Under one person: I, Zhang Zhiwei, the arrogant Zhang.

Chapter 395: The power of life and death, the arrival of the national master

Chapter 395: The power of life and death, the arrival of the national master

Lu Ci was the first to attack, running as hard as he wanted, in a straight and straight direction, covering a wide area, almost covering the whole place. Even if the master reacted, he was unable to stop it.

"How dare you, Shuzi?!"

The master yelled angrily, waved his hand and fired a black energy, which went straight for Lu Ci's head. Unable to stop the Ruyi Jin, he attacked Lu Ci directly.

Lu Ci's heart palpitated, as if he was being stared at by an evil ghost, like a gleam on his back.

His eyes were sharp, and purple light shot out from his body. He raised his arm horizontally and smashed the incoming black energy.

"Old dog, aren't you so good?" Lu Ci smiled coldly.

The father and son went into battle to fight the tiger brothers. At the same time, Lu Ren also took action, and Ruyi Jin also started. A sharp purple energy emerged from the back of the master's head and strangled him violently.

The master was unaware, but at the moment when he was about to be hit, a dark light circled out from the back of his head, dispersing Lu Ren's Ruyi Jin.

"Is this the Ruyi Jin of the Lu family? It is indeed unpredictable. If someone else comes here, I'm afraid he will really fall into the trap, but it won't work on me!" Master said in a deep voice.

"It doesn't work. I'll let you know later if it works or not!" Lu Ci said.

"No need to talk nonsense, let's fight quickly!" Lu Ren said.

The two walked side by side towards the master, their purple energy boiling like fire, reflecting the dim lights of the pier, giving them a strange feeling.

As for Lu Jin, the moment Lu Ci took action, he rushed onto the nearby freighter to deal with the Cao Qing Gang thugs and ghost guys inside, and to rescue the abducted women.

At the same time, he was also contacting Wang Ai through the yin and yang paper. After all, so many people had to be accommodated, and Wang Ai, who had financial power, had to handle it.

The master glanced at Lu Jin and made no move. As he said before, this was just a game, so there were no valuable people in the boat.

As for why he was the only one who came, it was because he just wanted to give it a try and didn't expect to capture Lu Jin and Lu Ci.

After all, it is rare for stupid thieves to cause trouble again and again in a very short period of time. In the end, I did not expect it, but I actually ran into it.

"Stupid Qing!"

On the master's body, two groups of dark energy rose up, like two pairs of horses, surrounding him.

The sound of breaking through the air kept ringing out, and Ruyi's force hit him like a gust of wind, but all of them were blocked by the two black waves.

Those two black qi rays seemed to have their own consciousness, loyally protecting their master and protecting the master without leakage.

"Is it a magic weapon?" Lu Ren guessed.

"It doesn't look like a magic weapon!" Lu Ci thought of the kid hugging his calf earlier: "Maybe it's the ability of Wu Jin's lineage. No matter what, let's go up and capture him!"

Having said that, the two brothers, one behind the other, arrived in surprise.

Lu Renshan defended and rushed to the front, while Lu Charity attacked and followed closely behind.

During the process of taking action, Lu Ren had already unfolded the Ruyi Jin Dharma Body, and his whole body was covered with steel and sharp edges. The purple Ruyi Jin was solidified and turned into armor that was connected to each other, with almost no dead ends.

In his hand, he held a long knife that was transformed into Qi by Ruyi Jin. It collided fiercely and briefly with the two body-protecting Qihei of the master.

After each fight, a ball of radiating black energy or dissipated purple light would bloom in mid-air.

Lu Ci took advantage of this opportunity to take the master's body directly, but he never thought that after getting closer, two more black qi that were as sharp as steel would emerge from the master's body.

These two black energies were full of spirituality. A bloody mouth appeared at the top of the Qi, and each had a pair of eyes, staring at Lu Ci with hatred, twisting around like poisonous snakes.

Lu Ci was calm and composed. His Ruyi Jin was good at attacking and did not have as strong a defense as his brother, so he needed to pay special attention to it.

He slapped his palms several times in a row, and Ruyi Jin, which contained a hint of vibrating energy, roared out. The two vengeful spirit-like Qi could not be resisted, and was shaken back steadily.

"good chance!"

Lu Ci's expression was shocked, and he stepped forward, raised his hand to grab the master's head, but he never thought that the master raised his hand and grabbed it.

What makes him powerful is not only his strange black energy, but also his own strength. He is also proficient in some boxing and kicking skills, especially Hong Fist.

Hong Quan's methods were mostly grappling and elbow strikes. He grabbed Lu Ci's hand, stepped forward, and stabbed Lu Ci's chest with his elbow.

Lu Ci took half a step back lightly, letting go of the momentum of the opponent's elbow, and then stepped on the ground. A wave of Ruyi energy surged out from the ground and hit the master's leg.

But when Ruyi Jin hit Master's calf, Lu Ci felt as if a sheep had fallen into a tiger's mouth, as if his Ruyi Jin had been eaten by something.

When he took a closer look, he saw a big, bloody mouth with eyes growing out of the master's leg. It was this thing that ate up his Ruyi Jin.

"What the hell kind of monster is this?" Although Lu Ci thought so, he kept on attacking and the two brothers cooperated with each other.

But the master kept it tight and didn't show any flaws to them. He even fired a few black energy bodyguards.

For a moment, the purple Qi Jin and the black Qi Jin were fighting. After more than a dozen breaths, the purple side actually showed signs of decline.

Because the master's body-protecting black energy is constantly increasing, from the first two to a full seven.

These seven black qi are like seven black pythons with their eyes and mouths open. They are quite flexible and their attacks are extremely vicious.

This battle is not so much two on one, but two on eight.

With a full seven rays of black energy protecting his body, the master was strolling leisurely with his arms folded in front of his chest. Apparently he still had some strength left. He smiled and said:

"A junior is a junior after all. If you want to fight me, I'm afraid the head of the Lu family will have to come here to be qualified!"

Lu Ci was very angry when he heard this. What he cherished most was his family, and he couldn't bear to hear this man say something bad about his father.

"Brother, block him for a moment and I'll launch my ultimate move!" Lu Ci whispered.

Since he learned the rudimentary form of Tiger, Leopard and Thunder, he has made rapid progress in his practice. Originally, he was defeated by Lu Ren, but now they are evenly matched.

But even so, he still hasn't developed the earthquake-like Ruyi Jin. However, he has also learned a little bit about it, which can even be used in actual combat, but it will take some time to brew.

"give it to me!"

Lu Ren stepped forward to meet the enemy.

At this time, Lu Jin had already dealt with the thugs on the ship, stood on the deck, shouted "I'm coming", then rushed down, and dealt with the master together with Lu Ren.

On the other side, Lu Ci was using Qi behind him, and he activated the sound of tiger and leopard thunder, integrating it into Ruyi Jin.


With a palm strike, the air was torn apart by tremors, and circles of spiderweb-like cracks centered around the position where Lu Ci's palm was struck.

A purple dragon-like Ruyi Jin rose into the sky and enveloped the master.


The master was startled, and for the first time his scornful face showed seriousness. He quickly performed a magic spell, and saw seven black python-like ferocity retreating into his body.

Immediately afterwards, his figure suddenly swelled up, and with a "tear" sound, the black robe was stretched to pieces, revealing the flesh and blood wriggling wantonly inside.

The flesh and blood expanded like fermented dough and turned into seven huge tentacles. At the top of each tentacle, there was a ferocious and terrifying human face.

This terrifying scene stunned Lu Jin and Lu Ren, and they immediately wanted to distance themselves.

But between the lightning and flint, the seven tentacles suddenly stretched out and came towards them to kill them.

Lu Ren's Ruyi Jin Dharmakaya state was invulnerable to water and fire, and he just repelled several incoming tentacles.

But Lu Jin couldn't avoid it. In the reverse state, although the strength, defense and recovery ability will be greatly increased, even compared with the Buddhist Golden Bell, it is still not too much.

But facing the soft attack of the tentacles, he was a little weak. He was entangled by the tentacles and dragged him forcefully. Lu Jin struggled, but what caught his eyes were seven pairs of malicious eyes, as well as a pair of vicious eyes and a ferocious smile.


The master laughed wildly, wrapped his tentacles around Lu Jin, and blocked him in front of him.

Lu Ci's wishful energy, which simulated a natural disaster, hit Lu Jin.

There was a loud "boom".

The air stirred, white marks were torn out, and the ground cracked like water waves.


Lu Jin fell to the ground, and the flesh on his entire back turned outwards, exposing the dense white bones, and even the organs were vaguely visible.

His breath was weak, and there was even blood foam in his breath, which was extremely miserable.

If this kind of injury happened to anyone else, he would definitely be dead, but Lu Jin was an exception.

I saw that the hideous wounds on his body were healing at a speed visible to the naked eye. In the blink of an eye, the injuries were basically invisible.

However, although the external injuries had recovered, the internal injuries were still there, so Lu Jin did not get up and remained lying on the ground.

"Hua Hua Hua..."

The ferocious and terrifying tentacles opened like chrysanthemums, revealing the master's face inside.

"I have practiced this Maoshan Immortal Technique for many years, but can a bunch of young guys like you be able to conquer it?"

He looked at Lu Jin on the ground, stepped on Lu Jin's head, and said:

"Is this the third level of reverse rebirth of Immortal Daying of the Trinity Sect? It is said that those who have entered the first level are filled with true energy, which can turn their skin and flesh into energy, greatly enhance their own strength, and have the power of dragons and tigers in their every move .”

"If you can enter the second level, you can further invigorate the muscles, bones, organs, and blood, so that all evils will not invade, and all diseases will not occur. For those with advanced cultivation, even if a limb is cut off, it can be restored to its original state in an instant!"

He repeatedly crushed Lu Jin's head with his foot: "You look like this, it seems that you have not practiced cultivation well. Today, let me teach you, an unfilial person like you, an unfilial disciple on behalf of the Zuomen!"

After all, the master did not crush Lu Jin's head.

His nickname is Master, and he is naturally not a brainless person who only pursues temporary pleasure. It is indeed easy and refreshing to trample Lu Jin to death, but when Zuo Ruotong comes to the door, it will not be pleasant.

All sects and sects have enough respect for Immortal Daying.

The master lifted his foot that was on Lu Jin's head, stepped over, looked at Lu Ren and Lu Ci, and said:

"I give Zuomen face, but I may not give face to the Lu family!"


Lu Ci gasped for air, his hands trembling slightly. He glanced at Lu Jin and saw that he was still breathing. He felt slightly certain that if he accidentally killed Lu Jin, even he would regret it for the rest of his life.

Lu Ren glanced at Lu Jin, then at Lu Ci, who was too exhausted: "The situation is not good, we need to retreat first!"

When he said this, with the cover of Ruyi Jin Dharmakaya, he took out the yin and yang paper and wrote the words "quick rescue".


Lu Ci glanced at Lu Jin, somewhat unwillingly.

But the master didn't give them a chance to hesitate and walked straight towards them.

"Want to leave? Impossible!"

The lion pinched softly, and the master was ready to take down Lu Ci who was a little weak first.

Of course Lu Ren didn't agree and went to stop him, and the two started fighting fiercely.

"Brother, hurry up and go to Fengming Tower to wait for Senior Brother Zhang!"

"No, I'm not leaving!"

Lu Ci was the kind of character who would rather die together than live in an ignoble existence. How could he abandon his friends and elder brother?

They immediately joined the fight. However, the previous attack consumed too much, and the master was in full state. They were obviously no match for each other.

After more than a dozen rounds, Lu Ren's Ruyi Jin Dharma Body collapsed and he was knocked away by his master's palm. Without the restraint of his elder brother, Lu Ci was also entangled in his master's tentacles.

Seven tentacles spread out from the master's back, five of which were wrapped around Lu Ci's limbs and neck respectively, and the other two, one on the left and one on the right, stared at Lu Ren.

"Don't move, I can cut him into pieces with just a little force!"

As the master said, the tentacles wrapped around Lu Ci tightened again.

"We don't care about this matter. I will take them both out of the city immediately. Can you let us go?" Lu Ren took a deep breath, calmed down and said.

"I want to leave now, is it too late? The Caoqing Gang is not afraid of the Lu family. I have decided to break off one of the Lu family's treasures. Otherwise, the world will probably think that I, the Caoqing Gang, are easy to bully. Tell me, should I let you go or let you go?" Kill him!"

The master pointed at Lu Ci and said.

Lu Ren's eyes flickered, but he didn't really think about whether he should stay or his brother should stay. Anyone with a discerning eye could see that the other party didn't want to let anyone go. He was thinking about how to save his brother.


He was about to delay speaking.

"Deputy leader, help me!"

Lu Ci struggled to speak.

The next second, a sudden change occurred, and Lu Ci, who was clamped by the tentacles, suddenly made a crisp sound.

His figure was also growing rapidly, his muscles expanded and expanded, and the bones on his face protruded outward, becoming more and more like a monkey.

"Is this?" The master was a little confused and instinctively tightened his tentacles, wanting to crush Lu Ci to death.

But it was too late, the "National Master" had already possessed him.

In fact, Lu Ci was at the communication hall at the moment he was restrained. After receiving the response, the "National Master" borrowed a passage from the interior scene and quickly arrived.


As soon as the "National Master" arrived, it found itself being restrained in this way. It tilted its head to look at the master, grinned sternly, broke free of the restraints, and its palms were filled with thunder, and hit the master's chest with one palm.


The master was knocked out and coughed up a large mouthful of blood. He practiced the evil magic of Seven Evils, so being hit by the thunder method naturally made him feel uncomfortable. Even the thunder at the wound continued to erode the Qi in his body. .

This made him frightened and angry, but also scared, and he did not dare to stay any longer. The moment he landed, seven tentacles on his back held up the ground like spider legs, and he quickly fled the scene.

Immediately afterwards, the fuse was pulled, and a dazzling fireworks bloomed in the night sky. Most of the demons could clearly see the splendid fireworks.

An arrow pierces the clouds, and thousands of troops come to meet you.

This is the message signal from the Caoqing Gang.

(End of this chapter)

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