Under one person: I, Zhang Zhiwei, the arrogant Zhang.

Chapter 410 An overwhelming victory, the only Holy God, the origin of alchemy

Chapter 410 The overwhelming victory, the only Holy God, the origin of alchemy

Zhang Zhiwei came forward with the Dongfeng sword. A man with a big jar took out a piece of talisman paper from the jar. He just blew on it and it turned into a shining blade.

He raised his sword and rushed toward Zhang Zhiwei with a step that he would never recognize his relatives.

Zhang Zhiwei held a sword and waved it seemingly casually, and the sharp shadow of the sword flashed away in the dark cellar.

Black blood spattered, and a head with long braids was thrown into the air. The remaining jar with pale limbs was kicked out by Zhang Zhiwei, like a bowling ball, and rushed towards the other two. The jar man was knocked out.

Only then, with a "pop", did the braided head fall to the ground, soaked in a dark pool of blood.

However, the jar man was not dead, and the mouth of the human head was still opening and closing, making strange sounds.

Zhang Zhiwei glanced down at the head and struck it with his sword. But at this moment, the body of the man who had just been kicked away by him suddenly pounced towards him.

The power of Zhang Zhiwei's sword changed, and the sword blade, which was surrounded by electric light, penetrated into the headless altar body. The sword body flipped over, and the electric light filled the altar body.


With a muffled thunderous explosion, spiderweb-like cracks appeared on the surface of the altar. Fierce electric light flashed in the cracks, and then exploded, turning into charred fragments on the ground.

The body was annihilated by the thunder method, and the remaining human head let out a high-pitched roar, suddenly shot up, and bit Zhang Zhiwei's neck like an arrow from a string.


Zhang Zhiwei's sword turned around, the east wind sword clanged, and the sword light was as fast as thunder across the sky, instantly twisting the head into pieces all over the sky.

Scattered pieces of meat fell down, Zhang Zhiwei's face showed no expression, and he didn't blink his eyes. It seemed insignificant.

At the same time, on the other side, bright flames danced violently. This was Isaac's move. From Lu Ren's previous move, Isaac could see that the black magic creatures in front of him were similar to dementors. The things are quite difficult to deal with, so the first move is high-level magic.

With a flick of his staff, the red flames turned into phoenixes in mid-air, fluttering their wings and rushing towards the little devils.

Facing the attack, the little devil without thinking, waved out a black mist, which instantly turned into seven giant snakes, fighting with the phoenix turned into flames.

Originally, Isaac's Flame had an absolute advantage, but there were five Jarmen present, and several Jarmen played Black Qi. In an instant, Flame was defeated.


The black energy was as dense as rain, and the translucent barrier under the iron armor curse trembled violently. It was obvious that this was the limit of defense.

"Hee hee hee……"

A group of jar people laughed strangely, retracted their hands and feet into the jar, spun like a top, and hit the iron armor curse barrier. The powerful impact directly caused the already shaky barrier to completely collapse.

Seeing that Isaac was about to be robbed, Zhang Zhiwei raised his sword and was about to take action, but suddenly Isaac's wand flashed white light, and a tall and upright figure emerged, violently knocking the five spinning men away. , and waved his hand to disperse the black energy that came like a sudden storm.

Several people in the jar were in pain and hurriedly buried their heads and limbs in the jar.

Isaac took a step back and quickly cast the Iron Armor Curse again. He couldn't help but be cautious. This kind of jar monster was different from ordinary alchemy creatures. Its body was highly strengthened. If he got close, he would be torn apart in an instant. broken.

While casting the spell, he glanced at Zhang Zhiwei out of the corner of his eye, only to see that Zhang Zhiwei had already dealt with one of them, and seemed to be able to do so with ease.

Oh, my God, Zhang's physical strength is stronger than those "black magic monsters". Is this still a human being? He marveled at Zhang Zhiwei's physique.

"Looks like I'm going to win!" Zhang Zhiwei laughed.

"I came here to learn a new word, it's not certain who will kill the deer!"

Isaac said, waving his wand and chanting a spell, and a blazing flame burst out from the end of the wand.

When Zhang Zhiwei saw this, he didn't hesitate. He held the long sword in the palm of his other hand and pointed it directly at the opponent. Then his whole body suddenly shrank into a point, condensed on the tip of the sword, and turned into a little glorious light, which burst out.

One sword cuts across the world and penetrates all patterns.

The four jars that spun and jumped suddenly turned into two halves. Starting from the mouth of the jar, they were broken into two pieces from top to bottom.

A splash of black blood surged up all over the place and splashed into blood in the air. The remaining four people in the jar were all cut in half by Zhang Zhiwei's sword.

These jar people are originally extremely tenacious. They were not killed when their capitals were beheaded by the Dongfeng Sword before, but there was no movement before and they died completely.

Because one sword can cut off not only the body but also the structure.

"It seems that the deer died in my hands!" Zhang Zhiwei put away his sword.

"You rock!!"

Seeing that the remaining jar people were surrounded by Zhang Zhiwei's sword, Isaac reluctantly stopped casting spells. He was not surprised that Zhang Zhiwei was able to destroy these "black magic monsters".

However, he originally thought that Zhang Zhiwei would use the blue flame he saw last time, but he never thought that Zhang Zhiwei used a brand new method.

How capable is this guy? He couldn't help but ask himself.

"Let's go, Senior Brother Zhang, there are monsters that none of us can defeat, and you can move four of them every second. Your progress rate is really disappointing!"

Lu Jin looked at the smooth and flat body of the Jar Man on the ground with a sigh on his face. Although he had long given up on making Zhang Zhiwei his target, he was surprised to find that the distance between him and Zhang Zhiwei was getting wider and wider, and he was still a little frustrated.

Lu Ren agrees.

Lu Ci, on the other hand, suddenly became excited after being stunned for a moment. He remembered the experimental move he had made on Lu Jin before. If he perfected it and improved his cultivation level, he might be able to do what Senior Brother Zhang is doing now. With great results, the future is bright!

Zhang Zhiwei sheathed his sword, walked to Lu Ren, took the child from his hand, and said while treating him:

"What did you guys discover just now?"

"These things seemed to be guarding the gate. We bumped into them as soon as we entered!" Lu Jin said.

"The gatekeeper?" Zhang Zhiwei continued the treatment: "You guys wait, wait until I finish it, and then go in. I sensed a formation inside. If I enter rashly, I'm afraid some mechanism will be triggered!"

"Array?" Isaac was stunned for a moment and then said: "You mean there is an alchemy matrix inside?"

This is the unified explanation of Feng Shui bureau, formation, and even Qi bureau in the West.

Zhang Zhiwei nodded and continued to concentrate on treatment. The others stayed with him and did not act rashly.

About half an hour later, Zhang Zhiwei treated all the children who could be rescued and handed them over to the care of Lu Jin, Lu Ci and others, while he and Isaac went next door to check.

After turning a corner, there was an empty room in front of him, surrounded by darkness. Isaac used lighting to illuminate the entire room. This is actually a bronze room, with a pattern similar to a six-pointed star array on the ground, and blood-like liquid flows in the grooves of the pattern.

On each corner of the six-pointed star is a statue of a cross with no victims on it.

In the middle of the six-pointed star, there is a metal altar, but there is nothing on the altar.

"The flow of Qi in this pattern is a little different from the outside world. Zhang, your previous feeling was indeed correct. This is an alchemical matrix!"

Isaac exclaimed: "What caused this alchemical matrix is ​​the hexagram pattern under his feet. The alchemical matrix is ​​definitely a miracle of alchemy. The field is created with symbols and elements, and the circulation circulates to maintain the operation of this field, just like It’s like breathing life into this world!”

Zhang Zhiwei didn't say much. The Qi in a closed area is the Qi bureau. This is common sense and is not a surprise.

He carefully observed the traces on the ground. This Qi Bureau did not seem to have lethality, but seemed to have special functions.

"Isaac, lower the flashlight and let me see the pattern on the ground. It should have some special meaning." Zhang Zhiwei said.

"Oh, Zhang, your tone makes me look like a stage lighting engineer!"

Isaac complained, raised his wand lower, and illuminated the entire ground.

Where the light beam shines, the pattern of a six-pointed star shines brightly. What is surprising is that the blood-like liquid inside the pattern forms the structure of a "yin-yang fish", and the entire pattern rotates like a whirlpool.

"The six-pointed star represents Solomon's seal, and the 'Yin-Yang Fish' inside seems to be more common in your area. It's called 'Tai Chi'?" Isaac said.

"This is the Tai Chi diagram!" Zhang Zhiwei said: "It was first created between 6,500 and 10,000 years ago by Fuxi, the ancestor of our civilization. It can be regarded as one of the sources of the Qi training system!"

Isaac was in awe: "The Jade Record of the East?"

"What do you mean?" Zhang Zhiwei was confused.

Isaac explained it to Zhang Zhiwei.

If Fuxi's "Luohe Book" is one of the origins of the Qi refining system, then "Cuiyulu" is the origin of the alchemy system.

It is said that it is a very strange book, and it cannot even be regarded as a book, because it has only thirteen maxims in total.

It also has no name, because when it was first discovered it was carved on an emerald tablet, so it got the name Emerald Tablet, which means "emerald record".

In 332 BC, Alexander conquered Egypt and discovered this emerald slab in the tomb of Pharaoh Hermes.

Pharaoh Hermes is a god-like being. He is called the ancestor of alchemy, and is also called the God of Alchemy. The system of alchemy began with him.

This stone tablet called "Jade Record" contains thirteen sentences left by him. It is said that he condensed all his secrets into these thirteen sentences.

Later, all European alchemists relied on interpreting the "Jade Record" to explore the secrets of alchemy. This was the origin of magic.

After listening to what Isaac said, Zhang Zhiwei thought to himself, isn't this similar to what Zhang Boduan, the real person from Ziyang, left behind?

The Yinxian sect that Master Ziyang belongs to is all Taoist saints. I'm afraid there is something similar...

"Where is this stone slab now?" Zhang Zhiwei asked.

Isaac said: "This mysterious emerald slab was once displayed in the corridor of the Library of Alexandria. However, after the library was burned down in 283 BC, the original manuscript of "The Jade Record" was disappeared!"

"But two hundred years ago, alchemy suddenly entered into a rapid development. The reason was that a person named 'The Only Holy God' published hundreds of rubbings of the Jade Record."

"Although these rubbings are far more than thirteen sentences, their text is still as simple as a hazy poem. Most people can't understand anything, but a small number of people still understand a lot from it!"

"'The One Holy God'?"

Zhang Zhiwei was stunned, and then he remembered a series of explanations he had seen in his previous life, saying that many great scientists were studying theology in their later years.

Among these great scientists, he was most impressed by Newton, because when he was studying theology, he used a very middle-class pseudonym when communicating with the theological organization, the Rosicrucian Society, called "The Only Holy Spirit."

But even so, Zhang Zhiwei was still a little unsure, so he tentatively said:

"Then do you know the identity of this 'One Holy God'?"

Isaac shook his head and said: "I don't know, this person is too mysterious. We only know that he seems to be a Rosicrucian."

The Rosicrucian Order...the One Holy Spirit...is on the right track...

Zhang Zhiwei couldn't help but sigh in his heart. Sure enough, in the current world, how could a big boss like Newton, who affects the course of the world, be an ordinary Muggle?

I used to jokingly call him the Wanli Tianzun, but I didn't expect it to come true. There is another way to explore the ultimate secret.

Seeing that Zhang Zhiwei didn't speak, Isaac thought it was because he didn't understand, so he explained again:

"The Rosicrucians are a school of thought. They generally believe that God permeates all things in the universe. Once people realize that God exists within themselves, as a microcosm of heaven and earth, they can dominate the power of heaven and earth."

Zhang Zhiwei put away his wandering thoughts and said: "Xiantian leads Zhou Tian, ​​overturns Zhou Tian's changes, and turns me into a king!"

"What do you mean?" Isaac asked.

"It has the same meaning as the Rosicrucian philosophy you just mentioned. It is our understanding!" Zhang Zhiwei said.

"I see. Sure enough, there are similarities between different systems!" Isaac sighed.

"That's the truth, such as the current alchemy formation that combines Chinese and Western elements!" Zhang Zhiwei said, pointing to the pattern in front of him.

"What did you find?" Isaac asked quickly.

"This formation should involve the flow of power of life and death." Zhang Zhiwei said.

"Why?" Isaac asked.

Zhang Zhiwei pointed to the cross on the six corners of the hexagram: "This is a ceremony. Offering sacrifices on the six corners, using the flow of yin and yang to sacrifice the sacrifices to the things on the altar!"

Isaac looked at the altar: "But there's nothing on it!"

"That means we came by chance. Now is not the time for the ceremony to begin. This altar is not big, and it is a bit painful for people to sit on it. It should not be a sacrifice to people, but an object, and a small one at that! "

While talking, Zhang Zhiwei avoided the bloody liquid on the ground and came to the altar. He looked down and saw a cross-shaped groove on the altar.

(End of this chapter)

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