Under one person: I, Zhang Zhiwei, the arrogant Zhang.

Chapter 425: Search souls and obtain forbidden knowledge!

Chapter 425: Search souls and obtain forbidden knowledge!

"Damn it, what is going on here?"

Wang Ai looked at this scene in surprise. He had been here for a long time, but he didn't realize that there were so many masters hidden in this small slum, and each one was more powerful than the last.

He glanced at the charterer with some fear, and was secretly glad that he hadn't punished her for being rude to her these days, otherwise he would have hit a brick wall.

Zhang Huaiyi and Tian Jinzhong were also surprised. The change in the situation caught them off guard!

Tian Jinzhong recalled the previous domestic violence scene: "No wonder it's okay even if you beat me like that. It turns out you are a master. Are masters and couples always so... cruel when they have conflicts?"

Zhang Huaiyi didn't say anything, he just stared blankly at the Tai Chi pattern at the charterer's feet, with their heads and tails biting each other.

Tai Chi Kung Fu... Wudang people?

After thinking about it, he took out the yin and yang paper he had obtained from Wang Ai earlier and passed the news here to Zhang Zhiwei.

At this moment, Zhang Zhiwei formed the Bat Mage's Yang Shen into a ball of energy and was searching for his soul. After receiving the message from Zhang Huaiyi, Zhang Zhiwei pondered for a moment and replied:

"Capture the thief first and capture the king first. Capture Huo Tianhong and Lu Yusheng first. Wait until I come back to deal with them. If you don't know who Huo Tianhong and Lu Yusheng are, ask Wang Ai!"

"Okay!" Zhang Huaiyi sent a message, "We have been attacked here. How is your place? Do you want to help? If necessary, I have many experts here. I should be able to convince them to take action!"

This caused problems with his mentality. By chance, he discovered some secrets of the sect, secrets that could allow him to go further.

His talent and understanding can only be described as mediocre, so he was awarded the first post three years after he entered the profession. However, his perseverance was excellent. After he entered the profession, he continued to study and work continuously for decades, and he never had any problems. A little slack.

"No, I've already done it here!"

This made him panic, and he began to study the art of immortality. The art of accumulating the seven evil spirits was one of the results, and he plundered the essence of the boy who was born with enough content for his own use.

The previous search for Zhang Wanlin's soul was unsuccessful in some places because the Bat Mage's body was intact. Now that his body has almost collapsed, it is naturally unstoppable.

As a senior Taoist priest and Catholic bishop, his experience is undoubtedly valuable.

Finally, God rewarded his hard work, and he became a great master of the Shangqing Sect, and his magic weapon was promoted to the third level. But after that, his road came to an end. After that, even though he practiced hard for more than ten years, he still remained Little progress.

However, the head of the Shangqing Sect at that time was very secretive about this, and regarded the Bat Mage's inquiries as a scourge.

Originally, the Bat Mage was proficient in Occlumency, so it was difficult to search his soul. However, due to being suppressed, a large amount of spiritual power was wiped out, and his Occlumency no longer worked.

This kind of knowledge is not only available in Maoshan, but also in Longhu Mountain and Gezao Mountain, and even in any sect that has ever had extraordinary and holy beings.

But this technique is unsuccessful. It can indeed plunder vitality and greatly strengthen oneself, but it cannot replenish the innate energy.

As the blue hand moved, the whole life of the Bat Mage came into view.

In addition, more and more people were chasing him. Knowing that there was no place for him here, he was heartbroken and went overseas to Great Britain.

After ending the conversation, Zhang Zhiwei continued searching for souls.

When he pioneered the art of gathering seven demons, he tortured and killed many children. Paper cannot keep fire. When he was discovered, Maoshan began to hunt him down, and he began to flee.

The Bat Mage was puzzled by this. He thought he was the most pious and diligent, so why should he be turned away?

With the idea that he would not leave his master here, he would start his own research!

He first delved into a large number of witchcraft and legal methods. In the process, he felt the passing of his innate energy, sensed his end, and knew his death date.

In the process of escaping, he gradually understood that if he wanted to live forever and obtain the means to reach the sky, he must have access to knowledge that was regarded as taboo by the sect.

The Bat Mage's birth was not good. He was just an orphan in the war. By chance, he worshiped Maoshan and became a stranger.

If he couldn't get it in Maoshan, he wanted to get it from other sects, but unfortunately, his reputation was already bad. As an abandoned disciple of Maoshan, he could no longer be admitted to any sect in China.

A person's life experience is like a thick book, and searching for one's soul is like flipping through a book.


There, he remained anonymous, joined the Catholic Church, the largest sect in the world, became a priest, and climbed higher and higher.

This is a long process that is too long for him to bear in his short life.

Therefore, during this period, he experimented with a large number of methods to warm up the innate energy and extend his lifespan, and finally he found it. With that method, he has been able to survive.

In the end, he touched what he had dreamed of from the Catholic Archbishop of Canterbury, and he also received benefits, which replenished the almost depleted innate energy.

These things are undoubtedly of great interest to Zhang Zhiwei. He carefully reviewed this memory and found that what the Bat Mage came into contact with was mainly some taboo alchemical knowledge and alchemical items.

The knowledge was complicated and unsystematic. Zhang Zhiwei had never studied Latin and could not understand a little, so he could only memorize it silently.

But the Bat Mage had studied on his own. Perhaps obsession was the reason for his immortality. From this knowledge, he obtained the method of making "horcruxes".

As for the alchemy item he came into contact with, it was the Holy Grail, one of the sacred artifacts inherited by the Catholic Church. He was given some holy water in the Holy Grail by the Archbishop of Canterbury, thus replenishing some innate energy.

From the memory of the Bat Mage, we learned that the Holy Grail is the founder of the Catholic Church. There are three supreme holy vessels refined from his own flesh and blood. Legend has it that they have powerful power. As long as the three Holy Grails are collected, they can Gain the ability to live forever.

The leader of the Knights of the Round Table, King Arthur of Great Britain, spent a lot of effort searching, but in the end he only found one and failed to achieve his goal of eternal life, so the Holy Grail remained there.

Hundreds of years ago, the prosperous Great Britain supported a Catholic sect, gave them the Holy Grail, and made it the state religion. The Archbishop of Canterbury was the leader of this sect.

Now, including in the future, the Catholic Church that is active in China and has many followers basically belongs to this sect.

Legend has it that when this sect first emerged, the pope at that time launched a holy war against this new sect in order to eradicate heresy and regain the Holy Grail.

Although this war was not as large-scale as the previous Crusades, it still lasted for nearly thirty years and resulted in heavy losses for all parties.

But as mentioned before, this new sect was supported by Great Britain. At that time, Great Britain was at its peak, and it had already taken steps towards being called the Empire of the Past, and its Knights of the Round Table were extremely powerful.

With the intervention of a large number of Knights of the Round Table, the war ended in vain, and the Pope was forced to recognize the status of this sect.

After hundreds of years of development, the two sides are no longer as tense as they were at first, and even have more contacts. The relationship seems to be close, but in fact there is an undercurrent surging behind it.

It is worth mentioning that during the thirty-year war, the Knights of the Round Table had too much interaction with the church, and the two parties partially merged, giving birth to a secret organization called the Royal Knights of the Church. Legend has it that There are not many people in this organization, but everyone is the best among the best. After the Bat Mage learned about this secret organization, he showed excessive concern for it. This made the Archbishop of Canterbury wary of him, so he sent him to the magic city far away overseas and asked him to come here to the Holy Trinity Church. Be a bishop.

Although this move gave him the status of a cardinal, it was actually an overt rise and a covert fall, which took him away from the center of Catholic power and to a marginal area with almost no influence, which was equivalent to being sent to the frontier.

After arriving in the Magic City, the Bat Mage did not give up. He supported a few gangsters to work for him, and refined one of the gangsters with excellent qualifications into a guardian Taoist and a Horcrux. A test of the art of destroying the body.

The "cellar" was one of the experimental sites, and the other two were in the backyards of the Foundling Church and Holy Trinity Church.

As for the six-pointed star alchemy matrix in the "cellar" before, he used it to refine the wand. The cross wand in his hand was the product. The specific refining method was also obtained from that knowledge.

When refining, a person is crucified on each cross in the hexagram and their souls are sacrificed to the altar in the middle of the hexagram.

The cross groove on the altar is used to hold the cross wand.

This is a very vicious black magic alchemy, and people of God's religion are extremely sensitive to this kind of alchemy.

So in order to avoid suspicion, he did not put it in the backyard of the cathedral, but placed it together with the "cellar" in the cigarette factory.

"It's really a life full of sins, but with his low qualifications, it's quite extraordinary that he can gain a pivotal position in two major religions, even the senior scroll king!"

Zhang Zhiwei looked at the ball in his hand that was the size of a basketball. This was the Bat Mage's last soul.

"Are you going to take this thing back to Longhu Mountain? After all, it is a traitor that Master ordered to be hunted down. Take it back to Master and let the people over there in Maoshan take control of it?"

Zhang Zhiwei was thinking when a voice came.

"Senior Brother Zhang!"


Zhang Zhiwei stopped his thoughts and looked back.

It was Isaac Luci and others walking towards him.

"Zhang, how is the situation here?" Isaac asked.

"Everything is done, what about you?" Zhang Zhiwei said, shaking the spherical soul in his hand.

"So are we! We have finished dealing with those unlucky ones whose souls were blown out of their bodies. Those angels and those heroic spirits have also dissipated. I have also asked people to comfort the noise here!" Isaac said.

The angels were summoned by the Bat Mage. When the Bat Mage was robbed, they naturally returned to the teachings of God. When the angels returned, Zhang Zhiwei naturally asked Dali Tianding to return.

"What about the previous Catholic clergy?" Zhang Zhiwei asked again.

"I told them to leave!"

Isaac said, putting his hands on his chest, lowering his head, and said apologetically: "Sorry, my friend, I am a little selfish in this matter."

"First, they are my compatriots. Through Legilimency, I found that they were unaware of this matter and were only acting under the orders of the bishop!"

"Second, although they did not take care of the mutilation of babies in the nursery, they did not participate in it. The crime will not lead to death."

"Third, I don't want the conflict between you and the Catholic Church to become irreconcilable, so I convinced Lu and Lu to let these people leave. This is all my fault and has nothing to do with them."

Isaac said.

Lu Jin, Lu Ci and others had a look of helplessness. There were so many people on the opposite side, and Isaac had said so. It was not easy for them to stay. It wasn't because Isaac was too proud, but mainly because he couldn't force them to stay.

Zhang Zhiwei waved his hand nonchalantly:

"This is nothing, you are my friend, I still have to give you this face!"

In fact, he had no intention of killing those rotten fish and shrimps of the Catholic Church.

But Isaac didn't know this. He looked touched and felt even more apologetic.

"By the way, Senior Brother Zhang, where is the ghost guy in red?" Lu Ci suddenly asked.

"Here!" Zhang Zhiwei raised the spherical soul in his hand, and the ferocious face of the bat mage emerged.

"Why does he look different? Why does this person look so much like someone from here?" Lu Ci asked.

"Because he is..." Zhang Zhiwei briefly told the story of the Bat Mage.

Hearing this, everyone was so shocked that they didn't close their mouths for a long time.

"From a Taoist master to a Catholic bishop, this person's experience is really..." Lu Ci pinched his teeth, "Although it is a bit inappropriate, I still want to say that his experience is legendary!"

"God is watching what you do. No matter how legendary you are, won't you fall into the hands of Senior Brother Zhang?"

Lao Lu had a flawless life and noble moral character. After hearing the story of the Bat Master, his first reaction was not admiration, but that this man deserved to die.

Isaac also looked incredulous: "It's really unexpected that there is such a connection, but in this way, the Archbishop of Canterbury will have an explanation. I believe this matter will be handled in a peaceful way!"

Give it to Canterbury? Zhang Zhiwei did not respond to Isaac's words. He did not intend to give an explanation to anyone. How could he hand over the initiative to others?

If we really want to dig deeper, Canterbury should give himself an explanation.

Moreover, judging from the previous situation, even if I really tried to explain, the other party would probably not be able to hold back anything good, and might even push it further.

But this matter has to be dealt with. After all, you can't just make trouble and not deal with the consequences, and let the master wipe your own butt... Zhang Zhiwei recalled in his mind the master's instructions to him when he left Longhu Mountain, not only to have strong strength, You also need a strong hand.

(End of this chapter)

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