Under one person: I, Zhang Zhiwei, the arrogant Zhang.

Chapter 422 Bat Mage, you should call me Master

Chapter 422 Bat Mage, you should call me Master

The cardinal waved his wand again, and several flaming giant snakes condensed and formed. Each one was more than ten meters long. They were like wild dragons in the air, spitting out extremely focused flame beams and drowning Zhang Zhiwei.

But Zhang Zhiwei was protected by golden light as thin as a cicada's wings, and the cardinal's flames looked astonishingly powerful, but they were unable to harm him at all.

The holy fire of the Catholic Church is not an ordinary flame. It is extremely corrosive to deal with the evil Qi.

But it's a pity that the golden light all over Zhang Zhiwei's body is the most upright and bright.

Therefore, although this flame is extremely blazing, it is difficult to have any real effect on the Golden Light Curse.

However, although this thing had no effect on Zhang Zhiwei, it had a considerable impact on others. Zhang Zhiwei switched to the Five Yin Thunders and swayed a large amount of asphalt-like Yin Thunders. With the turbid and thick characteristics of the Yin Thunders, the cardinal's body was blown away. The holy fire goes out.

Not only that, Zhang Zhiwei also used Cangtan in the North, where thunder rolled down like mercury and covered the entire field.

At this moment, Huoyun Evil God and his party were fighting fiercely with the knights and priests of the Catholic Church.

The God's Sect has an absolute advantage due to its large number of people, and all kinds of methods are used, falling like a torrential rain, and explosions sound one after another.

"No wonder he dares to be so confident. The problem of the Foundling House itself is well known to everyone in the Catholic Church. He only needs to invite you to the urn, find a reason here, get rid of me, and eliminate some clues, and the matter will be exposed. "

"What evil things, use the Holy Light quickly to drive them away!"

"However, as a high-ranking bishop of the Catholic Church, this person is secretly making jar men and guardian Taoist soldiers. There are even people among Yongxin who have practiced the Seven Evils. These are all things of the Qi training system. Could this old guy be..."

"Because no one cares whether those babies died after being washed or were used as imps. And the entire process of their operation was arranged by the bishop. Think about it when Huo Tianhong and Lu Yusheng were hiding in Holy Trinity Church , the man behind this matter is already very clear, and he is the cardinal in front of him."

But soon, they felt relaxed and their stress was greatly reduced.

The people of the Catholic Church used various methods, and a bright halo suddenly erupted. Cangtan in the north was beaten up and down, but in the end it slowly returned to its original state.

Moreover, most of these clergymen also know that there are problems with the Foundling House, but no one cares about it, because in their philosophy, after death, if a person is guilty, he will go to hell, and if he is not guilty, he will go to heaven.

"Wait, no, that's not right. This is not the complete Five Thunder Method. He is just using two types of thunder methods at the same time. Yin and Yang are in conflict. But how is this possible?"

This is something created by the Bat Master of the Qing Sect on Maoshan Mountain. It was not widely circulated due to the killing orders issued by the heavenly masters of the previous generation, but now so many of them have appeared in one breath.

Because, the thick black mud swept over and covered the ground. They had no influence in it, but those of the Catholic Church were greatly weakened and their strength retreated greatly.

Therefore, what they have to do is to adopt the babies and then baptize them. Baptism is the process of washing away original sin. If the baby dies after baptism, then they have no original sin and original sin. If the baby is born, he can go directly to heaven. They liken this kind of baby to a little god who "stole the kingdom of heaven."

Therefore, the so-called infant care hall is actually a more respectable infant-burning tower. As for the survival rate of 2% per thousand, it does not come from the babies, but from the adopted children between the ages of three and twelve.

The characteristics of Yin Lei make it difficult to be expelled easily. The extremely deep Cangtan Lake in the north continues to expand. Looking from top to bottom, it seems to have formed a huge black scar.

He just searched the knight's soul and got the general outline of the matter. The initiator of this matter was the cardinal. These Catholic clergy are all fools. It's not that they didn't realize that something was fishy, ​​but they were always arrogant. , making them disdain to think about it.

An idea flashed through Zhang Zhiwei's mind. It's okay to say that the jar and the Taoist guardians are all methods of Taoism and Dharma. Even if he is a member of the God's religion, it makes sense to insist that he is curious and wants to study. But it doesn't make sense that Qisha gathers himself.

The cardinal stared at the all-pervasive Yin Thunder with an expression of disbelief. "Using Yin Thunder and Yang Thunder at the same time, did he accept the transmission and become a Heavenly Master? This is impossible. I have not received the news at all."

Lu Jin, Lu Ci and others struggled to support themselves, relying on the functional talismans given by Zhang Zhiwei before, and they were able to maintain a stalemate with the Catholic clergy.

"There must be some unknown secret in this kid. Let's capture him first. He captured my Taoist Protector Zhang Wanlin. If we can use him as a Taoist Protector..." A look appeared on the cardinal's face. Weird smile!

"You're laughing at your uncle's legs!"

The meaning of the existence of these clergy is to save the world and let them go to heaven. Because babies are just born, they only have original sin and no original sin.

Zhang Zhiwei threw away the knight in his hand, raised his sword, and rushed towards the cardinal.

"Bat Mage, I'm here to catch you!"

Zhang Zhiwei roared angrily, raised the magic sword in his hand, and connected several patterns in a line. He said he wanted to catch him, but when he made a move, it was a killing move.

Hearing Zhang Zhiwei's words, the cardinal's expression changed, and immediately he felt a chill in his heart. He realized that this was a move that would kill the winner. He quickly waved the cross wand, the ground rumbled, and an elephant suddenly appeared, blocking his path. before.

A line of black-gold cold light pierced the pattern of heaven and earth, passed through the elephant and continued back, leaving a thin line of bright gold in the sky. It hit the cardinal's chest and sent him flying far away.

"Puff puff……"

Countless blood lines appeared on the elephant's body, and then it collapsed inch by inch and turned into bloody mud.

"Alive? Summoning spell?"

Zhang Zhiwei was a little surprised, but then, the blood mud turned into gravel on the ground, and he suddenly said:

"It turns out to be a transfiguration technique!"

A Transfiguration Spell is a spell that transforms one object into another. It can turn an inanimate object into a living thing, and vice versa. Some transformation spells can change a certain part of an object, such as turning human ears into rabbit ears.

Of course, this transformation is temporary. The stronger one's own strength, the more durable and powerful the thing transformed will be. It is worth mentioning that although Isaac often uses flames, he is also extremely good at transformation.

Using transformation, you can temporarily activate dead objects. In this way, you can resist some means that ignore defense, such as invisible pill bites, which can penetrate armor and can also protect yourself. Unless you miss, you will die.

But in addition to dodging, there is a new defense method, which is to pull a flesh pad in front of the face. The cardinal had this idea, but he did not expect that Zhang Zhiwei's sword was different in this world. It penetrated the front. All patterns are unstoppable unless your pattern is hard and thick enough.

However, Zhang Zhiwei just noticed that although the sword hit him, it was not fatal, because at the critical moment, the opponent blocked the sword with the cross wand in his hand. Strictly speaking, the sword should have hit the wand. superior.

"The alchemical matrix on this wand is so hard!" The wand is a commonly used magic weapon in the alchemical system. The so-called alchemical matrix is ​​actually a pattern.

Zhang Zhiwei did not continue to use his sword to separate the world. This move went straight and would not turn. If the opponent was alert in advance, there was a chance that he could dodge it. It was more suitable to be used suddenly in the middle of a fight.

On the other side, the cardinal who was knocked out and smashed a house stood up again. His face was a little ugly. His Holy Light Body Protection Technique just now collapsed in an instant. If it weren't for his big flower, The wand forged by the mind blocked it, and I was afraid that it was already dead.

But the wand was also damaged, and he keenly sensed that one of the seven souls in the wand was broken.

"Using a wand that specializes in black magic to cast the Holy Light is still too much. The big alchemical matrix in the factory has also been destroyed. I'm afraid it will take a lot of effort to repair it. I can't pretend to be a priest anymore. You need to get some real skills!”

The cardinal secretly thought, and then he raised a thick Bible with one hand, made the sign of the cross on his chest with the other hand, and recited a Latin incantation:

"Dear angels, I ask you to appear. Please allow me to rely on your strength and courage. Please help me know and feel that I am safe and protected emotionally, physically...energetically and spiritually. Thank you!"

Then, the Bible opened suddenly and started to flip through automatically. Every time a page was turned, an angel with wings on his back and a holy sword flew out.

These angels were two meters tall, covered with holy light, and had beautiful faces. They did not distinguish between male and female. There were so many of them that they rushed towards Zhang Zhiwei, Lu Jin and others.

"You're the only one who has it?"

Zhang Zhiwei immediately cast a spell, and saw a scene full of holy light. Suddenly, a big man with a heavy back and a strong waist, wearing bright light armor, strict armor, green face and fangs, and a fierce look jumped out.

The big man held a steel fork in his hand, and then quickly thrust out the angel who was caught off guard.

Immediately afterwards, there was a roar of drums and horns in the sky and the earth. A large number of mighty men appeared with all kinds of weapons in their hands and fought with those beautiful angels. The place turned into a battlefield and the situation became chaotic.

The cardinal's eyes flickered, as if he was nostalgic, and he murmured: "Dali Tianding..."

Suddenly, he felt a thorn in his back. He hurriedly waved his wand and used phantom to move instantly, avoiding Zhang Zhiwei's sword light.

But as soon as he landed, the sharp sword light swept over him like a sword. It was Zhang Zhiwei who anticipated where he would teleport and came to kill him again.

The cardinal raised his hand to release the holy light, but was easily torn apart by Zhang Zhiwei's sword light.

"Still pretending?" Zhang Zhiwei's voice came.

The cardinal laughed, and while continuing to use phantom movement, he waved his wand and lit dozens of flames in succession, striking Zhang Zhiwei's sword light.

Zhang Zhiwei slashed away the flames one after another, but found that the flames could not be extinguished and could only be chopped into smaller pieces. He immediately waved his hand and fired dozens of clouds of thunder to extinguish the flames.

Then he reached out fiercely and grabbed it. It seemed ordinary, but it seemed to have penetrated the gap between yin and yang, and grabbed a figure from the void. It was the cardinal who had just used apparation to teleport.

Many principles in the world lead to the same goal through different paths. The Huode Sect's fire escape technique and the magicians' phantom transformation are essentially all about traveling through channels through media to achieve the effect of teleportation.

But Zhang Zhiwei knows a higher level of the art of tunneling. He can not only borrow the passage for a short time, but he can even walk through it for a long time with his whole body. He can naturally see everything happening inside.

Although the cardinal teleported, in Zhang Zhiwei's eyes, he just ran from the exterior scene to the interior scene. He did not disappear and he could naturally be found by him.

Seeing the cardinal being pulled out, Zhang Zhiwei slashed his head with a sword without saying any unnecessary nonsense.

Being approached by an alchemist was definitely a disaster for the mage, but the cardinal did not panic. He raised his palm suddenly, with a talisman attached to his palm, and hit the sword, which actually hit the Dongfeng sword. Off.

Immediately afterwards, he exhaled loudly and recited the incantation in a thunderous voice: "Du! Mu! Kill! Mu! Mu! Lu! Cry!"

Two talismans flew out from his sleeves, turned into two rays of divine light and hit Zhang Zhiwei again.

"Clang! Clang!"

Two heavy golden iron talismans sounded. The two talismans did not penetrate Zhang Zhiwei's golden light, but they knocked him back a few steps.

"What a profound golden light spell!" The cardinal commented: "Not only that, but you can also cultivate Yang Thunder and Yin Thunder. You kid is a freak."

"But compared to the Yang Lei you used before, your Yin Lei skills are still a little less powerful!"

"Why didn't you use Yang Lei just now? If you used Palm Thunder at close range, it would be difficult for me to resist!"

Zhang Zhiwei has practiced Yang Lei for ten years. Needless to say, it is powerful. Although practicing Yin Lei has Yang Lei as the foundation and stands on the shoulders of giants, it is still difficult to catch up with the progress of Yang Lei in a short period of time.

The reason why he doesn't use Yang Thunder is because he still maintains the Arctic Cangtan. Before reconciling Yin and Yang, he must use Yang Thunder to cancel Yin Thunder. The war in the rear is in full swing, and he doesn't want to cancel it for the time being.

"Do you know my methods very well?"

Zhang Zhiwei tore off the talisman on the Dongfeng sword, took a look at it, and then burned it with a shake of his hand.

"Compared to your holy arts, your attainments in talismans are higher. Moreover, you can slap away my sword, and your life skills are not low. What should I call you? Bat Mage?"

"What do you call me?"

The cardinal laughed, and his temperament changed from holy to sinister and weird in an instant. His face also changed, and his eyes became very fierce...

He tore his red robe to pieces, revealing a smart outfit.

"I've had enough of Catholic red tape!"

He looked directly at Zhang Zhiwei:

"You are the 65th generation disciple of Tianshi Mansion, and your master is Zhang Jingqing. When I was traveling around the world, your master was still a young boy. You should call me Master!"

(End of this chapter)

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