Under one person: I, Zhang Zhiwei, the arrogant Zhang.

Chapter 398: Attack Fengming Tower, Tian Can Di Que takes action

Chapter 398: Attack Fengming Tower, Tian Can Di Que takes action

"Yongxin is working, there are others waiting, get out of here!"

In front of Fengming Tower, the rickshaw drivers, shoe shiners, and various small merchants and hawkers squatted in front of the customers to drive them away. The customers who had not yet entered crawled away, and the customers who were about to go out were frightened and hid in again.

The businesses on both sides of Pike Road also closed their doors and windows immediately for fear of being affected. For a moment, the brightly lit Pike Road suddenly became dark.

In this day and age, gang fights are commonplace. When opening a business, one must be discerning. If one is affected, one has to consider oneself unlucky. As for the patrol room, that is done after the fact.

"Clap clap clap..."

Footsteps were as dense as rain, and a large number of Yongxin Company members wearing black clothes and top hats, half with machetes and half with muskets, came in a dark crowd, almost surrounding the entire Fengming Tower.

A guy from Fengming Tower, looking at the battle in front of him, leaned forward and leaned against the door of Fengming Tower, his legs trembling. It wasn't that he didn't want to go back, but that his legs were weak and he couldn't walk.

At this time, a classic car came from far away. It was full of people. The door on the left opened and a man stepped out. He was holding a folding fan and wearing a navy blue robe with a sinister face. It was the master who had been beaten away by the "National Master" before. He had put his clothes back on.

The body of the Seven Evils has the innate energy of seven boys, and some ordinary injuries can be healed quickly.

But the place where he was hit by the thunder method was still aching, which made his face look a little ferocious, no longer the smiling tiger image of the past.

"Xia...Master, you...you brought so many brothers here today...are you going to have a banquet...or what?"

The concierge of Fengming Tower stammered.

"Having a banquet?" The master looked sinister, resisting the urge to squeeze him to death, and whispered:

"Please come out, eldest sister!"

Although he was very angry, he did not dare to force his way into Fengming Tower.

"Hey, Master Xia, what brought you here?"

The master followed the sound and saw a pretty family member with an oval face, leaning against the gate of Fengming Tower, looking at him with a smile. The night wind blew by, and the skirt of the slim peony cheongsam moved slightly.

"I've met the eldest sister!"

The master hugged his hands and said, "A few thieves who ruined the company's business have hid in Fengming Tower. I hope the eldest sister will be accommodating?"

"What little thief? My Fengming Building is not a patrol room?" the landlady said with a smile, "Everyone is open to do business, and all the people coming and going are guests, and they are all noble people who support me!"

The master patiently continued: "Sister, this is the person that Marshal Zhang wants by name!"

"Which Marshal Zhang? The one from the Northeast?"

"The three Yongxin tycoons, Zhang Wanlin! Zhang Dashuai!" the master said word by word.

"Zhang Wanlin!" the landlady said with a smile: "Logically speaking, I should give him some face, but only if it follows the rules."

"If Zhang Wanlin has something to do, he can discuss it with me first, explain the reason, and resolve it politely. My little Aqiao is also very reasonable."

"But you led people to surround my place because of your disagreement. You didn't even say a word. You didn't give me any explanation. You asked me to hand over people indiscriminately!"

The landlady pointed at the master: "You and Zhang Wanlin don't take my little Qiao seriously at all. You trampled my face under your feet, and you still want me to give you face? Haha, you Yongxin are so big His face!"

At the end of the words, the boss lady's smile disappeared and her face turned livid, not covering up the coldness in her words at all.

The landlady's name is Xiao Aqiao, and she is also one of the Thirteen Taibao. For a female prostitute to have established such a foundation in the devil's capital, one can imagine her abilities.

The master immediately hesitated and led people to surround Fengming Tower. Speaking of which, he was in the wrong, but there was nothing he could do about it. If he really followed the process that little Aqiao said, I'm afraid those brats would have Just left the magic city.

So when he led people to surround Fengming Tower, what he did was not too outrageous. Moreover, this was Yongxin's usual style of doing things, but Xiao Aqiao's idea was a bit too harsh.

"The eldest sister is serious. We, Yongxin, did not consider this matter. I am here to apologize to you. I hope the eldest sister will be accommodating and let me go in and take the person away. Afterwards, I, Yongxin, will come to the door to apologize. Give the eldest sister an explanation!"

Little Ah Qiao's expression softened slightly and she said, "If you want to go in, that's fine. Give me a reason first. Who do you want to arrest and what did they commit?"

Before Lu Ren said that there were reinforcements, she originally wanted to go straight to the point and defend directly. But since Lu Ren vowed to just delay for a while and wait for the reinforcements to arrive, all the problems would be solved, then she would cooperate.

"It's the Lu family, the three young guys from the Lu family. They ruined several businesses of my Yongxin and caused us to suffer huge losses. I must give an explanation to the company." The master said.

"Destroying people's wealth is like killing their parents, and they should be dealt with. I wonder what kind of business they ruined your Yongxin business?" asked little Aqiao.

The master's face sank and he stopped talking. Although Yongxin's cigarette selling and human trafficking were not secrets, they were not things that could be brought to the table.

Little Ah Qiao knew Yong Xin's background. She didn't say anything specific, but just talked about business in general terms. Little Ah Qiao could not understand what she meant, but Little Ah Qiao continued to ask questions, making it clear that she was not cooperating.

Under this situation, even if I casually mentioned Yongxin's legitimate business, I'm afraid the other party would refute and make me unable to step down...

The master is not stupid. He knew what Xiao Aqiao meant at a glance. The smile disappeared from his face and he said in a cold voice:

"So, the eldest sister wants to go against our Yongxin, right?"

"It's obviously you who are being aggressive, why do you mean I want to go against Yongxin?"

The landlady said with a smile: "A few days ago, when the director of the Empire of the Sun Never Sets came to Fengming Tower to watch the theater, he said that the customer is God. If your master says a word, I will hand over God. Didn’t our Fengming Building destroy the sign? Who will come to my Fengming Building again in the future?”

She looked directly at the master and continued: "Besides, I can't give a valid reason to take someone away. How can I guarantee that you Yongxin didn't come here to deliberately cause trouble?"

"If you, Yongxin, just say "take someone today", I will let you come into my place and catch people. If the Ax Gang comes to take someone tomorrow, will I let you? The day after tomorrow, the Crocodile Gang will come to take someone, will I let you?"

The master sneered: "I understand what the eldest sister means. I can only apologize afterwards. Someone, come and search for me!"

He gave the order, and the sound of guns being loaded could be heard continuously, and a crowd of dark people rushed forward with guns in hand.

Seeing this battle, little Ah Qiao'e frowned, pointed at the crowd, and shouted angrily:

"You dare? Disciples of Yongxin, think about it. If one of you dares to break into my Fengming Tower, you are incompatible with me. I swear on my ancestral token that I will use all my connections to bring him to justice. You all have to be reckoned with, even if we fight to the death, we will not hesitate to live or die!"

In an instant, everyone hesitated, including the master.

These words are too serious. He is not afraid of little Aqiao, but he is afraid of the power behind little Aqiao. "Come here, go ask Marshal Zhang for instructions!"


At the same time, on the other side of the Shili Foreign Market, in the magnificent presidential suite of the Peace Hotel, the three tycoons of the Magic City gathered together for a meeting.

This Peace Hotel is one of the properties of Lu Yusheng, the third of the three tycoons. It is jointly run by Lu Yusheng and members of the Shasun family. With the support of the Shasun family, it can be opened on Nanjing Road where land is extremely valuable.

The Shasun family is a Hebrew force that few people know about. It sounds like a minor role, but its influence is huge. Lin Zexu's Humen cigarette sales department sold most of the cigarettes of this family, but Just imagine how crazy they are.

At this time, they can be regarded as one of the richest families in the world.

The Caoqing Gang is the main business of tobacco, so the support of this gang is naturally indispensable. However, the Sassoon family only regards wealth as life and seldom interferes with other things. Therefore, Lu Yusheng, the three tycoons, basically has the final say in the Peace Hotel.

At this moment, Lu Yusheng frowned and said nothing, listening to Zhang Wanlin roar:

"Choose several situations to kill a hundred of my brothers and a few little red guys, let alone the young masters of the four major families. Even if the little Celestial Master who is in the limelight recently comes, he can't keep him. Little Aqiao is a bitch. , I don’t know how to flatter her, and she made it clear that she won’t give face to our three tycoons, so she asked me to go and meet her in person!”

Huo Tianhong, the eldest among the three tycoons, said: "It is not difficult to move Xiao Qiao, but the forces behind her are too complicated. If we move her, it will do us no good at all. The losses will be more than just a few ships of piglets." 'Pig flower' is so simple!"

At this time, Lu Yusheng said: "Brother is right, a few ships of 'piglets' and 'pig flowers' only cost a few dollars. If you touch the young masters of the four major families for this matter, and have an enmity with little Aqiao, you will undoubtedly lose money." Buy or sell, I have a proposal!”

"You tell me!" Huo Tianhong said.

Lu Yusheng said: "Brother Huo, Brother Zhang, don't forget that the purpose of establishing Yongxin Company is to break away from some of the things that were too big to deal with in the Cao Qing Gang and seek better development."

"But now we are doing the same business as before, working as a smuggler and selling people. Not only can we not make a lot of money, but we can't even get on the stage. This is not good."

"In the primitive accumulation stage of capital, it is inevitable to do these businesses that are not on the table. Ford I was like this, and the old Rockefeller was like this, but if we want to become bigger and stronger and put it on the table, we have to make these Cutover!"

"Now that the young masters of the four major families are causing trouble for us, we may be able to take a step back. First, we can give face to the four major families and little Aqiao. Second, we can use the hands of the four major families to completely cut off this industry and move towards a brighter future. Brother Huo and Brother Zhang, what do you think about local development?"

Lu Yusheng's words made Zhang Wanlin extremely unhappy: "Lao San, you are forgetting your roots. The brothers who are doing this now are the old gang members who started with us. Now they have been harmed by a few little red guys. We will not avenge them. Sold them instead?"

"Second brother, that's not what you said!" Lu Yusheng continued: "What we are setting up now is a company. This is business. The company talks about business, and the gang talks about grudges. From the perspective of Yongxin Company, we can give those brothers enough to settle down. Fei, from the perspective of the Cao Qing Gang, I will avenge this, but I have to wait until the business is over. At that time, you can decide whether to do it yourself, or hire an assassin from the Tang Sect, or a killer from the Ax Gang! "

"Third brother, what you said makes sense, but what about the kidnapping of my fourth concubine? What should I do with Zhang Wanlin's face?" Zhang Wanlin gritted his teeth and said, "Don't do it for this, just for a few stinky money. , ruined the relationship between our brothers!"

At this point, Lu Yusheng stopped talking. Seeing this situation, Huo Tianhong poured a cup of tea for each of the brothers and said:

"Looking at the entire Magic City, as long as there are no foreigners involved and there is nothing we can't settle, second brother, as long as you don't kill little Aqiao, you can do whatever you want!"

"Don't worry, I will only kill those few people!"

Zhang Wanlin picked up the tea cup and drank it all in one gulp, then got up and went out.

In the room, Lu Yusheng held the tea cup and watched the tea leaves floating in the cup: "Brother, I always feel that this is something weird!"

Huo Tianhong blew the tea and took a sip: "It is indeed strange. According to the information provided by some informants, those young boys seem to be investigating the affairs of the brats in the altar, and they act so confidently. There must be something behind them." Reliance, let the second brother try it out!"



A few minutes later, Zhang Wanlin came to Fengming Tower aggressively with more people.

"Sister, I, Zhang Wanlin, just pretended not to hear what you said to Master earlier. Now, I, Zhang Wanlin, come to you personally to ask for a few people. You won't refuse to give them, right?!"

Zhang Wanlin said, although his words were polite, the chill in them was biting.

"Daishuai Zhang is joking. Our Fengming Building does not traffic people. How can anyone give it to Dashuai Zhang? If Dashuai Zhang wants to buy people, he should go elsewhere!" Little Aqiao didn't give any face to him.

"Okay!" Zhang Wanlin took a deep breath: "Then I won't ask the eldest sister for help. I'll take the brothers in to listen to some music!"

Little Aqiao said: "I'm sorry, our Fengming Building is closing early today and we won't accept customers anymore!"

"Do you have to take care of this matter today?" Zhang Wanlin's face gradually became distorted.

"Should I say yes?" Xiao Aqiao sneered.

"Hahahaha..." Zhang Wanlin laughed wildly: "Then I can only apologize to the eldest sister later, come to me!"

"Kill, kill, kill..."

The shouts of killing were everywhere, and the master moved, leading the black crowd towards Fengming Tower.

But at this moment, two blind men wearing black robes and gentleman's hats suddenly appeared at the gate of Fengming Tower.

"A broken heart, where can I find a close friend in the world?!"

The two blind men squatted slightly. There were no stools under them, but they made a cross-legged posture. There was a two-meter-long large piano on their legs.

The thugs came like a tide, but the two blind men turned a blind eye and started playing the piano with ease.



During the clanging sound of the piano, the rolling blue energy turned into blades, cut off the firearms in the hands of the thugs with a pop, and penetrated into their chests.

(End of this chapter)

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