Omiyaji looked deeply at Ninto: "Ono-kun, do you want this opportunity?"

"I can't ask for it!" Shinobu lowered his head and said, "Please give me a clear explanation, Mr. Palace Secretary!"

Omiyaji said: "The reason why we can live under the blue sky and enjoy this beautiful world is because we participated in the war to overthrow the shogunate and overthrow the general, but you did not..."

"So, if you want to be like us, then go and make meritorious service, and use your military exploits in exchange for acceptance in the new world."

"Ono-kun, do you think this is fair?" Omiyaji said in a deep voice.

Shinobu pondered for a moment and nodded: "Fair!"

Omiyaji's words left him unable to refute. As he said before, they were weapons crafted by the Shogun of the shogunate.

When the shogunate was overthrown, they were supposed to be used as weapons by the shogun to kill the enemy, but the shogun fell too quickly and there was no time to mobilize them.

After the general fell, their weapons that lost their owners were hidden in the mountains for more than a hundred years.

Because they were the remnants of the Shogun, they did not believe in the Emperor, let alone be loyal.

Even in their impression, the so-called emperor is just a weakling who begs for mercy in front of the general.

But now, this weakling has the power to pardon them!

In this case, he is willing to use the heads of Chinese people as stepping stones for his children to see the light of day again.

"Are you willing to accept it?" Ogongsi asked again.


Shinto said in a deep voice, if it had been more than a hundred years ago, he would not have dared to answer so simply.

Because at that time, there were an endless stream of alien masters in the land of China. They went there rashly, only to seek their own death. During the shogunate period, they suffered losses. There are records of these.

But it's different now. Even though they were sealed in Bihe Mountain and had no information, they still knew that the massive Hongyang Rebellion had occurred over there, and that many countries had joined forces to invade and destroyed the court and the world there. …

After experiencing all kinds of catastrophes, the alien forces over there have been weakened to the extreme. It is not an exaggeration to say that they are the weakest in a thousand years.

And they have been recuperating and recuperating in Bihe Mountain for more than a hundred years, and there are many masters. Especially this generation of demon sword successors are geniuses among geniuses.

The enemy is weak and we are strong, so Ninto is confident that he can trample the foreigners over there under his feet.

"I am willing to trade their heads for our military glory of living under the sun!"

Shinobu lowered his head and said, his movements were a little humble, but his tone was very arrogant. The humbleness was because of Omiyaji and Onijima Shigeo, and the arrogance was because he looked down on the aliens from China.

Hearing this, Omiyaji and Onijima Shigeo looked at each other and smiled.

"Then let's have a happy cooperation!" Onigashima Shigeo said, handing Shinobi a piece of information, which recorded some of Japan's arrangements in China.

Shinobu took the information, looked at it carefully for a while, and said, "Have we already made so many arrangements in China? General Shigeo, do you need us to go to the battlefield?"

When the Higashan ninjas were born, they served the battlefield. They have their own unique ninja chain that allows them to be invincible on the battlefield. What the ninja thinks is that if they want to gain military merit, going to the battlefield is undoubtedly the fastest way. .

But Shigeo Onijima misunderstood and thought that Ninto was afraid of going to the battlefield.

After all, except for a few aliens with strong protective abilities, ordinary aliens are not very useful on a battlefield filled with bullets.

"I know your concerns, and I will try to prevent you from going to the battlefield. Your main task at the moment is to infiltrate that land and control the bandit warlord in our hands."

After hearing what Onijima Shigeo said, I lowered my head, a little disappointed, but I didn't take the initiative to fight for it, because it was too cheap, and the meal had to be eaten one bite at a time, and the value had to be shown bit by bit.

However, even if he takes the initiative to fight for it, Onigashima Shigeo will not agree. The world war has ended not long ago, and the embers are still lingering. Even if they suffered such a big loss this time, they will not be able to take advantage of it, otherwise they will be against the world.

Matters involving foreigners can only be solved by foreigners' methods.

"I understand!" Ninto said: "I will send people to lurk next to the disobedient bandit warlord. When the time comes, as long as you give an order, the general will have his head removed!"

"So good!"

Onigashima Shigeo nodded with satisfaction. He was a samurai who practiced kendo. Although he looked down on ninjas, he had to admit that they were indeed useful.

"As for the murderer behind the scenes that the general mentioned..." Ninja turned over the information and said, "It didn't give much information. It only said that he was extremely good at swordsmanship and was a great master of the sword. He was probably in his fifties. Up."

"Another news is that based on the evidence at the scene, this person may be Maozi or a Chinese, and he is suspected of colluding with the bandit warlord..."

Speaking of this, Shinobu frowned, what should I say about this information? Apart from the fact that this person is a swordsman master who is over fifty years old, and it has some reference significance, what is the rest of the information?

Maybe he's Chinese, maybe he's Maozi?

Why didn't you write that the murderer could be a man or a woman?


Speaking of this, even Onijima Shigeo felt a little embarrassed. He coughed lightly and said:

"The former is calculated by the Palace Secretary, and the latter is the result of the investigation by the Special High School. Just take a look at it and don't pay too much attention to it. I can't compliment their ability to do things!"

When he was in Bincheng, Fujita wanted to kill the Super High School, but after all, the Super High School was a subordinate department of Onijima Shigeo, and if he said something too bad, it would undoubtedly be a slap in the face.

Naturally, Rentou could hear this, so he didn’t say much. He just nodded and said:

"I understand, but what is your attitude towards the strangers over there in China? If we rush past Biheshan, we are afraid that they will counterattack, and it will affect the efficiency of infiltration. We must try to avoid them as much as possible. Drive them or kill them?"

The Grand Palace Secretary said: "You don't have to worry about this matter. I have already made arrangements. There are many factions of foreigners in China, and people have been divided since ancient times. Before that, there were many old Eight Banners foreigners families who joined us. I want to Restore the country with our hands."

"Later, some omnipotent strangers cooperated with us and wanted to use our hands to subvert the world."

"This time you enter the land of China, I will ask Quan Xing to cooperate and make some noise to attract the attention of the alien forces there so that they have no time to take care of you, and you can better penetrate into it. And take advantage of the chaos to investigate the real culprit of the Bincheng incident."

The head of the ninja said: "Master Gongsi has a foresighted plan!"

Nin Tou also knew about Quan Xing, a well-known alien organization that once helped Zhu Di, the founder of the Ming Dynasty, to rebel and conquer the world.

Zhu Di gave them many things, but they didn't care. They seemed to have been keen on rebellion. Later, they helped Zhu Di's son Zhu Gaoxu, the king of Han, rebel, but they ultimately failed.

Since then, they have been on the road to rebellion. The collapse of the Ming Dynasty and the growth of the Qing Dynasty are inseparable from them.

A group of madmen born for rebellion, nothing they do is surprising.



This conversation went much smoother than expected.

After the Shinobu, Omiyaji, and Onijima Shigeo discussed some details, they left the main hall with their two powers.

In the main hall, only Omiyaji and Onijima Shigeo were left.

Neither of them spoke, and there was only the sound of gurgling boiling water in the whole hall.

That was water boiled by Onijima Shigeo.

In fact, the water has been boiling for a while, but Onijima Shigeo has not moved.

It was not until the people from Bihe Mountain left that he fiddled with the tea tray, lifted the iron kettle filled with boiling water, poured the boiling water into the tea bowl, and then poured the water away.

This is the standard Japanese tea ceremony procedure. The first hot water is just used to heat the tea bowl.

Then he picked out two spoonfuls of tea powder with a wooden tea spoon and put it into the tea bowl. Then he took a large spoonful of hot water from the iron kettle and poured it into the tea bowl, and stirred it gently with a tea spoon.

His technique was light and his expression was solemn. After the process, he solemnly handed a bowl of tea to the Grand Palace Secretary.

Omiyaji took the tea bowl, cushioned it with the gold gauze on the table, put it in the palm of his hand, turned it clockwise twice, and turned the patterned side of the tea bowl towards Onijima Shigeo.

In the Japanese tea ceremony, this means respecting each other.

The two of them turned the bowl together, then raised their heads and drank the tea at the same time. They paused for a moment, then slowly reset their bodies, then rotated the bowl twice in the opposite direction, and reoriented the pattern of the bowl towards themselves.

A set of tedious procedures is completed.

Onigashima Shigeo said: "Miyaji-sama really intends to give freedom to the people of Higoyama?"

The Omiyaji smiled: "They are just a sword that the shogun has sharpened for hundreds of years. If they just throw it away, wouldn't it be a waste of natural resources?"

"I think so too. If you want to rely on others to gain freedom, you will never be free. They were born to exist as weapons!" Onigashima Shigeo said with a smile.

"What a pathetic bunch of tools!"

The Omiyaji sighed, and then said: "Shigeo-kun, as far as I know, your Soul Recruiting Society doesn't like me very much, but why did you suddenly change your mind and invite me to preside over the ceremony of this Soul Recruiting Society?"

In Japan, almost all shrines are under the jurisdiction of Ise Shrine. As the chief minister of Ise Shrine, his status can be imagined.

But among the many shrines, there is one exception, and that is the Edo Soul Resurrection Society. They were taken over by the military and Ise Shrine could not get in.

But today, the Spiritualist Society invited him to be the chief priest and hold a grand ceremony. This was tantamount to delegating power, and he was very surprised.

"Because Miyaji-sama is a guy who has no taboos when doing things." Onigashima Shigeo said.

"Is this a compliment?" There was a smile on Omiyaji's lips.

"Of course this is a compliment!" Onijima Shigeo looked into Omiyaji's eyes and said, "This shows that Omiyaji-sama will not waver because of some insignificant opinions or influences from the outside world. He has no unnecessary taboos. This is of course a compliment. !”

"Thank you for your compliment!" Ogongsi said calmly: "Then, what is the purpose of asking me to be the officiant this time?"


Onigashima Shigeo said: "Some people in the empire are short-sighted and extremely weak. Many of my colleagues and I have been worried about one thing. The empire's progress will stop in the northeast of China."

"We hope that after becoming the master of Northeast China, the empire will become the master of the entire China."

"The empire's iron hooves should trample every inch of China's land, and all their countless resources and beautiful girls should be ours!"

"What about the Grand Palace Secretary? Does the Grand Palace Secretary only want the land in the northeast?"

"No!" Omiyaji's eyes were bright and scary, "I'm not interested in the resources and girls you mentioned. All I want is a broader faith, but our goal is the same!"

"Then let's cooperate sincerely. I hope Omiyaji will give us more support!" Onigashima Shigeo said.

"I will, and His Majesty the Emperor will fully support you!" Omiyaji said.

(End of this chapter)

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