Under one person: I, Zhang Zhiwei, the arrogant Zhang.

Chapter 419 The special use of the 7-sha body-building technique

Chapter 419: The special use of the Seven Evils’ body-building technique

"Fuck...godfather...do you know what happened recently?" Huo Tianhong knelt on the ground and asked with a difficult look on his face.

If people outside knew that the eldest of the three tycoons called the bishop of Holy Trinity Church his godfather, they would definitely exclaim in disbelief.

The bishop of Holy Trinity Church is a distinguished cardinal. He is supposed to follow God's will and spread light and love, but he is the godfather of a gang leader who is full of evil. What an irony!

"Last night, you made such a big mess in Fengming Tower. Wouldn't it be weird if I didn't know anything about it? But thinking that you are all people who can stand alone, I didn't interfere, but you are too Disappoint me!" the old man said lightly.

Huo Tianhong lowered his head and explained: "Godfather, we have failed to live up to your expectations. This happened entirely because we misjudged the strength of our opponents, which allowed both the second son and the master to be captured by them. The brothers suffered heavy casualties. They They also chased the 'Chemical Laboratory Factory' in the suburbs and destroyed it!"

When Huo Tianhong said this, he paused and continued with a difficult expression:

"Even your 'cellar' down there was destroyed!"

The tall and thin old man in red robe suddenly turned around, and his true face was exposed in the candlelight. He had short gray hair and wrinkles like an axe, and he looked like an unsheathed sword.

Speaking of the Archbishop of Holy Trinity Church, people always easily think of a kind-hearted old man, but he is not kind at all. His gloomy eyes are full of gloom and chill, which makes people shudder.

He stared at Huo Tianhong and Lu Yusheng: "Actually, when I received the news from Notre Dame, I realized that the cellar was destroyed. You continue to speak, tell it completely!"

According to his expectation, even if Fire Cloud Evil God couldn't kill the little Celestial Master, he would severely injure him or both sides would suffer losses. However, he didn't expect that he would lose so cleanly and even turn against the little Celestial Master.

Longhu Mountain... Little Celestial Master... The cardinal did not speak, but kept reciting these words silently in his heart. Holy Trinity Church, as the cathedral of the Diocese of Beihua, has thousands of believers and many clergymen under his command. , is still very well-informed in terms of intelligence. As soon as Zhang Zhiwei arrived in the magic city, he knew it.

After Huo Tianhong finished speaking, Lu Yusheng took over his words and continued:

"This man is a Taoist priest from Longhu Mountain. According to the information I got from the Ax Gang, his Taoist name is Tiantong, and he is a disciple with a fake surname. Because of his strong strength, he is very likely to be the next Heavenly Master, so he was sent away. The name is Little Heavenly Master."

Taoism is a relatively loose organization, which means that their pursuit will not come too quickly. However, the Holy See is different. Their department responsible for trial and punishment is quite strict. Once they are targeted, there is almost no way to escape. possible.

But Zhigui knew that he didn't take action. He didn't want to confront the people from Longhu Mountain, so he wanted to let the two adopted sons handle the matter.

In this way, even if Longhu Mountain had to settle the accounts afterwards, he only needed to make a temporary business trip, leave the Magic City, and go to Canterbury Cathedral in the West to stay for a while, and he would be able to avoid the storm perfectly.

He took a deep breath, lowered his head, and said: "Godfather, actually we have arranged a lot of back-up plans for this matter. No matter how big the trouble is, it won't be a big problem. But the age of the person who came to make trouble this time is It’s not big, but its strength is beyond our imagination. All our back-ups are useless in the face of this overwhelming strength!”

"In the end, we had no choice but to rely on our relationship with the second boss of the Ax Gang to ask Fire Cloud Evil God to take action. However, we still fell short. Fire Cloud Evil God actually betrayed him halfway. After taking in Fire Cloud Evil God, he became even more difficult to deal with. In order to avoid appearing If there is a bigger mess, we can only come to our godfather!"

"As for the development of the situation later, it was also unexpected. We thought that he would take a rest for a while and investigate step by step, just like the boys from the Fourth Family. In this way, we would have enough time to deal with it, but I don’t know where he got the information from, but he directly attacked the ‘Chemical Laboratory Factory’ at dawn.”

He wanted money, a gun, and a big boss behind him. How could a few strangers dare to stroke his beard, so he wanted to kill Lu Ci, Lu Ren and others. I came to establish my authority, but I never thought that I would be taught a good lesson.

"This man once single-handedly reversed the defeat of Liaodong in the Northeast. He was awarded a third-level legal position at a young age. Last night, he suddenly came riding a crane, descended from the sky, and made a strong appearance. Everything was too fast, so fast. Before we had time to react, we lost everything."

The little Heavenly Master has dug a big enough hole. He must deal with it personally and cannot let it go any longer. Otherwise, the situation will not end. By then, he may face more than just the pursuit of Longhu Mountain. , and the pursuit of the Thirteenth Section of the Holy See.

His voice was calm but cold.

Therefore, strictly speaking, the fact that Huo Tianhong and Lu Yusheng were able to successfully ask Fire Cloud Evil God to take action was because he was behind it.

Huo Tianhong didn't dare to raise his head. He felt aggrieved. Ever since he established Yongxin Company and became one of the three tycoons in the Magic City, he has always had the illusion that the world's most powerful people are just like this. No matter how powerful they are, they can still be better than hundreds of others. Strong gun?

He was not surprised that Wang Yuqiao from the Ax Gang refused to assassinate the Little Heavenly Master. Although Wang Yuqiao seemed to be generous, he was very principled in some matters.

"After the little Celestial Master caught the second child, he entered Fengming Tower. I placed a large number of informants around Fengming Tower. I only saw a group of them coming out, but no sign of the second child. He should still be there. Fengming Tower, life and death are unknown!" Huo Tianhong said.

"During this period, we did not sit still and wait for death. Instead, we asked Wang Yuqiao from the Ax Gang to take action. However, we did not expect that this greedy and lustful guy would remain unmoved and unwilling to take action in the face of huge interests!"

"You want to see people alive, and you want to see his body when you die. Even if Wan Lin dies, I, as the godfather, will avenge him and get his body back."

"Do you know the whereabouts of Wan Lin?" the cardinal asked. Among the three tycoons, Zhang Wanlin, the second most important to him, must be rescued. He can also sense that Zhang Wanlin is still alive.

How could a brat with a big butt really have such great abilities? ...The cardinal asked himself, and he immediately suppressed this thought. At this point, there is no point in thinking about it anymore, and there is no possibility of detours.

The leader in red said that he did not mention that Zhang Wanlin was not dead.

Hearing this, Huo Tianhong and Lu Yusheng looked moved.

"What method does godfather plan to use to deal with that little heavenly master?" Lu Yusheng asked.

"With your godfather's strength, how can you deal with a mere junior? Isn't this something easy to do?" Huo Tianhong said.

The cardinal shook his head and said: "You all call him Little Celestial Master, so he naturally represents the face of Zhengyi Sect. Although the scale of Taoism is not comparable to that of the Holy See, it is comparable in terms of antiquity, and even their origins Much earlier, and the means they have at their disposal are no weaker than those of the Holy See."

"If you take action against the little Celestial Master without a legitimate reason, it will only attract criticism, and even lead the Celestial Master to come down the mountain to seek justice. If you don't stand on the moral ground, even the Archbishop of Canterbury will not be able to do it, and if We are the reasonable party, even if the Heavenly Master comes to find him, he will face the censure of the Archbishop of Canterbury and even the Pope!"

Hearing this, Huo Tianhong said: "The term "famous master" applies to both ancient and modern times, both at home and abroad. Then godfather, what kind of reason are you going to find to get rid of the little heavenly master?"

"Destroy Notre Dame and destroy the Foundling House!"

The cardinal said, turned and left the main hall, and came to a small chapel in the backyard of the church with murals from the walls to the ceiling. This is the bishop's private place and no one is allowed to break in without order.

There are densely packed large black jars in the sutra hall, each one larger than the previous jars in the "cellar". The jars are covered with blood-colored talismans, and an extremely cold aura permeates the sutra hall, making the sutra hall as cold as an ice cellar. Likewise, Huo Tianhong and Lu Yusheng couldn't help but shudder when they entered.

"Daddy, what are you doing?"

Huo Tianhong asked with a puzzled look.

He naturally knew the identities of these jars.

There is a similar cellar in the cigarette factory where Yongxin runs the chemical laboratory. That is where the godfather raises little ghosts. He will take a large number of children from the nursery to raise little ghosts.

Different from the weak Gumantong raised in Southeast Asia, the little ghosts raised by their godfather are extremely powerful and invulnerable, even much stronger than ordinary aliens. However, their strong strength is based on a very high failure rate. It often takes hundreds of children to succeed in one.

Such a high failure rate cannot be afforded by the human trafficking business alone. After all, human trafficking is a business that is not on the table and can exist on a small scale. Once the scale is too large, there will be backlash. Therefore, they thought of a new way, which was to build a baby care hall, because in this era, with the population boom, there were abandoned baby towers everywhere, and they also existed here in the Magic City.

The Abandoned Baby Tower was originally called the Baby Tower. The original intention of its existence was good, to give the babies who unfortunately died a place to go. After all, not everyone can buy a coffin and organize a funeral these days.

But gradually, the original intention of the Baby Tower began to deviate, and it became a source of evil. All unwanted children, or children who could not afford to be raised, would be sent inside. The Baby Tower was burned every three days.

But after they built the nursery, no one cared about the baby tower. Those who wanted to abandon their children or couldn't afford to raise them sent their children to the nursery one after another.

The godfather took these babies to refine the little ghosts in the jar, and those who succeeded were used as fodder for the little ghosts.

Because the number of children is extremely large, even if the failure rate is high, quite a lot of jar people have been produced.

As for the children he took away from the Caoqing Gang's human trafficking business, they were the kind of children with special birth dates.

Every once in a while, the godfather would pick up some kiddies from the cigarette factory, and no one knew what he did after taking them away.

Lu Yusheng is more like a businessman. He guessed that he sold it. After all, the Imp is very useful and should be valuable.

But Huo Tianhong didn't think so. He felt that as a godfather, taking risks and doing such things must not be just for money. It should be to improve his own strength. As for how to improve, he didn't know.

But now, seeing the huge jar in this room, they knew the answer. It was used to raise poisonous insects.

"Although it's still a little short of heat, it can still be used!" the cardinal said: "You have also practiced the Seven Evils Body Convergence Technique, how do you feel?"

"It was very bad when I first started practicing. I always felt like there were seven children whispering viciously in my ears and moaning in pain all the time. The torture didn't disappear until they were completely digested. But even now, I often I have nightmares about them whispering in my ears!”

When Huo Tianhong talked about this, he was still frightened. This method was too vicious. Even though he was a gang leader who did all kinds of evil, and even though this evil method could bring powerful power, after practicing it once, he no longer wanted to practice it a second time.

Lu Yusheng also had the same idea. After all, with their status, they rarely do it themselves. It would be of little significance to practice this again. However, the master and Zhang Wanlin have been insisting on practicing.

"You feel this way because your meditation practice is too low and your state of mind is too bad to calm down, so you are disturbed by the spirit. If you are at Xiaoxia's level, you will not be affected!"

The cardinal said, the Xiao Xia in his mouth was the master.

In fact, he didn't care whether Huo Tianhong and Lu Yusheng practiced the Seven Evils' body-building skills. Anyway, if he accepted them, he would just let them do things for him and control the underworld forces here. It didn't matter whether they were strong or not.

Of course, the third brother also needs a facade, otherwise the boss will be too weak and the subordinates will not accept it. For this facade, he chose Zhang Wanlin, which is also an important chess piece for him that cannot be discarded.

But now, something happened to this facade. If nothing happened to Zhang Wanlin, he would not care about the lives of Huo Tianhong and Lu Yusheng.

"Then godfather, what are you going to do now?" Huo Tianhong asked carefully.

"Get some useful thugs!!"

The red-clothed leader said, waving his hand, and dense blood lines appeared on the ground. Then he took out a golden bell and shook it a few times.

Along with the ringing of the bell, the two big jars moved, growing thick limbs and heads. They turned out to be two jar people who were comparable in size to adults but looked like children.

The two jar men crossed their legs and walked to the center of the pattern. The red-clothed leader made a magic spell and stamped his foot. The bloody pattern glowed, and the densely packed talismans on it were squirming, covering the two jar men's bodies little by little.

After a while, the head of one of the jar men was filled with rich black energy, and his body quickly withered and weathered... In just a moment, he turned into a mummy.

The black energy that surged from the dried corpse was integrated into the body of another jar person bit by bit.

When all the black energy was melted in, a ferocious child's face appeared on the arm of the jar man. Judging from its appearance, it looked exactly like the jar man who had just turned into a mummy.


The cardinal said something, and then he picked up another jar man and threw it into the middle of the runes, and continued the ritual, turning it into a mummy and integrating it into the body of another jar man.

"Two evil spirits!"


Huo Tianhong and Lu Yusheng looked at each other, and their previous guess was indeed correct. They were indeed cultivating Gu. They used the Jar Man to perform the Seven Evils Gathering Body Technique, integrating the Qi of the seven Jar People into one Jar Man's body.

At this time, an idea came to their minds. Since they can integrate the Qi of seven jar people into one jar person, can they also integrate the Qi of seven jar people into a human body?



On the other side, Zhang Zhiwei and Isaac were still having afternoon tea at the Ministry of Industry Bureau.

Suddenly, there was a knock on the door.

"Come in!" Isaac said.

A female receptionist walked in.

"Mr. Isaac, a person came outside just now and asked me to deliver a message to this gentleman. He also said it is very important!"

The female receptionist looked at Zhang Zhiwei and said that as a member of the Ministry of Industry and Commerce Bureau, she was not responsible for passing on the news, but the visitor gave her a large sum of money, which was more than her monthly salary, so she came to pass the news.

"Show it to me!"

Zhang Zhiwei took the note and opened it. There were a few big words written on it - There is a problem with the Notre Dame Nursery. Go quickly! !

(End of this chapter)

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